(GST Inc.) . Tuesday November·24 1992 ( , , Swapo outfit i.n fi~ing line . Accus~d of-unfair. di'smissal . ~ .... " .... ~......, ... "' ;;~i' -oF " ih~ ' ~~~~~:~:";;t ~~ by Swap~ under the umbrella of Kalahari Holdings has been accused of -J; unfair dismissal by a fQl"mer employee sacked at the end of September. Film producer Lois Di¥is has charged through her law- - yers that her sacking by New Dawn Video was "unlawful" and furthermore was unfair in tenus of internati onallabour la.w and the Namibian Labol,lf Act which came into force on November 1. Davis' dis~issal from the video outfit occurred before the Labour Act which means she cannot use its clauses continued on page 2 PARIS: A Japanese freighter carrying a con- routes, including South . troversial cargo of highly toxic plutonium Africa, which borders the Cape of Good Hope, and appears likely to round the Cape of Good Hope Chile arid Argentina on on its voyage home, Greenpeace announced South America's Cape Hom, yesterday. have expressed their desire Greenpeace said the ship said. to keep the Akatsuki Maru presently endangers Angola, The two Japanese ships out of their territorial wa­ Namibia and South Africa. have been followed by ters. The environmental group, Greenpeaee- vessels since­ _ "Fa~ with stron,g "::';::~ I __ which is tracking the ship to leaving tlle French port of test in the Caribbean and alert nations to its presence Cherbourg on November 7, Latin America, the ship has along the secret route home, where 1,7 tons of plutonium now turned and is trying to said that the Akatsuki Maru were loaded into the slip down the west coast of was currently skirting the Akatsuki Maru's hold$. Africa and around the Cape West African coast. The voyage has drawn of Good Hope," Greenpeace The freighter and its lightly intense protest. Critics fear spokesperson Damon Mo- anned Japanese esc;ort ves- . an ecological holocaust in glen said. sel, the Shikishima, are ' case of an accident, or at- . Plutonium, the chief in- . presently off St Helena Is- tacks by terrorists seeking gredient in making nuclear land and could arrive near to obtain nuclear bomb­ bombs, is one of the world's the Cape of Good Hope making material. most lethal substar.r-~s. A within six days, Greenpeace Countries along potential SELFISH attitudes from people with more money than social conscience could thwart Namibia's water saving schemes, despite sterling efforts by the ordi­ nary consumer. A billboard in Windhoek town centre displays encour­ aging figures of a 18 per cent water saving, but rec­ ords also show a fair section of city dwellers determined to 'carry OD regardless' with excessive consumption. ON THE BEAT ... Young to old turned out to listen to According-to Water Af­ President Sam Nujoma at Khomasdal's St Andrews fairs PRO Adrian Cashman, Primary School on Saturday. Around 200 people turned abr>ut 30 per cent of people up at the meeting organised by the Swapo Women's in lvindhoek cannot be ef­ Council. The President said the main challenge the EDGEWORTH,INC' j" RICHMONO, VA., U:S.AJ fectiveiy regulated by finan­ country faced was on the economic front, .and urged cial constraints. Some are Namibians to get the type of training that would help 'I ._Now made in South Africa. at the bottom end of the make them and Namibia more self-sufficient. Photo: continued on page 2- Magreth Nunuhe .2 Tuesday November 24 1992 THE NAMIBIAN ~-;;'~ .-". , Election · ':; 'Rich wasting water' , notebook ;." ( FROM 'PAGE 1 ) income areas don't 'waste' , "''''.Ji water on gardens, washing economic scale and are not machines or dishwashers, • THE Swapo candi- charged for water at all, but and the fact that many people date for the Wmdhoek. these do not pose the great- are making a conscious ef­ East constituency in est threat. fort to save water, and you the Regional Elec- "Some of the worst of- soon realise that someone, tions, Marietjie Pot- ·, fenders are Emba!,!sies and somewhere, is using a hell tas, will be holding an others with large gardens - of a lot of water! Infor mation Meeting and plenty of money," said As things stand, however, tomorrow, Wednes- Cashman. Some'consumers s-anctions only extend to day, November 25, in ha~e such brge incomes that financial levies; more seri­ the Main Hall at the they are barely affected by ous measures, such as 'Water Win· d hoe . k increased water tariffs. As restrictions would need extra Showgrowids. Pottas" l on~ as they pay their bills,.. authorisation. ~1I be available ' to they can, in effect, use as "At the moment, the situ­ answer questions and much water as they like. ation is not so critical as to the guest speakers Win While this is good news for require rationing," siud be Housing and Lo- the Municipality's bank , Cashm an . cal Government Min- balance, it does little to help But he warned that con- ister Dr Libertine Namibia's worsening tinued drought combined DESERT LOVERS .•. Minister of Wildlife, Conservation and Tourism Nico Bessin­ drought situation. with continued extravagance ger gave his own eulogy to the regenerative power of the desert on Friday when he Amathila and Educa- The average Windhoeker pointed to a far worse sce­ launched 'Desert Detritus', written by Liz McClain (right) and illustrated by tion Minister Nahas apparently uses a whopping nario next year. Christine Marais (centre). .The pocket-sized bookiet, published by New Namibia Angula. The meeting 340 litres of water a day _ Books, attempts to recreate the magic of the Namib and is on sale for R17,95 plus tax. takes place from and most of it goes on gar- , 18hOO to 20hOO. dens and swimming pools . Swapo outfit accused of unfair dismissal • THE UDF is hold- A shower uses about 20 A farewell ing a public meeting litres of water, around nine ( FROM PAGE 1 ) period and/or one month's request and arranged a pre- litres should be consumed ' '-----~----~ notice pay in lieu of notice. conciliation board meeting at the Khomasdal (through drink or food) which could possibly bring Davis' attorneys appar- between the two sides for to friends Community Hall at during hot weather, and a about her re-instatement. ently made a request to meet December 15. 19h30 tonight, Tues- certain amount will be used However, Davis on the with New Dawn's Board of Davis,anexperiencedfilm A RESEARCHER from day, November 24. on other things like wash- advice of her attorneys, is Directors to resolve the maker from Britain, was the Namibian Institute The UDF gathering ing clothes and dishes. challenging the dismissal on dispute fairly. However, the employed by New Dawn for Social and Economic will be addressed by Taking all these things into the grounds that it contra- Board of New Dawn de- from June this year as a Research (Niser) at the UDF leaders Justus account, the average needs vened the previous legisla- clined, claiming that Davis producer/director. During Garoeb and Reggie per person account for about tion, the Conditions of has. been paid her dues in her four months of employ- ' Un iversity of Namibia, Diergaardt. The 165 litres-Iessthanhalfthe Employment Act 1986. full. Now Davis' lawyers mentat the video company Sven Jansson, and a theme is: 'Why are amount used daily by Wind- Under the Conditions of have reported New Dawn's Davis helped set up and visitor fr om New Zeal- the coming elections hoek residents. Employment Act Davis action against Davis to the worked on a UNDP. con- and, N a t han John so important?'. Add to that the fact that claims she should have re- Ministry of Labour and tract for Angolan voter Christie, were killed in- ~~~~~~~~~~~m~an~Ylp~e~o~pl~e~l~iv~i~ng~in~' ~lo~w~~ce~i~ved~~on~e~m~o~n~th~'~s ~n~o~ti~ce:.., Manpower as a possible education films worthRI24 - violation of the 1986 Act. - 000 to the company. s~~lDt l y last We~nesda y Davis, through her law- The reason given for mght when their beach "-ye1'S,has expressed S{Jl'Pris~ ~y~~~s~~~:::: ,d).Qgg.X",~.o.md~Wjth an that ta Company'w~i~h She ~~~';:~~li6'.:' . -flco1'ft11ig-~lfiCJe at an presumed to be progressive I substantiation of this charge intersection in Olympia. in its employment practice has been given either to A third passenger Tani should have acted in the way Davis or her lawyers. F rbes Jry' . al ' she claims it has. Davis' letter of dismissal 0 h - m~ , . so a. re- Her attorneys have also refers to Unspecified actions searc e.r a~ Nl.~r, ~ustam~d applied on Davis' behalf to beyond her employment ~evere faCIal mJu n~~ but ~s more about the Cabinet for a Conciliation contract and allegedly call- m a stable conditIon 10 Board to look into the mat- ing a'Boardmeeting, appar- Medicity Hospital. The ter. Although it is unusual ently to discuss management occupant of the second to apply for a Conciliation problems within the com- vehicle sustained bruises and Board for an individual case, pany. shock but was otherwise elections? Davis' lawyers argue that Approached about the case uninjured. matters of principle are at New Dawn lawyer aIXl board Jansson, a 28-year-old stake. member, John Akwenya of Swedish/British national, In her submission to Konradie and Karuaihe had been employed as a Cabinet, Dcivis takes New Attorneys, said he did not Dawn to task for not allow- want to comment as the issue researcher by Niser for two Then switch-on to ing her to present her case was the subject of a concili- years.
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