Established Conditions for the Purposes of CDS Early Intervention Eligibility All children diagnosed with one of the following established conditions, that have a high probability of resulting in developmental delay, are eligible for early intervention services until the child’s third birthday. A child’s medical record may be used to establish eligibility, without conducting an evaluation of the child, if the record indicate s that the child has an established condition found on the list below. Please note that this list is not exhaustive and other established conditions may be used with reliable information from reputable sources. 3-Hydroxy-3-Methylglutaric Aciduria Antimongolism Syndrome Batten Disease (HMG) Apert Syndrome B-Ketothiolase Deficiency (BKT) 3-Methylcrotonyl-CoA Carboxylase Deficiency (3MCC) Antley-Bixler Syndrome Biotinidase Deficiency (BIOT) Achondrogenesis APGAR <=3 @20 minutes Blindness Acrocallosal Syndrome Aphasia Bloch-Sulzberger Syndrome Acrodysotosis Apraxia Bobble Head Doll Syndrome Acute Disseminated Argininemia (ARG) Borjeson Syndrome Encephalomyelitis Argininosuccinate Aciduria (ASA) Brain Malformation Adrenoleukodystrophy Arhinencephaly Brain Tumor Agenesis of Corpus Callosum Arnold-Chiari Syndrome Type II Brancio-Oto-Renal Syndrome Aicardi Syndrome Arthrogryposis Bulbar Palsy Aicardi-Goutieres Syndrome Ataxia C Syndrome AIDS Ataxia-Telangiectasia Syndrome Canavan Disease Alexander Disease Attachment Disorders Cancer Allan Herndon Syndrome Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) Carbohydrate Deficient Glycoprotein Alpers Syndrome Syndrome Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Alternating Hemiplegia Disorder (ADHD) Carbohydrate Metabolism Disorder Amyelia Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Cardio-Facio-Cutaneo Syndrome Amyoplasia Congenita Anxiety Disorder Carnitine Palmityl Transferase Deficiency Type II (CPTII) Anencephaly Baller Gerold Syndrome Carnitine Uptake Defect/Carnitine Angelman Syndrome Bannayan Riley Ruvalcaba Transport Defect (CUD) Aniridia-Cerebellar Ataxia Syndrome Bardet-Beidl Syndrome Carpenter Syndrome Anopthalmos/Micropthalmos Bartoscas-Papas Syndrome Caudal Regression Syndrome Anterior Horn Cell Disease Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome Central Core Disease C_Established Condition List_04-08-21 Cerebellar Agenesis Chromosome 18p- Chromosome 7, Partial Monosomy 7p Cerebral Ataxia Chromosome 18q- Chromosome 7, Partial Duplication Syndrome Cerebral Atrophy Chromosome 19p Duplication Chromosome 7, Partial Monosomy Cerebral Degeneration Chromosome 2p21 Chromosome 8, Monosomy 8p2 Cerebral Dysgenesis Chromosome 20q Trisomy Chromosome 9 Ring Cerebral/Cortical Dysplasia Chromosome 21 Chromosome 9 Trisomy Cerebral Gigantism Chromosome 21q- Chromosome 9p Deletion Cerebral Palsy Chromosome 22 Ring Chromosome 9 Tetrasomy 9p Cerebral Venous Thrombosis Chromosome 22, Trisomy Mosaic Chromosome 9, Trisomy 9pter-q22-32 Cerebrocostomandibular Syndrome Chromosome 22q- Chromosome Xq26.2 Duplication Cerebrovascular accident Chromosome 22q11.2 Duplication Chromosome 49XXXXY Syndromes CHARGE Syndrome Chromosome 22q11.2 Deletion Citrullinemia Chiari Malformation Chromosome 1p36 Deletion Cleft Lip Childhood Disintegrative Disorder Chromosome 2q32 Deletion Cleft Palate Chromosomal Disorders Chromosome 3, Monosomy 3p2 CNS Degenerative Disorder Chromosome 10 Duplication Chromosome 3, Trisomy 3q2 Cockayne Syndrome Chromosome 10p+ Chromosome 3q+ Coffin-Lowry Syndrome Chromosome 11p- Chromosome 4 Ring Coffin-Siris Syndrome Chromosome 12p- Chromosome 4, Monosomy 4q Congenital Bilateral Persylvian Chromosome 13q- Chromosome 4, Monosomy Distal 4q Congenital Fiber Type Disproportion Chromosome 13q+ Chromosome 4, Partial Trisomy Distal 4q Congenital Heart Disease Chromosome 14 Deletion Chromosome 4q- Congenital Muscular Dystrophy Chromosome 14 Ring Chromosome 4 q+ Congenital or Acquired Amputation of Chromosome 15 Ring Limb Chromosome 4, Trisomy 4p Chromosome 15, Distal Trisomy Conjoined Twin Chromosome 5, Trisomy 5p Chromosome 15q11-q13 Cornelia de Lange Syndrome Chromosome 5 Deletion Chromosome 16 Duplication Costello Syndrome Chromosome 5p- Chromosome 17q12 Duplication Cytomegalovirus Disease, Congenital Chromosome 6 Ring (CMV) Chromosome 18 Ring Chromosome 6, Partial Trisomy 6q Dandy Walker Syndrome Chromosome 18, Tetrasomy 18p C_Established Condition List_04-08-21 De Barsy Syndrome Farber Disease Holoprosencephaly De Sanctis Cacchione Syndrome Fatty Acid Storage Disease Homocystinuria (HCY) Deafness Fazio-Londe Disease Human HOXA 1 Syndromes Dejerine Sottas Disease Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorders Hunter Syndrome (FASD) Depression of Infancy or Childhood Hurlur-Sheie Disease Fetal Hydantoin Syndrome Deprivation Maltreatment Disorder Hydroencephaly Fetal Valproate Syndrome Diencephalic Syndrome Hydrocephalus FG Syndrome DiGeorge Syndrome Hyperornithinemia Filippi Syndrome Hyperammoninemia DOOR Syndrome Homocitrullinemia Syndrome (HHH) Floating Harbor Syndrome Down Syndrome Hypoglossia Hypodactylia Spectrum Fountain Syndrome Dravet Syndrome Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy Fragile x Syndrome Drug Affected Baby (now called Hypsarrhythmia Substance Exposed Infant) Friedreich’s Ataxia I Cell Disease Dubowitz Syndrome Fryns Syndrome Incontinentia Pigmenti Syndrome Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Fucosidosis Infantile Anorexia Dyggve-Melchior-Clausen Syndrome Galactosemia Infantile Neuroaxonal Dystrophy Early Onset Torsion Dystonia Gangliosidosis Infantile Spasms Emmanuel Syndrome Gaucher Syndrome Iniencephaly Encephalitis Glutaric Acidemia Type I (GAI) Intellectual Disability Encephalocele Glutaric Acidemia Type II (GAII) Intracranial Hemorrhage Encephalopathy, Neonatal Hypoxic Hallervoden-Spatz Disease Ischemic Encephalopathy Intrauterine Growth Retardation Hallgren Syndrome (<=10th percentile for gestational Encephalopathy, Static age) Harlequin Fetus Syndrome Epidermal Nevus Syndrome Intraventricular Hemorrhage Hearing Impairment, Epilepsy significant/progressive Ischemic Brain Infarction Epstein’s Syndrome Hemimegalencephaly Isovaleric Acidemia (IVA) Ethmocephaly Hemiparesis Jacobsen Syndrome Fabry’s Disease Hemoglobin Disorders/ Sickle Cell Jansky-Bielschowsky Disease Disease (Hb SS, Hb S/B, and Hb S/C) Fahr’s Disease Jervell and Lange-Nielson Syndrome Herpes Simplex, Congenital Familial Retardation Syndrome Johanson-Blizzard Syndrome HIV Positive C_Established Condition List_04-08-21 Joubert Syndrome Locked in Syndrome Methylmalonic Acidemia (MUT) Juberg-Marsidi Syndrome Long Chain Fatty Acid Storage Disease Methylmalonic Acidemia Cobalamin A, B (Cbl A, B) Kabuki Syndrome Long-Chain L-3 Hydroxyacyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Deficiency (LCHAD) MHBD Deficiency KBG Syndrome Low Birth Weight <1200 grams Microcephaly Keratitis Ichthyosis Deafness Syndrome Lowe Syndrome Midas Syndrome Kernicterus Lysosomal Storage Disorders Miller-Diecker Syndrome Kinsbourne Syndrome Macrocephaly Mitochondrial Disorder Kleefstra Syndrome Malignant Neoplasm of Brain Mobius Sequence Klinefelter Syndrome Mandibulofacial Dysotosis with Mohr-Tranebjaerg Syndrome Microcephaly Krabbe’s Disease Morquio Syndrome Mannosidosis Kufs Disease Motor Neuron Disease Maple Syrup Urine Disease (MSUD) Kugelberg-Welander Syndrome Mowat-Wilson Syndrome Marden Walker Syndrome L 1 Syndrome MPPH Syndrome Marinesco Sjorgen Syndrome Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome Mucolipidosis Maroteaux-Lamy Syndrome Landau Kleffner Syndrome Multi System Developmental Disorder Marshall-Smith Syndrome Langer-Giedion Syndrome Multiple Anomalies of Brain Maxillofacial Dysotosis Laurence Moon Syndrome Multiple Sulfatase Deficiency Meckel Disease Lead Poisoning Muscular Dystrophy Medium-Chain Acyl-CoA Leber’s Congenital Amaurosis Dehydrogenase Deficiency (MCAD) Myasthenia, Congenital Leigh’s Disease Myasthenia Gravis, Neonatal MELAS Syndrome Transient Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome Melnick Frazier Syndrome Myelocele Lenz Microphthalmia Syndrome Meningitis Myyelomeningocele Leprechaunism Meningocele Myelocystocele Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome Meningomyelocele Myhre Syndrome Leukodystrophy Menkes Syndrome Mucopolysaccharidosis Type I Linear Sebaceous Nevus Syndrome Mental Retardation (now called Myopathy, Congenital Lipid Metabolism Disorders Intellectual Disability) Myopathy Storage Disease Lipodystrophy, Congenital Mercury Toxicity Myositis Ossificans Progressive Lissencephaly Syndrome MERRF Syndrome C_Established Condition List_04-08-21 Myotonic Dystrophy Opitz G/BBB Syndrome Potocki-Lupski Syndrome Myotubular Myopathy Opitz Syndrome Prader-Willi Syndrome Nager-de-Reynier Syndrome Oral-Facial Digital Syndrome Prematurity <29 weeks Nemaline Rod Myopathy Organic Acidemias Progressive Multi-focal Leukoencephalopathy Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) Ornithine-Carbamyl Transferase Deficiency Progressive Myoclonic Epilepsy Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome (NOWS) Orotic Aciduria Propionic Acidemia (PROP) Neonatal Withdrawal Syndrome (now Osteopetrosis Pseudo-Hurler Polydystrophy called Neonatal Abstinence Otopalatodigital Syndrome Pyruvate Carboxylase Deficiency Syndrome) Pachgyria Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Deficiency Neu-Laxova Syndrome Pallister W Syndrome Quadriplegia Neural Tube Defect Pallister-Killian Syndrome Reactive Attachment Disorder Neurofibromatosis Paraplegia, Hereditary Spastic Refsum Syndrome Neuronal Ceroid-Lipofuscinoses- Partial-Cerebellar Ataxia MR/ID Regulatory Disorders of Sensory Amaurotic Syndrome Processing Pediatric AIDS/HIV Neuropathy, Ataxia and Retinitis Rett Syndrome Pigmentosa Pediatric Feeding Disorders Rhizomelic Chondrodysplasia Neuropathy, Congenital Pelizaeus-Merzbacher Disease Punctata Hypomyelination
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