http://oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf7290058v No online items Inventory of the Belarusian subject collection Finding aid prepared by Ronald Bulatoff Hoover Institution Library and Archives © 1998 434 Galvez Mall Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305-6003 [email protected] URL: http://www.hoover.org/library-and-archives Inventory of the Belarusian XX800 1 subject collection Title: Belarusian subject collection Date (inclusive): 1938-2016 Collection Number: XX800 Contributing Institution: Hoover Institution Library and Archives Language of Material: In Belarusian and Russian Physical Description: 11 manuscript boxes, 2 oversize boxes, 4 CD-Rs(7.3 Linear Feet) Abstract: Pamphlets, serial issues, flyers, leaflets, election campaign literature, and other printed matter relating to various aspects of Belarusian history, and to political conditions and elections in Belarus following establishment of its independence. Hoover Institution Library & Archives Access Box 13 restricted; use copies available in Box 11. The remainder of the collection is open for research; materials must be requested at least two business days in advance of intended use. Publication Rights For copyright status, please contact the Hoover Institution Library & Archives. Acquisition Information Acquired by the Hoover Institution Library & Archives. An increment was added in 2011. Preferred Citation [Identification of item], Belarusian subject collection, [Box no., Folder no. or title], Hoover Institution Library & Archives. Scope and Content of Collection Pamphlets, serial issues, flyers, leaflets, election campaign literature, and other printed matter relating to various aspects of Belarusian history, and to political conditions and elections in Belarus following establishment of its independence. An increment received in 2011 contains campaign material from the Belarusian presidential election of December 2010. The victory of Alexander Lukashenka in this election was never in doubt, although the opposition fielded a number of candidates. The Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe called the election "flawed," and the European Union issued a strong statement condemning the violence (the beating of two opposition candidates) during the polling process. As a result of the violence and other irregularities, the opposition organized a mass protest, which was put down by government forces. Some of the opposition candidates who were bold enough to contest Lukashenka were arrested; some were sentenced to lengthy prison terms. Subjects and Indexing Terms Elections -- Belarus Belarus -- History Belarus -- Politics and government box 1, folder 1 General, printed matter 1986 box 1, folder 2 Nationalism, Dovnar-Zapolsky, M., The Basis of White Russia's States Individuality, Paris undated box 1, folder 3 Religion, Kruglov, A., Svoboda Sovesti, Belarus', Minsk 1986 2011 Incremental Materials Scope and Contents note This addition to the collection has not yet been described. Please let the Hoover Institution Library & Archives know if you would like to see this material described. Contact us at [email protected] box 2 Material not yet described. Inventory of the Belarusian XX800 2 subject collection 2011 Incremental Materials box 3 Material not yet described. box 4 Material not yet described. box 5 Material not yet described. box 6 Material not yet described. 2018 Incremental Materials box 7 2001 Belarussian presidential elections and election documents of the anti-Lukashenko movement 2001 box 7 Белорусский Народный Фронт (БНФ) 1993-2005 Scope and Contents note Belorusskii Narodnyi Front (Belarussian Popular Front), an independent, democratic, anti-Lukashenko political party, including materials on the projects "Ukhvala Soimu Part'ii BNF (Ухвала Сойму Партыі БНФ)" and "Adradzhen'ne (Адраджэньне)," and the newspapers "Pul's minshchiny (Пульс минщины)" and "Navin'i BNF (Навіны БНФ)." box 11 Белорусский Народный Фронт (БНФ) (continued) 2005-2006 Scope and Contents note Collection of newspapers relating to the Belarussian Popular Front. box 8 Белорусский Народный Фронт "Адраджэньне" 1998-2002 Scope and Contents note Publications of the Belarussian Popular Front "Renaissance." box 7 Молодой Фронт 2001-2007 Scope and Contents note Molodoi Front (Youth Front), an unregistered, anti-Lukashenko underground youth organization based on the BNF. box 7 2004 Referendum 2004 Scope and Contents note Referendum on a change to the constitution of Belarus to allow Lukashenko to be elected for another term as president of Belarus. box 7 2004 Elections for delegates to the House of Representatives of the National Congress of Belarus 2004 box 7 М. Ю. Метлицкий 2004 Scope and Contents note Personal documents of M. Iu. Metlitskii from the period of attempts to establish a multi-party system in Belarus. box 7 1996 presidential election 1996, undated Scope and Contents note Materials related to Lukashenko's opponents: Shushkevich (Шушкевич), Kebich (Кебич), Chigir' (Чигирь). box 7 Организация "Пять плюс" 2004-2005 Scope and Contents note Materials related to the organization "Piat' plus" (Five Plus), a movement of the coalition of political parties against Lukashenko's dictatorship. box 7 Anti-Lukashenko publications 1994, 1998-2005 box 7 Зубр 2001 Scope and Contents note Zubr (Bison), an anti-Lukashenko, unregistered, youth organization. Inventory of the Belarusian XX800 3 subject collection 2018 Incremental Materials box 7 Славянский собор "Белая Русь" 1992-1995 Scope and Contents note Registration documents, list of organizational structures by region and city, applications and nominations for membership, lists of members, and blank forms for the political party Slavianskii sobor "Belaia Rus'" (Slavic Council "White Rus"). box 8 Свободный профсоюз Беларуси 1991-1994 Scope and Contents note Articles of association and materials of the Free Trade Union of Belarus. box 8 Национально-Демократическая партия Беларуси 1991-1997 Scope and Contents note Programs, ledgers, and bulletins of the National-Democratic Party of Belarus. box 8 1995 elections to the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of Belarus 1995 box 8 Партия Христианско-Демократический выбор 1994 Scope and Contents note Articles of association and program of the Christian Democratic Choice party. box 8 Партия любителей пива 1993 Scope and Contents note Articles of association of the Party of Lovers of Beer. box 8 Белорусская национальная партия 1994 Scope and Contents note Party program and statues of the Belarussian National Party. box 8 2003 elections for delegates to the Minsk City Council 2003 box 8 Белорусская экологическая партия зеленых 2005 Scope and Contents note Statutes and newspapers of the Belarussian Ecological Green Party. box 8 "Весна" 2004-2005 Scope and Contents note Materials related to "Spring," an independent human rights association. box 8 Белорусская партия свободы 2003 Scope and Contents note Stickers of the Belarussian Party of Freedom. box 8 Андрей Климов 2005-2006 Scope and Contents note Materials related to Andrei Klimov, a human rights advocate who was imprisoned by the Lukashenko regime. box 8 Хартия 97 1998-1999 Scope and Contents note Materials related to the human rights organization "Charter 97." Inventory of the Belarusian XX800 4 subject collection 2018 Incremental Materials box 8 Белорусский республиканский клуб избирателей 2001 Scope and Contents note Materials related to the Belarussian Republican Club of Voters, an independent, anti-Lukashenko organization. box 8 Партия народного согласия 1992 Scope and Contents note Articles of association of the Popular Accord Party and documents from the constituent congress of 11 April, 1992. box 9 Партия коммунистов Беларуси 1991-2006 Scope and Contents note Materials related to the Belarussian Communist Party. box 9 Белорусская народная самопомощь 1942 Scope and Contents note Articles of association of Belarussian People's Self-Help. box 9 Орден Святой Яны 1992 Scope and Contents note Statutes and certificate of registration of the Order of St. Yana. box 9 Минские бритоголовые (Скин хэды) 2003 Scope and Contents note Leaflet of the Minsk Skinheads, an aggressive, unregistered youth organization. box 9 Elections and human rights in Belarus 1997-2005 box 9 2006 Belarussian presidential elections 2005-2006 Scope and Contents note Materials related to the campaigns of Milinkevich, Kozulin, and Gaidukevich. box 10 Объединение демократических сил 2004-2006 Scope and Contents note Materials of the thrid assembly (congress) of the Association of Democratic Forces. box 10 Третьий всебелорусское народное собрание 2006 Scope and Contents note Materials related to the 3rd All Belarussian People's Assembly, 2-3 March, 2006. box 10 Конгресс демократических сил 2005 Scope and Contents note Materials from the congress of democratic forces of Belarus, 1-2 October, 2005. box 10 Anti-Lukashenko propaganda 2005 box 10 Democracy in Belarus and prospects for the development of a union of Belarus and Russia 1994-1998, 2001, 2003 box 11 Государственный Комитет Чрезвычайного Положения (ГКЧП) 1991 Scope and Contents note Documents of the State Committee on the State of Emergency. box 11 Formation of government and national culture in Belarus 1989-2006 2015 Belarussian Presidential Elections Inventory of the Belarusian XX800 5 subject collection 2018 Incremental Materials box 11 T-shirts (use copies only) Access Box 13 restricted; use copies available in Box 11. box 12 General election materials 2015 box 12 Sergei Gadiukevich 2015 box 12 Tat'iana Korotkevich 2015 box 12 Aleksandr Lukashenko 2015 box 12 Nikolai Ulakhovich 2015 2012 Belarussian Parliamentary Elections box 12 General election materials 2012 box 12 Zhan Sodel 2012 box 12 Dmitrii Schevtsov 2012 box 12 Maksim Solntsev 2012 box 12 Aleksandr Tolstoi 2012 box 12 Tat'iana Korotkevich 2012 box 12 Materials for Monitors 2012 box 12 Белорусский народный фронт (БНФ) 2012 box 12 Nikolai Samoseiko 2012 box MC1 4 CD-Rs Scope and Contents note Originally housed in Box 10 Inventory of the Belarusian XX800 6 subject collection.
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