Bates College SCARAB The aB tes Student Archives and Special Collections 10-20-1965 The aB tes Student - volume 92 number 06 - October 20, 1965 Bates College Follow this and additional works at: http://scarab.bates.edu/bates_student Recommended Citation Bates College, "The aB tes Student - volume 92 number 06 - October 20, 1965" (1965). The Bates Student. 1490. http://scarab.bates.edu/bates_student/1490 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at SCARAB. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aB tes Student by an authorized administrator of SCARAB. For more information, please contact [email protected]. "Bates Student Vol. XCII, No. 6 BATES COLLEGE, LEWISTON, MAINE, OCTOBER 20, 1965 By Subscription EXPERIENCED DEBATERS FACE OFF ON U. S. POLICY Senate Action Charlotte Singer and Max won the Pacific Forensic Steinheimer will represent League Title in debating. He Is Questioned Bates College in the interna- was also on the winning team tional Debate to be held in which participated in the De- the Chapel tonight at 8:00 sert Invitational Meet and the Did the Senate violate, pro- p.m. They will debate with Big Sky International Tour- cedure and precedent? Or John C. H. Davies and Norman nament at the Univ. of Mon- were' the members only acting S. H. Lamont of Cambridge tana. in the best interests of the University on U. S. Policy in The British debating sys- student body? These ques- Viet-Nam. It is the British tem, which will be employed tions were discussed by 40 in- debaters only appearance in in this debate, differs marked- interested students at last Maine this year. (See STU- ly from the courtroom proce- Thursdays Senate meeting in DENT, Oct. 13.) dure American debaters use. the co-ed lounge. Students Under parliamentary rules, aired their views concerning Charlotte became interest- the audience is appealed to the procedure and allocation ed in debating in high school, for the decision. The court- of funds for certain activities. and has continued it in her room method employs a judge, Enthusiasm for the discus- college career. She is secretary or several judges, to decide of the Debating Council, and sion was the product of sev- the winner. As there will be no eral notices placed on campus is co-winner of a trophy decision rendered this eve- awarded at the New England by Dave Foster '66, who ques- ning, the audience is urged tioned the trip of three stu- Debate Tournament last year. to participate in the question Charlotte, a proctor in Whit- dents to an International and answer period following Teach-in held October 8-10 in tier House, is also a member the debate. of the Women's Council and is Toronto (Student, page 2). majoring in economics. Moreover, due to the differ- The purpose of the notices, ac- Max has debated for many ence in debating procedures, cording to Foster, was to pre- years, both in high school and British teams tend to be more sent the issues of a breach in at Bates. While here, he has free with comments during Viet Nam Alternatives Senate procedure on allocation participated in novice and their presentations. They are and use of student funds for varsity debate with distinc- known for their wit and hu- this trip, to debate the setting tion. Last year, while taking mor, which should aid in Symposium Sunday of "a dangerous precedent", a year at the University ol making an interesting con- and to consider the Senate's Nevada, he and his partner test tonight. By William R. Butler Maylaysia, Indonesia, and right in using student funds Thailand. His most recent visit for this type of trip. This coming Sunday, from to Viet Nam was in March, 1:30 to 4:00 p.m. in the Little The Toronto trip was made 1965. He is married, has three by Sue Lord '66, Nancy Vail "JOLLY GOOD TIME" Theater, there will be sympo- children, and lives in Peters- sium on the Administration's '66, and Lou Balk '68, who at- Europe Anyone! ham, Massachusetts. A na- policy in Southeast Asia, en- tended it because of their in- tive of Minnesota, Mr. John- terest in the issues discussed. titled "Alternatives in Viet son graduated summa cum IN ENGLAND Nam?" "The International Teach-in On Tuesday, October 26, at laude from Hamline Univer- was an attempt to present the 7:00 p.m. in Room 103, Hath- Co-sponsored by the Campus sity in 1947. ideas of all interested parties orn Hall, Dean Emeritus Ray- Association and the Lewiston- Allan Cameron, our new on several topics. There were born Zerby will show slides of Auburn Peace Center, this pro- representatives from all over President and Mrs. Phillips instructor in government, will last summer's Zerby tour of gram will be divided into two speak for our present policy the world. It was not a politi- Europe. Following the slides, spent nine days traveling in sections. Two speakers who cal meeting. We went as rep- Europe this fall. Since col- in Viet Nam. Mr. Cameron's there will be a discussion by have been to the area quite most recent visit to Viet Nam resentatives of the C. A. but several members of last year's lege problems, including the recently will present half- did not represent Bates from a 4/3 option, kept him busy all was from June through Au- touring group. Sara Jones '66 hour speeches for and against political viewpoint," remark- summer, the President decided gust, 1965, arranged by the and Linda Carter '66 of Bates, the administration's policy. ed Nancy Vail. Her reply was to take his vacation during invitation of the United States and John Cartland and John After a half-hour break, dur- government. in answer to several questions Willson of Bowdoin, will draw October. ing which refreshments will concerning the purpose of upon their experiences in the They flew to London on Oc- be served, a panel discussion their attending the conference. eight countries visited to lead tober 3rd, rented a car, and will take ploce. On this panel The Senate's position was the discussion. Professor and drove along the west coast to the two speakers will be PROGRAM NOTES clarified by Richard Rosen- Mrs. William Mitchell, who Edinburgh, returning to Lon- joined by Professor Leamon October 23 blatt '66. A procedural ruling also accompanied the stu- don by the east coast. of the History Department dents, will be present to sup- and Dr. Chute of the Biology The Robinson Players by the 1964-65 Senate sug- plement the discussion. This Several English Universities Department. All four of the will present "The Wreck of gested that all persons desir- will be an opportunity for all were points of attraction. They panel members will deliver a the Mary Deare" starring ing money from the Senate interested students to ask spent a morning at Oxford short speech before the meet- Charlton Heston, Gary submit a budget one week questions and learn first-hand with JYA students Martha ing is opened to the audience Cooper, and Michael Red- in advance of obtaining the ol this educational opportun- Braman, Kathy Kelley, Kathy for questioning. grave in color. required funds, explained Ros- ity. All are welcome! Koch, and Ann Warren, as Show time 7:00 and 9:00 enblatt. The purpose of the this year is the first time that Russell Johnson of the P.M.; admission $.25. ruling is to allow the Senate Bates has sent students there. American Friends Service one week to consider such re- Committee, Director of the In- Chase Hall Dance quests and possibly make But the President also had ternational Conferences and Students will be able to amendments to the budget. Vespers Notice economics interests abroad. It Seminars Program in South choose between two dances However, in this case, due to was his purpose to "study the and Southeast Asia for the this week — a "slow rec- a lack of time, the normal pro- economic conditions in Eng- past four years, will speak ords only" party for couples cedure was suspended by a Vespers at 9:00 p.m. tonight. land and Scotland, particular- against the administration's at the Women's Union, and majority of the Senators pres- ly as they relate to the future policy. In his travels in organ- a regular dance at Chase Dr. Brown's sermon next ent. Technically, the entire stability of the British pound." izing conferences for diplo- Hall. Refreshments will be Sunday at 7:00 p.m. will be Senate should have voted to There is some question, he mats Mr. Johnson has visited served at both. More details "Jonah, Who Found Out the change the procedure, but this said, as to whether the pound India, Pakistan, Burma, Laos, to be announced. World Was Round." will be devaluated. Cambodia, Ceylon, Viet Nam, Continued on Page Two Two 3 £ BATES COLLEGE, LEWISTON, MAINE, OCTOBER 20, 1965 Senate Con't from Page 1 Students Report On GUIDANCE was not done. However, the fact that the vote was carried Toronto Conference Master of Science in Elemen- in favor of the allocation of Miller Analogies Test: Next tary Education: funds indicates the senator's scheduled administration of vention in affairs of other na- The State University Col- approval of this suspension of By Sue Lord '66 this test will be at 9:30 a.m., tions. This is where the major lege, at Oswego, New York, normal procedure. Nancy Vail '66 Saturday, October 30, in Chase problem lies.
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