OTTAWA COUNTY Free! WALLEYE Capital of the World A Project of: GENOA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, MARBLEHEAD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, OAK HARBOR AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, & PORT CLINTON AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 1 Ottawa County Join Us! We’re Open to the Public & One of Ottawa County’s Greatest Recreational Assets... Discover. Compete. You may not The CMP also realize it, partners with the U.S. but the Civilian Army Marksmanship Marksmanship Unit each summer at Program has been the beginning of the a part of the Ottawa National Matches County community to conduct the Small in one form or Arms Firing Schools another (SAFS) where civilians for more than 100 are invited to learn to Train at our Marksmanship Center years! during public shooting nights. Learn from the best marksmen safely operate and in the nation. FRPSHWHLI\RXZLVKZLWKWKH0$VHUYLFHULÀHRUWKH Open to the public at the M9 service pistol or both! Camp Perry Training Site on Route 2, just west of Learn. Go online and view dozens of Port Clinton, the CMP recreational or competition shooting offers dozens of indoor and outdoor opportunities from weekly or monthly ¿UHDUPVVDIHW\DQGPDUNVPDQVKLS airgun leagues to regional and national programs all year long, not only here SLVWRORUKLJKSRZHUULÀHFRPSHWLWLRQV but in every state in the U.S. through and games events. RXUDI¿OLDWHGFOXEV It’s all here...right in your Our indoor Marksmanship Center is an Olympic-quality, computer-controlled own backyard! range that’s a great place to OHDUQ¿UHDUPV Get high-quality instruction on safety and to begin or Camp Perry’s ranges. refresh target shooting skills, for folks of all ages! Members of the U.S. Olympic airgun teams who will compete in the 2012 Summer Games in London participated LQ¿QDOWULDOVDWRXU center earlier this year. Open to shooters of all ages! (419)-635-2141 www.thecmp.org Promoting Firearms Safety and Marksmanship Since 1903 2 Ottawa County 1 Ottawa County hibachi & waterfront patio Hibachi, traditional dining Sushi bar & lounge & sushi bar live music More! carryout available Summer Sundays Port Clintonć%QTPGTQH4VU 419-734-6400 www.nagoyaohio.com We gratefully acknowledge the photos provided by: ,QQRYDWLRQV3RUWUDLW6WXGLR'HDQQD'XQQ 5RG+RO]9DQ&OHYH3KRWRJUDSK\6KLQLQJ&UHDWLRQV3KRWRJUDSK\ /DNH(ULH6KRUHV ,VODQGV*HRUJH.UHMFL3LQHDSSOH.QDSH'HVLJQV-DQ.QDSH &LYLOLDQ0DUNVPDQVKLS3URJUDP%ODFN6ZDPS%LUG2EVHUYDWRU\3RUW&OLQWRQ&LW\6FKRRO'LVWULFW 2 Ottawa County Contents The Destination for Adventure 4 Lake Erie & State Parks 6-8 Birding 10 Fishing & Boating 12-13 History 14 2EXMSREP6M¾I 4MWXSP1EXGLIW Lodging 18 Real Estate 20 Places of Worship 22 Education 24 Government & Healthcare 25 Port Clinton Area Chamber of Commerce 26 Marblehead Chamber of Commerce 28 Oak Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce 30 Genoa Chamber of Commerce 32 Frequently Called Numbers 34 Membership Listings 36 Directory of Advertisers 80 Published for The Ottawa County Chambers of Commerce by: Ad Sales by: Jan Knape, Knape Designs Judi Halstead 504 S. Main Street Integrity Productions Bowling Green, OH 43402 103 NW Catawba Rd. *E\ Port Clinton, OH 34352 [email protected] *E\ All rights reserved. [email protected] 3 Ottawa County The Destination Fishing Birding Hiking Boati Unique Boutiques & Lodgi Rich in History, Culture, and Bountiful Orchards, Wineries, Natural and Human Resources and Wildlife Ottawa County is an outstanding area to visit, a great The County has a rich history in agriculture, which PSGEXMSRXSPMZIERHERI\GIPPIRXTPEGIXSHSFYWMRIWW has produced many orchards, wineries, and bountiful Our historic City and villages, quality education, farm markets from the fertile soil. It is home to more outstanding recreational opportunities and thriving state parks than any other county in Ohio, as well as business atmosphere make our area a wonderful place the Ottawa County National Wildlife Refuge, the only to establish a business and raise your family. national refuge in Ohio. Located on the shores of Lake Erie about 15 miles The County is host to several state wildlife areas, southeast of Toledo, Ohio, Ottawa County is known including the world-famous Magee Marsh Wildlife JSVMXWI\GIPPIRXVIGVIEXMSREPSTTSVXYRMXMIWERHWYTTSVXW Area, the location of the Sportsman’s Migratory Bird EFSSQMRKXSYVMWXXVEHIJSV½WLMRKFSEXMRKWMKLXWIIMRK Center, and one of the top bird-watching spots in ERHYRMUYIWLSTTMRKI\TIVMIRGIW8LI4SVXEKI6MZIV North America. bisects the County and increases the waterfront property available for recreation and leisure living. 4 Ottawa County For Adventure! ng Water Sports Art Galleries ng Vital Arts Community Out and About the County The Ottawa County Transportation Agency (OCTA) is Ottawa County has a population of 41,428 in an area of the county’s public transit system. OCTA offers 255 square miles. The County seat is the City of Port advanced reservation, curb-to-curb transportation Clinton with a courthouse which has been placed on service throughout the county daily and to neighboring the National Register of Historic Places. The majority counties on a scheduled basis. For information, call of businesses are locally owned and operated in the OCTA at 419-898-RIDE or 888-898-RIDE. UYEMRX½WLMRKZMPPEKIWERHJEVQMRKGSQQYRMXMIWSJ)PQSVI Enjoy It All From Here! Genoa, Marblehead, Oak Harbor, and Put-in-Bay. Each With so much to offer, it is no wonder that Ottawa ZMPPEKILEWMXWS[RYRMUYILMWXSV]ERH¾EZSV County has become the destination of choice for Lake The Erie Ottawa Regional Airport, nestled just outside Erie adventures - for visitors from throughout the United Port Clinton, is in the heart of vacationland, and serves States. We welcome you to our area of enjoyment! both Ottawa and Erie Counties. Its 5,650 foot and 4,000 foot crossing runways make it popular with private aircraft or freight carriers for businesses of all sizes. Serving as the region’s gateway, the airport also hosts XLI8MR+SSWIGLETXIVSJXLI)\TIVMQIRXEP%MVGVEJX Association. The Erie Ottawa Regional Airport contact RYQFIVMW 5 Ottawa County Beautiful Lake Erie From Ottawa Coun With over 100 miles of Lake Erie shoreline, Ottawa County has more coastal recreation and tourism opportunities than any other county in Ohio. For generations, people have been drawn here by our historic charm, abundance of natural areas, and a myriad of family fun destinations. Visiting the western Ottawa County villages of Genoa and Oak Harbor is like stepping back in time. Stroll the sidewalks of these small towns and discover creative potters and artisans selling their unique wares, antiques galore, and historic landmarks. The nautical heritage of Port Clinton continues today with numerous QEVMREW½WLMRKEVIEWGLEVXIV½WLMRKFSEXWERH[EXIVJVSRXWLSTW8LI city’s historic business district is home to architectural wonders best viewed on a self-guided “Walking Tour of Port Clinton”. Enjoy a sandy FIEGLXEOIEVIPE\MRKWXVSPPEPSRKXLIWLSVIPMRISVLIEHXSXLITMIV and check out the day’s fresh catch. Fresh walleye and yellow perch are served at many local eateries. Catawba Island is best known for its marina, orchard, and farm QEVOIXW=SY´PPEPWS½RHKSPJGSYVWIWE[MRIV]ERHWIZIVEP restaurants. The Marblehead Peninsula is loaded with family fun, restaurants, art galleries, marinas, and historical sites. Don’t miss Lakeside, E'LEYXEYUYEWX]PIGSQQYRMX]JSYRHIHMRXLEX[IPGSQIW visitors for a full schedule of family activities and entertainment. The Marblehead Lighthouse is known as the most visited lighthouse on all 6 Ottawa County Vistas ty Shores of the Great Lakes. Marblehead is also home to East Harbor State Park, with the largest campground in Ohio’s state park system, and a beautiful beach and picnic grounds. 3RGI]SYLEZII\TPSVIH3XXE[E'SYRX]´WQEMRPERH communities, it’s time to head to the islands. Board a ferry boat for the short trip to South Bass Island and the Village of Put-in-Bay. Since 1864, this island has been welcoming visitors XSMXW:MGXSVMER)VEFYMPHMRKWJEQMP]EGXMZMXMIWERHI\GMXMRKRMKLXPMJI Begin with a narrated island tour, then hop on a bike or golf cart to take in the sights including Perry’s Victory and International Peace Memorial, our nation’s third tallest memorial structure. 1MHHPI&EWW-WPERHFPIRHWREXYVIERHWIVIRMX]:MWMXSVWLIVI½RH beautiful lake views, historic district, wildlife refuge, an Ohio State Park and Marina, and Caribbean-themed resort. Kelleys Island is the largest of Ohio’s Lake Erie islands and features numerous natural areas as well as restaurants, pubs, shops, and family EGXMZMXMIW/IPPI]WMWEPWSXLILSQISJXLI[SVPH´WFIWXI\EQTPISJ glacial scoring of rock, and visitors can see and learn about this dramatic geologic feature. A natural harbor is a popular place to anchor your boat for a swim to the beach at the State Park. 3XXE[E'SYRX] 8 Ottawa County State Parks Plan your vacation around the pleasures of the great outdoors in the Ottawa County vacationland. A yearly visit should be on your “bucket list” because there are more State Parks here XLERMRER]SXLIVGSYRX]MR3LMS&MVHMRK½WLMRKERHFSEXMRK top the list for recreational adventures, with camping, biking, hiking, and swimming right behind. Catawba Island State Park is located on N.W. Catawba 6SEH8LMWHE]TEVOSJJIVWE½WLMRKTMIVPEYRGLVEQTTMGRMGEVIE with shelter, and swimming. There is a reservable shelter house at both Catawba and South Bass Island for family or business events. East Harbor State Park boasts a 1,500 foot sandy beach and 11+ miles of hiking trails. The park includes the largest campground in the Ohio State Park system. Picnic areas are GSRZIRMIRXP]PSGEXIHRI\XXSXLIFIEGLERHEPPS[JSVQIQSVEFPI views of the lake and surrounding
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