7:30 THERAPY: The fifth of eight 12:15 FRENCH PRESS AND PERIODI- Tuesday, March 7 "actuality" group therapy sessions based CALS (Mar 7) 7:00 KPFK AM: This is National Despair on the TV series aired over KHJ, Los 12:30 HUMAN RIGHTS INTERVIEW Week. Angeles. The sessions are conducted by (Mar 7) 9:00 THE OPEN HOUR (Mar 6) Dr. Everett Shostrom and co-therapist, 12:45 OPINION: Marshall Windmiller 10:00 UNDER TWO FLAGS by Ouida: A Nancy Ferry of the institute of Therapeu- (Mar 7) serial for radio with Simon Lack as the tic Psychology, Santa Ana. Conceived, Hon. Bertie Cecil. (BBC) produced and hosted by Larry Schwab. 1:00 EVENINGS ON THE ROOF: 10:30 WILLIAM WALTON CONDUCTS (MAR 8) Fourth retrospective program of music for BELSHAZZAR'S FEAST: The BBC Cho- 8:00 CONTEMPORARY PIANO MUSIC: harpsichord and clavichord played by Wesley Kuhnle. ral Society and the BBC Symphony Or- BORIS KOUTZEN Concertino for Piano chestra. (BBC) and Strings. Robert Guralnik/solo; La- 2:00 THE WORD GALLERY (Mar 5) 11:15 WAR—INSTRUMENT OF CHANGE moureaux Orch/Leon Barzin. (SAS 3:00 THE OPEN I: With Judy Howard. OR INVITATION TO DISASTER — IX 12010) (15) 3:30 MUSIC FROM THE WARSAW (Mar 6) NICOLAS FLAGELLO Three Dances for FESTIVAL OF 1965 12:15 3 7 2 9 CAHUEN- Piano. Elizabeth Marshall/solo. (Sere- GAZYNA BACEWICZ Musics _Sonfonica GA (Mar 6) nus SRS 12003) (8) in Three Movements. 12:30 MISCELLANY VACLAV NELHYBEL Concertino for WOJCIECH KILAR Springfield Sonnet. 12:45 OPINION: Theodore Edwards (Mar 6) Chamber Orchestra and Piano. (Serenus ANDRZEJ DUBROWOLSKI Music for 2:00 LA HORA CASTELLANA: Carlos SRS 12007) (8) String Orchestra and Four Groups of Hagen presents an hour devoted to the NORMAN CAZDEN Sonata for Piano. Winds. English and the Spanish-speaking audi- Robert Helps/solo. (RCA LSC 7042) (8) WITOLD SZALONEK Les Sons. ence. Anything can happen. (MAR 15) BOLESLAW SZBELSKI Concerto for 3:00 FIVE 20th CENTURY FRENCH 8:45 HINDSIGHT AND FORESIGHT: Flute and Chamber Orchestra. COMPOSITIONS Six concerned politically active citizens Charles Shere, music director of KPFA, HONEGGER Symphony No. 2 Czech met to talk about the General Elections host. Philharmonic./Baudo. (Crossroads 2216- of November, 1966—the whys and where- 4:30 PROGRAMS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE: 0009) fores; and, specifically about the predic- See page 5. RIVIER Symphony No. 3 in C. Fr. Radio- tions for the future of the State of Cali- TV Orchestra/Tzipine. (Padre 286). 5:30 OPINION: Dorothy Healey, a mem- fornia. They were: Ben Leeds, Congres- ber of the Communist Party. (MAR 9) POULENC Litanies to the Black Virgin. sional District Director, California Demo- 5:45 NEWS The Maitrise Children's Choir. (Pathe cratic Council, and temporary Chairman 247) of the California Liberal Caucus within 6:00 CALENDAR OF EVENTS: With MILHAUD Suite Provencale. Boston/ the CDC; Lawerence Sherman, former Clair Brush Munch (RCA LD 2625) Democratic candidate from the 28th Con- 8:15 MUSIC FOR THE KINGS SUPPER: RAVEL Alborada Del Gracioso. Czech gressional District in California; R. H. MICHAEL RICHARD DELALANDE'S Phil/Baudo. Darden, commentator for the Right; Doro- Fantasie No. 2 and Caprice No. 1 are per- 4:30 PROGRAMS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE: thy Healey, Chairman of the Communist formed by the Jean Francois Paillard See page 5. Party of Southern California; Farrel Chamber Orchestra. (MAR 11) 5:30 HUMAN RIGHTS INTERVIEW: Browslawsky, California Co-ordinating 6:45 IT'S ONLY MONEY: A. J. Falick Tiger Slavik talks with NBC-TV news- Committee for New Politics; and Jim management consultant, on the world of man, Robert Abernethy. (MAR 8) Berland, student activist and Co-ordinator economics, business and money. MAR 9) 5:45 NEWS for the State Wide Conference on Power 7:00 THE OPEN HOUR: A time reserved 6:00 FRENCH PRESS AND PERIODI- and Politics. The moderator was William CALS: Georges Cleyet, translator and for programs of timely or continuing in- Winter, news analyst. (MAR 8) teacher, begins this new weekly series terest which should not be held for thus enabling him to keep his coverage 10:00 LOOKING IN: Another glance at the scheduling at a later time. (MAR 9) more current. This new series will be in sexual revolution. Call host Elliot Mintz 8:00 TEA AND YESTERDAY: A two-part English only; and for the Francophiles tonight. invention for voices by Malcom Quantr in our audience, M. Cleyet will do a 11:00 RADIO FREE OZ: THE WAY OF with Kathleen Harrison and Margery special monthly program in French only THE EMPEROR: This Path is called the Withers. (BBC) (MAR 10) beginning in April. (MAR 8) Natural Intelligence, by it is completed 8:30 ZUBIN MEHTA SPEAKS: The Con- 6:15 GOLDEN VOICES: Anthony Bou- and perfected the nature of all that exists ductor and Musical Director of the Los cher continues his obituary notes with beneath the Sun. A Path of great power Angeles Philharmonic talks with KPFK's the English baritone Dennis Noble (1899- and force, for by it the pure forces of the Music Director, William Malloch. Much 1966), a notable exponent of bel canto creative imagination pour into the sub- of the talk centers on Bruckner and Mah- and of opera-in-English. (KPFA) conscious mind. ler, so we follow it with Mehta's recent 6:45 OPINION: Marshall Windmiller, As- London recording with the Vienna Phil- sociate Professor of International Rela- harmonic of BRUCKNER's Symphony No. tions, San Francisco State College. (MAR Wednesday, March 8 9 in D minor. (MAR 10) 8) 7:00 KPFK AM: Will Belkin be late today? 10:00 THE HEBREW PROGRAM: News 7:00 THE COON SHOW: The Dreaded 9:00 THE GOON SHOW (Mar 7) and commentary, folklore and music, pre- Batter Pudding Hurler! They diminish, 9:30 THERAPY (Mar 7) sented first in English, then in Hebrew. they diminish! The end of the dreaded Produced by Dan Eshel. 10:00 UNDER TWO FLAGS by Ouida: A Goon Shows. NOW is the time to do 11:00 RADIO FREE OZ: THE WAY OF serial for radio with Simon Lack as the your missionary world A whole genera- THE HOUSE OF GOD: Through this Hon. Bertie Cecil. (BBC) tion may grow up without our boys un- Path of the Active or Exciting Intelli- less you act now (or tap-dance now, it 10:30 MUSIC FROM GERMANY (Mar 6) gence every existent being receives its makes little difference), See the amazing 11:30 HINDSIGHT AND FORESIGHT spirit and motion. Through it are joined Folio for the next show. (BBC) (Mar 7) creativity and concrete idealization. 7:00 BIO-INSTRUMENTATION AND 12:45 TO BUY OR NOT TO BUY (Mar 9) Thursday, March 9 ITS SOCIOLOGICAL IMPLICATIONS: 1:00 JAZZ ARCHIVES (Mar 4) 7:00 KPFK AM: MAYHEM A talk by Harve Hanish, owner and pres- ident of a company that invents, develops, 2:00 DIALOGUE (Mar 5) 9:00 THE OPEN HOUR (Mar 8) and makes specialized instruments for bio- 2:30 FROM THE LETTERS OF GUS- 10:00 UNDER TWO FLAGS by Ouida: A medical and physiological research. (MAR TAV FLAUBERT—III: Excerpts from the serial for radio with Simon Lack as the 10) letters of Flaubert read in English, with Hon. Bertie Cecil. (BBC) 7:30 MUSIC NOT FOR EXPORT: Ignor- short commentary by Kenneth Lash, 10:30 IN MEMORIUM — FRITZ WUN- ance of Bliss. Two large-scale works by Chairman of the Humanities Department, DERLICH (Mar 5) a British composer who is now almost to- San Francisco Art Institute, and Associate Drama and Literature editor, KPFA. 11:30 REPORT FROM SOUTH AFRICA tally neglected on this side of the water. (Mar 2) Presented by Joe Cooper. 3:00 THE OPEN I: With Judy Howard. 12:30 OPINION: Dorothy Healey (Mar 8) ARTHUR BLISS. Checkmate Ballet 3:30 THREE AMERICAN COMPOSI- Suite. Sinfonia of London/Composer. TIONS: 12:45 IT'S ONLY MONEY: A. J. Falick (World Record Club ST 52) (Mar 8) Meditations on a Theme by John Blow. WILLIAM SCHUMAN Symphony No. 3. 1:00 ELEMENTS OF JAZZ (Mar 5) City of Birmingham Symphony Orches- N. Y. Phil/Bernstein. (Col ML 5645) tra/Hugo Rignold (Lyrita SRCS 33) SAMUEL BARBER Four Excursions. An- 1:30 CIVIL LIBERTIES IN OUR dre Previn/piano. (Col 5639) COURTS (Mar 5) 8:45 CALIFORNIA AND THE GRAND WALLINGFORD RIEGGER Concerto 2:00 FROM THE MIDAY: Utopia and the CANYON DAMS: A talk given before for Piano and Woodwind Quintet. Har- Revolution—"Revolutionary Commitment", the Water and Power Committee of the riet Wingreen/soloist, The New Art the second of three lectures by Melvin Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce by Wind Quintet. (CRI-130) J. Lasky, editor of Encounter, London. Laurence I. Moss, nuclear engineer and 4:30 PROGRAMS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE: (Recorded at U. of C., 1985) Sierra Club member, active in Conserva- See page 5. 3:00 MUSIC BY MASTERS OF THE tion affairs. This talk was given in No- BAROQUE vember 1968. (MAR 14) 5:30 MISCELLANY BENEDETTO MARCELLO. Cello Son- 10:00 LOOKING IN: The San Francisco 5:45 NEWS ata No. 2 (Nonesuch H 1119) scene. Elliot Mintz and guests talk about 6:00 CALENDAR OF EVENTS: With GIOVANNI BATTISTA PERCALES'. San Francisco and young people. Call in Clair Brush Cello Sinfonia in F. tonight. JEAN-MARIE LECLAIR. Sonata for Vio- 6:15 JACQUELINE DU PRE—CELLIST: 11:00 RADIO FREE OZ: THE WAY OF lin and Viola. BACH Toccata in C—Adagio (transcribed GIOVANNI BATTISTA SAMMARTINI. THE DEVIL: The Child of the Forces for cello and organ).
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