Index Academy Awards (Oscars), 34, 57, Antares , 2 1 8 98, 103, 167, 184 Antonioni, Michelangelo, 80–90, Actors ’ Studio, 5 7 92–93, 118, 159, 170, 188, 193, Adaptation, 1, 3, 23–24, 69–70, 243, 255 98–100, 111, 121, 125, 145, 169, Ariel , 158–160 171, 178–179, 182, 184, 197–199, Aristotle, 2 4 , 80 201–204, 206, 273 Armstrong, Gillian, 121, 124, 129 A denauer, Konrad, 1 3 4 , 137 Armstrong, Louis, 180 A lbee, Edward, 113 L ’ Atalante, 63 Alexandra, 176 Atget, Eugène, 64 Aliyev, Arif, 175 Auteurism , 6 7 , 118, 142, 145, 147, All About Anna , 2 18 149, 175, 187, 195, 269 All My Sons , 52 Avant-gardism, 82 Amidei, Sergio, 36 L ’ A vventura ( The Adventure), 80–90, Anatomy of Hell, 2 18 243, 255, 270, 272, 274 And Life Goes On . , 186, 238 Anderson, Lindsay, 58 Baba, Masuru, 145 Andersson,COPYRIGHTED Karl, 27 Bach, MATERIAL Johann Sebastian, 92 Anne Pedersdotter , 2 3 , 25 Bagheri, Abdolhossein, 195 Ansah, Kwaw, 157 Baise-moi, 2 18 Film Analysis: A Casebook, First Edition. Bert Cardullo. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2015 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 284 Index Bal Poussière , 157 Bodrov, Sergei Jr., 184 Balabanov, Aleksei, 176, 184 Bolshevism, 5 The Ballad of Narayama , 147, Boogie , 234 149–150 Braine, John, 69–70 Ballad of a Soldier , 174, 183–184 Bram Stoker ’ s Dracula , 1 Bancroft, Anne, 114 Brando, Marlon, 5 4 , 56–57, 59 Banks, Russell, 197–198, 201–204, Brandt, Willy, 137 206 BRD Trilogy (Fassbinder), see FRG Barbarosa, 129 Trilogy Barker, Philip, 207 Breaker Morant, 120, 129 Barrett, Ray, 128 Breathless , 60, 62, 67 Battle in Heaven, 2 17–225, 266–267, Brecht, Bertolt, 8 2 , 187 270, 273 Breillat, Catherine, 217 Bazin, André, 6 6 , 100 Bresson, Robert, 4 2 , 96, 159, 164, BBC (British Broadcasting 195, 210, 224, 274 Corporation), 136 Brezhnev, Leonid, 175 Le Beau Serge , 67 Brightness , 156–157 Bebey, Francis, 154 Brinton, Ralph, 70 Beethoven, Ludwig van, 136 Brizzi, Anchise, 37 Beijing Film Academy, 166 Broadway, 52, 113 Belle de Jour, 2 19 Brody, Adrian, 216 Bellocchio, Marco, 2 1 7 Brother, 176, 184 Ben Hur, 95 The Brown Bunny, 2 17 Benoît-Levy, Jean, 153 Browning, Robert, 203–206 Beresford, Bruce, 120–121, 124, 129 Brueghel, Pieter, 142 Bergman, Ingmar, 65, 91–97, 195, Bucur, Drago ş, 234 207, 256–257 Buñuel, Luis, 1 6 7 , 219 Berlin Alexanderplatz, 132 Burnt by the Sun , 1 8 4 Berlin Film Festival, 167 Burstall, Tim, 121 Bernstein, Leonard, 57–58 Burton, Richard, 113 Bicycle Thieves, 34 Byrd, George, 136 The Big Parade, 166 Birsel, Taner, 246–247 The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, 2 , 82 B jörnstrand, Gunnar, 94 Cahiers du cinéma, 138 Black Mountain Road , 166 Cain, James M., 170–171 Black Rain, 150 Cannes Film Festival, 8 0 , 129, 150, Bloody Dawn , 166 167, 172, 186, 209–210, 216 Blow-Up , 118 Capricious Summer, 99 Bodrov, Sergei, 174–185, 263–264 Carnal Knowledge , 118 285 Index Carroll, Peter, 128 Comedy, 42–51, 99–100, 102–103, Catholicism, 95–96, 124, 146, 111–116, 138, 158, 160, 162–164, 221–222 172, 175, 192, 197, 232, 234, 237, Ceauşescu, Nicolae, 228–229, 245, 269–270, 273 232–233 commedia dell ’ arte, 47 Ceylan, Ebru, 240 Communism, 53, 59, 103, 105, 141, Ceylan, Emin, 238 166, 172, 234 Ceylan, Fatma, 238 Confusion , 46 Ceylan, Nuri Bilge, 236–247, Coppola, Francis Ford, 1 267–268 Les Cousins, 6 7 Chabrol, Claude, 6 1 , 67 The Cranes Are Flying, 174 The Chant of Jimmie Blacksmith , The Creatures , 67 120–130, 258–259, 270–271, Crime and Punishment , 158 273 Crime at a Girls ’ School , 9 9 – 100 Chaplin, Charles, 42–43, 50 Crime in a Nightclub , 9 9 – 100 Chechnyan War, 174–185 Cronaca di un Amore , see Story of a The Checkpoint, 176 Love Affair Chekhov, Anton, 244–245 Cui, César, 176 Chen, Kaige, 166 Cultural Revolution (China), 167, Chenal, Pierre, 170 172 Chocolat , 151, 153 Curse of the Golden Flower, 173 The Choice , 151 Czech Renaissance, see New Wave Christianity, 54, 57–59, 123, (Czech) 210–211, 214–216, 273 Chukhrai, Grigori, 183 Daniels, William, 115 Chytilová, V ěra, 98 Danna, Mychael, 205 Cicognini, Alessandro, 37 Daquin, Louis, 154 CinemaScope, 243 Dardenne, Jean-Pierre, 209–216, Ciné-Tamaris (production 265–266 company), 60 Dardenne, Luc, 209–216, 265–266 Cisse, Souleymane, 156–157 Davis, Judy, 120 Citizen Kane , 6 1 Day of Wrath , 23–33, 96, 250–251, Clayton, Jack, 69–79, 254–255 270, 273 Cléo from 5 to 7, 6 1, 67 De Palma, Brian, 127 Climates , 2 40 De Sica, Vittorio, 34–41, 102, Closely Watched Trains , 9 8 – 107, 257, 251–252 271, 273 Death by Hanging, 142 Clouds of May, 238–240 “The Death of Mr. Baltisberger,” Cobb, Lee J., 54 99 286 Index Death of a Salesman , 52 Erhard, Ludwig, 131–132 Denis, Claire, 151, 153 Ershadi, Homayoun, 195 Department of Sanitation, 87 Euripides, 27 Le Dernier Tournant (The Last Turn ), Existentialism, 187, 195, 223 170 Expressionism, 2–3, 6–8, 10–11, Devil in the Flesh , 2 17 82–88, 228 The Devil ’ s Playground , 124, 129 Diary of a Country Priest, 96 “Faith” Trilogy (Bergman), 91–92, Diary of a Shinjuku Thieff, 142 95–96 Dickinson, Emily, 197 FAMU (Faculty of the Academy of Dies Irae , 28 Dramatic Arts [Czech]), 98 Dietrich, Marlene, 1 3 4 , 138 Fascism, 5 8 , 102, 272 The Disenchanted , 53 Fassbinder, Rainer Werner, 131– Distant , 239–241 139, 259–260 Documentary, 37, 43, 59, 61, 67, Fatimata, Sanga, 156 141, 143–145, 147, 187, 212, 270 Faulkner, William, 62 Dodds, Steve, 128 Fellini, Federico, 88 Dog Days, 2 18 Fields, W. C., 46 La Dolce Vita (The Sweet Life ), 88 Fifth Generation (China), 166 Donen, Stanley, 115 Fifth Symphony (Beethoven), 136 La Donna Lupo, 2 18 Film noir, 5 8 , 81, 219, 242 Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 158 “Fishermen of Capri,” 136 Dracula , 1, 3, 5 Flynn, Errol, 184 Dressed to Kill , 127 Formalism, 1 0 0 Dreyer, Carl-Theodor, 23–33, 96, Forman, Miloš, 103 250–251 The 400 Blows, 60, 67 Duparc, Henry, 157 4 Months, 3 Weeks, and 2 Days , Duvivier, Julien, 153 227–228, 234 Franci, Adolfo, 36 L ’ E clisse (Eclipse ), 81, 87, 88, 193 Francis, Freddie, 70 The Eel , 143, 150 Freud, Sigmund, 2 Effi Briest , 132 FRG Trilogy (Fassbinder), 131–132 Egoyan, Atom, 197–208, 265 Fröhlich, Pea, 132 Eijanaika, 1 4 7 Fu-hsi, Fu-hsi , 1 6 9 Eisenstein, Sergei, 174 Eisner, Lotte, 2 Gabin, Jean, 19 L ’ Enfant, 2 10–211 Galeen, Henrik, 4 Entomological Chronicles of Japan Gallo, Vincent, 2 1 7 (a.k.a. Insect Woman), 142 Garfunkel, Art, 114 287 Index Genuine , 85 Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer, 150 Germany, Year Zero, 210 Heritage Africa, 157 The Getting of Wisdom, 120, 124 Hernández, Marcos, 224 Gibson, Mel, 120 Hero , 173 The Gift of God , 1 5 1 Hillcoat, John, 128 Giller, Boris, 175 Hippolytus , 2 7 Giulia , 2 1 8 Hirohito, Michinomiya, 141 The Gleaners and I , 67 Hiroshima, Mon Amour, 67 “Go Down Moses,” 180 Hitchcock, Alfred, 2 2 3 , 234 “God Sees the Truth, But Waits,” Hitler, Adolf, 5 , 12, 14, 105, 137, 178, 183 272 Godard, Jean-Luc, 60–62, 141, 195 Hoffman, Dustin, 1 0 8 , 115, 117 Golden Boy, 52 Hollywood, viii, 52–53, 103, 120, The Golem , 82 129, 138, 218, 269, 272 Gomes, Flora, 157 Holm, Ian, 207 Gong, Li, 167, 169 Hondo, Med, 151 Gorbachev, Mikhail, 175 Horace, 2 4 The Gospel According to St. Matthew , The Horse Thieff, 166 96 House of Flying Daggers , 173 Gourmet, Olivier, 215–216 House of Fools , 177 Governor, Jimmy, 121 House Un-American Activities The Graduate , 108–119, 258, Committee (HUAC), 53–54, 59 270–271, 273 Houston, Penelope, 73, 86 La Grande Illusion, 12–22, 249–250, Hrabal, Bohumil, 98–100, 104–105 270, 272 The Hudson Review, 174 The Greatest Story Ever Told, 95 Hugo and Josephine, 154 Grede, Kjell, 154 Greenwood, Bruce, 2 0 7 I Served the King of England, Griffi th, D. W., 2 0 , 174 103–106 Group Theatre, 52 I Stand Alone , 2 1 8 Gu, Changwei, 171 Iceman, 129 Guardami, 218 The Idiots , 218 Imamura, Shohei, 140–150, Hamlet Goes to Business , 158–159 260–261 Hannam, Ken, 1 2 9 Impressionism, 3, 237 The Harder They Fall , 5 3 In the Cut, 2 18 Harlow, Jean, 138 “In the Mood,” 136 Hasenclever, Walter, 82 In the Realm of the Senses, 217 Henry, Buck, 108 In Search of Unreturned Soldiers , 144 288 Index Interlenghi, Franco, 35–36 Kinoshita, Keisuke, 141 Intimacy, 218 Kleist, Heinrich von, 133 Islam, 174–196, 273 Klos, Elmar, 103 Ivanov, Vlad, 234 Kluge, Alexander, 132 Ivashev, Vladimir, 184 Kolya, 184 Konchalovsky, Andrei, 177 J a gger, Mick, 120 Kornfeld, Paul, 82 Jannings, Emil, 10 Kracauer, Siegfried, 5 Japón , 2 18, 224 Kurosawa, Akira, 1 8 6 , 198 Jarmusch, Jim, 159 Jireš, Jaromil, 98 Lamy, Benoît, 156 Johnson, Malcolm, 52–53 Larks on a String, 99 Johnson, Samuel, 28 The Last Laugh, see Der letzte Joyce, James, 45 Mann Ju Dou, 166–173, 263, 270, 272–273 The Last Man, see Der letzte Mann Judaism, 16, 18 Leander, Zarah, 136 Lebeshev, Pavel, 177 Kaboré, Gaston, 151 Lemmon, Jack, 115 Kadár, Jan, 103 Leone, Sergio, 243 Kael, Pauline, 129 Lermontov, Mikhail, 176 Kaiser, Georg, 82 Der letzte Mann, 10 Kälin, Matthias, 156 Lewis, Tommy, 127–128 Karayuki-san: The Making of a Li, Boatian, 169 Prostitute , 1 4 4 Li, Shaohong, 166 Kauffmann, Stanley, 77 Li, Wei, 168 Kaufman, Boris, 55 Li Lianying , 166 Kaurismäki, Aki, 158–165, 262–263 The Lighthouse, 177 Kazan, Elia, 52–59, 226, 252–253 Little Vera , 175 Keaton, Buster, 42–43, 164, 237 Liu, Heng, 169 Keneally, Thomas, 121, 125 Lola , 131–132 Kesal, Ercan, 2 4 1 , 245 Loves of a Blonde, 103 Khotinenko, Vladimir, 176 Lutheranism, 9 3 , 95 Khrushchev, Nikita, 174 Kiarostami, Abbas, 166–167, Machinal, 85 186–196, 237–238, 240, 243, The Magician, 92 264–265, 272 Malden, Karl, 54 The Kid with a Bike, 2 10–211 A Man Vanishes, 142 King Lear, 2 8 , 30, 32, 91 Marcoen, Alain, 212 King of Kings, 95 Marinne, Morgan, 216 289 Index The Marriage of Maria Braun, Muntean, Radu, 234 131–139, 259–260, 270 Murnau, F.
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