newsletter Volume II, Number 4 Winter 1986/87 annual members annual meeting Kress funds business meeting addenda foreign speakers The 75th Annual Members Business Meeting Reunions and Affiliated Society Meetings The Samuel H. Kress Foundation has will be held on Thursday, February 12, 1987 As usual, a few came in after the Preliminary awarded the CAA a grant again this year to at 12:15 P. M. in the Staffordshire Room Program had gone to press. Pennsylvania assist foreign scholars who are speaking at the (third floor) of The Westin Hotel, Copley State University, Thursday, Feb. 12, 4:45 Annual Meeting in Boston February 12-14, Place Boston. P.M.; Swann Foundation for Caricature 1987. The Kress Foundation and the CAA and Cartoon, Friday, Feb. 13, 8:00 A.M. hope that American colieges, universities, Breakfast; Yale University, time and date and museums will be able to take advantage change to ThuI'5day, Feb. 12,4:45 P.M.; Vis­ of the Kress Foundation's generous first step Elections ual Resources Association session listed for - funding the travel of foreign scholars to Friday, Feb. 13,4:45 P.M. has been changed and from the United States - and invite one The major item on the agenda of the Annual to "Trends in Automation III and Microcom­ or more to lecture. Members Business Meeting is elections. puter Roundtable," Gary Seloff·, University of Foreign scholars, the title of his or her CAA Texas at Austin, Moderator. talk, and affiliation are listed below. Please OFFICERS. The Board of Directors proposes contact the CAA office for full address and the following to serve as officers for 1987: U.S. contact person. President: Paul B. Arnold, Oberlin College, Additions to the Art History Sessions emeritus; Vice President: Phyllis Pray "Towards a Scriptural Reading of Seven­ Marten Jan Bok, "Artisans or Gentlemen Bober, Bryn Mawr College; Secretary: James teenth-Century Dutch Landscape Paint­ Painters? The Social Background of Utrecht Cahill, University of California, Berkeley. ings,"]' Bruyn, Amsterdam University, emer­ Painters in the early Seventeenth Century," itus, added to Art into Landscape in the BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Candidates to serve as Rijksuniversiteit, Utrecht, The Netherlands; Netherlands, ca. 1500-1700, Egbert Haver­ J. Bruyn, "Towards a Scriptural Reading of directors are nominated by the Nominating kamp-Begemann, chair. Seventeenth- Century Dutch Landscape Committee, which is guided by- the returns on "Ma4ness and Modernism," Louis A. Sass, the preferential ballot. This year, 1468 ballots Paintings," Amsterdam University (emer­ Rutgers University, added to Art Without itus); Kaori Chino, "Ise Monogatari-e and were received. The slate reported by the History, III, Irving Lavin, chair. Nominating Committee for election to the Meisho-e: The Relationship of Paintings of Board of Directors in 1987 (to serve until the Tale of Ise to the Development of Famous 1991) is: Elizabeth Hill Boone, Dumbarton Fellowship Opportunities Place Paintings," Tokyo National Museum; Oaks; Judith K. Brodsky, Rutgers, The Representatives of the J. Paul Getty Trust Simon Ellis, "The Heroic Theme in Late State University of New Jersey, Newark; Mary will be available to discuss Getty programs on Roman Domestic Art," Cambridge Univer­ Schmidt Campbell, Studio Museum in Har­ Thursday, Feb. 12, 4:45 P.M.-7:15 P.M.; sity; Carlo Ginzburg, discussant in "High lem; Faith Ringgold, University of Califor­ representatives from the National Endow­ Art/Low Art" session, Universita degli Studi nia, San Diego; Linda Seidel, University of ment for the Arts and National Endowment de Bologna; Bert Meijer, "The Netherlan­ Chicago; and Yoshiaki Shimizu, Princeton for the Humanities will be available for dis­ dish Factor in Italian Painting of the Six­ University. cussion of grants, fellowships and other pro­ teenth Century," Istituto Universitario Olan­ grams ofthe Endowments on Thursday, Feb. dese di Storia dell'Arte, Florence; Herman NOMINATING COMMI'ITEE: Those nominated 12, 1:00 P.M.-3:00 P. M. and Friday, Feb. 13, PIeij, "Urban Elites in Search of a Culture of to serve on the 1987 Nominating Committee 2,00 P.M.-4,00 P.M. their Own: the Brussels' Snow Festival of (which selects those directors who will be 1510-11," Amsterdam University; Patricia elected in 1988) are: Marianna Shreve Simp­ Simons, "Viewing Women in Quattrocento Movie son, Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Frames: The Profile Portrait of Florentine Oshima's "Realm of the Senses" will be shown Arts, National Gallery of Art, Chair; Ann Women," University of Melbourne; Lisa Thursday, Feb. 12, at 6:15 P.M., immediate­ Sutherland Harris, University of Pittsburgh; Tickner, "The Hysteric, the Militant, and ly prior to the symposium session, Genderand Leonard Lehrer, Arizona State University; the Womanly Woman: Feminism, Feminin­ Art History, in which it will be discussed by David Pease, Yale University School of Art; ity and Sexuality in the Representation of Peter Lehman. • and Alan Shestack, Minneapolis Art Insti­ Pro- and Anti- Women's Suffrage Cam­ tute. Procedures for placing additional can­ paigns in Britain, 1907-1914," Middlesex didates in nomination are described in the To insure receipt of all CAA publica­ Polytechnic; Peter J. Ucko, "Concomittants Notice of Meeting, which was mailed on tions and announcements, please be of the Assumption of the 'Beginnings' of December 15. Artistic Traditions," University of South­ For those who will be unable to attend the sure to keep us informed of your cur­ ampton; Pierre Vaisse, "Mural decoration Annual Members Meeting, proxies have been rent address_ under the Third Republic," University of included with the Notice of Meeting. • Paris, Nanterres. • conferences and symposia people and programs CALL FOR PAPERS World War II conference 1988 North American Print Conference Siena College is sponsoring its second annual Prints of Western North America and Material for inclusion in People and Pro­ Naomi Boretz has been appointed associate European Studies Conference multidisciplinary conference on the 50th Hawaii. For a list of topics call or write Ray­ grams should be sent to College Art Associa­ professor and director of fine arts at Wilson The 12th Annual European Studies Confer· anniversary of World War II on June 4- 5. mond L. Wilson, 848 Sonia Way, Mt. View, tion, 149 Madison Avenue, N. Y. C. 10016. College, Chambersburg, PA. Deadline for next issue: 1 March. ence, sponsored by the University of Nebraska The focus for 1987 will be 1937 though CA 94040. (415) 967-6011. at Omaha, October 8,9, and 10, 1987, is to be papers dealing with broad issues of earlier Hilton Brown, professor of art, art conserva­ an interdisciplinary meeting with sessions de" years will be welcomed. Topics welcomed in­ IN MEMORIAM tion' and art history at the University of Del a­ Early Modern Europe voted to the scholarly exchange of informa­ clude Fascism and Naziism, Ethiopia. Spain, ware since 1978, was recently named the first The Sixteenth CenturyJournalwelcomes arti­ A. James Speyer, curator of twentieth-cen­ tion, research methodologies and pedagogi­ Literature, Art, Film, Diplomatic and Mili­ Ralph and Bena Mayer Professor. He was also cles on any topic of art history between 1450 tury art at The Art Institute of Chicago died cal approaches. Abstracts of papers and a tary History, Popular Culture and Women's appointed coordinator of the newly founded and 1600. Send articles to Robert A. Kolb, November 9 at the age of 73. Speyer was C. V. should be submitted by March lr} to Ber­ and Jewish studies dealing with the era. Ralph Mayer Center for Artists' Techniques. Associate Editor, Concordia College. Ham­ nard Kolasa, Political Science, or Patricia The Sino-Japanese War will be particularly trained as an architect, studying at the Carne­ A member of the artists' materials committee line and Marshall, St. Paul, MN 55104. Send gie Institute of Technology, Chelsea Poly­ Kolasa, TcachCT Education, Conference Co­ appropriate. Replies and inquiries: Thomas of the American Society for Testing and manuscripts of art history monographs to technic in London, the Sorbonne in Paris and ordinators, or Louis Morgan, Conference O. Kelly, II, Head, Dept. of History, Siena Materials and the Inter-Society Color Coun­ Charles Nauert, Editor of Sixteenth Century with Mies van der Rohe at the Illinois Insti­ Secretary, College of Continuing Studies, College, Loudonville, NY 12211. cil, Brown (M.F.A. School Art Inst. Chicago) Essays and Studies, History Dept., Univ. of tute of Technology where he received a de­ PKCC, U. of Nebraska at Omaha. Omaha, has been active in rewriting the national con­ Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211. NE 68182 - 0361. (402) 554- 3617 / 3484/8300. gree in 1939. He taught at the Illinois Insti­ sensus standards for the chemical contents tute of Technology from 1946 until 1961, and health hazards of artists' paints and Women in Art and Science when he joined the Art Institute. His architec­ related art materials. The editors of Leonardo invite women artists TO ATTEND tural training resulted in art installations that French Studies Colloquium and scientists to submit articles on their work according to Art Institute Director, James The 13th annual 19th Century Frt"nch Studies for publication consideration. In particular, Victorian Bibliomania Symposium Wood, were models of their kind. Speyer re­ The art history department of Emory. Univer­ sity, in 1986-87, will be involved in agame of Colloquium will be held at Northwestern Uni­ women artists working with scientific ideas, The Museum of Art, Rhode Island School of cently designed a new penn anent installation versity on October 22 -24, 1987. The focus techniques and technologies are encouraged Design, is sponsoring a symposium on Feb­ of the Art Institute's Joseph Cornell boxes, "musical chairs": William Crelly (Baroque) will be interdisciplinary, dealing with the to submit. In 20 years of publication over ruary II in conjunction with its exhibition and reinstalled a major part of its 20th-cen­ assumes the chair in the spring from John relations between literature.
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