Durham E-Theses An edition and analysis of Kitab Qira'at Abi 'Amr by Al-Nakzawi. El-Magboul, Abbas Mustafa How to cite: El-Magboul, Abbas Mustafa (1991) An edition and analysis of Kitab Qira'at Abi 'Amr by Al-Nakzawi., Durham theses, Durham University. Available at Durham E-Theses Online: http://etheses.dur.ac.uk/1187/ Use policy The full-text may be used and/or reproduced, and given to third parties in any format or medium, without prior permission or charge, for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-prot purposes provided that: • a full bibliographic reference is made to the original source • a link is made to the metadata record in Durham E-Theses • the full-text is not changed in any way The full-text must not be sold in any format or medium without the formal permission of the copyright holders. Please consult the full Durham E-Theses policy for further details. Academic Support Oce, Durham University, University Oce, Old Elvet, Durham DH1 3HP e-mail: [email protected] Tel: +44 0191 334 6107 http://etheses.dur.ac.uk The copyright of this thesis rests with the author. No quotation from it should be published without r his prior written consent and information derived from it should be acknowledged. AN EDITION AND ANALYSIS OF KITAB QIRÄ'AT ABI `AMR BY AL-NAKZAWI (THE BOOK OF THE QUR'ÄN READING OF ABU `AMR IBN AL-`ALÄ' AL-BASRI BY IMAM ABU MUHAMMAD 'ABDALLAH IBN MUHHAMMAD AL-NAKZÄWI) by Abbas Mustafa El-Magboul A Thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Centre for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies The University of Durham September 1991 Z1 ýý 1992 I THESIS CONTAINS TAPE CASSETTE PLEASE CONTACT THE UNIVERSITY IF YOU WISH TO SEE THIS MATERIAL. "'... 1',.:: "i ". [ .. w`., {I'. ""3 F-", L /" '... ý wý.:. :ý f_ ., .. .a tý "i "1... ' ".. ". ". ". r ;- :1f, ý.. +:. R L "^ý f "'yr ý. 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Considering that from at least the eighth century of the Christian era through the nineteenth, this Reading was the dominant method of reading the Qur'an throughout the central Muslim lands, this is a great lack, and the thesis aims to help rectify this situation. The core of the thesis is a technical treatise about this particular girä a, written by the Imam Abü Muhammad `Abdallah ibn Muhammad al-Nakzäwi in the seventh Muslim century. As the title indicates, the thesis provides a critical edition of the text of the treatise, and a broad analysis of its transmission. The preservation, or transmission, of the Reading has three main aspects. First, its preservation in physical book form, primarily this particular treatise. Second, the preservation of its sounds, i. e. a record of the main characteristics of the Reading. Third the method whereby, in Sudan at least, the Reading is passeddown. These aspectsare dealt with in turn in the three sections of the thesis. An audio tape is attachedas an appendix. fi"Ayt J-1 LOUt4 tj,. WU 4-IAv4kß LA yL5 4.;,.s.o 1r; JSJ+ -l 4JI . j ýýUJI J iI J. i JIL., Jl `JI )I ai ir; j . LIyiI ý3Ja.. i v: wg.; 4)I (Y)4dt' (o)Za..olIj. 41WI, (1)ä, 4IJAiuJI. (r) L-lbrA(j. 1' ýý. ý JýI s ts.,,YlýII týll ll ýý,xytýII ý::. w. w. +, ýI.ý..; ýý.dºY(ý Lsj,: ,,,.,: ýº! I (y.. ý ýI I,allI ".. i L?. JI I ý't, s. w3Jl .(ý) 61 ., 11 ý.,. ý. w: ,u wuýl ýsý l_JI tjli: i Z031I JJ. JL.i'l 4a tl JI.,`YU"16 plt&yl I6 I "; t1 (S, S Ala. ONJ cri '4 I.. l..I.; tyll 44 suesly ý, HIS Yltr i,ýal l . º1o_) . " rlS ý ,rI, ý;, U W LIa. C)I,Y,. it 4, &,.: t X16 ill... .. *.j VI4111 r++ýý ems.i.+.. jý. WA _JI J iL I vº" le- J.a t: 1Ls, JI JL IA vi r ýIJL. .. {,: ,ý.. *, Zvi (T) lL4, J1: Jl; 411 (i) vtL3.. yyýlýi4 4 II i. 3.1S. 3 i1 i... 11 (0) tit+.. it pfli vi .A1. e...; Y. tJlýlcy üLinf w4e. f'j ü. tlLIEUit JL,. IoL ., p. l; & :' Jtý" JIýJýi; ý. VI; yLy, eiUIýlSý: j ý. Thanks and Appreciation t 1 ai i . --- 11 Jk-.i 4ýýii zpý, J1J, ZL. t uL I would like to offer my thanks and appreciation to eminent men whose assistance played a significant role in completing this study. In particular, I would like to give my special thanks to Professor Adrian Brockett, Chairman of the Centre for Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies, Professor of Arab and Islamic Studies in Durham University, and the supervisor of this study; in whom I have found deep thoughts, variety of knowledge, skilfull methods of research coupled with humbleness, kindness and patience. He gave me a lot of his time and efforts. From his opinions, discussions and directions I drew great benefit. Also, I offer my sincere and heartfelt thanks to my dear friend Dr.
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