View metadata, citation and similar papers at brought to you by CORE provided by Ritsumeikan Research Repository 水陸横死大菩提 Journal of Disaster Mitigation for Historical Cities, Vol. 8 (July 2014) [report] [南面] のがれ やからにわか 去年霜月四日五日の地震を 遁 ん為に小船に乗居し 輩 俄 の洪浪湧か如く あまた くだ おびただ 木津川口邊の大小 数 船一時に川上に押寄橋を落し船を摧き漂没死人 夥 し もっとも し ず まこと こうせい 尤 前日より海鳴潮の干満乱しを志ら寿して死に至る者 寔 憐むへし 后世 The Syrian cultural heritage tragedy: cause, effect, and [裏面(西面)] かんまん きざし いうのみ 海鳴潮の干満みだれし時は早く津波の兆しと知りて難をのかれ玉ふへしと云爾 approaches to future protection きのと 安政二 乙 卯秋建之 [北面] 梵語以外何も記載されていない. Youssef Kanjou ※石碑の台座には、石碑建立の発起人として小西八兵衛、世話人として31名の名前が刻まれている。2014年 春、大阪市教育委員会と四天王寺によって案内板が設置された。 National museum of ethnology (Minpaku) & Aleppo Museum, DGAM, Syria 謝辞 [email protected] 筆者の地震・津波研究の出発点は、大正橋の安政南海地震津波の碑、『大地震両川口津浪記』である。建 碑以来約160年にわたり津波の犠牲者を供養し、花を供え、毎年、碑文に墨を入れ、お世話を続けてこられ た幸町の人々のおかげである。調査を始めて以来、愛知喜久雄氏、山本善三郎氏、安岡廣氏にはたいへんお abstract: 世話になりました。特に増井健蔵氏には所蔵される史料の閲覧をさせていただき、増井家の 代にわたる石 5 In this paper I present the actual situation of Syrian culture heritage under the current situation from the beginning until 碑との関わりについてご教示を賜りました。四天王寺の碑文については、2012年秋の調査で全文が明らかと now, in particular I concentrate on Aleppo heritage which is consider one the most important in Syria. Also I speak なりました。和宗総本山四天王寺法務部法務課課長兼子鐵秀氏、NHK大阪放送局報道部記者宗像正勇氏、大 about the protection of cultural heritage by the government, archaeology authority, anti-government and the local 阪市教育委員会文化財保護担当主任学芸員櫻井久之氏、大阪市史編纂所大阪市史料調査会生駒孝臣氏、内海 community. After that I try to explain the cause of the disaster of Syrian cultural heritage and finally try to find the answer how we can protect the heritage before, during and after the war. 寧子氏の尽力によるものです。ただし、本稿の判読文については、筆者に全ての責任があります。この拙い 研究について、発表の場を与えてくださった立命館大学歴史都市防災論文集編集委員会の諸先生方に深く感 謝いたします。英文Abstractについては、Jeremy Larsen氏から援助を賜りました。お世話になりました皆様 Keywords : Illegal excavation, Old Aleppo, looting, DGAM. 方に深く御礼申し上げます。 参考文献 1)長尾武:『大地震両川口津浪記』にみる大阪の津波とその教訓京都歴史災害研究13, pp.17-26, 2012 INTRODUCTION: 2)長尾武:安政南海地震津波(1854 年)の犠牲者供養石碑―四天王寺(大阪市)の無縁墓地調査より―地震第 2 輯第 巻第 号 The conflict began in Syria on 15-3-2011 by peaceful protests but soon took another form of armed conflict 63 4 ,pp. 251-253, 2011. which continues until now. Meanwhile, Syria floating on a sea of archeological sits with more than 10,000 )長尾武:大阪・四天王寺安政南海地震津波碑文の判読歴史地震 3 pp.27, 77-84, 2012. archaeological site dating back to different periods of world civilization, from prehistoric times up to the 4)長尾武:水都大阪を襲った津波―石碑は次の南海地震を警告している―長尾武 2012. present, (period over the bronze age, Iron age and classic ages), which included cultures as Achulian, mustrian, 5)宮負貞雄編:地震道中記(東京大学地震研究所編新収日本地震史料第 5 巻別巻 5-1, 日本電気協会 pp.287-298, Neolithic, Halaf, Sumerian, Acadian, Babylonian, Assyrian, Hittite, Aramaic, Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine, 1) 1986.) Islamic and Ottoman . )今枝直方編:江府京駿雑志(東京大学地震研究所編新収日本地震史料第巻別巻日本電気協会 6 PP.66-70, In Syria, the cultural heritages are concentrated in three areas, Mesopotamia area, North-west Syria which 1983) is the Dead City (Byzantine Roman period), and South Syria. The three major areas are famous for 2) 7)編者不明:大地震大津浪末代噺迺種(武者金吉編日本地震史料明石書店 pp.426-432, 1995 復刻, 毎日新聞社 1951 concentrated cultural heritage and are at the same time areas of very severe conflicts now . 初版 ) . Syria has 36 museums, between them 12 archaeological museum (first degree). Syria also has 6 sites on the 8)編者不明:地震海溢考,(東京大学地震研究所編, 新収日本地震史料, 第5巻別巻5-2,日本電気協会, PP.1512-1517, World Heritage list (Old Aleppo, Old Damascus, Krak des chevaliers, Palmyra, Bosra, Dead Cities) have all 1987 ) been placed recently on the heritage list in danger by UNESCO3). )大阪市参事会:大阪市史 下 清文堂出版 復刻大阪市役所 初版 9 4 , 1965 1913 The current situation affected the status of sites and archaeological museums of Syria where there are no 10)大阪市浪速区幸町三丁目西振興町会・大地震両川口津浪記念碑保存運営委員会編:『大地震両川口津浪記』記念誌 longer any kind of attention or supporting ( security or economic ); and in addition often have the sites and 大阪市浪速区幸町三丁目西振興町会・大地震両川口津浪記念碑保存運営委員会 2007 museums within the circle of armed conflict as in city’s Homs, Aleppo and Deir ez-Zor. Heritage sits has 11)長尾武:1854年安政南海地震津波大阪への伝播時間と津波遡上高歴史地震 23, pp.63-79,2008 suffered as the rest of Syria, whether social or economic of more than one hand, illegal excavation active 12)長尾武:宝永地震(1707年)による大坂市中での津波遡上高歴史地震 26, pp.15-18,2011. 13)大阪地盤沈下総合対策協議会:大阪における地盤沈下の概況1983 14)大阪府土木部河川室・西大阪治水事務所編:西大阪の高潮対策大阪府土木部河川室・西大阪治水事務所, 2004 8 1 −271− Map 1: the Damage distribution on cultural heritage in Syria until June 2013 (map by DGAM). throughout Syria, the archeological sits been as military base, the modern buildings, and finally the stolen directly or indirectly way4). This overall lack of awareness by the importance and the role of heritage in society, and not respected by the combatant parties, and the inability of the community to contribute to the protection of monuments due to lack of resources and lack of awareness(Map 1). Very sad that the current conflict continues, threatening further damage that may affect the places and sites remain still safe until now, as increasing severity to all museums and archaeological sites than it is now. THE ACTUAL SITUATION: The Syrian Antiquities now day in risk and destruction in different ways and loss of an important part of world heritage, The damage can be classified in three type: (1) Destruction and Vandalism in the Archaeological and Historical Building and Cities: Daily clashes which including planes, bombs, shots, missiles and tanks which destroying historical buildings as in many historical city as in the old city of Aleppo, old Homos, Palmyra, Apamea and DER elzour….etc. The damage included all archaeological areas in Syria, without exception, there are all kinds of violations as we can see in the old of Aleppo City for example. The Archaeological surveys have shown that the history of Aleppo city dates back to the 7th Millennium B.C., while archaeological discoveries showed significant discovered dating back to the third millennium B.C. and the second and first…..until now. The city contains Archeological building belong to different periods (Storm God temple (bronze age), Roman, Byzantine, Hellenic, Islamic-Ottoman, Castle and mosque, Doors, ancient buildings). The markets of Aleppo, the most important the city, which is belong to the fourth century BC where the shops on both sides of the straight Street between the Castle and the Bab Antakya currently market took its current form beginning of Ottoman period5). The most affected sites in Syria is the old city of Aleppo, There was a very hard military conflict inside the city. Then the damage was very huge in both the old Market, Umayyad mosque and other buildings in addition to the migration of a large section of the population. And now the official reports indicate the 123 building had damaged6) (until 29-8-2013), and the damage were concentrated in the commercial markets near the Omayyad Mosque, more than other parts, the Old markets were affected by destroyed 24 from 36 market (Photo 1 &2). But the major damage was the destruction of the Minaret of the Umayyad mosque in Aleppo, which is one of the important Islamic monuments of architecture and burn all sections in the Mosque. The Aleppo Castel damaged, where several shells at the main entrance and the North Tower. 2 −272− Photo 1 : one of the old Market in the Old city of Aleppo, Photo 2: the distraction the building and market in Old Aleppo city. before the conflict and after. Map 1: the Damage distribution on cultural heritage in Syria until June 2013 (map by DGAM). Also another archaeological city very important, as in the case of Palmyra, the damage was in many tombs by illegal excavation, in Temple Baal by army conflict, and also there are some damage in museum (Photo 3). The Syrian archaeological castles returned again to the same function for which it was built, but it was not throughout Syria, the archeological sits been as military base, the modern buildings, and finally the stolen designed to modern destructive weapons, for this reason all suffer big destruction as San –Simon, Jaabar, directly or indirectly way4). This overall lack of awareness by the importance and the role of heritage in society, Aleppo, Krak des chevaliers which is world heritage site and disaster suffered in it (Photo 4) and not respected by the combatant parties, and the inability of the community to contribute to the protection of monuments due to lack of resources and lack of awareness(Map 1). Very sad that the current conflict continues, threatening further damage that may affect the places and sites remain still safe until now, as increasing severity to all museums and archaeological sites than it is now. THE ACTUAL SITUATION: The Syrian Antiquities now day in risk and destruction in different ways and loss of an important part of world heritage, The damage can be classified in three type: Photos 3: the archaeological city of Palmyra, the damage on Photo 4: the destruction at the Crack de Chaviler Castel, (1) Destruction and Vandalism in the Archaeological and Historical Building and Cities: the column and building, (the column photos by DGAM) near Homos in the central Syria (Photos by DGAM). Daily clashes which including planes, bombs, shots, missiles and tanks which destroying historical buildings as in many historical city as in the old city of Aleppo, old Homos, Palmyra, Apamea and DER elzour….etc. The damage included all archaeological areas in Syria, without exception, there are all kinds of violations as The situation of Archaeological Museums also are too bad, in particular the damage is in the we can see in the old of Aleppo City for example. infrastructure, like destroying the window, the showcases, like Aleppo National Museum, Deir Ezzor Museum, Homs Museum, Maraa Museum, and Palmyra Museum. Except the collection at Aleppo national The Archaeological surveys have shown that the history of Aleppo city dates back to the 7th Millennium museum and Damascus museum still until now save, as the DGAM staff did very hard job to protect its. B.C., while archaeological discoveries showed significant discovered dating back to the third millennium B.C. Sometimes museums or sites are used as military bases, as Maraa Museum one the most important and the second and first…..until now.
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