bericht_e_2012.inddbericht_e_2012.inddbericht_e_2012.indd 2 2 2 02.12.1302.12.13 16:0902.12.13 16:09 16:09 Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs Minoritenplatz 8 A-1014 Vienna Tel: During office hours on work days between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. (01) 90 115-0 / int.: (+43 1) 90 115-0 Toll-free service: (0800) 234 888 (not available for calls from outside Austria) Fax: (01) 904 20 16-0 / int.: (+43 1) 904 20 16-0 Email: [email protected] Internet: www.bmeia.gv.at Citizens’ Help Desk In case of emergency abroad the Citizens’ Help Desk can be reached 24 hours a day: Tel: (01) 90 115-4411 / int.: (+43 1) 90 115-4411 Fax: (01) 904 20 16-245 / int.: (+43 1) 904 20 16-245 Email: [email protected] Assistance services available to Austrian citizens abroad are detailed on the website of the Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs at www.bmeia.gv.at under “Service”. Foreign and european policy report 2012 Report by the Federal Minister for European and International Affairs Proprietor and Publisher: Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs A-1014 Vienna, Minoritenplatz 8 Austria ISBN: 978-3-902965-02-8 (print) 978-3-902965-03-5 (ePub) Edited and coordinated by: Michael Haider English translation coordinated by: Sabine Hübler Production: Berger Crossmedia GmbH & Co KG .Based on Außen-undEuropapolitischerBericht2012 BerichtdesBundesministersfüreuropäischeund .internationaleAngelegenheiten.Wien,2013 Foreword The year 2012 was marked by radical change in the arab world and the dramatic deterioration of the situation in Syria, where a protest movement for the democratisation of the country drifted into an all-out civil war with a distinctly sectarian character. Right from the outset, Austria fully supported the United Nations’ efforts towards finding a political solution to this con- flict. Bringing an end to bloodshed, immeasurable human suffering and the destruction of cities and villages is our primary objective. Austria fully sup- ports all humanitarian efforts launched by the international community to protect the civilian population and alleviate their suffering. To date, Austria has contributed some 5.6 million euros in assistance for the victims of this tragic civil war. The Syrian civil war, which has claimed innumerable lives and resulted in a massive flow of refugees within Syria and the neighbouring region, as well as the fighting in Mali and Burkina Faso confronted both our network of rep- resentations abroad and headquarters in Vienna with major challenges. The handling of the impacts of these crises by the Foreign Ministry was a true test of our staff’s efficiency and professionalism in crisis management – an area where, in line with our motto “worldwide at your service”, we constantly strive to guarantee the highest levels of consular protection. the provision of services to austrians abroad is one of the key tasks fulfilled by the Fed- eral Ministry for European and International Affairs. It is an area that has increased in importance from year to year. In 2012, our staff handled 422,552 cases involving consular assistance as well as 325,884 visa applications. We continuously strive to update and increase efficiency levels across the range of services we provide, including through the use of the new media. A par- ticularly successful example for these efforts is the Foreign Ministry’s smart- phone application, which is available as a download from our website www. bmeia.gv.at. Austria’s reputation and standing in the world is also shaped by the some 500,000 austrians living abroad who, thanks to their personal connections and networks, can make valuable contributions to the work of our represen- tations abroad. Providing services and support to Austrians abroad is among the core tasks performed by Austrian embassies and consulates. Managing the economic and financial crisis continues to represent a major challenge for european solidarity. At the European Council meeting in III Foreword December, the most important aspects of European crisis management were reconfirmed: apart from the crisis management instruments already in place, a further deepening of the Economic and Monetary Union was envisaged. Of particular relevance are budget consolidation measures that encourage growth and are at the same time targeted at promoting youth employment and fighting poverty as well as social exclusion. In the context of shaping the future Economic and Monetary Union, a focus will also have to be placed on democratic legitimacy and accountability. With respect to designing a bank- ing union, an agreement in principle was reached regarding a common Euro- pean banking supervision mechanism. At a crucial time for Europe, when we need to manage the impacts of the financial crisis and at the same time secure our future global competitive- ness, special efforts need to be undertaken to properly communicate the importance of “Project Europe”. In 2012, I therefore placed a special focus on the continuation of a “dialogue on europe”. My goal is to strengthen the Austrian people’s trust and confidence in the EU and to invite them to get actively involved in a “Europe of citizens”. In the context of the FMEIA’s “daruM EUROPA” information campaign, State Secretary Reinhold Lopatka embarked on a “Europe Information Tour”. Travelling to all Austrian provinces, he visited companies and introduced himself as a contact person Austrians can turn to with their questions about European issues – thus providing an opportunity for open debate and dis- cussion. This initiative was launched in cooperation with the Federation of Austrian Industries and the Austrian Economic Chamber. The “EU Townhall Meetings” which I initiated together with the European Commission Repre- sentation in Austria as well as the appointment of “Municipal Councillors for European Affairs” were successfully continued. Today, this network of local contact persons on EU issues already comprises more than 500 indi- viduals. The award of the nobel peace prize to the european union demonstrated the recognition of the historical role the unification of Europe has played for peace, freedom and prosperity in Europe. At the same time it underlines the important role Europe has come to play for the rest of the world – the EU has evolved into an exporter of stability and peace whose effects spread far beyond its borders. It is thus in Austria’s utmost interest to contribute pro-actively to European crisis management. Moreover, Austria is highly committed to the Balkans and the Middle East. The perspective of a rapprochement to the EU has proven to be the most important instrument in the context of further promot- ing stability. The european union’s enlargement policy remains the central driver for reforms in the Western Balkan region. The progress Croatia, Monte- negro, Macedonia, Serbia and Kosovo have achieved over the last few years with a view to a European perspective has contributed greatly to stability in IV Foreword the region. Based on the progress reports, it was thus possible to open nego- tiations with Montenegro just four years after its application for accession. The EU accession of Croatia – which took place on 1 July 2013 – illustrated in an impressive manner how Croatia, steering a determined reform course, used its historic opportunity to become part of the European unification pro- cess. Croatia’s success also serves as an encouraging signal for all countries in the Western Balkans where strengthening the rule of law, intensification of regional cooperation and measures aimed at sustainable economic recovery remain among the major challenges to be tackled by European enlargement policy. Our initiatives in the danube area and the Black Sea region are the logi- cal continuation of Austria’s efforts in the Balkans. The eu Strategy for the danube region – initiated by Austria – is currently being implemented by 14 states including some non-EU members. Apart from the immediate added value for the participating states, the projects planned under this strategy clearly lend themselves to promoting closer links and stronger connections between Austria and this growth region. This further strengthens Austria’s position as a player in South East Europe. The Joint Declaration adopted at the foreign ministers’ meeting in Sankt Pölten on 22 October 2012 con- firmed that the EU Strategy for the Danube Region is to be consistently imple- mented in all EU programmes for this area in order to contribute to realizing the potential inherent in this region. This approach was reconfirmed at the first annual meeting held in Regensburg on 27 and 28 November 2012 where positive stock was taken of the development and implementation of the EU Strategy for the Danube Region. The united nations is a traditional priority of Austria’s commitment at mul- tilateral level. Since the beginning of our membership of the un Human rights council in 2011 we have been able to contribute to numerous areas related to the protection and promotion of human rights, thus strengthening our reputation as a proactive and innovative member. The safety of journal- ists is a sine qua non for the effective exercise of the right to independent information and is thus a fundamental pillar of every democratic society. On Austria’s initiative and in line with our thematic priority, the Human Rights Council on 27 September 2012 adopted the first resolution ever on the “safety of journalists”. This resolution condemns any form of violence against jour- nalists and proposes concrete preventive actions to be taken by states. The adoption of the resolution by consensus and the fact that it was co-sponsored by 67 states from all over the world sent a truly powerful signal. In connection with the 20th anniversary of the UN Declaration on Minority Rights of 1992, Austria placed a special focus on the protection of religious minorities.
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