ORANGA KAI – ORANGA PUMAU ACTION REPORT JANUARY 2008 – ISSUE NO: 7 WHAT’S INSIDE: 02 Introduction from Margie Apa 02 Government Response received 04 Aoraki Bound 05 Jim Mann 06 From the HEHA Project team 08 Cycling 09 Feeding our Futures 10 News from the regions 10 Introducing Nicholette Pomana 12 Info & tips INTRODUCTION GOVERNMENT R Firstly, Happy New Year to you all, Right now, Counties Manukau DHB GOVERNMENT RESPONSE I hope you’ve had a wonderful festive is undertaking a pilot programme and TO HSC INQUIRY INTO season and are feeling refreshed as putting forward a business case to we head into another exciting and the Ministry to review the options for OBESITY AND TYPE 2 challenging year. the treatment of morbid obesity, DIABETES Refl ecting back on 2007, I think we can including surgical and non-surgical The Government tabled its response be really pleased here at the Ministry interventions. This is going to be to the Health Select Committee’s and amongst the HEHA sector, on just considered by the Ministry next month Inquiry into Obesity and Type 2 how much we have achieved in the past and we’ll keep you posted on any Diabetes in late November, giving the 12 months. developments. HEHA Project team at the Ministry There were many highlights last This year we’ll also celebrate some more scope to ramp up the current year, including the launch of Feeding exciting milestones. The Food and level of HEHA activity. Beverage Classifi cation System our Futures, the Ministry’s healthy The Health Select Committee support programme is currently eating social marketing campaign, (HSC) launched the Inquiry in February being rolled out and a product the launch of the Food and Beverage 2006 and released its report at the registration database will be up and Classifi cation System for schools and end of August 2007. The Government running online by March. We’ve early childhood education (ECE) then had 90 working days to formally funded DHBs to appoint District services and then of course the respond. The HSC report made Coordinators in each of the 21 regions Government Response to the Inquiry 55 recommendations and the to help schools and ECEs implement into Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes Government largely agrees with 47 the Food and Beverage Classifi cation being tabled in Parliament at the end of them. The current HEHA Strategy System and they’ll all be in action of November. will be revised and activity increased from next month. The Government Response has been over the coming year. A breastfeeding mass-media a major piece of work for the HEHA HEHA Programme Manager Cynthia campaign is also being planned to Project team and will see HEHA activities Maling says the recommendations begin soon. The HEHA team is in the ramped up over the next 18 months. made in the Government Response process of selecting a provider to The team is still fi nalising the will require an increased work develop the campaign. expanded work programme, given programme this year and in out years. that Fruit in Schools is being expanded 2008 is going to be a challenging to all Decile 2 schools and a Ministerial year of exciting new developments in Committee is being established, the HEHA arena, given our recently- which will be led by the Minister of expanded work programme and I’m Health. looking forward to taking up that We’ll also be spending part of 2008 challenge alongside you. reviewing the current HEHA Strategy in light of the Government’s Response, Kind regards, as well as embarking on other new initiatives that will fl ow out of the Inquiry, once we receive some clarifi cation from Cabinet. Over the past few weeks and Margie Apa months, there’s been an increased Deputy Director-General of the Sector Capability and media focus on bariatric surgery. Innovation Directorate, Ministry of Health 02 HEHA ACTION REPORT, JANUARY 08, ISSUE 07 ESPONSE RECEIVED Some of the Government Response recommendations included: • The establishment of a Ministerial Committee, chaired by the Minister of Health, to provide high-level, strong, whole-of-government leadership with a focus on improving the obesogenic environments. The Ministerial Committee will also work alongside a steering group to set agreed targets. The group will include non-government organisations, academics, Maori- and Pacifi c representatives and the food and advertising industries. • Expansion of the Fruit in Schools programme to all Decile 2 schools. This will mean that around 450 low-decile schools will be part of Fruit in Schools by April 2009. • Further investment in workforce development to build Maori- and Pacifi c capability and capacity and enhancement of the diabetes workforce. The Government will also support scholarships with a focus on the need to increase the number of Maori- and Pacifi c dietitians in the health workforce. Cynthia says many of the issues raised in the HSC’s report have already begun to be addressed. However, the Ministry recog- nises that the current HEHA Strategy needs to be reviewed and strengthened to ensure we continue to improve the health of all New Zealanders. A copy of the Government Reponse is available at: http://www.parliament.nz/ en-NZ/PB/Presented/Papers/1/4/ a/48DBHOH_PAP16044_1-Government- Response-to-Report-of-the-Health- Committee.htm HEHA ACTION REPORT, JANUARY 08, ISSUE 07 03 AORAKI BOUND CANTERBURY RADIO than sitting on the sofa, watching and others to do the same, Ra launched STATION LEADS THE WAY criticising sport whilst eating chips the Hundie Club. and drinking beer. I was full of talk Designed for people who weigh IN LIFESTYLE CHANGE about getting fi t and losing weight, but more than 100kg, are physically PROGRAMME like so many of my friends I never did inactive, and keen to change, the club - “We were just like the Simpsons – anything about it.” is a unique community and whanau- our evening meals consisted of TV In August 2007, that changed. based programme that is really dinners every night,” confesses Having been inspired by several of his starting to deliver results. The core Ra Dallas, who hosts a breakfast show colleagues at Tahu FM, Ra signed group of 13 members meets 2 or 3 himself up for Aoraki Bound next times a week taking part in activities on Canterbury’s Tahu FM, and is the month. A rigorous month-long ranging from walks in the park, to gym driving force behind the new whanau-- programme of healthy eating and sessions, to cooking workshops. based weight loss programme called exercise, including running a half Lisa Reedy, Ra’s co-presenter on the Hundie Club. marathon, Aoraki Bound was a the Tahu FM breakfast show, has also At 134kg before the start of the daunting challenge for a man taken on the Hundie Club challenge. programme, Ra was a self-confessed weighing over a hundred kilos. To get With her wedding to aim for in 2008, “procrastinator”. “I liked nothing better himself in shape, and to encourage Lisa is every bit as motivated as Ra. SHORT CAPTION TO GO HERE 04 HEHA ACTION REPORT, JANUARY 08, ISSUE 07 UPCLOSE: JIM MANN The programme is supported by the Inquiry into Obesity and Type 2 Hauora Matauraka at Community & Diabetes. The plans to establish a Public Health (a division of Canterbury cross-sectoral Ministerial Committee DHB), and CATINC (Community Action suggest that obesity is now being viewed to Improve Nutrition Capacity), a by the Government at the same level combined project between the local of concern as an infectious disease PHOs and Community & Public Health. would be. This is a signifi cant shift in “The thing that makes the Hundie terms of how we see the disease. Club different is the involvement of the The cross-sectoral group will be whole whanau- in the programme. bringing together experts from My brother-in-law used to be a KFC independent organisations, NGO’s and freak, but he hasn’t eaten a takeaway Government representatives from the at all since the Hundie Club began. 2007 was a big year for the public Ministries of Health and Education, and And my mum goes to the gym every health nutrition sector in terms of it’s this combination that gives the group day now,” says Ra. “Although there are promoting healthy eating and healthy the potential to have a really strong only about 13 of us who are core action. Before we say a formal impact on the future efforts and action members of the Hundie Club, some of farewell to 2007 and look to the new that will be taken to challenge the our sessions have up to 40 people year we asked Jim Mann, Professor in spread of obesity. there, as everyone brings along the Human Nutrition and Medicine at the The advice of those members will whanau.- It’s great to see the impact it is University of Otago, to refl ect on the be critical in shaping future efforts, having on the whole community”. last 12 months. as will their ability to be both pro-active With Aoraki Bound looming in a “Looking at all that has happened you as well as reactive in their role. They are couple of weeks, the pressure is fi rmly could defi nitely say 2007 was a year of a key body for ensuring that action on. But the challenge doesn’t end there. considerable activity! does happen. “Originally we thought this would be a It’s over 30 years since the obesity In terms of other action areas I know one off, but a few of us who are involved epidemic was put under the global that many people were hoping to see in the Hundie Club this time would spotlight in the Royal College of legislation come from the Government’s really love to run similar programmes Physicians report on the First Response to the Inquiry, especially in again in the future,” says Ra.
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