L THEHISTORY OY THR SUBURBS OF EXETER WITH general pnrticulars as to the Tandonners. Lay and Clerical, from thc Conquest to the present time, and a special notice of the Harnlp Family. Trn*.TIIIY WT,, A Dipessim” on fhe Noble Houses of Redwen, and of Courtmay, EwLF of Dm. 1 i LONDON: HENRY GRAY, 47 LEICES.IERSQUARE. W.C. Erctn: S. DIUYTON & SONS Plymnth: W. F. WESTCOTT. 14 FRANKFORTSrmrsT 1- 1- TO THH HEVERRWl ANI) KIGWI' HONOURARLE UENRY HUGH COURTENAY, Qf *l Cdk THIXTY-FIRSI' EARL OF DEVOX, PKY.RENllAPY OF EXETER CATHEUIUL, ANIJ RECTOR OF POWDERHAM, 'IWESE PAGES ARE INSCRIHED ny THE AU'I'NOY. l PREFACE. - A preface is almost unnecessary, as my fimt chapter sufficiently explains the mcthocl I have adoptedin the compilation of the following paws. I may mention, however, that this little volume is the partial result of the labours of more than twelve ycars, during which 1 have been constantly examining and noting original records of all kinds, both here, and in London, as most of my friends are well aware. I directed the late Mr. Dymond’s attention to the papers, at the Guildhall, in connection with the murder of Mr. Petre, of Whipton, with the result that he soon afterwards included a notice of that unhappy episode, in the history of the Drewe family, in his paper on the “Old Inns and Taverns of Exeter,” read beforc the “Devonshire Asso- ciation“in 1880. I only mention this to avoid the suspicion of ao unacknowledged plagiarism from one of his many valuable contributions to Devonshire history. It may bc seen that his account diflers from mine, in a somu- what important particular. He says, that these papers give no report “ as to theissue ” of the sad affair, whcrt:ab: the coronefs jury aLtually returned a verdict of ‘*wilful mur- der” against Drewe, as I have stated in my text. Dr. Oliver notices the “Font” atHeavitree Church, with which he n.as “ surprised and pleased.” I have not referred to the present Font, which is modem, hut the old one, which certainly merits much commendation, may still be seen inthe grounds of “Hevitre” House, the picturesque residence ofSir Francis Clare Ford. It j would be well if it could be restored to its original uses, if not to its natural situation. i l\-. f c. 3 Heanme. pmatJ. a5lh. ISSZ. f TABLE OF CONTENTS. vii. CHAPTER Ill. THEPARISH OF ST. LEONARD.-Some prvticulara of the Spint-The Church-Its foundation bv the Earl of Devon-Its early hintory- Avis of St. Leonard's-William de Vernon-Pnt~onm of St. Leonard's TABLE OF CONTENTS. -TheOld Church-The Hermitage-Larkbut-TheHuh-Rire and prope~of the Baring Family-Mount Radford House-The t City Gallows in Magdalen Rod-Nicholas Duck-His portrait- Parker's Well-lard Gifford-Hiu dewendant wins the Victoria craq - . Pnfar 59-73. CHAPTER 1. INTRoDucroRv-John Hoku and his History of Exeter-Copied by CHAPTER IV. the 1-6-Hoku's work still in Manuscript-Its proposed publica- REDVERRAND CouaTENAu.-The Fable as to the Origin of the latter tion-Dr. Oliver's Note-Their value-Their shortcomingn-Mr. Family-Prince Florus-Peter of France-He marries Elizabeth Dymond's Account of St. Leonard'-Previous Authors-Modern Courtenay-Princess Yolande-Courtenay Empaom of Constanti- Hrmaldry -.Caution as to future resturatione-Nrw Churches-Dcpa- nople-Michad Palsolops--Reginnld de Courtenay-His arrival in dmciea of Heavitree-Livery Dole Chapel . - pngrr 16. England-The Marriage of himself and ron-Koben, Baron of Oke- hampton-The Redvers Family-Earls of Devon-Theirdcrwent, CHAPTER 11. wav, bom the Dukes of Normandy-Their poasensionn in Devon- Bhire-The Isle of Wight-Ralph de Avenel-Descent the Worthes THE PARISH HravlTRKE.-D~ivation-Thr Manor unda tbe of 01 of W&-Mny Redvers marries Robert Cwrtenay-Death of Saxons-Its Norman mvnctn-The Kelly Family-The Barings of de Coun- Iaabella-Couranay ~cccedaa* Earl of Devon-The St. Ironard'+Manm South Wonfmd--Queen Edith-GeoRry of dc Redvnn Sal-The Arms of Dol-The Coatmay Earls-Mi8- Mandcvill-The Home of Fitz-John-The Tirelle-East Wonford fononea of the French CounenaybThe Crown of Thorns-A Manor-Gavirand Speke-Ringawell-Exe Bridgewhiting of Cowtenay Marquess-Rinccss Kath-ine-Mendacious inscription- Wood-Wonford Speke-The Manor House-Govanor Hutchin- Little " Chokebone"-Queen Mny's lovc-CO-heirs of Cowkenay- LO" of Maarehueens-The Manor of Whipton--"Mlata Will Courtenayof Powderham-Courtenay Baronets-Counenay Viscountn Peue"--ls murdered by Drew-Finding of the Body-The Inquest --Rceovcry of the Earldom-Further remarkn on theCourtenay Arms and Vadict-The Murderer escape-Berry of Barley-Tbe Arms of -The High Tomb at Exctu-The Cowtenay Lnbel Paps 74.118. BankerrMatford House-Sir GM~~cSmith-Hall, Bishop of Exda --Lords of the Hundred-The Chapel oI St. Eligius-Its dwip- CHAPTER V. tion-Ita protable datbRefened to Jenkins-Its endowments- by THE PARISH RNH0E.-King Etheld 11.-TheVi!ings-The Wdens of St Loyes-Life of this Saint-Milton Abbot Church- OF Livay Doltlts name explained-Ita histoq-Its deacription-The Dubhg.llcInwions of the Norsnnen-Sweyn of the Forked Bcprd -The Battle of Pinhoe-A Martial Priest-Qodwin. Earl of Kent- Death Cluua-Thomla Benct-Mnrtyed at Livery Dole-The of St The Abba ofJhttl-King William and Pinhoe-Robert & Vaux- Iron Ring-Hay VI. at Henvitrc-Thc Rollea and Livery Dole- His dneendants-Sir Thmla Molton-Dnere of Gilldand-The Artnorials of &.-The Manor of POLIO-Ita fi01y-R~ De-, Cheney Family-Knhoe Church-Its Norman Font-hiption of psol in Colyton, Pnyhetnbury. and elsewhao-YoungMien of quality-The Isaacks of Polslo-Rernains of the Convent-St. the Fabric--"The Porn Man of Pinhoe"-Rome past Vi-The Charitia of Knhoe-A Remarkable Fund Pages James's Rimy-The Church of Heavitrce- Its demiption-Sointn - x1g-141. on the Tower Scrcen4ld Inmipion-ThcConrtetuy ha- The Chapcl of St. AnnbSt. Sidwell'n Church-St. hvid nnd SL Clement-The Manor of Dwyud-The Gall~wrat RingnvalLlts Victim-EHsUtion for Witshrrrft-Dueh'n Alms-h-HcaviUca Chnriti- - Pagrs 758. viii. TABLE OF CONTENTS. I. hldwin identified-His #R to B=, in Normandy-Cowick Priory- Its exact aituation-Yc Earl's Chmbs-Burial-place of wme of the Cnurtenays-The Chapel on Exe Bridge-Dmunyed hy a Fld- The Church of St. Thomas of Canterbury-Its description-Itn Vicar hanged on the Tower-Cowick Bnrton-Ib Ancient Graveyprd de- wribed-Chapel of St. Michael-Recent discoverira-A Stone Coffin -The homc of the Russell%-Old Painted Glass-Bade of Edward Tudor. Prince of Wales-The Pate Family of Cowick-White- Abbott-CowickManor-Thc Priory of St. Mary of the Marsh- Hayes Rarton-Floycr-llayn-The Floyrr Fmily-Bowhill-Barley IlouatThc Old Rridewell-Oliver Family--Pmanklands and Cleave CHAPTER I.--INTRODUCTORY. .-Oldridge- Ancient Chapel-The Fate of Sacrilege-The Vicarage Of St. Thomas -Parochial Charitics - Pngas 142-171. .*.. .. CHAPTER VII. SISCE old John Holier wrote his account of ALPIIISGTOSIX Ds~ranrOF Kesrrr.--Origin of ita nme--Baldwin Exeter, which the Isaacs subsequently copied, the Sheriff-William of Avend ~gain-sir John de Neville-Nune- ham Iwrme and Nunrham Cuurcy-Counenays of Alphinpn- with scant veracity. manyattempts have been Patron%of the Ratory.--Thc Character of the Id-Curious Lmer made to elucidate the historyof our "faithful city." hm Sir William Courtenay-Alphington Church-Its de8cription- The greater portion of Hoker's work is still in Thunderatcm in 182& Alphington Cras-Charles Dickens- Matford manuscript, and, .with the Town lJinham--" Maadford".-Mmh Barton-A MUSCUIU Churchman- the permission of Extent Of the *' Cell," St. Mary's Acre-The ss Admiral Vernon "-- Council, which has been readily accorded me, I The Hamlyn Family-Hmelinc de Balun--~~Hamelinm" of Domes- trust, at no distant day, to be enabled to publish it h-The Hmlyns of Widecornhe. Exeter, and Clovdly-Alphington in its entirety and to annotate it with the result of Charities . papa 17z-am. my own researches amongst the City archives, and ADnITloNAL NOTES.-Bankes and Crossing-Synopsis of the Earldom amongstother original documents with which I of Devon-One W ovo corrmhna - Pages 2Oo-ZUd. have been conversant for many years. But in - the following pages I do not propose to deal GENERALISDEX . - Pnps w)-a~o. withExeter at all; no previous effort has been made to write the histov,of its suburbs as a whole, and in those suburbs the most influential of our citizens are now accustomed to reside, and to resort to them day by day, for healthful rest and change, after their business toil is over. So I believe that the historical records which I have now collated, will not only add something, to what is known already, as tothe four parishes B 2 The S71b7lYbS uf Exefcr. -. ~ .. r7bdMtOv. -- . .. .- . .__ -. .-3 which extend immediately outside the ruined walls been no exception to the general rule. Fortunately of “Isca Danmoniorum,” but that they will serve he invariably printed the original Latin deeds and also to correct in some instances the careless and charters he has referred to whenever he was able superficial statements which have been madeby to do so, although in many instances they contra- manyable writers from time to time, who have dict his assertions, andin others they furnish unfortunately attempted more than they have been evidence which in the text of his works he has not able to perform. supplied or which he has rathercuriously admitted It may be urged that places like Topsham, Stoke that he hasbeen unable to procure. Canon, Powderham, Upton I’yne, and numerous My late friend Mr.
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