Inside this issue: pacemaker December 2012 Ladies’ Team Captain’s Report 2 Inside this issue: Men’s Team Chairman’s thoughts Pete Richards InsideInsidepacemaker this this issue: pacemaker Captain’s Report October 4 2013 pacemakerDecember 2012 can reserve your places on the club’s Ladies’ Team issue: KAC Juniors & December 2012 Ladies’ Team Junior Races online shop or by contacting Diane Captain’s Report 2 Shaw. LadiesCaptain’s Team Report 2 Chairman’s thoughtsDiary ! 5 Pete Richards However there is still much that can Captain’s Report!2 Men’s Team be done to improve the club. One ex- Running in SpainPete 6Richards Captain’s Report 4 Men’sChairman’s Team thoughts It is also the time of year for the citing development is that we have Mens Team Chairman’s thoughtsrelays and hopefully we will have Pete Richards Captain’sCaptain’s Report Report!3 4 been given the go ahead to install canMarathon reserve Train- strongyour placesteams out. on Gone the club’sare the lighting on the perimeter path of Fitz KAC Juniors & days when we had to beg ing & Diary Dates 7 can reserve your places on the club’sPark. Obviously this will not come Junior Races KACKAC Juniors Juniors & & online shop membersor by contacting to run in them. Diane It is an cheap and we will be applying for JuniorJunior Races Races Shaw. honour to be pickedonline to represent shop or by contacting Diane Diary 5 Maximise your 8 grants. We would be interested to DiaryDiary!!! 4 5 HoweverTime therethe clubis still and much I wishShaw. thatall those can running well. However there is still much that canhear if you have any good fund raising Bob Graham be done to improve the club. One ex- ideas and if they involve running, all Running in Spain 6 Training be done to improve the club. One ex- RoundRunning !! in Spain5 6 citing development is that we have the better!. ProgrammeOn a totally 9 differentciting matter, development the is that we have been given theFRA go have ahead decided to 2012 toinstall ‘name has byand all accounts been an- With the club organising so many Marathon Train- High Peak beenother goodgiven year the for go the ahead club. Atto our install races each year, I do seem to be al- Marathon Train- lightingAGM Overviewon theshame’ perimeter a11 runner path for not of having Fitz ing & Diary Dates 7 Marathon!!8 the required kit atlightingrecent Holme AGM, Moss on the Iin gave perimeter my view pathof how of Fitzways sending requests out for help- ing & Diary Dates 7 Park. Obviously this will not come Club Champion-July and have bannedPark.the club him Obviously has from improved this in will recent not comeers. To your credit you have always Cross Country cheap and we will be applying for Maximise your 8 ship Resultsraces for12 6 months.cheapyears. I don’t This and wish can we be will seen be inapplying many for delivered so please keep on volun- Fixtures!!10 grants. We wouldto discuss be theinterested rightsways, and fromto wrongs the great variety of train- teering. Without your support our Time Maximise your 8 The club’s fell championship has hear if you haveof this any but Igood hopegrants. ing thatfund sessions it willraising We act towouldas the increasing be interested num- toraces couldn’t go ahead which would Time now concluded and it has Dobo’sproved Gallery 13 October a warning to youhear berall to of carryif successes you the have by any members good infund raisingbe a great loss. to be very competitiveideas with an and if they involve running, all Training Training!!11 correct kit in races. Some may exciting finale at Loweswater.the better!. At ideasraces bothand onif theythe fells, involve roads running, and allThe club’s blog and Facebook are a Programme 9 Training Steve consider that this is an over the the time of writing there are still 3 thecross better!. country. This year’s club good way to communicate with others KeswickProgramme 2012 Ladies has by all accounts 9 been an- WithHebblethwaite the clubtop organising reaction but itso is manyvital that races left in the road Interview championships have been the most members . The ‘Wednesday Ladies’ onother the fells good!! year12 for the club. 2012 At hasour by allraces accounts each year,racebeen organisers I an-do14 seem are With to given be the oural- club organising so many AGM Overview 11 championship so it would be popular for many years. Social Facebook page is especially well other good year for the club.support At our otherwise races there eachwill be year, I do seem to be al- AGMrecent Overview AGM, I gave11 mygreat view to see of similarhow competitiveways sending requests outevents for help- have been gone well with an used and entertaining, even to us Race recent AGM, I gave my viewless of races how in future.ways sending requests out for help- Club Champion- Reportsthe club!! has improved13 racing. in recent Championships ers. are Tomuch your credit you haveexcellent always turn out for the dinner in men! Club Champion- morethe valid club if won has by improvedhead to in recent ers.January To yourand who credit can youforget have Quen- alwaysGood luck with your running in the ship Results 12 years. This can be seen in many delivered soGood please luck keep to you on all! volun- Pippashipways, &Results Russell from the great12 varietyheadyears. racing of train- andThis not can byteering. purely be seen Without in many your supportdeliveredtin’s ourStag Evening!. so please January’s keep ondinner volun- coming year. turning up at races. is already proving very popular, you Pete interviewing sessions!! to14 the increasingways, num- from theraces great couldn’t varietyPete goof train-ahead whichteering. would Without your support our Dobo’s Gallery 13 ing sessions to the increasing num- races couldn’t go ahead which would Dobo’sber of Gallerysuccesses 13by members in be a great loss. Editorialber of !!!!!!! successes by members in EditorialSarahbe a greatBennett loss. Sarah Bennett Dobo’sraces Gallery both! on 17the fells, roads and The club’s blog and Facebook are a Steve races both on the fells, roads and The club’s blog and Facebook are a cross country. This year’sThank club you for all your goodcontributions way to again communicate this with others Hebblethwaite Steve cross country. This year’s club good way to communicateWelcome to our with De- othersThe all important Keswick AC cham- Interview 14 Hebblethwaitechampionships have beenmonth. the There’s most several members long distance . The race ‘Wednesday reports to Ladies’ cember edition of pionship results are here too and Interviewpopular for many 14years. get Socialyouchampionships planning for nextFacebook have year andbeen alsopage the an is interviewmost especially members well . ThePacemaker ‘Wednesday packed Ladies’ Steve Hebblethwaite has helped ex- events have been gonewith well popularthe ultrawith successful foran manyused running years. and couple, entertaining,Social Pippa and even Facebook to us pagewith is aespecially wide range well of plain some of the mysteries of track excellent turn out for theRussell dinnerevents Maddams. inhave beenmen! gone well with an used and entertaining,articles from even John to usrunning in his interview. So, enjoy Don’t forget about Pacemaker over the next few Beetham’s miracu- and I hope you all have a great January and who canmonths forgetexcellent and Quen- do take turn some Goodout timefor luck the to send withdinner me your reports in running men! in the January and who can forget Quen- Good luck withlous your juggling running of fam- in theChristmas! tin’s Stag Evening!. January’son anything dinner running related.coming year. ily, work and train- is already proving verySarah popular,tin’s !! Stag you Evening!. [email protected] January’s dinner ingcoming (I’m in year. awe!) to an account of Sarah is already proving very popular, you Maureen’sPete running in sunny Spain. Editorial Sarah Bennett page 1 Editorial Sarah Bennett page 1 Welcome to our De- The all important Keswick AC cham- cember edition of pionshipWelcome results to ourare De-here Thetoo and all important Keswick AC cham- Pacemaker packed Stevecember Hebblethwaite edition of has pionshiphelped ex- results are here too and with a wide range of plainPacemaker some of the packed mysteries Steve of track Hebblethwaite has helped ex- articles from John runningwith ain wide his interview. range of So,plain enjoy some of the mysteries of track Beetham’s miracu- andarticles I hope fromyou allJohn have a runninggreat in his interview. So, enjoy lous juggling of fam- Christmas!Beetham’s miracu- and I hope you all have a great ily, work and train- lous juggling of fam- Christmas! ing (I’m in awe!) to an account of Sarahily, work and train- Maureen’s running in sunnying Spain.(I’m in awe!) to an account of Sarah Maureen’s running in sunny Spain. page 1 page 1 pacemaker December 2012 Ladies’ Team Captains’ Report Jo Gillyon, Lesley Malarkey & Sam Ayers It’s all change for the ladies... Another year gone and it’s back to torch The Ian Hodgson re- lit running and mincing around on snow lay was, as ever, a and ice! This will be my last report for highlight. A few last pacemaker as I have officially stepped minute changes and a down from being Ladies Captain….well small disaster before kind of…..given there are now so many the start (involving a races and so many of you out there bumbag locked in a keen to represent the club we have split car boot….all my own the captaincy. Lesley Malarkey will work!) didn’t stop us take over on the fell and replace me on claiming 3rd place the committee.
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