001_JPP Review Janse_S5 20-12-2012 9:50 Pagina 5 Journal of Plant Pathology (2012), 94 (4, Supplement), S4.5-S4.29 Edizioni ETS Pisa, 2012 S4.5 OFFERED REVIEW BACTERIAL DISEASES THAT MAY OR DO EMERGE, WITH (POSSIBLE) ECONOMIC DAMAGE FOR EUROPE AND THE MEDITERRANEAN BASIN: NOTES ON EPIDEMIOLOGY, RISKS, PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT ON FIRST OCCURRENCE J.D. Janse Department of Laboratory Methods and Diagnostics, Dutch General Inspection Service (NAK), PO Box 1115,8300 BC Emmeloord, The Netherlands SUMMARY onion in the USA, isolated from seed in South Africa; (vi) almond witches’ broom, “Candidatus Phytoplasma Bacterial diseases are difficult to control (both chem- phoenicium” killing thousands of trees in Lebanon and ically and biologically), and are restrained primarily by Iran; (vii) potato stolbur, “Candidatus Phytoplasma preventive measures. Most important risk factors for the solani”, spreading from Eastern Europe westwards; (vi- introduction or spread of bacterial diseases in Europe ii) zebra chip disease of potato and yellows of carrot and the Mediterranean basin are imported infected caused by “Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum (syn- planting material and infected insect vectors. In this re- onym Ca. Liberibacter psyllourous). The potato strains view the epidemiology, management and main risks of occurs only in North and Central America and New several emerging bacterial diseases approaching or al- Zealand, but the carrot pathogen has been reported ready present in Europe, their causal organisms and from several Scandinavian countries and Spain with the vectors will be highlighted, especially: (a) Citrus huang- respective psyllid vectors Bactericera cockerelli and Tri- longbing (= Citrus greening), caused by the heat-toler- oza apicalis; (ix) an apparently ‘harmless’ “Candidatus ant “Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus” and heat-sensi- Liberibacter europaeus” found in the pear psyllid tive “Candidatus L. africanus”. Both liberibacters and (Capopsylla pyri) in Italy; (x) bacterial fruit blotch of cu- the respective psyllid vectors Diaphorina citri and Trioza curbits, Acidovorax citrulli, seed-transmitted and the erytreae are present in the Arabian peninsula, with re- cause of outbreaks in Europe, Turkey and Israel; (xi) a cent reports of huanglongbing occurring in Iran, Mali, new strain of the potato stem rot bacterium, provision- Ethiopia and Somalia. T. erytreae is already present on ally named Dickeya solani, emerging in several north- some Atlantic Ocean islands; (b) leaf scorch and leaf western European countries and Israel; (xii) Stewart’s scald diseases of grape and different fruit and ornamen- disease or bacterial wilt of maize, P. stewartii subsp. tal trees, caused by Xylella fastidiosa. For this pathogen, stewartii, spread by the corn flea beetle Chaetocnema although its presence has not been confirmed in Europe pulicaria, observed in several European countries in or the Mediterranean basin, local possible vectors such which it has not become established due to the absence as Cicadella viridis and Philaenus spumarius occur; (c) of vector; (xiii) renewed outbreaks from 2008 of Citrus canker caused by Xanthomonas citri pv. citri, the Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae, the agent of bacter- most severe form of which, the so-called Asiatic, is al- ial blight, especially on Actinidia chinensis (yellow ki- ready present in Iraq, Iran, Oman, Somalia, United wifruit) but also on A. deliciosa in central Italy and, Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Re- since 2010, in France; (xiv) bleeding canker of horse union. Outbreaks and/or risk and (possible) emerging chestnut, Ps. syringae pv. aesculi, emerging in western character of some other bacterial pathogens not yet Europe; (xv) bacterial canker of stone fruits caused by present in Europe (i-iv) or already present (v-xvi) are al- X. arboricola pv. pruni, with recent outbreaks in Switzer- so highlighted: (i) black spot of mango, Xanthomonas land, Spain (on almond) and in the Netherlands on citri pv. mangiferindicae, present in UAE and Reunion; cherry-laurel (Prunus laurocerasus); (xvi) bacterial leaf (ii) bacterial blight of pomegranate, X. axonopodis pv. spot of poinsettia, X. axonopodis pv. poinsettiicola ob- punicae, emerging in India; (iii) bacterial blight of gua- served in greenhouses in several north-western Euro- va, Erwinia psidii, emerging in Brazil; (iv) bacterial spot pean countries. Ornamental and wild hosts may play an of passion fruit, X. campestris pv. passiflorae, emerging important role in spreading diseases and maintaining in Brazil; (v) stem rot and leaf spot of maize and center the pathogens and their vectors in the environment. rot of onion, Pantoea ananatis, an emerging problem for These plants should be included in surveys. Rapid and reliable diagnosis remains a key issue, as well as breed- ing for resistance. All pathogens mentioned are emerg- Corresponding author: J.D. Janse ing threats, with real risks of introduction and, in some Fax: +31.527.635411 E-mail: [email protected] cases, closely approaching or already present in the 001_JPP Review Janse_S5 20-12-2012 9:50 Pagina 5 Journal of Plant Pathology (2012), 94 (4, Supplement), S4.5-S4.29 Edizioni ETS Pisa, 2012 S4.5 OFFERED REVIEW BACTERIAL DISEASES THAT MAY OR DO EMERGE, WITH (POSSIBLE) ECONOMIC DAMAGE FOR EUROPE AND THE MEDITERRANEAN BASIN: NOTES ON EPIDEMIOLOGY, RISKS, PREVENTION AND MANAGEMENT ON FIRST OCCURRENCE J.D. Janse Department of Laboratory Methods and Diagnostics, Dutch General Inspection Service (NAK), PO Box 1115,8300 BC Emmeloord, The Netherlands SUMMARY onion in the USA, isolated from seed in South Africa; (vi) almond witches’ broom, “Candidatus Phytoplasma Bacterial diseases are difficult to control (both chem- phoenicium” killing thousands of trees in Lebanon and ically and biologically), and are restrained primarily by Iran; (vii) potato stolbur, “Candidatus Phytoplasma preventive measures. Most important risk factors for the solani”, spreading from Eastern Europe westwards; (vi- introduction or spread of bacterial diseases in Europe ii) zebra chip disease of potato and yellows of carrot and the Mediterranean basin are imported infected caused by “Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum (syn- planting material and infected insect vectors. In this re- onym Ca. Liberibacter psyllourous). The potato strains view the epidemiology, management and main risks of occurs only in North and Central America and New several emerging bacterial diseases approaching or al- Zealand, but the carrot pathogen has been reported ready present in Europe, their causal organisms and from several Scandinavian countries and Spain with the vectors will be highlighted, especially: (a) Citrus huang- respective psyllid vectors Bactericera cockerelli and Tri- longbing (= Citrus greening), caused by the heat-toler- oza apicalis; (ix) an apparently ‘harmless’ “Candidatus ant “Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus” and heat-sensi- Liberibacter europaeus” found in the pear psyllid tive “Candidatus L. africanus”. Both liberibacters and (Capopsylla pyri) in Italy; (x) bacterial fruit blotch of cu- the respective psyllid vectors Diaphorina citri and Trioza curbits, Acidovorax citrulli, seed-transmitted and the erytreae are present in the Arabian peninsula, with re- cause of outbreaks in Europe, Turkey and Israel; (xi) a cent reports of huanglongbing occurring in Iran, Mali, new strain of the potato stem rot bacterium, provision- Ethiopia and Somalia. T. erytreae is already present on ally named Dickeya solani, emerging in several north- some Atlantic Ocean islands; (b) leaf scorch and leaf western European countries and Israel; (xii) Stewart’s scald diseases of grape and different fruit and ornamen- disease or bacterial wilt of maize, P. stewartii subsp. tal trees, caused by Xylella fastidiosa. For this pathogen, stewartii, spread by the corn flea beetle Chaetocnema although its presence has not been confirmed in Europe pulicaria, observed in several European countries in or the Mediterranean basin, local possible vectors such which it has not become established due to the absence as Cicadella viridis and Philaenus spumarius occur; (c) of vector; (xiii) renewed outbreaks from 2008 of Citrus canker caused by Xanthomonas citri pv. citri, the Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae, the agent of bacter- most severe form of which, the so-called Asiatic, is al- ial blight, especially on Actinidia chinensis (yellow ki- ready present in Iraq, Iran, Oman, Somalia, United wifruit) but also on A. deliciosa in central Italy and, Arab Emirates (UAE), Saudi Arabia, Yemen and Re- since 2010, in France; (xiv) bleeding canker of horse union. Outbreaks and/or risk and (possible) emerging chestnut, Ps. syringae pv. aesculi, emerging in western character of some other bacterial pathogens not yet Europe; (xv) bacterial canker of stone fruits caused by present in Europe (i-iv) or already present (v-xvi) are al- X. arboricola pv. pruni, with recent outbreaks in Switzer- so highlighted: (i) black spot of mango, Xanthomonas land, Spain (on almond) and in the Netherlands on citri pv. mangiferindicae, present in UAE and Reunion; cherry-laurel (Prunus laurocerasus); (xvi) bacterial leaf (ii) bacterial blight of pomegranate, X. axonopodis pv. spot of poinsettia, X. axonopodis pv. poinsettiicola ob- punicae, emerging in India; (iii) bacterial blight of gua- served in greenhouses in several north-western Euro- va, Erwinia psidii, emerging in Brazil; (iv) bacterial spot pean countries. Ornamental and wild hosts may play an of passion fruit, X.
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