THE Penns ylvania Magazine OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY VOLUME CXXVII Thefistorical Society of PennsylVania 1300 LOCUST STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA 19107 2003 CONTENTS ARTICLES Page "To Stand Out in Heresy". Lucretia Mott, Liberty, and the Hysterical Woman Nancy Isenberg 7 To Render the Private Public: William Still and the Selling of The Underground Rail Road Stephen G. Hall 35 Reform in Philadelphia:JosephS. Clark, Richardson Dilworth, and the Women Who Made Reform Possible, 1947-1949 G. Terry Madonna and John Morrison McLarnon III 57 "Such a Noise in the World": Copper Mines and an American Colonial Echo to the South Sea Bubble Wayne Bodle 131 "ExtraordinaiyFreedom and greatHumility -A Reinterpretationof Deborah Franklin Jennifer Reed Fry 167 Rethinking Northern White Support for the African Colonization Movement: The Pennsylvania Colonization Society as an Agent of Emancipation Eric Burin 197 Freedom of Association in the Early Republic: The Republican Party, the Whiskey Rebellion, and the Philadelphiaand New York Cordwainers'Cases Johann N. Neem 259 "The Insanities of an Exalted Imagination'. The Troubled First Geological Survey of Pennsylvania Francis P. Boscoe 291 Civic Physiques:Public Images of Workers in Pittsburgh, 1800--1910 Edward Slavishak 309 FragmentedNationalism: Right-Wing Responses to September 11 in HistoricalContext Matthew N. Lyons 377 NOTES AND DOCUMENTS New Light on the Dark Lantern: The Initiation Rites and Ceremonies of a Know-Nothing Lodge in Shippensburg, Pennsylvania Mark Dash 89 The State of Pennsylvania:As Seen by Traugott Bromine Richard L. Bland 419 EDITORIALS Tamara Gaskell Miller 3,375 BOOK REVIEWS 101,231,339,429 INDEX Conrad Woodall 461 THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA OFFICERS Chair COLLIN F. MCNEIL Executive Vice Chair BRUCE M. ARONOW Vice Chairs MICHAEL D. BENJAMIN BRUCE K. FENTON DAVID A. OTHMER HOWARD H. LEWIS WALTER LICHT Secretary PAGE TALBOTT Treasurer STEPHEN P. MULLIN Councilors MAJID ALSAYAGH KRISHNA LAHIRI ROGER H. BALLOU TSiWEN M. LAw DEBORAH D. BISHOP CHARLES E. MATHER III HENRY LAFAYETTE COLLINS III CHARLES W. NICHOLS WELD COXE JAMES R. ROEBUCK NELSON A. DIAZ THOMAS J. SUGRUE MELISSA GLYNN AUDREY C. TALLEY SARAH BARRINGER GORDON BINNEY H. C. WIETLISBACH BARBARA L. GREENFIELD ANNE M. WILMS JOHN C. HAAS JACK FRIEDLAND, Emeritus NELSON G. HARRIS BRUCE H. HOOPER, Emeritus ELIZA COPE HARRISON DAvID W. MAXEY, Emeritus JOHN J. HASLETT II RUSSELL E WEIGLEY, Emeritus BARBARA D. HAUPTFUHRER HARRISON M. WRIGHT, Emeritus W. WHITNEY HUNTER DAVID GLICKMAN, Ex-officio as of October 2003 STAFF PRESIDENT'S OFFICE DAVID MOLTKE-HANSEN, Presidentand CEO CHARMAINE WILLIS, Assistant to the President KEISHA CONNELLY, Development Coordinator ADMINISTRATION LIBRARY THOMAS C. WOODWARD, Chief Operating LEE ARNOLD, Director of the Library and Officer Collections Business Office Archives and Collections Management PENELOPE BAUER, Controller/Business RACHEL K. ONUF, Director of Archives and Manager Collections Management KATHERINE WALDRON, StaffAccountant Conservation and Stack Management FLORA SYLVESTER, Accounting Clerk JOHN ARMSTRONG, Conservation Technician/ Stacks Manager Planningand Technology MARY ANN COYLE, Director of Planning and Grant Projects Technology LESLIE HUNT, Archival Projects Coordinator KELLY CLEGG, Balch Artifacts Project MONICA CRYSTAL, Mellon/NEH Project Coordinator Archival Processor KATHERINE GALLUP, Mellon/NEHProject Facilities Archival Processor ALLAN J. JACKSON, Director of Facilities EVE MAYER, MelloniNEH ProjectArchival WILLIAM MCGOLDRICK, Assistant Facilities Processor Manager STEVEN SMTIH, Mellon/NEH ProjectArchival TYRONE LITES, FacilitiesTechnician Processor TYRONE MARTINEZ, Facilities Technician SHARON HILDEBRAND, Mellon/NEH PreservationOfficer JOSEPH PEDONE, FacilitiesTechnician JANET LEE, Melon/NEH ProjectPreservation ROBERT W. FEAGANS, Visitor Services and Technician Security Offcer MICHELLE STRIZEVER, Mellon/NEH Project Preservation Technician JACK GUMBRECHT, Hass ProjectArchivist EDUCATION AND INTERPRETATION LARISA REPIN, HaasProject Archival Processor MATTHEW LYONS, William Penn Project KATHRYN E. WILSON, Director of Education Relocation and Integration Coordinator andInterpretation MARIA M6LLER, ProjectAssistant, New Reader Services ImmigrantsInitiative MAX MOELLER, Directorof Reader Services JOSEPH GONZALES, Ethnographer,Latino DANIEL N. ROLPH, Head ofReference Services Project,New Immigrants Initiative RONALD MEDFORD, Senior Reader Services JOAN SAVERINO, EducationalSpecialist, Associate Pennsylvania History JACK ULMER, Library Assistant Research Services Publications LAURA BEARDSLEY, Director ofResearch Services TAMARA GASKELL MILLER, Editor PMHB and KERRY McLAUGHLIN, Rights and Pennsylvania Legacies Reproducations Coordinator LOuiS MEEHAN, Photographer Cataloging AMY L. ROJEK, Supervising Cataloger INDEX 2003 Abbott, Carl: cited, 311 Amnesty International, 378 Abolitionism, 7, 13, 35-55, 346-47; African Amory, Thomas, 141 colonization movement and, 200-203, Anabaptists, 251-52, 358; books on, 446-48 207-10, 212-14, 217, 219-20, 222, Anbinder, Tyler: cited, 96 225-26; gender and, 241 Andrews, William: cited, 42 Abortion: opposed by Christian Right, 391, Andros, Edmund, 137 408, 409, 410 Animism, 108 Abrahams, Roger D.: cited, 435, 436 Anthony, Susan B., 32, 347 Abrams, Elliott, 392 Anti-Catholicism: in Know-Nothing Party, Ackerman, Bruce: cited, 344 91-92, 95, 97-98 Adams, John, 238 Anti-immigrant sentiment: in Know- Adams, Samuel, 436 Nothingism, 91, 92, 95-98; and right- Advertising in book publication, 43, 49-50 wing nationalism, 378-79, 382, 398-99, Affirmative action: book on, 450-51 403-6,417 Afghanistan: U.S. invasion of, 378-79, Anti-Sabbath Convention, 13 395-96, 404-5 Anti-Semitism: and right-wing nationalism, African Americans: book on, 438-40; chil- 383-85, 397, 408, 413 drens experience, 364-65 Antislavery movement: Virginia: book on, African colonization movement, 197-229 242-44 African Methodist Episcopal Church: and Apess, William, 106 underground railroad, 47, 50 Appalachia: book on, 114-16 al Qaeda, 378, 395, 404, 415 Aquinas, Thomas, 452 Albright, Jacob, 93 Arabs: in response to terrorism, 378, 414-15 Alexander, James, 140, 144-46, 154,162,163 Architectural history: book on, 246-48 Alexander, John White, 331-34 Archival management, 102 Alison, Francis, 233 Aristocracy: in national politics: book on, Allen, Richard, 204 238-40 Allen, William, 182 Armstrong, Erica R.: book review by, 240-41 Allentown, Pa.: described, 428 Armstrong, Samuel Chapman, 50 Altschuler, Glenn C.: cited, 442 Art: in the public image of Pittsburgh, 310, Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel 313, 314, 315, 327-34 Workers: AmalgamatedJournal,319 Aryan Nations, 412, 413, 414, 415 Amalgamated Clothing and Textiles Workers Ashby, LeRoy: book review by, 244-46 Union, 361 Ashcroft, John, 408, 410 America First Committee, 383-84, 386, 413 Associates of Dr. Bray, 188 American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society, Atlantic and Great Western Railroad: book 214 on,444-46 American Center for Law and Justice, 410 Aubrey, Letitia Penn, 144 American Colonization Society, 197-229 Aubrey, William, 144 American Enlightenment: book on, 232-34 "Axis of evil," 378 American Geological Society, 292-93 Axtell, James: cited, 104 American Journal of Science and the Arts, 292 Bache, Alexander Dallas, 297 American League for Peace and Democracy, Bache, Richard, 186 82-83 Bacon, Margaret Hope: cited, 346 American nationalism: book on, 236-38; Bailen, Elise Thompson, 58, 71-73, 77, 78, right-wing, 377-418 81, 82, 84, 85, 86 American Revolution: memory and: book on, Bailyn, Bernard: cited, 137 236-38 Bain, George, 217 Americans for Democratic Action, 57, 58, 60, Bainton, Roland: cited, 358 67-70, 74, 76-79, 82-85, 88 Baker, Jean: cited, 355 Amish: book on, 251-53, 446-48 Bakker, Jim, 407 Baltimore, Lord. See Calvert, Charles Boot, Max, 395-96 Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, 117,351 Bork, Robert, 396-97 Bank of Pittsburgh, 330 Bosco, Joseph: cited, 234 Banneker, Benjamin, 45 Boscoe, Francis P.: "'The Insanities of an Bard, William, 181 Exalted Imagination': The Troubled First Barney, Hiram, 443 Geological Survey of Pennsylvania," Barney, Nathaniel, 7 291-308 Barron, Hal S.: book review by, 352-53 Boston and Worcester Railroad, 351 Bartram, John, 233 Bowman, Carl F. and Donald B. Kraybill: On Bartram, William, 233 the Backroad to Heaven: Old Order Bauer, Gary, 393 Hutterites,Mennonites, Amish, and Bayle, Pierre, 344 Brethren: rev., 251-53 Becker, Carl: cited, 368 Boxley, George, 243 Bederman, Gail: cited, 313,320 Boyd, Julian P.,102 Beecher, Catharine, 18-19 Brace, Charles Loring: cited, 245 Bell, Dr. John, 204 Brackenridge, Hugh Henry, 264,270, 276-77, Bell, John, 354 279 Belz, Joel, 411-12 Bradford, William, 272 Bender, H. S.: cited, 358 Bradley, Michael, 63, 65 Benezet, Anthony, 202 Bradley Foundation, 392 Bennet, Anthony, 286 Branson, Susan: cited, 436 Bennett, Tony: cited, 312-13 Branson, William, 143 Bennett, William, 392, 393 Bray's Associates School, 188 Bensel, Richard F.:cited, 444 Breckinridge, John, 204 Berkin, Carol: A BrilliantSolution: Inventing Brethren: book on, 251-53 the American Constitution: rev., 111-12 British Anti-Slavery Society, 208 Berlin, Isaiah, 367 British Empire: colonial, 429-30 Bethhem, Pa.: described, 428 Broadway: Pennsylvania German culture on, Bethune, George M., 204 252,253 Beyan, Amos: cited, 199 Broder, Sherri: Tramps, Unfit Mothers, and Biddle, Nicholas, 297, 300 Neglected Children:Negotiating the bin Laden, Osama, 378, 402, 405, 411 Family in Late Nineteenth-Century
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