April 10, 1972:Our4lstYear:$1.00 ram Broadcasting THE BUSINESSWEEKLY OF TELEVISION AND RADIO Fall network schedules off the drawing boards, into the competitive fire Issues -loaded NAB convenes in Chicago for 50th anniversary convention In perspective: The why behind, the what may come of FCC's fairness inquiry Public broadcasting as it is takes long, hard look at what could be J .P N El/Eli Ten of the 26 features contained in our new Volume VI are totally BuJOREF new to television.., prime time movies such as Castle Keep SHOWN ON ( " * * **" Daily News), Loving 141`I.I:NISION ( "One of the 10 best pictures of the year!" Look), Before Winter Comes ( "A film of great beauty! Beautifully played!" Redbook),The Mind of Mr. Soames ( "Top -grade science fiction" Judith Grist), The Mad Room, The Pursuit of Happiness and Fragment of Fear. Added to this group are such proven, first -run, off - network hits as The Cardinal, Casino Royale, Anzio, Divorce American Style, Heroes of Telemark, Advise & Con- sent, The Comic, Duffy, Pendulum, Berserk and Interlude. Screen Gems VolumetVI The P See us at the NAB Conrad Hilton, Suite 1105 -1106A The No.One Primetime surprise that Variety called it "The one Access Show is unqualified rating success;" that the BIB TV Now Available for Next Newsletter referred to it as 'The stand out winner;" and in the recent Fame Season. Magazine poll, the entire country's local It'll be the best deal you'll ever make. TV editors voted it "The best audience No guesswork. No gamble. A proven participation quiz show." winner with an outstanding track record. In city after city "Let's Make A Deal" How can you pass up this deal? continues to attract some of the Call your ABC Films representative largest audiences ever recorded today. Or better yet, stop in to meet for orimetime programming - Monty at the NAB in suite 600. boh network and local. He'll be glad to personally welcome you to the "Let's Make A Deal" With an average of a 21 ADI line -up of over 110 stations. rating and a 35% share, it's no - Soo o ARB Nov 71 ® ABC FILMS NEW YORK: (212; LT 17777 CHICAGO: (312; 2630800 HOLLYWOOD: (213; NO 33311 rr s ATLANTA: (404; 255 -0777 7PIRAÍ) w110^l F.OIEI UITE 600 Little Audrey, Baby Huey, Wendy Casper Will the Witch, Spooky and Casper tour Soon Be Seen the globe (and now orbit the earth) as part of Iwo delightful, wholesome on the Moon too. cartoon packages -Harvey Cartoons Having nowhere else to go but up, and the New Casper Cartoons. Casper blasts off for the moon on Casper and his funny friends attract April 16,1972. The astronauts of children like a magnetic space field. Apollo 16 have chosen Casper the In Cleveland, 95% of all children Friendly Ghost os the nome of their viewing in the time period were command ship. drawn to him; in Albany- Schenectody- Casper has also'been chosen by Troy he entertained 94% of children more than 250 television stations viewing; in Jacksonville, 72 %; in around the world moking him Charlotte, Rochester and New York, the most visible ghost on this planet, 69 %, 66% and 41% respectively. being viewed by as many as 20 Produced by the million people weekly. Harvey Cartoon Studios, these color cartoons are now available to boost your daytime ratings. Call your ABC Films representative today. Harvey Cartoons 170 cartoons New Casper Cartoons 78 cartoons ..ABC FILMS NEW YORK: 12121 LT 1.7777 CHICAGO:131Z 263.0800 HOLLYWOOD: 1213; NO 3.3311 AT LANTA:1404: 255.0777 oSi `ró° Source ARE. Moy NOr. 71 *?tr4 ° WGN ...the most respected call letters in broadcasting WGN ContinEnial Broadcasting Corrpaly Chicago: WGN Radio, WGN Television, WGN Continental Productions Company, WGN World Travel Services, Inc. Duluth- Superior: KDAL Radio and KDAL Television Denver: KWGN Television Michigan and California: WGN Electronic Systems Company New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco and Tokyo: WGN Continental Sales Company Weekkillef All three networks now have their fall schedules out in the Critics of the broadcast media came in for some rebuttal open and from first glance it looks to be a case of short last week, as a 'TV Guide'- sponsored poll finds that Amer- form vs. long form -NBC and ABC opting for the latter. icans regard TV news as the most objective and reliable Fifteen hours of new material planned. See . source of information on political events. See .. The other two put, take arid shuffle ... 27 Public endorses TV for political news ... 88 The network program chiefs reveal their individual strate- WGAR(AM) Cleveland, once an immensely successful old - gies in planning for the new television season. In each line network radio station, had fallen behind the times until case, they boast of innovative and diversified programing. Jack Taylor and John Lund came in with a 'dazzle' ap- Agencies aren't as enthusiastic, but they're buying. See ... proach that paid off in the ratings and at the bank. See ... The network strategies explained ... 29 'They're playing our song' at WGAR ... 98 On paper, the agenda for this week's NAB convention Staggering under projected $90- million loss in fiscal 1972, looks rather tame compared to last year. But don't jump Ampex Corp. is retrenching. It's dropping consumer lines, to conclusions; surprises may be in the making. For a consolidating several divisions, and concentrating heavily prelude of things to come, see .. on its strong suit -video recording. See .. A quiet NAB agenda could be deceptive ... 32 Will Ampex rise from almost ashes? ... 102 Washington public television's long awaited plans for mer- Leonard E. Goldenson, board chairman of ABC Inc., tells ger of WETA -TV, National Public Affairs Center for Tele- security analysts in a rare briefing at New York headquar- vision are announced. They'll move to new quarters, back- ters that the company's first quarter will double last year's, ed by substantial Ford Foundation money. See .. and be best quarter in ABC history. See .. NPACT, Washington's WETA -TV merge ... 42 Goldenson bullish on ABC earnings ... 108 The FCC now has all the background it needs to start Broadcasters' sometime critic and frequent friend, Repre- shaping a realistic approach to the fairness doctrine. But sentative James T. Broyhill (R- N.C.), was both the first it won't be an easy chore. 'Perspective on the News' ex- sponsor of NAB's renewal bill and the man who once amines the problems in store for the commission. See .. called broadcasting 'the most ineffective lobby.' See . Chance to get fairness under control ... 62 Week's profile: James T. Broyhill ... 129 Departmertts Broadcasting April 10, 1972;Vo1.82No.15 WEEK'S HEADLINERS 10 AT DEADLINE 8 Published 51 Mondays a year (com- BROADCAST ADVERTISING 72 WEEK'S PROFILE 129 bined issue at year end), by Broadcast- ing Publications Inc., 1735 DeSales BROADCAST JOURNALISM 88 Street, N.W., Washington 20036. Sec- 48 CHANGING HANDS ond -class postage paid at Washington CLOSED CIRCUIT 7 and additional offices. DATEBOOK 12 Subscription prices: one year $14, EDITORIALS 130 two years $27, three years $35. Add EQUIPMENT & ENGINEERING 102 $52 a year for special delivery, $65 a year for air mail. Add $4 a year for FATES & FORTUNES 113 Canada, $6 a year for all other coun- FOCUS ON FINANCE 108 tries. Subscriber's occupation required. FOR THE RECORD 118 Regular issues $1 a copy. BROADCAST- LEAD STORY 27 ING YEARBOOK published each January, THE MEDIA 32 $14.50 a copy; CATV SOURCEBOOK an- MONDAY MEMO 22 nually, $8.50 a copy. MUSIC 98 Subscription orders and address changes: Send to BROADCASTING Circu- MIKE 18 OPEN lation Department. On changes include PERSPECTIVE ON THE NEWS 62 both old and new address plus address PROGRAMING 92 label from front cover of magazine. BROADCASTING, April 10, 1972 5 Dean Burch Robert Taylor Bartley Robert Emmett Lee Nicholas Johnson H Rea Lee Charlotte 1. Rem Richard E. Wiley 1969- CHAIRMAN 1952 1953- 1966 1968. 1971 1972 Roben Welts Thomas). Houser Kenneth A Cor "Rose! Herschel Hyde lames 1 Wadsworth Lee Loevmger Henry 1969 1971 1970.1971 "E William Frederrek W Ford 1963.1970 1946 1969 1965 1969 1963 1968 1962 1966 1957 1964 "Newton N Minow T. A. Al . Craven lohn S Cross Charles Henry King lohn C. Doeiler Richard A Mack `George C McConnaughey Edward Mount Webster 196/1963 19371944í1956 1963 1958 1962 1960 1961 19531960 1955 1958" 1954 1957" 1947.1956 Frieda Barkin Hennock George Edward Sterling Paul Allee Walker Eugene H Merrill Robert Franklin Jones "Albert Wayne Coy Clifford 1. Over Ray C Wakefield 19481955' 19481954 1934 1953' 1952 1953 19471952" 19471952" 194/1948 19411947" as ft Ewell K Jett 'Charles R. Denny. Jr. Paul A Porter Witham H. Wills lames Lawrence Fly Norman S Case George H. Payne 19141947" 1945.1947 19441946 19451946" 1939. 1944" 1934 1945" 19341943" Frederick I Thompson Thad H. Brown "Eugene 0. Sykes Frank R. Mcli m- Irvin Stewart 1939 1941. 19341940 1934.1939 19371939" 1934 1937 .. A r4111111110110. Federal Communications Commissioners July 10, 1934 to March 15, 1972 Served as Chairman °'Deceased STEINMAN TELEVISION STATIONS Clair McCollough, WEAL -TV Lancaster Pres. -Harrisburg- York - Lebanon, Pa. WTEV Providence, R. I. /New Bedford -Fall River, Mass. !YIosoiIkcuIL Own good time million to $15 million subsidy of "oc- that involving Lennen & Newell, in casional" users by "contract" users, and which, as one executive put it, media White House announcement of appoint- (2) reduction of AT &T facilities dedi- "killed L&N with kindness" by over- ment of first black FCC commissioner cated to TV service, primarily involving extending credit.
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