Bangor Public Library Bangor Community: Digital Commons@bpl World War Regimental Histories World War Collections 1946 War-Time log of the U.S.S. Tate (AKA-70) United States Navy Follow this and additional works at: http://digicom.bpl.lib.me.us/ww_reg_his Recommended Citation United States Navy, "War-Time log of the U.S.S. Tate (AKA-70)" (1946). World War Regimental Histories. 158. http://digicom.bpl.lib.me.us/ww_reg_his/158 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the World War Collections at Bangor Community: Digital Commons@bpl. It has been accepted for inclusion in World War Regimental Histories by an authorized administrator of Bangor Community: Digital Commons@bpl. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ARRIVED DEPARTED ARRIVED DEPARTED ARRIVED DEPARTED Commissioned Okinawa, Ryukyu l~ands 14 APIM 15 Ap!il HICIShl AACII«age, Okinawa 5 September II Sepiember Charltslon, South Carolina 25 November 1944 6 December 1944 It Shima. Ryukyu Islands 16 AprR 20 AprN lima. Korea . 13 September 15 September Norlolk, VIrginia . 7 Deeembtr 9 December Okinawa. Ryukyu Islands . ... ..... 20 AprM 22 AJ!P H~&ashl Anchor~te. Okinawa . II September 24 September Annapolis, Maryland . 9 December 15 December Tlnl111, Marianas Islands . .. 27 AprA 27 AI'M N~to Will Anchorage, Okinawa 24 September 26 September Por1smouth, Virginia ...... 15 December 21 December Sllpan, Marianas Islands ..... .. .. 28 APIA 2 May Tllki (Tientsin ) China. Pohli Gall 30 September 6 October Davisville, Rhode Island .. 22 December 30 Deeember EQUATOR . 6 May Manlla,lazon, PhHipplnt Islands ... 13 October 17 Dttober Colon, Repubik ol Panama .. 4 January 1945 5 Janvary 1945 Guldakanal, Solomon Islands . 9 Mey 16 May Subk Bay, luzon, Philippine l~111ds 17 Dtlober 18 October Cristobal, Republ~ o1 Pmma 6 January 6 January flarida, Gayutl, Tulagi, Solomon l~ands 16 May 18 May Manila, luzon, Philippine Islands 18 October 23 Dttober Pearl Harbor, Oahu, T. H. 18 January 28 January Enlwetok, Marshall Islands ..... 22 May 1 June Chtllngkwano Bay, China . 25 October 25 October Port Allen, Kaual, T. H. 29 January 1 february Gaarn, Marianas Islands . 4 June 13 Junt Kowloon 111d Hong Kong. China 25 October 26 October Enlwetok, Marshall Islands . 7 february 9 February Seattle, Washington 28 Junt 28 Junt Cheangkwano Bay, China lS October 26 October Ullthi, Caroline Islands . 13february 14 february Evere1t, Washln&ton . .. ......... 28 June 14 Jely Chhlwengtao, China .. 1 November 2 November Palau Islands 16 february 18 february Seattle, Washington . • . 14 Jaly 19 Juty Kowloon and Hona Kona. China 9 Nmmber 10 November Leyte, Philippine Islands 21 february 22 february San francisco, California .. .. .. .. 21 Jely 25 July Cheun&kwano Bay, China . .. 10 November 10 November Samar, Philippine Islands 22 february 3 March Enlwetok, Marshall Islands 6 August II August Tslngtao, China • . 15 November 22 November leyle (Maneuvers) . 3 March 21 March Guam, Marianas Islands . 14 August 26 Aatust Buckner Bay, Okinawa . ....25 November 26 November Kerama Retto, Ryukyu Islands . .. .. .26 March 2AprR Ullthl, Caroline Islands . .. ..... 27 Autust 29 August Seattle, Washington .. .. .. .12 December 12 December Deployed oil Okinawa . .. .. .. 2 Aprlt 14 April Buckner Bay, Okinawa. Ryukyu Islands .... 4 Septembtr 5 Sep1ember Manchester, Washington ............ :. .. 12 Deeember CHARLESTON • NORFOLK • ANNAPOLIS .. ., .. ." .. ... .. ... .. .. .., .... ., . ... .... ... .. .. .. ..... PORTSMOUTH • DAVISVILLE • COLON ". .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ..') . ... ... CRISTOBAL • PEARL HARBOR .: • •• : .: .: !•. •• ~. .: .: .: •. PORT ALLEN • ENIWETOK • ULITHI • • • • •• e • " a e • •• • • • . .: :.:: :·.. :.:: :.: ..~ : :·.. .:::: .'! · · ~ ... ·· PALAU • LEYTE .• SAMAR • KERAMA RETTO • • • • • • • •• • • .. • • • • ·-...IJ. .. ... OKINAWA • IE SHIMA • TINIAN • SAIPAN ::: ~~~::~ :: ~ : ~~ ~ : : ~=~: : : ~ :-- EQUATOR • GUADALCANAL • FLORIDA GAYUTI • TULAGI • SOLOMON • GUAM SEATTLE • EVERETT • SAN FRANCISCO RYUKYU • BUCKNER BAY HAGUSHI • JINSEN • NAGO WAN TAKU • TIENTSIN • MANILA LUZON • SUBIC BAY lUAR-TiffiE LOG CHEUNGKWANO • KOWLOON o{ the HONG KONG • CHINWANGTAO TSINGTAO • MANCHESTER u. sp s. TATE AKA-70 -:-= c.. '1.~'-1\\'~ n 0 3 3 Q :I c.. (I)... ;c • m •.... -< 0 z ETWEEN THESE COVERS is preserved a record, B in pictures and text, of life aboard the U.S.S. TATE during her war-time voyages, and of her many ports of call. A good ship with a good crew, she carried us through many difficult situations and did her part with honor in a great war. We shall never forget her. Capt. WILLIAM JORDAN Lt. Cmdr. KELLS M. BOLAND Lt. Cmdr. W. R. HALL At the Charleston Navy Yard, Charleston, South Carolina, on November 25th, 1944, the U.S.S. Tate (AKA-70) was placed in full commission. Lieutenant Commander William Jordan assumed command. The above picture shows the ship's company at salute during the 'commissioning ceremony. ************* " But, sir, I got beat with four of a kind." -Cartoon by Toto. "Get me a red head." ************* -Cartoon by Toto. The pictures at right, reading down, show: The " L" at the quarter boom LCVP-21 under way "There will be a movie top-side tonight" The 5 11 / 38 At lower left: Adams at a forward twin "40" * Upper: Chiefs' mess Center: Third division Lower left: Four gorillas. Cadell, Kerr, Grabowski and Josie Lower right: Mr. Crew and port davit crews * At right: larsen and crew Below: Maltzberger, the marine trans­ port quartermaster Center: Phillips .. "'·m... ~ -~ An interested group at a movie in the mess hall heads this page. At left center we see the out­ board starboard davit boat. The "Doc" and his patience occupy the center spot. "Why does the man on my right always hold A " nautical" sketch by TM 2/ c Bernard Collins HAW A I I A N a n d MARSHALL ISLANDS Oahu and Eniwetok The Royal Hawaiian Hotel, Waikiki Beach, KE Oahu, Hawaiian Islands an R Eniwetok Atoll Upper Sunken Jap ship, Eniwetok Atoll Upper ..... k I, KERAMA RETTO and OKINAWA Ryukyu Islands • - Upper left: Kobe Shima, Kerama Retto, Ryukyu Islands. - Upper right: Zamami Shima, Kerama Retto, Ryukyu Islands. Right center: Yokaba, Kerama Retto. I Lower right: Heavy cruiser off Okinawa. IE SHIMA and OKINAWA u.s. pa Navy At upper left is a view of an assault wave circling off the U.S.S. Sarasota (APA-204) off le Shima. Upper right: Yakaba Shima, Kerama Retto. Left center: A spotter plane of the 77th Infantry Division, le Shima. Center: Anti-aircraft cruiser off le Shima. Tate launches plane c. GUAM A Apra Harbor, Guam A Apra Harbor, Guam. U.S.S. New Jersey in background Breakwater, Apra Harbor, Guam U.S.S. Sperry (AS-12) with subs in from patrol, Guam Navy tug, Guam sota - :r - - King Neptune boarded the Tate as she crossed the "line." He held court in royal style as the pictures on this and the next two pages testify. Upper left: Davey Jones and the Princess Upper right: The royal operating table At At left: reading down: The royal "line up" Gold braid The mutineers he al xt On the look-out for Davey Jone.s ble At right, reading down: Shellbacks Royal operating table Voight and Murray Below: He didn't get took-or R.H.I.P . • u Upper row: The royal barber chair u He was a devil At Hoerske, Waller and Schonfeld The royal dentist greases up for an extraction • EVERETT and SEATTLE, WASH. fleta ~ ~ome! Upper left: Everett Pacific Shipyard tair Upper right: The road to town At right, reading down: d Alongside the "Elmore" (APA- • 42) Everett Everett waterfront At Seattle 11FRISC011 Entering magnificent San Francisco Bay the Tate sailed under Golden Gate Bridge and past "The Rock" (Aicatraz). San Francisco's skyline presented a wonderful panorama to all on board. These were home waters and a friendly "port of call." Other pictures on this page show the Mile Rock Lighthouse and in­ terested personnel as the ship pro­ ceeds into San Francisco Bay. KOWLOON and HONGKONG, CHINA is co Iden The three upper pictures were taken ck" at Kowloon. Here, and at Hong­ kong, the Tate assisted in the trans­ portation of Chinese troops of the da Nationalist armies to Chinwangtao on and Tsingtao. aters show ~ in- ..pro- Views of the famous island of Hongkong, China. CHINWANGTAO and TSINGTAO, CHINA Above: St. Michael's Cathedral, Tsingtao. Top row: Chinwangtao. At left: Overlooking APA-68, Chinwang­ tao. At Tsingtao. U.S.S. Antietam in background. Off Tsingtao. PHILIPPINES Manila Bay and the city of Manila presented a scene of devastation. Shown here are sunken Japanese ships in t~e bay and Jap landing barges on the beach. At the lower right is a view of the fleet landing. Street scenes in Manila show the de­ struction of buildings. Every public building in the city was either dam­ aged or destroyed. The center picture at right shows a section of the walled city. nd -A tao. Jng­ n in - 'lit A In MANILA and SAMAR Top row: We walked around the rubble in the streets of Manila. A native home on the island of Samar in the Philippines. The fortress isle of Corregidor seen in silhouette. Center: A native village on Samar. At left: Taxi service among the shelters of the homeless. Manila. A war-swept city. Manila. Above: Golden Gate Bridge. Upper right: Eastlund, Schonfeld, Yaeger. In the center group of pictures are four views of Chinese troops on board the Tate. Also three views of units of the d British fleet at Hongkong. Bottom row, left to right: - Chinese troops. Burial at sea. Preparation for burial. Upper left: Our Chief Petty Officers. Upper right: CPO's. Gross, Johnson, a passenger and Wallace. Center: "What do you see?" At left: CPO's Weidner and Johnston. CPO La Yelle. CPO's De Christoforo, Weidner, Gross, Wallace and Johnston. Above: Homeward bound. At right, reading down: The "L" at sea. The "Exec" and the yeomen. Just "tootin' away." Lots of practice wouldn't do any harm. Waikiki Beach, Honolulu. p On the land, t to the l reporte Station.
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