119, ACANTHACEAE La. Corolla Without an Upper Lip; Lower Lip Large, Expanded

119, ACANTHACEAE La. Corolla Without an Upper Lip; Lower Lip Large, Expanded

119, ACANTHACEAE la. Corolla without an upper lip; lower lip large, expanded, 3-lobed 2 lb. Corolla 2-lipped or with 5 subequal lobes 3 2a. Leaves in opposite pairs; corolla-limb glabrous beneath 5. CYNAROSPERMUM 2b. Leaves in pseudo whorls o f (3) 4; Corolla-limb hairy beneath 3. BLEPHARIS 3a. Corolla 2-lipped 4 3b. Corolla with 5 subequal lobes, not 2-lipped 14 4a. Corolla lobes twisted in bud 5 4b. Corolla lobes imbricate in bud 6 5a. Ovary with 2 ovules in each locule; capsules 2-seeded 4. CALACANTHUS 5b. Ovary with 4 to many ovules in each locule; capsules 4 to many seeded 13. HYGROPHILA 6a. Stamens 4; staminodes absent 16. LEPIDAGATHIS 6b. Stamens 2; staminodes present or rudimentary 7a. Anther cells superposed (except Ecbolium); ovary with 1 or 2 ovules in each locule; capsules 2-4 seeded 7b. Anther cells parallel; ovary with 3 to many ovules in each locule; capsules 6 or more seeded 13 8a. Placentas separating elastically from valves from the base upwards 9 8b. Placentas not separating elastically from valves 10 9a. Flowers in dense clusters 6. DICLIPTERA 9b. Flowers in unilateral spikes 22. RUNGIA 10a. Anther-cells (at least the lower ones) with a basal white, spur-like appandage (except J. adhatoda) 15. JUSTICIA 10b. Anther-cells not spurred at base 11 1 la. Flowers in dense many flowered spikes; corolla bluish-green; capsules ovoid 9. ECBOLIUM 11b. flowers solitary or in paniculate cymes; corolla rosy, purple or white 12 12a. Bracts larger than bracteoles, in opposite valvate 569 pairs; corolla rose or purple; filaments hairy 18. PERISTROPHE , 12b. Bracts and bracteoles small, subequal; corolla white; filaments glabrous 19. RHINACANTHUS 13a. Flowers clustered in axillary cladodes 11. HAPLANTHODES 13b. Flowers in unilateral racemes or in elongate thyrses, without cladodes 14. INDONEESIELLA 14a. Stamens 2 15 14b. Stamens 4 17 15a. Calyx deeply 4-partite; corolla-lobes imbricate in bud 2. BARLERIA 15b. Calyx 5-lobes or 5-partite; corolla-lobes twisted itt bud 16 16a. Bracts white with green nerves; corolla-tube long, linear, slender; stamens exserted beyond corolla-tube 10. ERANTHEMUM 16b. Bracts not as above, pinkish-purple; corolla-tube narrow below, infundibuliform upwards; stamens included 21.STROB1LANTHES {p. p.) 17a. Corolla-lobes imbricate in bud 18 17b. Corolla-lobes twisted in bud 19 18a. Flowers in lax, elongate spikes or racemes; bracts linear; calyx deeply divided, 5-segmented 1. ASYSTASIA 18b. Flowers in globose, congested, silky-hairy, sessile spikes; bracts broadly elliptic or suborbicular; calyx 2-lipped, 5-lobed 17. NEURACANTHUS 19a. Ovary with 2 ovules in each locule 20 19b. Ovary with 3-many ovules in each locule 21 20a. Stamens exserted; anthers shortly mucronate or spurred at base 8. DYSCHORISTE 20b. Stamens included; anthers neither mucronate nor spurred at base 21. STROBILANTHES (p. p.) 21a. Corolla-lobes imbricate in bud 7. DIPTERACANTHUS 21b. Corolla-lobes twisted in bud 22 22a. Erect, glabrous herbs with tuberous roots; corolla 3-5 cm long; pods 2-3 cm long 20. RUELIA 22b. Diffuse, viscidly-pubescent herbs; roots not tuberous; 570 corolla c 1.5 (-2) cm long; pods 5-8 mm long 12. HEMIGRAPHIS 1. ASYSTASIA Blume la. Bracts and bracteoles large, leafy; inflorescence of close, substrobiliform spikes 4.A. myscirensis lb. Bracts and bracteoles small; inflorescence secund, o f lax racemes 2 2a. Capsules 1 cm long I.A. chelonoides 2b. Capsules 2.5-3 cm long 3 3a. Bracts 3 mm long; corolla without darker violet lower lobe 3A. gangetica 3b. Bracts 6 mm long; corolla with darker violet lower lobe 2.A. dalzelliana 1. Asystasia chelonoides Nees in Wall., PI. Asiat. Rar. 3: 89.1832; Moorthy in N.P. Singh et ai, FI. Maharashtra, Dicot. 2: 595, f 594. 2001. Undershrubs, subscandent. Leaves 6-14 x 4-6 cm, lower ones elliptic, upper ones ovate, short acuminate at apex, narrowed at base, glabrous, entire. Flowers in lax, slender racemes, capsules c 1 cm long. FIs. & Frts.: September. Distrib. : Only one specimen collected from Khandala, Maval in September 1888 without collection number and name o f collector( Acc. No. 7313.). 2. Asystasia dalzelliana Santapau, in Kew Bull. 3: 276. 1948 & in Univ. Bombay Bot. Mem. 2: 68. 1952; Moorthy in N.P. Singh et ai, FI. Maharashtra, Dicot. 2: 595. 2001. A. violacea Dalzell ex C.B. Clarke in Hook. / , FI. Brit. India 4: 494. 1884 non Dalzell 1850; T. Cooke, FI. Bombay 2: 467. 1967 (Repr.). Herbs, erect, 0.5-1 m high, sometimes with suberect and ascending stem. Leaves up to 15 cm long, elliptic-lanceolate. Flowers second in terminal, lax racemes; calyx divided to base; corolla violet or pale blue with much darker violet lower lobe; c 2.5 cm long. Capsules 2.5-3 x 0.5 cm, pointed. FIs. & Frts.: August - December. Illiis.: K.M. Matthew, Fur. Illus. FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic 4: t. 440. 1988. Distrib.: Common as an undergrowth or occasional in bushes, in deciduous forests. 571 Selecetd specimens: Sinhagad hill range, Khanapur, Ansari 99830; Near Ghusalgaon, Ambavane, Reddi 99176; Inglun, Jutinar, Hemadri 107381; Bhimashankar, near temple, Khed, Janardhanan 81729. 3. Asystasia gangetica (L.) Anderson in Thw. Enum. PI. Zeyl. 235. 1860; Santapau in Univ. Bombay Bot. Mem. 2: 68.1952; Moorthy in N.P. Singh et a l, FI. Maharashtra, Dicot. 2; 596. 2001. Justicia gangetica L., Amoem., Acad. 4; 299. 1759. Asystasia coromandeliana Wight ex Nees in Wall., PI. Asiat. Rar. 3: 89. 1832; T. Cooke, FI. Bombay 2: 466.1967 (Repr.). Herbs or undershrubs, erect or straggling; branches puberulus. leaves 3-8.5 x 2-4 cm, elliptic-ovate, very thin, acute at apex. Flowers with pale blue corolla having yellowish tube and purple blotch on the lowest lobe. Capsules 2.5-3 cm long, clavate, pubescent. FIs. & Frts.: November - December (T. Cooke, op. cit.). Ulus.: K.M. Matthew, lllus. FI. Tamilnadu Carnatic 2: t. 521. 1982. Note: A coastal plant found very rarely in Khandala, Maval (Santapau, op. cit., T. Cooke, op. cit.). There is but one specimen from T. Cooke's Herbarium in BSI collected from Bhor, very correctly identified as A. coromandeliana. In this specimen, leaves are acute at base and not rounded or subcordate. 4. Asystasia mysorensis (Roth) T. Anderson in J. Linn. Soc. 9; 524.1867; Santapau in Univ. Bombay Bot. mem. 2: 69. 1952; Moorthy in N.P. Singh et al., FI. Maharashtra, Dicot. 2: 596. 2001. Ritellia mysorensis Roth, Nov. PI. Sp. 303. 1821. Asistasia lawiana Dalzell in J. Bot. (Hooker) 4: 344.1852; T. Cooke, FI. Bombay 2: 467.1967 (Repr.). Herbs or undershrubs, erect; stems up to 60 cm high, much bulged at nodes, hairy. Leaves ovate or elliptic-oblong. Flowers white, in terminal and axillary substrobiliform spikes. Capsules c 2 cm long, beaked, glandular-pubescent. FIs. & Frts.: August - October Distrib.: Occasional on bunds along cultivated fields. Selecetd specimens: Hadapsar, near station, Kanodia 65760; Junnar-Aldare, opposite Kukadi River, Junnar, Hemadri 99734; Chakan, Khed, Gammie s.n. 2. BARLERIA L. la. Plants armed; corolla yellow 9.5. prioniis lb. Plants unarmed; corolla white, purple, blue or bluish-purple 2 572 2a. Outer sepals spinous l.B. cristata 2b. Outer sepals not spinous 3 3a. Seeds glabrous 4 3b. Seeds hairy 5 4a. Stems slender; leaves thin with lateral nerves at c 60° to midrib; flowers solitary, axillary or in short terminal spikes or racemes 8. B. pratensis 4b. Stems stout; leaves coriaceous with lateral nerves at 30°-40° to midrib; flowers in terminal spikes or racemes 3.5. gibsoni 5a. Inflorescence glabrous l.B. montana 5b. Inflorescence variously hairy 6a. Inflorescence glandular hairy l.B. courtallica 6b. Inflorescence non-glandular hairy 7a. Corolla blue or blue with purplish tube 7b. Corolla white 8a. Flowers in unilateral raceme-like cymes, often forming a large terminal panicle; outer sepals elongate-lanceolate, much ovaerlapping each other forming a tubular involucre 4.5. involucmta var. elata 8b. Flowers in terminal, crowded spikes; outer sepals lanceolate, not overlapping 10.5. terminalis 9a. Leaves ovate with rounded base & acute apex 6. B. longiflora 9b. Leaves elliptic with tapering base and acuminate apex 5. 5. lawii 1. Barleria courtallica Nees in DC., P rodr.ll: 226.1847; T. Cooke, FI. Bombay 2: 462.1967 (Repr.); Santapau in Univ. Bombay Bot. Mem. 2:61. 1952; Moorthy in N.P. Singh et al., FI. Maharashtra, Dicot. 2: 598. 2001. Undershrubs or shrubs, erect; stems weak. Leaves elliptic-lanceolate, glabrous. Flowers in terminal and axillary, dense glandular hairy, turgid spikes; corolla white, yellow tinged inside except blue tinged at lobes, corolla-tube c 3.5 cm long; stamens 2. Capsules 1.5-1.8 cm long, 4 seeded. FIs. & Frts.: March. Ulus.: Wight, Icon. PI. Ind. Orient, t. 1529. 1850. 573 Distrib.: Scarce in moist shady places. Mulshi. Selecetd specimen: Wagjoi forest, Nandgaon, Ambavane, Reddi 97659. Note-. Bracts, bracteoles & calyx densely glandular hairy outside. 2. Barleria cristata L., Sp. PI. 636.1753; T. Cooke, FI. Bombay 2: 460.1967 (Repr.); Santapau in Univ. Bombay Bot. Mem. 2: 59.1952; Moorthy in N.P. Singh et a l, FI. Maharashtra, Dicot. 2: 599. 2001. Herbs; stems appressedly hairy, more at nodes. Leaves elliptic-oblong, hairy. Flowers blue, in axillary and terminal, short spikes; corolla broadly infundibuliform, pubescent outside. Fls.\ December. Illiis.: Wight, Icon. PI. Ind. Orient, t. 453. 1841. Distrib. -. Very rare. Khandala (Santapau, op. cit. after Blatter); Purandhar (Santapau, 1958). 3. Barleria gibsonii Dalzell in J. Bot. (Hooker) 2; 339.1850; T. Cooke, FI. Bombay 2: 464.1967 (Repr.); Santapau in Univ. Bombay Bot. Mem. 2; 62.1952; Moorthy in N.P. Singh et al, FI. Maharashtra, Dicot.

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