Al Awamia 97- Iuin 1997 5l Reporton a cooperativecereal germplasm il collectionmission in Morocco Ohta S.1,Zine Elabidine F.2,Morikawa T.3,Tominaga T'a,Mellas H.2 andFuruta Y.5 rPlant GermplasmInstitute, Faculty of Agriculture,Kyoto University,Mozume, Muko, Kyoto 617, Japan (Current address: Department of Bioscience, Fukui Prefectural University, Kenjojima, Mat- suoka,Yoshida, Fukui 910-11,Japan) 2Département de génétiqueappliquée, INRA, B.P.415, Rabat,Morocco 3Faculty of Agriculture,Osaka Prefecture University, Gakuen-cho, sakai, Osaka 593, Japan aFaculty of Agriculture, Shinshu university, Ina, Nagano399-45,Japan. Current address: Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto PrefecturalUniversity, Kitainayazuma, Seika, Kyoto 619-02,Japan 5Faculty of Agriculture,Gifu University,Gifu 501-11,Japan Abstract A cooperative cereal germplasm collection by INRA (Morocco) and Gifu University (Japan) yvasconducted from June 9 till July 19, 1995. The areas surveyed included the southern coasts,the westernpart of the Anti-Atlas, the High Atlas, the northern coasts,the Middle Atlas and the Rif. A total of 1,346 seedor spike samplesbelonging to 46 genera of l6 families and 534 plates of herbarium specimensbelonging to more than 20 families were collected. The principal results were summaized asfollows : a pure cultivqtion of einkorn wheat, Triticum monococcum,was found in the westernfoot of the Rif, where spike sampleswere collected. l43 samplesof six Aegilops specieswere collected. Among them, three samplesof Ae. geni- culata ssp.gibberosa endemicto the westernMediterranean basin and 16 samplesof Ae. ven- tricosa. A large-scaled collection of Dasypyrunt breviaristatum consiluted by 25 samples was made in the Middle Atlas and the High Atlas. The ecologicalfeature of their habitat was analyzed. A total of 237 samplesof two cultivated and I3 wid Avena species,including en- demic ones to Morocco, were successfullycollected. The genetic material collected is pre- sented and evaluated at INP.#'(all the material), Osaka Prefecture University (Avena spp.), Kyoto Prefectural University (herbarium specimensand Lolium spp.) and Fukui Prefectural Unive rs ity ( Triticeae sp p. ). Key words : Cereals,collection, germplasm, Aegilops, Avena, Dasypyrum, Hay- naldia,Lolium,Triticum, Triticeae 52 Al Awamia 97- luin 199'l Résumé: Rapportd'une mission de collecte de germoplasmeauMaroc (Jnemission de collecte de germoplasmede céréalesa été effectuéeau Maroc par une équipe Maroco-Japonnaise appartenant respectivementà I'INRA et à l'Université de la Préfecture de Gifu, du 9 Juin au l9 Juillet 1995.Les prospections ont eu lieu dans les régionscôtières du sud, l'ouest de I'Anti-Atlas, le Haut Atlas, Ies rég,ionscôtières du nord, le Moyen Atlas et te Rif.Au total, I 346 graines et épis appartenûntà 46 genreset 20familles, et 534 planches d'herbier appartenant à plus de 20familles ont été collectés.Les principaux résultats sont les suivants: une culture pure de Triticum monococcuma été trouvéedans la région montagneuse ouest du Rif, où des épis ont été ramessés.Par ailleurs, 143 échantillons de 6 Aegilops ont été collectés.Parmi lesquels,trois échantillonsde Ae. geniculata ssp.endémiques à la région ouest du bassin méditerranéen et l6 échantillons de Ae. Ventricosa.En ce qui concerneDa- sypyrum breviaristatum, 25 échantillons ont été collectés au Moyen Atlas et au Haut Atlas. L'écologiede leur sitesde collectea été étudiée.Un total cle237 échantillonsde 2 avoines cultivéeset de I3 avoinessauvages, dont certainesespèces sont endémiquesau Maroc, a été ramassé.Tout le matériel génétique collecté est conservéet évalué à f INRA , à l'Université de la Préfecture d'Osaka (Avena spp), er à I'Université Préfectoral de Fukui (Triticeae spp.) Mots cfés : Céréales,collection, germoplasme, Aegilops, Avena, Dasypyrum, Haynaldia,Lolium,Triticum, Triticeae -..r*tl* !{rFX i$lg;.rL" 6.o3.k'.ln lr*fù : o''iL 2.C t,g brrrr, n* ,4'o t<Çst .3.olgt(-rr. ,2.; ;1rLJl .r-i '1' .r ti^si ùtu-l ,rté i..L,ièlrJl irK 1 2 -.Jjll ,!ttl ,J-lrll è*+l s,tJl +'ll ;LUl ,t(L-31A-L,i"lJl Lk 3 ùtUl .JK[ ,J"-jr,, i-rî .i.lJil dK 4 ;LUl .501-11 r+. ,r+ isL ,i4liJl i,K 5 A,l(Jl ll il^J 1996 ir-J--l'-s sr-s: Jli c; ,i. étlL ëJÎ ,/ çl$Jl ,.rl' o:+ 4^1 ç.X":r Ull oir,/ Jir ''.Jil| çfrrl i,lJiJl c,li c,trtJ,Jl3JllêJirb r=bf" e;f! -*'rl .lh ÀLttl aiilJrl ;rll't| -1-511 dljJsr.# 944e-+ s tils, 1g7 Lîit;l^;ll ôlÀ ÈJ.rc .{l5tc16 J l.r'.46 Jlijl.+ lr"^. Al Awamia 97- Juin 1997 )J -. ;-1. rritirr. mônococcum 3 uil':'<l {L!l oi-ô Jy.i ':lJK JilJ -..1+ d r'f ! i3'! e-+ f l4t" ;éitl tvena t 'ùl-,r J, li|';|l{ ..5J:T clJti. ,/ 7l:ti JS 3'+ ,. , "i-"" Aegitopsventricosa, Ae, ovata var, latrista,Haynaldia hordeacea: iJEll rlrE-l1 ilslii. Aegitops,Avena, Hordeum, Haynaldia, Triticum, Triticea, iig ôt)L4,tlàï^ ,,e-+ : .:,Lts Introduction Morocco is well known as one of the diversity centersof the wild relativesof somecereal crops such as wheat,barley and oat (Sauvage,1975;Baum, 1977;Molina-cano and al., 1982; Baum and Fedak,1985a,b). Wild oatshave their primary diversitycenter in Morocco (Baum, 1977). Three wlld Avenaspecies, A. maroccana,A. agadiriana andA. atlantica areendemic to this country (Baum and Fedak, 1985a,b).For the tribe Triticeae,some perennial species such asAgropyron embergeriMaire and Festucopsisfestucoides (Maire) Love, areendemic to the High Attas Mountains.Because of no living experimentalmaterial and few recentherbarium specimens,their phylogeneticposition is still open to arguments.In addition to theseende- mic species,perennial Dasypyrum (D. breviaristatum(Lindb.l'.) Frederiksen)is known to be distributedin two isolatedregions: the mountainousregions of westernNorth Africa and Mt. Taygetosin Greece(Maire, 1955; Sakamotoand Kobayashi,1984 Frederiksen'1991). Ho- wever,the massivedistribution of perennialDasypyrum is restrictedto Morocco. Cytogene- tically, it comprisesdiploid and tetraploidcytotypes. The diploid cytotypewas reported only oncein Morocco by Sarkar(1957). V/hile the tetraploidcytotype is distributedboth in North Africa and Greece(Sakamoto and Kobayashi,1982; Frederiksen, 1991). The tetraploidis an autotetraploidbut the genomesare not homologouswith thoseof the annualdiploid relative, Dasypy,rumvillosum (L.) Cand. (Sakamoto,1986). So far, no Moroccan geneticmatertal of D. breviarisatumhasbeen involved in cytogeneticworks. Samplesfiom Moroccan popula- tions are indispensableto elucidatethe phylogenyof the genusDasypyrum (Cosson & Du- rieu) T. Durand.The genusAegilops L. has its primary diversity centerin the Middle East. However, the geographicaldistribution centersof someAegilops speciesand intraspecifictaxa are locatedin the westernMediterranean countries where Ae. ventricosaTausch, Ae. peregrina (Hackel)Maire et Weiller ssp.q,lindrostachys (Eig et Feinbrun)Hammer andAe. geniculata Roth ssp.g,ibberosa (Zhuk.) Hammer are found (Eig,1992; Maire, 1995)' In addition to the phylogeneticinterest, these wild specieshave a high potentialas a secon- dary or tertiary genepool in cerealbreeding programs. However, no systematiccollection of wild Triticeaespecies has been carried out. The purposeof the current cooperativebotanical mission was to collect land-racesof ce- reals,their wild relativesand weed speciesassociated with crops. Main targetplant groups were Triticum,Hordeum, and other speciesin the tribe Triticeaeand Avena. This report pre- sentsan outlineof the currentfield researchand a summarizedlist of the geneticmaterial col- 54 Al Awamia 97- Juin 1997 lected during the mission. For detailed information about collection sites and all the collec- ted material,see Furuta and Ohta (1996). Materialand methods The collection was conducted from June 9 till July 19, 1995 in the following four geogra- phical areas : t Southerncoasts and High Atlas (Provincesof Rabat,Casablanca, El Jadida,Essaouira, Agadir, Taroudant and Marrakech). fl Northern coasts(Provinces of Kénitra, Asilah, Larache,Tangiersand Tétouan). O The Middle Atlas (Provincesof Meknès,Fès, Ifrane and Khénifra). fl The Rif (Provinces of Taounate,Taza and Al Hoceima). The scheduleand route of the collectiontrips are shownin Table I and Figure l. Thble 1. Scheduleand route of the collection trip Date Route Trip I June 9 Rabat - Casablaca- El Jadida l0 El Jadida - Oualidia - Safi - Tleta Sidi Bouguedra - Essaouira ll Essaouira-Tamri - Agadir - Tiznit - Agadir 12 Agâdir - Aït Baha - Tafraoute - Tiznit - Agadir 13 Agadir- Taroudant- Tizi n Test- Asni 14 Asni - Ijoukak - Mzouzite - Asni - Marrakech 15 Manakech - Settat - Ben Slimane - Bouznika - Rabat ^rnp2 June17 Rabat- Tiflet - Khemisset- Rommani- Rabat 18 Rabat- Khemisset- Ifrane- Azrou 19 Azrou - Aïn Leuh- Azrou - Ifrane- Fès 20 Fès- Pontde Sebou- Ouezzane- Chefchaouen 21 Chefchaouen- Tetouan - Tanger 22 Tanser- Larache- Kénitra- Rabat Trio' 3 JuneT7 Rabat- Fès - Taza 28 Taza- Aknoul - Al Hoceima 29 Al Hoceima - Ketama - Taounate- Fès 30 Fès - Rabat "hip 4 July 5 Rabat - Meknès - Ifrane - Azrou 6 Azrou - Timahdit - Boulâajoul - Boulemane - Tâzout - Sefrou - Imouzer Kandar - Azrou 7 Azrou - Khénifra - Boumia - Midelt 55 Al Awamia 97- Iuin 1997 8 Midelt o Midelt - Rich - Tirhibout n Sidi Hmad - Rich - Midelt l0 Midelt - Zaida- Tizi n Zou - Tagoudit- Massou ll Massou - Tâarâat- Tagoudit - Tounfit - Asaka T2 Asaka - Tagoudit- Imilchil - Lac Tislit - Imilchil 13 Imilchil - Aït Hani - Assoul t4 Assoul - Rich - Zetda- Midelt 15 Midelt - Beni Mellal - Marrakech 16 Marrakech - Tizi n Test - Ouarzazate t7 Ouarzazate -Tazenakht - Taliouine 18 Taliouine- Tizi n Test- Asni I9 Asni-Marakech-Rabat. Cultivatedspecies
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