All Computer Slang # Twitter hashtag Number #1 Number one $ Dollar, money $_$ Has money %) Drunk, giddy &APOS;S Wrongly displayed 's >< Frustration >,< Angry, annoyed >.> Suspicious, wary >.< Frustrated, angry, upset, in pain >//< Embarrassed, blushing >3 Evil but happy Hate (opposite of <3) >:( Angry >:) Evil Grin >:D< Hug >:O Angry >O< Yelling >_> Looking left, shifty look >_< Frustrated &HEARTS; HTML code for a heart <# Misspelling of <3 <> Not equal No comment <>< Fish <.< Shifty look </3 Broken Hearted <2 Not quite love (<3) <3 Love (heart shape) <333 Multiple hearts <3U Love You <4 More than love (<3) <B Hate <G> Grin <_< Sarcasm, look left 'EM Them (!) Sarcasm (8) Musical note (MSN) (: Happy (A) Angel (MSN) (H) Cool dude emoticon (MSN) (K) Kiss (MSN) (L) Love heart (MSN) (N) Thumbs down (MSN) (S) Seriously (U) Heartbroken (Y) Thumbs up (MSN) (YN) Fingers crossed (MSN) (^^^) Shark (_8^(I) Homer Simpson * Indicating a spelling correction *$ Starbucks *$$ Starbucks *<:-) Clown *.* Every file on a computer *G* Grin *O* Confused, surprised, shocked *S* Salute *_* In love, dazed +1 Partner Me too +REP Boost reputation on XBox Live +_+ Dead man -.- Annoyance -_- Annoyed, tired .-. Sad, unhappy .BIZ Top level domain for business .CO Alternative to .COM .COM Top level domain for commerce .EDU Top level domain for education .GOV Top level domain for governments .MIL Top level domain for the military .NET Top level domain originally for network providers .ORG Top level domain for non-profit organizations // Love, I love you /B/ 4chan's random image board /O/ Happy, arms in the air /O\ Frustrated, hands on head /R/ Requesting /S Sarcasm /THREAD End of a thread on a forum /W Whisper 0.0 Surprise 0.O Raised eyebrow, WTF 0/ Waving 012 Forever 0_0 Shocked 10 Perfect looking woman 10-1 Radio code for 'Receiving poorly' 10-2 Radio code for 'Receiving well' 10-4 Understood, OK 101 Basic introduction 10CHAR Padding where at least 10 characters are required 10Q Thank you 10X Thanks 11 One louder than 10 111 Excited 112 European emergency number 12 The police 120 LOL! (101! = 5! = 120) 123 I agree 1234 1 thing 2 say 3 words 4 you (I Love You) 1314 Forever (Chinese) 1337 Elite 133T Elite 143 I Love You (letters in each word) 14344 I Love You Very Much (letters in each word) 1437 I Love You Forever 153 I Adore You (letters in each word) 180 Turn around, 180 degrees 187 Police code for murder or death 1AAT One At A Time 1D One Direction (band) 1UP Extra life in a game 2 To 21 Quit 211 Police code for robbery 212 Speak with someone 22 A .22 caliber handgun 220 Second To None 224 Today, tomorrow, forever 24/7 Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week 241 Two For One 250 Stupid person (Chinese) 2B To Be 2BH To Be Honest 2DAY Today 2EZ Too Easy 2G Too Good 2G2BT Too Good To Be True 2K10 2010 2K4U To Cool For You 2K9 2009 2L8 Too late 2M Tomorrow 2MI Too Much Information 2MORO Tomorrow 2MOZ Tomorrow 2MRW Tomorrow 2NITE Tonight 2NYT Tonight 2U To You 2U2 To You Too 3 The letter E 3 WHEELIN Driving with one wheel off the ground 3> Hate (opposite of <3) 30STM 30 Seconds To Mars (band) 313 Area code for Detroit 333 Half evil 360 XBox 360 Complete circle 381 I Love You (3 words, 8 letters, 1 meaning) 39 Thank You 3DG Three Days Grace (band) 3G Third Generation mobile phone network 3Q Thank You 4 For 4/20 April 20th, WEED smoking day 401K Retirement investment plan 404 Page not found error Clueless 411 Information 419 Nigerian Email Scam 42 The answer to life, the universe and everything 420 Weed, Pot 420 FRIENDLY Person who likes smoking pot 4221 4ever 2gether 2love 1another 4377 Hell in LEET 44 .44 Magnum 459 I Love You (phone digits for ILY) 4CHAN Internet message/image board 4COL For Crying Out Loud 4E4 Forever 4EVA Forever 4EVER Forever 4G 4th Generation 4GET Forget 4GM Forgive me 4M Forum 4RL? For Real? 4SHO For Sure 4SRS For Serious? 4U For You 4WD Four-Wheel Drive 4X4 Four wheel drive vehicle 4YEO For Your Eyes Only 5 LOL (5=101 in binary) 5 BY 5 Loud and clear, fine 5 HOLE Gap between goalie's legs in hockey 5! LOL! see 120 50 Police (from Hawaii Five-O) 5150 Police code for crazy person on the loose 520 I Love You (Chinese) 555 Thai for HaHaHa 5N Fine 5X5 Loud and Clear 637 Always and Forever (letters in each word) 666 The Number of the Beast 6_6 Looking down Suspicious 72 72 hours, 3 days 721 Love You (7 letters, 2 words, 1 meaning) 73 Best regards (Amateur Radio) 730 Crazy 7DAW Seven Days A Week 8) Cool 8* Kiss 8-) Cool (sunglasses) 8-| Nerdy (wearing glasses) 808 Police code for disturbing the peace 80S The Eighties, 1980s 81 Hells Angels (HA 8th and 1st letter) 823 Thinking Of You 831 I Love You (8 letters, 3 words, 1 meaning) 86 Get rid of something 88 Heil Hitler (H is 8th letter) 881 Bye Bye (from Chinese pronounciation) 886 Bye Bye (Hong Kong Cantonese) 888 Ate, ate, ate 88888888 Clapping 8BALL 1/8 ounce of cocaine 8D Manic 9 Parent watching 911 US emergency number 93 Rough suburb of Paris 99 Parent stopped watching 999 UK emergency number 9JA Nigeria 9_9 Rolling the eyes :$ Embarrassed :& Tongue tied, speechless :> Mischievous smile :< Sad, frowning :'( Crying :') Crying with joy :( Unhappy, sad :(:) Pig :(|) Monkey :) Happy :* Kiss :-( Sad :-) Smile :-* Kiss :/ Sarcasm :0 Surprised, shocked :3 Cute/goofy face :9 Yum, licking :? Confused :@ Angry :B Buck teeth :C Very Sad :D Happy :DD Very happy :F Drooling :J Smirk :K Vampire teeth Snake's tongue :L Laughing :O Surprised :O) Clown nose smiley face :P Sticking tongue out :Q Smoking :S Confused :T Side smile :X Zipped lips :[ Sad Vampire :] Happy :{) Happy with a moustache :| Disgust, disapproval, not funny ;( Crying ;) Wink ;-) Wink ;D Wink ;O Joking ;P Winking and sticking tongue out =) Happy =* Kiss =.= Tired =/= Not equal to =0 Surprised, shocked =3 Cute/goofy face =D :D =F Vampire =I Indifference =P Sticking tongue out =S Confused =W= Weezer (band) =X No Comment =[ Sad =] Happy ? What? ?4U Question For You ?? What? ?_? Confused, lost @ At @.@ Confused, surprised @@@ Warning of parents nearby @_@ Hypnotized, dazed @}--->---- A rose A&F Always And Forever Abercrombie & Fitch A&R Artists & Repertoire A/N Author's Note A/W Anyway A1 Top quality A3 Anywhere, Any time, Any place A7A Frusration, anger (Arabic) A7X Avenged Sevenfold (band) AA Alcoholics Anonymous African-American Automobile Association AAA American Automobile Association Battery size AAB Average At Best AAC Apple Audio Compression AAF Always and Forever AAK Alive And Kicking AAMOF As A Matter Of Fact AAP Always A Pleasure AAR At Any Rate AARP American Association of Retired Persons AAT And Another Thing At All Times AAWY And Also With You AAYF As Always, Your Friend ABBO Aborigine ABBR Abbreviation ABC American Born Chinese ABD Already Been Done ABDC America's Best Dance Crew (TV show) ABF All But Face ABG Asian Baby Girl ABH Actual Bodily Harm ABO Aborigine ABP Already Been Posted ABS Absolutely ABT About ABT2 About To ABU Anyone but (Manchester) United AC Air Conditioning Alternating Current AC/DC Rock Band ACAPELLA Vocal music without instruments ACC Actually ACCT Account ACE Excellent, great ACK Disgust, frustration Acknowledgement ACLU American Civil Liberties Union ACME A Company that Makes Everything ACP Automatic Colt Pistol ACT SAT type test ACTA Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement ACU Army Combat Uniform AD Anno Domini (in the year of our Lord) AD HOC For the specific purpose Improvised, impromptu ADAD Another Day Another Dollar ADD Attention Deficit Disorder ADDY Address ADED All Day Every Day ADEROL Drug that helps you focus ADGTH All Dogs Go To Heaven ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADL All Day Long ADM ADMIN Administrator on forum, network etc ADN Any Day Now ADR All Due Respect ADS Aim(ing) Down Sights ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line ADTR A Day To Remember (band) AE American Eagle (clothing) AEAE And Ever And Ever AEAP As Early As Possible AFAIAC As Far As I Am Concerned AFAIC As Far As I'm Concerned AFAICS As Far As I Can See AFAICT As Far As I Can Tell AFAIK As Far As I Know AFAIR As Far As I Remember AFAP As Far As Possible AFC Away From Computer AFF Affirmative AFFA Angels Forever, Forever Angels AFI A Fire Inside (Band) AFK Away From Keyboard AFL Australian Football League AFN All For Now AFP Away From Phone AFRL Away From Real Life AFRO Hairstyle from Africa AFS Always, Forever and Seriously AG Aggressive AGC Automatic Gain Control AGG Cool AGGY Aggitated AGH Ain't Gonna Happen AGM Annual General Meeting AGP Accelerated Graphics Port AGRO Hostile, angry Aggravation, trouble AGT America's Got Talent (TV show) AGW All Going Well AHA Expression of discovery or realization AHEM Throat clearing sound AHO Idiot (Japanese) AHT Out AI Artificial Intelligence As If AIB Am I Boverd? AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome AIGF All In Good Fun AIGHT All right AII Alright AIIC As If I Care AIIT Alright AIKRN All I know right now AIM AOL Instant Messanger AIMBOT Trageting script in games AIMH Always In My Heart AIMO Idiot AIN'T Am not/are not/is not AINEC And It's Not Even Close AINT Am not/are not/is not AIO All In One AIR Blanked, ignored AIRHEAD Stupid person AISB As I Said Before
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