AMERICAN MUSEUM Norntates PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY CENTRAL PARK WEST AT 79TH STREET, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10024 Number 3174, 59 pp., 16 figures June 26, 1996 Catalog of Recent Type Specimens in the Department of Invertebrates, American Museum of Natural History. III. "Parasitica" (Phyla Platyhelminthes, Rhombozoa, and Pentastomida) and Gastrotricha (Supplement) CHRISTOPHER B. BOYKO1 ABSTRACT A complete, annotated listing of all type ignated herein and six changes in generic specimens of "parasitica" (including Turbel- placement are made along with notes on un- laria) in the collection of the Department of justified emendations. One new replacement Invertebrates at the American Museum of name is given for a subgenus of Turbellaria. Natural History (as ofDecember 1995) is giv- Illustrations are provided for 13 lectotypes en, as well as a supplement to the Gastrotri- and three neotypes. An index of genera and cha. A total of 608 type lots from the four species is included for each phylum. phyla is listed. Seventeen lectotypes are des- INTRODUCTION The Department of Invertebrates at the lusks (275,000 lots), and other Recent phyla American Museum of Natural History cur- (30,000 lots). All ofthe types are housed sep- rently houses a collection of over 350,000 arately from the main body ofthe collection. cataloged lots divided among three major This allows for a greater level ofsecurity than categories: fossil (45,000 lots), Recent mol- can be maintained in a large, general collec- I Department of Zoology, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, Rhode Island 02881-0816. Copyright © American Museum of Natural History 1996 ISSN 0003-0082 / Price $5.90 2 AMERICAN MUSEUM NOVITATES NO. 3174 tion area as per ICZN Recommendation 72 and SelfCollections are perhaps the best cur- (ICZN, 1985: 147). ated, the former by H. S. Feinberg immedi- This catalog is the third in a series ofcom- ately following Hyman's death (see Feinberg, prehensive listings of all type material in the 1970, for details) and the latter by virtue of department's collection. It is also an updating its donation and subsequent use by J. T. Self and expansion ofthe work ofFeinberg (1970, and his associates, which continues to the in part) which contains many inaccuracies present. The Stunkard Collection was, in large and omissions. Included here are all AMNH part, donated in 1983-84 by Stunkard. Many holotype, allotype, lectotype, neotype, para- labeling errors have been corrected by the type, paralectotype, and syntype specimens present author working with information from the three "parasitica" phyla (including from other institutions, primarily the U.S. the primarily free-living Turbellaria): Platyh- National Parasite Collection, in order to elminthes (242 species), Rhombozoa (7 spe- identify, as accurately as possible, the ma- cies), and Pentastomida (21 species). In ad- jority ofStunkard's type material. Stunkard's dition, supplementary Gastrotricha type ma- occasional a posteriori labeling of specimens terial (5 species) has come to light since this and designation of types and his confusing group was treated in Boyko (1994) and is (and inconsistent) use of the terms "type" included as well. A total of 155 holotype, 1 and "co-type" on his slides have undoubtedly allotype, 23 lectotype, 9 neotype, 329 para- caused some of his material to be unrecog- type, 43 paralectotype, and 49 syntype lots nizable as types. is listed in this publication. The AMNH collection has been organized This catalog includes an accounting of the by phylum and "superphylum" (Protozoa). type specimens that have been transferred to Each division is given a separate series of this institution from other sources. Very of- catalog numbers. As a result of this system ten no published record of these transfers is of numbering, a pentastomid may have the ever made, especially for specimens coming same catalog number as a trematode, but the from private collections, such as those listed specimens cannot be confused because ofthe below. In several cases, types were published taxonomic distinction between phyla. as having been given to the American Mu- Each type lot was compared to the original seum, but subsequent investigation deter- description and figures in order to verify type mined that the specimens were never depos- status, confirm locality and collection data, ited. Other members of type series with rep- and remove any specimens from the type col- resentatives in the AMNH have also been lection that are not valid types. The publi- subject to transfer between institutions over cation of this catalog fulfills ICZN Recom- time and the most recent known repositories mendation 72G(4), which states that all mu- have been listed, as well as the most recent seums holding type specimens have the re- catalog numbers used to identify type lots in sponsibility of making a published catalog of other institutions. A specific example of this these types available to the scientific com- kind oftransfer involves the types ofthe tur- munity (ICZN, 1985: 147). bellarian species described by Hyman This catalog is arranged by phylum and (1 953a). Many ofthese specimens were orig- class, based primarily on Brusca and Brusca, inally deposited in the Allan Hancock Foun- 1990. Within each class, the types are listed dation, but have been tracked by this author in alphabetical order by genus and species. to their (previously unpublished) current re- An index is provided, which gives a genus- pository at the Santa Barbara Museum of and species-level list within each phylum. Natural History. This catalog follows Boyko and Sage (1996) The majority ofthe specimens included in by including detailed information on current this catalog come from three sources: the synonymy and generic placement of all spe- Horace W. Stunkard Collection of platyhel- cies listed. minths, the Libbie H. Hyman Collection of In the case of 70 species treated herein, no turbellarians, and the John Teague Self Col- holotype was designated in the original pub- lection ofpentastomids. Ofthese, the Hyman lication. For 23 of these species, one speci- 1 996 BOYKO: TYPE SPECIMENS: "PARASITICA" 3 men in the AMNH collection is clearly either nance of specimens, location of other mem- the figured specimen in the original publi- bers of the type series, current synonymy cation or was labeled by the author of the and/or generic placement, etc. The host cat- species as being the holotype. Such specimens egory is included for species that are parasites not subsequently published as holotype or or commensals of other species. lectotype are herein designated lectotype (any postpublication reference to a holotype where Institutional Abbreviations none was originally designated being the AHF Allan Hancock Foundation, University equivalent of a lectotype designation). Thir- of Southern California, Los Angeles teen ofthese specimens are figured, along with AM Australian Museum, Sydney three previously designated neotypes. AMNH American Museum of Natural History In the section on Turbellaria, several spe- ANSP Academy of Natural Sciences of Phila- cies ofpolyclads are transferred to new genera delphia, Pennsylvania in order to conform to both prior published BPBM Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu, inferred generic placement and ICZN rules. Hawaii This action was taken because of the many BM(NH) British Museum (Natural History) (now The Natural History Museum), London inconsistencies and errors in the papers by BOC Bingham Oceanographic Collection, now Faubel (1983, 1984) which inspired the crit- part of YPM ical comments of Prudhoe (1989). Prudhoe CASIZ California Academy of Sciences, Inver- refuted portions of Faubel's monograph, es- tebrate Zoology, Berkeley pecially the validity of classifying polyclads FST Faculte des Sciences de Toulouse, France solely on the basis of the male copulatory HCUI Helminthological Collection, Universi- organ. Where discrepancies occur in current ty of Illinois, Urbana generic placement or synonymy, both au- MACN Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales thors' views are presented since deciding such "Bernardino Rivadavia," Buenos Aires, matters is beyond the scope of the present Argentina MBL Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods paper. At the very least, some adjustment in Hole, Massachusetts Faubel's taxonomy is required (see remarks MIRP Molteno Institute for Research in Par- under Notoplana segnis and Planocera bur- asitology, Cambridge, England chami, for examples). In addition, one sub- NHMSU Natural History Museum, Stanford genus (Kytorhynchoides) of Turbellaria is University, California deemed invalid for lack of designation of a NRS Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet (Stock- type species and a replacement name is in- holm), Sektionen for Evertebratzoologi, troduced, with designation of the type spe- Sweden cies. Notes on unjustified emendations and SBMNH Santa Barbara Museum of Natural His- spelling errors are included for several spe- tory, California TIU Tokyo Imperial University, Zoological cies. Institute, Faculty of Science, Japan Each type listing contains four to six cat- UNS Universidad Nacional del Sur, Labora- egories of data. Within each genus, specific toria de Ecologia Acuatica, Bahia Blan- names are followed by authorship data (au- ca, Argentina thor, year description was published, and page URI University of Rhode Island, Depart- and figure numbers). The next category in- ment of Zoology, Kingston dicates the specific kind of type(s) in the col- USNM United States National Museum (now lection, as well
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