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UNITED NATIONS SC UNEP/POPS/POPRC.14/INF/4 Distr.: General 18 July 2018 English only Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee Fourteenth meeting Rome, 17–21 September 2018 Item 4 (a) of the provisional agenda* Technical work: consideration of a draft risk profile on perfluorohexane sulfonic acid (CAS No: 355-46-4, PFHxS), its salts and PFHxS-related compounds Additional information on perfluorohexane sulfonic acid (CAS No: 355-46-4, PFHxS), its salts and PFHxS-related compounds Note by the Secretariat As referred to in the note by the Secretariat on a draft risk profile on perfluorohexane sulfonic acid (CAS No: 355-46-4, PFHxS), its salts and PFHxS-related compounds (UNEP/POPS/POPRC.14/2), the annex to the present note sets out additional information on PFHxS, its salts and PFHxS-related compounds prepared by the intersessional working group on PFHxS, its salts and PFHxS-related compounds. The present note, including its annex, has not been formally edited. * UNEP/POPS/POPRC.14/1. 200718 UNEP/POPS/POPRC.14/INF/4 Annex Perfluorohexane sulfonic acid (CAS No: 355-46-4, PFHxS), its salts and PFHxS-related compounds ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Prepared by the intersessional working group on PFHxS, its salts and PFHxS-related compounds Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee July 2018 2 UNEP/POPS/POPRC.14/INF/4 Table 1.1. Measured levels of PFHxS in aquatic biota Study site/ Range Organism Tissue Year Country Mean (g/kg) Comment Reference Type of location (g/kg) Marine water organisms Atlantic Homogenate 2004 United States Charleston Harbour, n.d. Houde et al., 2006 croaker South Carolina Fish Homogenate 2009 Republic of Estuarine and Coastal areas, 0.020–1.2 0.28 Naile et al., 2013 Korea Urban/industrial Crab Homogenate 2009 Republic of Estuarine and Coastal areas, 0.039–3.3 0.30 Naile et al., 2013 Korea Urban/industrial Gastropod Homogenate 2009 Republic of Estuarine and Coastal areas, 0.16–1.1 0.45 Naile et al., 2013 Korea Urban/industrial Bivalve Homogenate 2009 Republic of Estuarine and Coastal areas, 0.073–1.4 0.47 Naile et al., 2013 Korea Urban/industrial Fish (Arctic cod, Homogenate 2007–2009 Canadian Remote n.d. Pooled samples and some Braune et al., 2014 Capelin, Sand Arctic individual lance) Bentic fish Homogenate 2007–2009 Canadian Remote n.d.–0.22 Pooled samples and some Braune et al., 2014 (various) Arctic ng/g individual Pigfish Homogenate 2004 United States Sarasota Bay, Florida 4.1 Houde et al., 2006 Pinfish Homogenate 2002/03 United States Charleston Harbour, South Carolina n.d. Houde et al., 2006 Pinfish Homogenate 2004 United States Sarasota Bay, Florida 4.6 Houde et al., 2006 Red drum Homogenate 2002/03 United States Charleston Harbour, South Carolina 0.5 Houde et al., 2006 Sheephead Homogenate 2004 United States Sarasota Bay, Florida n.d. Houde et al., 2006 Spotted seatrout Homogenate 2002/03 United States Charleston Harbour, South Carolina 1.1 Houde et al., 2006 Spotted seatrout Homogenate 2004 United States Sarasota Bay, Florida 0.6 Houde et al., 2006 Spotfish Homogenate 2002/03 United States Charleston Harbour, South Carolina 0.6 Houde et al., 2006 Polar cod Liver 2004 Norway Svalbard, Barents Sea n.d.–0.07 0.04 Haukas et al., 2007 Rainbow trout Muscle Sweden Baltic Sea <0.011–0.040 0.013 Glynn et al., 2012 Fish various Whole body Canada Hudson Bay n.d.–0.22 Braune et al., 2014 Fish Muscle/liver Australia Urban/industrial n.d./0.70–1.2 Thomson et al., 2011b Various aquatic 2007 United States, Urban 0.1–3.4 ng/g Sawtooth pen clam, white Kumar et al., 2009 organisms Savannah, shrimp, eel, oyster toadfish, Georgia snapper, catfish, Atlantic croaker, southern kingfish, southern stingray, silver perch, spot, inshore lizardfish, tomtate, sea robin, Black sea bass, largemouth bass, Atlantic sharp-nose shark, bonnethead shark Various fish Liver 2004 Netherlands North Sea, Western Scheldt, <3–27 ng/g Various marine fish Van Leeuwen & Boer, 2006 Skagerak Various shellfish Liver 2004 Netherlands North Sea, Western Scheldt, <3–<6 ng/g Van Leeuwen & Boer, 2006 and crustaceans Skagerak 3 UNEP/POPS/POPRC.14/INF/4 Study site/ Range Organism Tissue Year Country Mean (g/kg) Comment Reference Type of location (g/kg) Fresh water organisms Atlantic Homogenate United States Charleston Harbour, n.d. Houde et al., 2006 croaker South Carolina Big head carp Muscle 2011 China Lake Tangxun, urban/industrial 0.19–3.57 1.15 Zhou et al., 2014 Grass carp Muscle 2011 China Lake Tangxun, urban/industrial 4.58 Zhou et al., 2014 Silver carp Muscle 2011 China Lake Tangxun, urban/industrial 0.81–3.33 1.59 Zhou et al., 2014 Common carp Muscle 2011 China Lake Tangxun, urban/industrial 15.5–74.0 31.2 Zhou et al., 2014 White amur Muscle 2011 China Lake Tangxun, urban/industrial 0.83–3.16 1.84 Zhou et al., 2014 bream Yellow catfish Muscle 2011 China Lake Tangxun, urban/industrial 6.19–12.2 9.92 Zhou et al., 2014 Cod Whole blood Poland Baltic Sea, Gulf of Gdansk 0.05–0.80 0.10 Falandysz et al., 2006 Herring Liver 2005/2006 Sweden East and West coast 0.22 Pooled sample Bignert et al., 2008 Herring Liver 2007/2008 Sweden East and West coast 2.2 Pooled sample Bignert et al., 2008 Herring Liver 2009 Sweden East and West coast 1.3 Pooled sample Bignert et al., 2008 Biota Various 2013-2015 Vietnam River <0.0–0.95 0.06 Fish, crab, prawn, snail, Lam et al., 2017 ng/g Fish Various 2010 Czech River Labe, Vltava and Bilina 0.007–0.121 0.032 Pooled and individual Svihlikova et al., 2015 Republic ng/g Bentic Whole 2010/2011 Canada Arctic n.d. Lescord et al., 2015 invertebrates Pelagic Whole 2010/2011 Canada Arctic n.d. Lescord et al., 2015 invertebrates Char Various 2010/2011 Canada Arctic n.d.–2.0 Lescord et al., 2015 Various fish Liver 2004 Netherlands <3–<4 Eel and pike Van Leeuwen & Boer, 2006 Rainbow trout Muscle Sweden Baltic Sea <0.011–0.040 0.013 Glynn et al., 2012 Fish Edible tissue 2016/2018 China Baiyangdian Lake, recepient water 0.02–39.77 Carp, bream, snakehead, stone Cui et al., 2018 (muscle) from rivers containing emission ng/g ww maroko, and loach from production facilities. Crab Edible tissue 2016/2018 China Baiyangdian Lake, recepient water 0.9–1.43 ng/g Crab Cui et al., 2018 from rivers containing emission ww from production facilities. Shrimp Whole body 2016/2018 China Baiyangdian Lake, recepient water 32.94 ng/g ww Cui et al., 2018 from rivers containing emission from production facilities. Rice field eel Edible tissue 2016/2018 China Baiyangdian Lake, recepient water 25.69 ng/g ww Cui et al., 2018 (muscle) from rivers containing emission from production facilities. Turtle Edible tissue 2018 China Baiyangdian Lake, recepient water 0.02 ng/g ww Cui et al., 2018 (muscle) from rivers containing emission from production facilities. 4 UNEP/POPS/POPRC.14/INF/4 Table 1.2. Measured levels of PFHxS in amphibians and birds Organism Tissue Year Country Study site/Type of location Range (g/kg) Mean (g/kg) Comments Reference Amphibians American Plasma 2008/2009 United States Merrit Island National <0.008–161 7.955 Bangma et al., 2017 alligators Wildlife Refµge American Tail 2015 United States South Carolina 0.051–0.272 ng/g 0.0816–0.099 Median Tipton et al., 2017 alligators muscle ng/g Chinese alligators Serum 2009 China Anhui Research Center for 0–1.5 ng/g dw 0.2 ng/g dw Wang et al., 2013 Chinese Alligator Reproduction Birds Albatross Liver 2011 Canada Midway Atoll, North Pacific 0.32–0.81 Chu et al., et al., 2015 Ocean Albatross Muscle 2011 Canada Midway Atoll, North Pacific 0.14–0.44 Chu et al., et al., 2015 Ocean Albatross Adipose 2011 Canada Midway Atoll, North Pacific n.d.–0.18 Chu et al., et al., 2015 Ocean Herring Gull Egg 2012/2013 United Great Lakes 0.01–1.44 Letcher et al., 2015 States/Canada Caspian tern Egg 2013/2014 United Great Lakes n.d.–4.61 Range of three colonies Su et al., 2017 States/Canada Murres and Liver Various Canada Arctic Very low detection of PFHxS Butt et al., 2007 fulmars Murres and Egg Various Canada Prins Leopold Island, 0.01–0.21 Range between two species Braune and Letcher, 2013 Fulmars Nunavut Herring Gull Egg 2009–2014 United Urban (industrial)/rural 0.1–2.7 Range between locations. Big Gewurtz et al., 2016 States/Canada difference in concentration between Urban/industrial and rural Various Egg Australia Urban/industrial <0.50–6.8 Ibis and gull eggs Thomson et al., 2011b Great tits Egg 2011 Belgium, Industrial 36.9−354.6 162.3 Vicinity of a Groffen et al., 2017 (n=11) Antwerp perfluorochemical plant (3 M) in Antwerp, Belgium (PFOS levels in the range 3237-69218 µg/kg) Great tits Egg 2011 Belgium, Industrial <LOQ–5.6 1.6 1 km Sout East of a Groffen et al., 2017 (n=11) Antwerp perfluorochemical plant (3 M) in Antwerp, Belgium (PFOS levels in the range 55.1-782 µg/kg) Eider duck Blood Poland Baltic Sea, Gulf of Gdansk 400−2900 pg/ml 1100 pg/ml Falandysz et al., 2006 Northern goshawk Plasma 2014 Norway North <LOD−1.33 ng/ml 0.61 ng/ml Gomez-Ramirez et al., 2017 White-tailed eagle Plasma 2014 Norway North <LOD−2.37 0.89 ng/ml Gomez-Ramirez et al., 2017 White-tailed eagle Feather 2014 Norway North <LOD−2.23 0.63 ng/ml Gomez-Ramirez et al., 2017 Common eider Egg 2012 Norway Sklinna, mid, remote 0.49–0.56 ng/g Pooled samples Huber et al., 2015 (g/kg) Common eider Egg 2012 Norway Røst, north, remote 0.59–1.58 Pooled samples Huber et al., 2015 5 UNEP/POPS/POPRC.14/INF/4 Organism Tissue Year Country Study site/Type of location Range (g/kg) Mean (g/kg) Comments Reference European Shag Egg 2012 Norway Sklinna, mid, remote 0.53–0.53 Pooled samples Huber et al., 2015 European Shag Egg 2012 Norway Røst, north, remote 0.65–0.93 Pooled samples Huber et al., 2015 European herring Egg 2012 Norway Sklinna, mid, remote 0.23–0.50 Pooled samples Huber et al., 2015 gull European herring Egg 2012 Norway Røst, north, remote 0.40–0.79 Pooled samples Huber et al., 2015 gull Duck Egg 2016 China Baiyangdian Lake, recepient 30.61 ng/g ww n=10 Cui et al., 2018 water from rivers containing emission from production facilities.

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