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Please email us: [email protected] ~ United States [~)) Department of ~ Agriculture Forest Service AN ENGLISH-SPANISH GLOSSARY Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station OF TERMINOLOGY USED IN Fort Collins, FORESTRY, RANGE, WILDLIFE, FISHERY, Colorado 80526 SOILS, AND BOTANY General Technical Report RM-152 GLOSARIO EN INGLES·ESPANOL DE TERMINOLOGIA USADOS EN FORESTALES, PASTIZALES, FAUNA SILVESTRE, PESQUERIA, SUELOS, Y BOTANICA ABSTRACT The English-Spanish/Spanish-English equivalent translations of scientific and management terms (jargon) commonly used in the field of natural resource management are presented. The glossary is useful in improving communications and fostering understanding between Spanish- and English-speaking persons. Key Words: Bilingual glossary, animal names, botany, fishery, forestry, range, soils, wildlife ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS RECONOCIMIENTO This glossary has required considerable time Este glosario ha requerido bastante tiempo in preparation by some people. Special de preparaci6n en parte de varias personas. recognition for the successful completion of this Reconocimiento especiales por acabamiento dichoso work is given to Penny Medina for her assistance de este trabajo se da a Penny Medina por su in translating scientific articles, Diane Prince asistencia en traducir artfculos de ciencia, and Josephine Gomez for their part in manuscript Diane Prince y Josephine Gomez por su parte en preparation and editing, the Mexican scientists preparaci6n y compilaci6n del manuscrito, los for their reviews, and to David Patton for his cientfficos mexicanos por su revistas, y David support. Patton por su apoyo. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report RM·152 January 1988 AN ENGLISH-SPANISH GLOSSARY OF TERMINOLOGY USED IN FORESTRY, RANGE, WILDLIFE, FISHERY, SOILS, AND BOTANY GLOSARIO EN INGLES·ESPANOL DE TERMINOLOGIA USADOS EN FORESTALES, PASTIZALES, FAUNA SILVESTRE, PESQUERIA, SUELOS, Y BOTANICA Alvin Leroy Medina, Range Scientist Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station1 1 Headquarters is in Fort Collins, in cooperation with Colorado State University. The author is stationed in Tempe, in cooperation with Arizona State University. FOREWORD Recent symposia, such as Wildlife and Range management terms commonly used in the disciplines Research Needs in Northern Mexico and of forestry, range management, wildlife Southwestern United States--1981, and Management management, fisheries, soils and botany. Terms and Utilization of Arid Land Plants - 1985, were selected on the basis of common usage and sponsored by the National Institute of Forestry difficulty of translation from various scientific Research of the Subsecretariat of Forestry and and technical articles which appeared in Wildlife, Secretariat of Agriculture and Water professional journals, such as Journal of Resources of Mexico and the U.S. Department of Wildlife Management, Forest Science, Soil Agriculture, Forest Service have made valuable Science, Journal of Range Management, Ecology, contributions to the exchange of scientific and Ciencia Forestal, and others. Scientific terms technical information regarding management of are introduced into common usage every time new natural resources. These symposia were part of a concepts are formulated, and as such an update of continuing agreement between respective agencies new terminology is needed periodically. While no to enhance professional capabilities through attempt is made to cover the entire scope of technology transfer activities. A receptive scientific terminology of the respective atmosphere of cooperation has resulted from such disciplines, it is anticipated that this glossary activities for the mutual benefit of Mexican and will be useful in improving communications and American scientists. foster understanding between Spanish- and English-speaking persons as well as to serve as a Despite individual efforts to understand and starting point for developing a common communicate the relevance of these symposia, the understanding of technical terms. language barrier often precludes an effective interchange of ideas. In addition, the The glossary is composed of two sections. specialized meanings of scientific jargon are Section one contains the English to Spanish lost when translated into terms with socialogical translations, and section two the Spanish to connotation. Quite often a given term may have English. Each section is divided into seven different meanings to a forester, soil scientist subsections, each of which is devoted to terms or wildlife manager. In order for a listener to used within a particular discipline. The text is receive a clear understanding of the arranged alphabetically within sections beginning problem being discussed, the translator needs to with the English or Spanish keyword, followed by be familiar with the scientific terminology the equivalent translation. relevant to the specialized topics. It is understood that some persons may The purpose of this glossary is to present disagree with some terms due to their usage of to translators, scientists, resource managers, other similar jargon, but at least they will be administrators and others the Spanish-English aware of its use in other regions and equivalent translations of scientific and disciplines. ii PRO LOGO Reciente simposios (Reunion Sobre La Fauna y usan en las disciplinas de forestales, manejo de Su Medio Arnbiente, Noroeste de Mexico y Suroeste pastizales, manejo de fauna silvestre, pesqueria, Estados Unidos de America 1981; Reuni6n Sobre suelos y botanfca. Los terminos fueron Manejo y Utilizaci6n de las Plantas de Zonas seleccionados en base al uso comun y dif icultad Aridas 1985) auspiciado por la Subsecretaria de traducci6n, de varios articulos cientificos y Forestal y de la Fauna, y el Instituto Nacional tecnicos que aparecieron en revistas de Investigaciones Forestales de Mexico, y el profesionales, como Revista de Manejo de Fauna Departamento de Agricultura, Servicio Forestal de Silvestre, Ciencia Forestal (Mexicana y los Estados Unidos han hecho unas contribuciones Americana), Ciencia de Suelos, Revista de Manejo valiosos al intercambio de inf ormaci6n cientif ica de Pastizales, Ecologia y otros. Terminos y tecnica sobre el manejo de recursos naturales. cientif icos son introducidos al uso comun cada Estos simposios fueron parte de un acuerdo que vez que conceptos nuevos son formulados, por lo continua entre las respectivas agencias para que se requiere poner al dia los terminos nuevos aumentar las capacidades profesionales mediante peri6dicamente. Cuando ningun intento se hace de actividades de transferencia de tecnologia. Un cubrir totalmente la esfera de terminologia ambiente muy receptive de cooperaci6n ha cientifica de las respectivas disciplinas, es resultado de tales actividades para el benef icio anticipado que este glosario sea util para mutuo de cientfficos mexicanos y americanos. aumentar las comunicaciones y animar entendimientos entre personas de lengua espaftol Aparte de esfuerzos individuales para y ingles y tambien servir como un punto de entender y comunicar la pertinencia de estos partida para el desarrollo de un entendimiento de simposios, la barrera del lenguaje frecuentemente terminos tecnicos. impide un intercambio efectivo de ideas. Ademas, los sentidos especializados de la jerga El glosario contiene dos secciones. La cientif ica se pierden cuando son traducidos a primera secci6n contiene las traducciones de terminos con connotaci6nes sociol6gicos. Muy ingles al espaftol, y la segunda secci6n de seguido, un termino puede tener diferente espaftol al ingles. Cada secci6n es dividida sentidos para el silvicultor, el cientifico de entre siete subsecciones, cada cual se dedica a suelos, o el manejador de fauna silvestre. En terminos que se usan dentro la disciplina orden para que un escuchante pueda recibir un particular. El texto esta arreglado claro entendimiento del problema que se discute, alfabeticamente entre las secciones, comenzando el traductor tiene que estar familiarizado con la con la palabra clave en ingles o espanol, y terminologia cientifica pertinente a los asuntos seguida por la traducci6n equivalente. especializados. Se entiende que algunas personas pudieran El proposito de este glosario es de no estar de acuerdo con algunos terminos debido a presentar a traductores, cientificos, manejadores su propia utilizaci6n de jerga similar, pero al de recursos, administradores y otros interesados, menos estaran concientes de su utilizaci6n en las traducciones equivalente en espaftol-ingles de otras regiones y disciplinas. terminos comunes, cientificos y de manejo, que se iii CONTENTS Page English-Spanish Animals • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 Fishery • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
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