Zbc flbalestine 0a3ette publisbeb b\> Hutborit? No. 745 THURSDAY, 30TH DECEMBER, 1937 1285 CONTENTS Page GOVERNMENT NOTICES ־ ־ - Change of Name of a Village Appointment of Member of District Motor Regulatory Board, Jerusalem District ־ ־ ־ .Appointments, etc Seasonal Telephone Calls by Radio - - - Loss of Flying Boat "Cygnus" - - - Cancellation of a Dentist's Licence - - Subscription Rates for the Palestine Gazette ־ - Tenders and Adjudication of Contracts Citation Orders - Notices of the Execution Offices, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Haifa Notice to Claimants RETURNS Quarantine and Infectious Diseases Summary - - - 1295 Sale of Unclaimed Goods ... - !296 Persons changing their Names - 1297 REGISTRATION OF COOPERATIVE SOCIETIES, ETC. - 1300 CORRIGENDA ______ !303 SUPPLEMENT No. 2. The following subsidiary legislation is published in Supplement No. 2 which forms part of this Gazette: — Authorisation under the Air Navigation (Colonies, Protectorates and Mandated Territories) Order, 1927, authorising a certain Aircraft to fly over Palestine ־ - ־ - and Trans-Jordan - 1329 Certificates under the Land (Expropriation) Ordinance, regarding the Acquisition of Land for the Construction of a Road joining the Town of Majdal to the Jaffa-Gaza Main Road, the Construction of a School in Haifa and the Con­ struction of the Road from Benyamina via Pardess Hanna to junction with Hadera-Lajjun-Affula Road. - - - - 1330 Court Fees (Amendment) Rules (No. 3), 1937, under the Courts Ordinance - 1331 Customs Tariff and Exemption Order (No. 3), 1937, under the Customs Tariff and Exemption Ordinance, 1937 - - - - 1332 (Continued^ PRICE : 30 MILS. CONTENTS {Continued) Page Customs Tariff and Exemption Order (No. 4), 1937, under the Customs Tariff and Exemption Ordinance, 1937 ... - 1333 Customs (Drawback) Rules, 1937, under the Customs Ordinance - - 1336 Notice under the Customs Duties Ordinance, determining the Values of certain Commodities for the Purpose of Assessment of Duty - 1337 Cancellation of a Palestinian Citizenship, under the Palestinian Citizenship ־ Order, 1925 1338 Notice under the Immigration Ordinance, appointing certain Immigration Officers - 1340 Order No. 149 of 1937, under the Dentists Ordinance, cancelling certain Dentists' ־ • - ־ Licences - - 1338 Beisan Municipal (Amendment) By-laws, 1937, under the Municipal Corporations Ordinance, 1934 - 1340 Notice under the Municipal Corporations Ordinance, 1934, nominating a Council for the Municipal Corporation of Khan Yunis - 1341 Notice under the Municipal Corporations Ordinance, 1934, appointing a certain Councillor to be Mayor of Khan Yunis - 1342 Notices of Grant of Permits to publish Newspapers, under the Press Ordinance - 1342 Notice of Grant of a Permit to keep a Printing Press, under the Press Ordinance - 1343 Order No. 150 of 1937, under the Urban Property Tax Ordinance, appointing an Inspector of Valuation - 1343 Order No. 151 of 1937, under the Urban Property Tax Ordinance, appointing a Chairman of the Revision Committee in the Urban Area of Haifa - 1343 Orders Nos. 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158 and 159 of 1937, under the Urban Property Tax Ordinance, establishing Revision Committees and appointing Revision Appeal Commissions in the Urban Areas of Beersheba, Jenin, Tulkarm and Nablus - 1344 Notice under the Urban Property Tax Ordinance, regarding the Posting of Valuation Lists in the Urban Area of Bethlehem - 1348 Notification of Intended Settlement of Rights to Land in a certain Area, under the Land (Settlement of Title) Ordinance - - - - 1348 Notice of Posting of Schedules of Rights to Land in certain Villages, under the Land (Settlement of Title) Ordinance - 1349 30th December, 1937 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 1287 NOTICE. It iß hereby notified for public information that change pf name of villages has taken place as set out hereunder : Jaffa Sub-District : Bat-Yam (previously Bayit-Ve-Gan). W. D. BATTERSHLLL 23rd December, 1937. Chief Secretary. (J/147/84) NOTICE. The High Commissioner directs it to be notified for general information that MR. J. A. M. FARADAY, M.C., Deputy District Superintendent of Police, has been appointed to be a member of the District Motor Eegulatory Board, Jerusalem District, during the absence on leave of MR. J. D. BURNS. By His Excellency's Command, W. D. BATTERSHILL 21st December, 1937. Chief Secretary. (0/?B4-'83) APPOINTMENTS, ETC. TERMINATION OF ACTING APPOINTMENT. ACTING APPOINTMENT. The High Commissioner directs it to be notified for general information that the The High Commissioner has appointed ME. acting appointment of MR. D. C. THOMPSON, J. V. W. SHAW, Assistant Secretary, Grade F, Assistant Secretary, Secretariat, published in Secretariat, to act as Assistant Chief Secret• Palestine Gazette No. 744 of the 23rd Decem• ary, Grade D, with effect from the 28th De• ber, 1937, ceased with effect from the 28th De• cember, 1937, until further order. cember, 1937. NOTICE. DEPARTMENT OF POSTS AND TELEGRAPHS. Seasonal Telephone Calls by Radio. During the, period 23rd December, 1937, to 4th January, 1938, Christmas and New Year greeting telephone calls which will be known as "Seasonal Calls" may be booked via th* Egypt Radio Telephone Link between Palestine and the undermentioned countries at the following reduced rates: — 3 minutes Each addi• {minimum. tional minute Report Country charge) or part charge Remarks thrreof £P.Mils £P.Mils £P.Mils Austria 2.970 —.990 1.150 Belgium 2.835 —.945 1.070 Czechoslovakia 2.940 . —.980 1.130 Danzig 2.745 —.915 —.990 Denmark 2.835 —.945 1.070 Finland 3.330 1.110 1.390 France 2.745 —.915 —.990 Germany (incl. Saar Territory) 2.745 —.915 —.990 Greece 8.555 1.185 1.550 Holland 2.835 —.945 1.070 Hungary 3.240 1.080 1.340 Italy 2.745 —.915 —.990 Latvia 2.835 —.945 1.070 Luxembourg 2.775 —.925 1.020 Norway 3.075 1.025 1.220 Poland 2.940 —.980 1.130 Vatican City State 2.775 —.925 1.020 Switzerland 2.835 —.945 1.070 Yougoslavia East 3.315 1.105 1.390 Yougoslavia West 3.090 1.030 1.240 Great Britain and Northern Ireland 1.700 —.567 —.500 \ Full rate ap- Irish Free State (Dublin only) 1.850 —.617 —.550 l plies for J Chrismas day. 22nd December, 1937. 1288 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 30th December, 1937 NOTICE Details, technical explanations and plans | may be had at the Technical Department, DEPARTMENT OF POSTS AND TELEGRAPHS. | Room No. 21, as from the 21st December, 1937. The tenders, in sealed envelopes, must be Air Mails — Loss of Flying Boat "Cygnus". placed in the tender-box of the Town-Clerk's Information has now been received that all Office not later than the 2nd January, 1938, at mails from Palestine for Great Britain have 12 noon. The envelopes are to be mar• been received in London. All registered and ked "Tender for demolishing of building on the great bulk of ordinary items have been the site of the Central-Market in Aliyah delivered. Street". For every tender, a deposit amounting to 20th December, 1937. 10% of the value of the tender, in cash or a bank-guarantee for nine months, is to be placed with the Municipality. Without such a NOTICE. guarantee no tender will be taken into con• DENTISTS (LOST LICENCES) RULES, 1936. sideration. The Municipal Corporation does not bind Licence No. D.030 dated the 15th February, itself to accept the lowest or any tender. 1921, to practise dentistry granted to BER WILENCHIK has been cancelled in accordance (Gaz/22/37) with the notice regarding its loss published in Gazette No.721 dated the 23rd September, 1937. ADJUDICATION OF CONTRACTS. G. W. HERON Director 1. The contract for the supply of kerosene of Medical Services. during 1938 has been awarded to the Shell 21st December, 1937. Company of Palestine Ltd. at the following (Gaz/5/37) prices: — (a) Into the stores of any Government office NOTICE. or Department, or of the Trans-Jordan Frontier Force in Palestine, SUBSCRIPTION RATES FOR THE PALESTINE GAZETTE. 190 mils per 4 gallon tin. It is notified for general information that (b) Into the stores of the Trans-Jordan the subscription rates for subscribers to the Frontier Force at Zerka and Ma'an, Palestine Gazette living abroad, will be £P.2 Trans-Jordan: yearly and £P.1.050 mils half yearly, as from (i) Complete truckloads f.o.r. destination the 1st January, 1938. and despatch ex bonded stocks in Haifa in transit: TENDERS. 165 mils per 4 gallon tin. (This price excludes Palestine and I. Trans-Jordan Customs duty and mun• MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF TEL AVIV. icipal taxes). (ii) Ex agents stocks Ma'an and Zerka: Tenders are hereby invited from building- contractors for earth-digging on the site of the 210 mils per 4 gallon tin. Central-Market in Aliyah, Wolfson and (c) In 4 gallon tins in complete truck- Chlenov Streets. loads f.o.r. Shell Ocean Installation, Haifa Details, technical explanations and plans 165 mils per 4 gallon, tin. may be had at the Technical Department, Room No. 21, against payment of 250 mils as (d) In returnable iron drums containing 40 from the 21st December, 1937. The tenders, in Imperial gallons, sealed envelopes, must be placed in the tender- (i) 135 mils per 4 gallons bulk, f.o.r. box of the Town-Clerk's Office not later than Haifa Ocean Installation; the 2nd January, 1938, at 12 noon. The en• (ii) 150 mils per 4 gallons bulk for velopes are to be marked "Tender for earth- delivery anywhere in Palestine. digging on the site of the Central-Market in the Aliyah Street". Delivery within seven days of posting re• quisitions. For every tender, a deposit amounting to Reference C.T.B. 1/3S. 10% of the value of the tender, in cash or in a bank-guarantee for nine months, is to be 2. The contract for the supply of benzine plac3d with the Municipality. Without such during 1938 has been awarded to the Shell a guarantee the tender will not be taken into Company of Palestine Ltd., at the following consideration.
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