winter 1984-85 Feature By MARGY WILTAMUTH Alumnae Editor Olympic Excellence he coach of the dazzling synchronized swim up calls were frequently for 3:30 am. "Basically, every ming team that won the first gold medals in day we worked on this for seven hours, five in the that new Olympic event was Gamma Phi Beta Char water and two on the other activities." lotte Jennings Davis (Washington). Tracie Ruiz and Charlotte herself was on a national championship Candy Costle, both from Seattle, were Charlotte's synchronized swim team, the Santa Clara Aquamaids, attentive students and gold medalists. and was an All American synchronized swimmer. The Charlotte became so consumed with the athletes' inclusion of the sport as an Olympic event came too Olympic preparation she quit her job at the Seattle late for Charlotte to participate as an athlete, so she Aquatic Club to concentrate on their training. For the did it as a coach. Her coaching will continue as she past three years she has accompanied them to Japan, has been named the first Gnited States professional Venezuela, Russia, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and synchronized swimming coach. Canada. Her two charges have not lost a competition In duet synchronized swimming the competitors in the last two years, and at the recent Rome Open must be perfectly coordinated with each other and were awarded a first-ever perfect score in international with the music. As in some other sports, there are competition. As one Seattle sportswriter put it, "Davis compulsory figures and some improvisations. They must be an exceptionally good coach." spend as much as 50 seconds under water. Tracie Charlotte began working with the two women eight Ruiz, who won an individual gold medal, had 13 differ years ago. "I'll never forget the first time I knew what ent musical tempos to adjust to in her individual rou their potential was," she said. "They were 13 years old tine. are now and I (both 21) remember sitting the two of Charlotte is from a Gamma Phi Beta family. Her them down and telling them they had what it took to mother is Patricia Stickler for " Jennings (Washington), become national champions one day. She told them mer Area Financial Advisor. Her two sisters, Janet if listened and stuck they with it, they could do it. Jennings Getzendaner and Susan Jennings Wylie, are Training days included running, weight lifting, aero also Cniversity of Washington Gamma Phi Betas. bics, endurance dance classes and record swimming, Charlotte has two young sons and a supportive and ing sessions to master the music. Then they went understanding husband. Glen. back in the water for a couple of more hours. Wake 2 THE CRESCENT/WINTER 1984-85 Winter 1984-85 Opinion CONTENTS Membership in Gamma Phi Beta is an opportunity for personal growth and enrichment. It is an opportunity Gamma Chapter 19 for each member to share herself and Gamma celebrates 100 years at the (Jniversity of Wisconsin. her talents with others. This issue focuses on the Gamma Phi Beta Foundation and tells a story of thousands of sisters. Each has Grand Council 20 given and gained from her member An interview with Grand Council reveals dedication and ship in Gamma Phi Beta. commitment. We invite each Gamma Phi Beta to become a part of the Foundation's circle in 1985. It's a Gamma Phi Beta opportunity! Editor SisterLink 24 Gamma Phi Beta launches its new networking program. Alma College 26 Deadlines Epsilon Beta Chapter is installed in Michigan. Winter September 1 Spring December 1 Summer March 1 DEPARTMENTS Fall June 1 Foundation 4 In Memoriam 34 Headliners ^O Collegians 35 Editors Alumnae Etcetera Editor-ln-Chief 31-1 40 Kris Brandt Riske 1232 E. Cordova Books ^3 *3 Directory 46 Casa Grande, AZ 85222 Alumnae Editor Molden Wiltamuth Margy Gamma Phi Beta 'SPS 137-620 1700 Kiva Road ON THE THE Crescent is publistied quarterly in Fall, Win Silver Spring, MD 20904 ter, Spring and Summer by the Qamma Phi Beta Collegiate Editor: COVER Sorority, Inc., 7395 E. Orchard Rd., Ste. 200, Engle Cindy Welch wood, CO 80111-2292. Printed in the U.S.A. by 8-D Rue Maison Compolith Graphics and Maury Boyd & Associates. This is the of Second class at Birmingham, AL 35209 logo symbol postage paid Englewood, CO and additional offices. Feature Editor the Gamma Phi Beta Foun mailing Postmaster: Please send notice of undeliverable Natalie Meyer McKenzie dation. copies on Form 3579 to Gamma Phi Beta, 7395 E. 531 S. Burton Place Orchard Rd., Ste. 200, Englewood, CO 801 1 1. IL 60005 Arlington Heights, Subscribers: send changes of address, notices of Business Manager: marriages and deaths to Gamma Phi Beta, 7395 E. Marjory Mills Shupert Orchard Rd., Ste. 200, Englewood, CO 801 1 1 . Central Office THE CRESCENT/WINTER 1984-85 3 m '-�-mi'' "^ U "mmm^ i� i Gamma Phi Beta m: FoundatioiT THE CRESCEINT/ WINTER 1984 BS The Gamma Phi Beta Foundation celebrates its 27th anniversary this year. Organized in 1958 to promote and encourage education and camp " ing for 'special girls, it is support ed solely by individual contributors. The Foundation administers 16 per manent scholarships and fellow ships and provides camperships for more than 200 girls each summer. It is governed by a board of directors appointed by Grand Council. February has been named Foun dation Focus Month because Valen tine's Day so aptly ties in with the Foundation logo. Alumnae and col legiate chapters are encouraged to plan a February meeting which fo cuses on the Foundation. A PACE packet with program ideas will be distributed this year. The Gamma Phi Beta Foundation continues to flourish. Thanks to ev ery sister whose contribution will make 1 985 the best of all. �""isir' :^^''' T^M iv~V-. ?'- X' fS. f^^l ,t *.>j '�r> tV"" THECRESCENT/WIMTER 1984-85 FOUNDATION ^^ McElwain Will Patricia Burrington Kathenne Cromer Talley Dorothy Bayles ' Katherine Wheatley Winter Kathleen Browning Bush Suanne Burns Taylor Thorsen Nancy Yoder Barbara Nicoll Campbell Marie Helen Groner Zimdahl Linda Throop Castiglione Beatrice Barnes Tormey Foundation Dorothea Chickering Aileen Hall Tredwell"** giving Beta * Dorothy Funk Clark Patricia Fredrick Turba Michigan * Joan Buchholz Clark Rebecca Jane Vail Kim Ami * Jane Cochran Eloise Poock Wagner Delphine Johnston Andrews Betty tops $100,000 Evelyn McCormick Crespi Constance Wolcott Walker Sarah Query Andrews Ms Pagels Croak Janet Louise Walsh to Loretta Jean Armstrong Kathryn Thanks the generosity of 4,200 Sara Terwilliger Cyr Helen Nisbett Ward Barbara M Barclay * Hart Davis Frances Sullivan Waters Phi Mary Meyers Bartholomew Betty Gamma Beta alumnae. Foundation Park Miriam Youmans Wellford Diane Mane Bartus Betty Degarmo * Eileen Schwer Erickson Jane Hicks West has reached a new level. And, 44 Shirley Shambaugh Beaman giving Ethier Helen Sellery Winnacker Helen M Bishop Mary ' Helen Dodd Wmter collegiate and alumnae chapters donated Alice Irene Bourquin Marjory Etnyre * Maryalice McAssey Findorff Lorraine Baker Woroch Jessie lone Bourquin * � Judith Flath Grace Yocum an additional $5,860. Helen Dean Bowles Angevine Raymond Beverly Ann Fochs Marion Twohig Young Harriet Bridges Burton *** and that from Forester Without this Caldwell Alice Woodson Juliana Bardes Zinn support Carolyn Beltramini "' Jane Biggar Forkel Frances Klein Carson Delta friends of Gamma Phi Beta, the Founda Dorothy Marshall Frawley Palricia Lutes Collins * Boston Virginia Stearns Fredrichs Sally Dillon Conover Butler Allen tion would find it difficult to continue its Edith Holmes Elizabeth Sperlich Crawley Frelinger Gwendolyn Eleanor Dana Garnock Carolyn Dutton Ashworth financial aid and for Marlene Blair Darling M Lancaster Bowser programs camping * Stephanie Anne Gavin Janet Carver Davis Jean Parcells Brock * Helen Griffith Mary Henderson Dunham Cady "special girls." Dorothy Bateman Guetzlaff Patricia Deal Patricia McKenna Dye ' Joan Youmans Hamm Alice Julia Dwinell The names of members, friends, and Mary Fay Elvidge Sandra Brecke Heitz Marilyn Kramer Fait Catherine Crosby Foltz and alumnae that Curran Ruth Whidden Graves collegiate chapters Patricia Doyle Fox Mary Hilger Laura Dixon Hinderaker Clare Louise Kirley Gall * Mary Wagner * contributed to the Foundation from Lucile Campbell Hoff Anne Swadel Marvin Elizabeth Morrison Gardner �* Anndre Schlimgen House Dorothy Roberts Matheson Judith Morrison Gentry * October 1, 1983 to September 30, 1984 Margaret Howells Howland Anne Gaffney Moriarty Jeanne Dierking Geraghty Julia Lowe Nettles * Jacqueline Peterson Hunter are listed in this issue. All are Marion Scott Goodrich * gifts Aline Elles Igleheart Polly Noonan Rutnik Carol Purdy Groninger ' Donohue Jensen Anne Coliari Sordillo recorded and the various "Circles" re Laura Frances Gross Abigail Kaska Pauline Sawyer Umland Allmand Haass Rosemary Brigham Virginia Splitgerber Kaulmann Ethel Norry Zimmerman flect accumulative giving. Because such Lori Jeanne Hamer Mary � Baker Kearns Loraine Werner Handley Margaret Epsllon records have been since Pamelia Jensen Kelly Northwestern kept only 1980, Jane Harrelson Honey Judith MottI Kerr Mary Spencer Hershey Betty Elliott Alford it is some members find the ' Catherine Venus Kilpatrick possible may Janel Mewhort Elizabelh Schultz Andersen Hogan ' ' Susan Andrews Davis Holt Kindberg Charlotte Knape Andrea amount of total to be inaccurate. Mary Charlotte Kloo giving Joan Trussell Irwin Frances Appleby Andrews Kristin Ann Kolb Foundation know writ Barbara Hewitt Kalif Frances Williamson Applehans Please let the by Josephine E Kremers Winifred Gridley Keller Marsha Perkins Austin
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