June 3, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1105 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS HONORING KEVIN BOREN Harry and Maude were fun-loving and curi- and development. Since before the 1770’s ous and involved Monica in life’s happenings. when Jean Baptist Pointe DuSable moved to HON. SAM GRAVES Monica remembers an outing to Boise with her what is now my hometown of Chicago this OF MISSOURI father when he bought a toaster. Monica community has played a vital and positive role asked him what he was going to do with it in the development of this country. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES since they didn’t have electricity. Harry replied, With over 4.6 million Caribbean-Americans Tuesday, June 3, 2008 ‘‘We’ll be ready.’’ in this country the contributions of this commu- Mr. GRAVES. Madam Speaker, I proudly Monica was married to Bob Kinnel in 1930. nity should not be overlooked. This Caribbean- pause to recognize Kevin Boren of Grain Val- They took over the family ranch, raising Here- American community has brought to us such ley, Missouri. Kevin is a very special young ford cattle and farming. They added more farm notables as Alexander Hamilton, Sydney man who has exemplified the finest qualities land adjacent to the Ruhl ranch and the whole Poitier, W.E.B. Dubois, Malcolm X, and former of citizenship and leadership by taking an ac- became the Kinnel Ranch where they raised Secretary of State Colin Powell. tive part in the Boy Scouts of America, Troop their family and lived until Bob’s untimely de- Madam Speaker, without the contributions 1228, and earning the most prestigious award mise at the age of 43 in 1955. Monica and of these individuals the United States would of Eagle Scout. Bob made a real team and raised three lovely not be the country we see today. Without Kevin has been very active with his troop, daughters, Suzanne (who passed away in Hamilton, would we have been the Constitu- participating in many Scout activities. Over the 1999), Joanne and Sharon. Sharon recounts tional Republic that allows us to be here many years Kevin has been involved with that her parents had ‘‘a love affair so powerful today? Without Dubois when might we have Scouting, he has not only earned numerous and so joyful that the two of them seemed to realized that ‘‘The cost of liberty is less than merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- know something that no one else knew.’’ the price of repression.’’ Without Malcolm X ily, peers, and community. Willis Ketchum, who now owns a neigh- would our youth understand that ‘‘The future Madam Speaker, I proudly ask you to join boring farm, and the girls who were then in belongs to those who prepare for it today.’’ me in commending Kevin Boren for his ac- their early 20s, rallied around Monica and Madam Speaker, in preparing for that future complishments with the Boy Scouts of Amer- pitched in to save the ranch. In the fall of 1956 I believe it is fundamental that we remember ica and for his efforts put forth in achieving the Monica hired on a scrapping, ranch-raised our roots. I thank the Caribbean-American highest distinction of Eagle Scout. young man from Telocaset named Bob Beck. community for their contributions to society f In just over a year he married Sharon and to- and look forward to what is yet to come. gether they have added their own chapter to f HAPPY BIRTHDAY MRS. MONICA the family saga. (RUHL) KINNEL Monica traveled the world with daughter Jo- HONORING MR. PETER QUINN anne and the United States with other family HON. GREG WALDEN and friends. Monica’s legacy of love and HON. JOE SESTAK OF OREGON laughter has been imparted to her grand- OF PENNSYLVANIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES children and great grandchildren as well. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Anecdotes abound, like the time she brought Tuesday, June 3, 2008 Tuesday, June 3, 2008 grandson Rob a male tarantula from Cali- Mr. WALDEN of Oregon. Madam Speaker, I fornia. He built a terrarium and the next year Mr. SESTAK. Madam Speaker, I rise today rise today to inform our colleagues of a mile- she took Rob to the same desert to release to recognize a remarkable man and his equal- stone event that occurred yesterday for a very him. Another is when grandson Brad and ly remarkable family. Mr. Peter Quinn of Wal- special lady in the Grande Ronde Valley of some contractor working on the house wit- lingford, PA is a man of many talents—each of Oregon. Mrs. Monica (Ruhl) Kinnel turned 100 nessed Monica—then in her 80s—leave the enormous value to our community. He is years old yesterday and celebrated over the house with a fishing pole and satchel ‘‘to go deeply spiritual, with extraordinary compassion weekend in Island City, Oregon with many catch breakfast’’ and came back within 30 for those in our society who struggle with a generations of her family and a legion of minutes with a 22-inch rainbow trout. wide range of personal challenges. A graduate friends and admirers. Monica is an amazing Monica has always taught her family to live of Villanova University and a peerless teacher lady who has led a remarkable and exciting in the now, don’t put things off til later as there and guidance counselor at Bishop McDevitt life, and The Observer newspaper in La may not be a later. Given the choice of de- High School in Philadelphia, Pete Quinn pos- Grande, Oregon recently chronicled her ad- scribing her life as a hard-working, tenacious sesses a unique capacity to positively influ- ventures to date and I’d like to share with you and productive ant or a carefree, live-for-the- ence young people. That quality was never some highlights from it. moment grasshopper, Monica chose the clearer than when he left Bishop McDevitt to In July 1892 a land purchase was made on grasshopper without hesitation. Her philosophy become a founder and prime mover behind the outskirts of Alicel in modern day Union is ‘‘live and let live.’’ Fortunately for Monica ‘‘The Bridge’’ at Fox Chase. This creative resi- County that became the seminal grounds for a and her family, she continues to live an exhila- dential substance abuse treatment program is ranching/farming family that has spanned five rating journey. a safe harbor for teenagers from Pennsyl- generations in the Grande Ronde Valley. Madam Speaker, on behalf of the United vania, New Jersey and Delaware and a model Monica’s grandparents, Henry and Anna Ruhl, States Congress, I wish Monica Kinnel a very behavioral health service program. While at purchased 338 acres near Alicel for $10,000 happy 100th birthday! The Bridge, Pete worked tirelessly to see that and assumed a $2,500 debt on the land. Their f young men with substance abuse problems son Harry continued operation of the Alicel received innovative treatment and, most im- ranch and married Maude Gaskill whose par- CARIBBEAN AMERICAN HERITAGE portantly, that they had a role model for life in ents owned a farm less than two miles away. MONTH the person of Pete Quinn. Maude designed a ranch home that her fa- Following that signal achievement, Pete be- ther-in-law Henry built on his land. Built with HON. BOBBY L. RUSH came a valuable member of the Philadelphia brick from the La Grande brickyard and mortar OF ILLINOIS business community while serving as the Gov- made from sand from the Grande Ronde IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ernment Relations Director and Community River, the home was completed in 1906. Two Outreach Coordinator for one of the world’s years later on June 2, 1908, Monica was born. Tuesday, June 3, 2008 largest pharmaceutical firms. For nearly a dec- Monica lives with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. RUSH. Madam Speaker, I rise today to ade he promoted responsible corporate pro- Sharon and Bob Beck, in the house she was praise the contributions of the Caribbean- grams to help the community he loves so born in 100 years ago. American community to this Nation’s history dearly. In June 2008, Pete Quinn will complete ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:22 Jun 04, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K03JN8.002 E03JNPT1 smartinez on PROD1PC64 with REMARKS E1106 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 3, 2008 his fourth impressive career when he retires CLYDE HAN RECOGNIZING THE FIRST BAPTIST as founding executive director of the Greater CHURCH OF GRAND BLANC Valley Forge Transportation Management As- HON. SAM GRAVES sociation (TMA). In that capacity Pete contrib- OF MISSOURI HON. DALE E. KILDEE uted directly to the economic vitality of the 7th IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF MICHIGAN Congressional District by advancing hundreds IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, June 3, 2008 of transit improvements, including the 422 Tuesday, June 3, 2008 River Crossings Projects, I–76/I–476 TSM Mr. GRAVES. Madam Speaker, I proudly project and many more. pause to recognize Clyde Han, of Cameron, Mr. KILDEE. Madam Speaker, I rise today to pay tribute to the First Baptist Church of Without doubt, however, Pete’s greatest ac- Missouri. On May 31, 2008, after 25 years of service, Clyde retired from the Cameron, Mis- Grand Blanc as they celebrate the 175th anni- complishment is his loving and devoted family.
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