प्र�न पत्र क्रम 車क................................... प्रवेश परीऺा 2015 (ग्रुप एच) रोऱ नंबर ......... अधिकतम अंक–150 समय सीमा - 90 ममनट मह配वपर्ू ण ननर्देश 1. इस प्र�न पुस्तिक मᴂ कु ऱ 150 प्र�न हℂ। सभी प्र�न अननव यय हℂ। 2. प्र配येक प्र�न के च र वैकस्पपक उ配िर a, b, c और d दिए गये हℂ स्िनमᴂ से एक सही है। 3. ओ.एम.आर. शीट उ륍मीिव र को अऱग से िी ि एगी, स्िसमᴂ सही उ配िर को पूर भरन है। 4. प्र�न के एक से अधिक उ配िर दिये गये िो वह तवि् ही रद्द हो ि एग । 5. उ配िर गऱि होने पर अ車क नही車 क टे ि ए車गे। 6. रफ क यय इस पुस्तिक मᴂ ही करन होग । 7. यह प्र�नपत्र परीऺ ख配म होने के ब ि ओ.एम.आर. शीट के स थ िम करव न है। अꅍयथ उ륍मीिव र को परीऺ से अनुपस्तथि समझ ि एग । 8. परीऺ के िौर न अनुश सन बन ए रखᴂ। 9. अनुव ि व अꅍय ववस車गनि मᴂ दहꅍिी क प्र�न सही म न ि एग । Entrance Test 2015 (Group - H ) Roll No............. Maximum Marks - 150 Time Limit - 90 Minutes Important Instructions: 1. This question booklet contains total 150 questions. Answer all the questions. 2. Each question has four options (a), (b), (c) and (d), out of which one is correct. 3. The candidate is required to darken completely correct option in the OMR answer sheet supplied separately. 4. Answer will get cancelled if it is not answered or two or more answers are given. 5. There will be no negative marking. 6. Rough work may be done in this question booklet itself. 7. Submit the entrance test paper along with OMR answer sheet to the invigilator otherwise the candidate will be considered absent. 8. Maintain discipline during the examination. 9. In case of doubt or discrepancy in translation Hindi version will be treated as correct. Signature of the Invigilator Signature of the Candidate 2015- M.Phil 1 Cont........ 1 fcuk fdlh rqjar O;kogkfjd mi;ksx ds fofHkUu pjksa ds ckjs vkilh laca/kksa ds ckjs esa tkuus ds fy, ge djrs gSa& To learn about relationship among variables, regardless of any immediate practical application, we ¼conduct....½ vIykbM 'kks/k a ¼(a)½ Applied Research ¼b½ ewyHkwr 'kks/k b Basic Research ¼c½ la[;kRed 'kks/k (c) Quantitative Research ¼ ½ dk;Z 'kks/k (d) Action Research d 2 'kwU; midYiuk crkrh gS & ¼Null½ pjksahypothesis esa fdlh sta izdkjtes - laca/k gSA a ¼(a)½ Some kind of relationship between variables ¼b½ pjksa esa fdlh izdkj dk laca/k ugha gS b No relationship between variables ¼ ½ c varjksa dh fn’kkA (c) The direction of differences ¼ ½ mijksDr esa ls dksbZ ugha (d) None of the above d 3 Mwbax ehfM;k fjlpZ fdlus fy[kh gS & ¼„Doing½ izhLV Media Research‟ is written by - a ¼(a)½ Priest ¼b½ cyksZ b Berlo ¼c½ foej ,aM MkWfefud (c) Wimmer & Dominic ¼ ½ jkstlZ ,aM fla?ky (d) Rogers & Singhal d 4 fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lh ,d 'kks/k fof/k ugha gS & ¼Which½ of the following is not a research method - a fo"k;oLrq fo’ys"k.k ¼(a)½ Content Analysis ¼b½ voyksdu b Observation ¼ ½ c iz’ukoyh (c) Questionnaire ¼ ½ oS;fDrd v/;;u (d) Case Studey d 5 buesa ls dkSu&lk ,d 'kks/k izjpuk ugha gS\ ¼Which½ izk;ksfxd of these is not a research design? a ¼(a)½ Experimental ¼b½ vUos"k.kkRed b Exploratory ¼c½ la[;kRed (c) Quantitavie ¼ ½ fooj.kkRed (d) Descriptive d 6 laKkukRed vlaokfnrk dk fl)kUr fdlus fn;k Fkk\ ¼Who½ jkstlZ propounded „Theory of Cognitive Dissonance‟? a ¼(a)½ Rogers ¼b½ QsfLVatj b Festinger ¼c½ JSe (c) Schramm ¼ ½ U;wdkWEc (d) Newcomb d 7 QhYM vkWQ ,Dlihfj,al fl)kUr fdlus fn;k Fkk& ¼„Fields½ cyksZ of Experience‟ model was given by- a ¼(a)½ Berlo ¼b½ Mkal b Dance ¼c½ JSe (c) Schramm ¼ ½ 'kSuu vkSj ohoj us (d) Shannon & Weaver d 2015- M.Phil 2 Cont........ 8 dksgkVZ ,ukfyfll D;k gS ¼Cohart½ dEI;wVj Analysis lkW¶Vos;j is a dk ,d izdkj a ¼(a)½ Type of computer software ¼b½ nh?kZdkfyd v/;;u dk ,d izdkj b Type of longitudinal study ¼c½ 'kks/k tuZy dk ,d izdkj (c) Type of research journal ¼ ½ (d) Type of sampling procedure d fun’kZu dh ,d i)fr 9 igyh dgkuh dgus okyh fQYe dkSu&lh Fkh& ¼First½ vjkboy motion picturevkWQ , that Vªsu told a story was - a ¼(a)½ Arrival of the Train ¼b½ n~ xzsV Vªsu jkWcjh b The great train robbery ¼ ½ c eSu ,aM e’khu (c) Man and Machine ¼ ½ n~ cfuZax Vªsu (d) The Burning Train d 10 ,uch, fdu dk laxBu gS % ¼NBA½ is an organization of : a tulaidZ fo’ks"kKksa dk ¼(a)½ Public Relations experts ¼b½ izlkj.kdrkZvksa dk b Broadcasters ¼c½ fizaV i=dkjksa dk (c) Print Journalism ¼ ½ fQYe fuekZrkvksa dk (d) Filmmakers d 11 baVjfDVfoVh dh vo/kkj.kk fdlls tqM+h gS & ¼Interactivity½ Vsyhfotu is a'kks/k concept related to - a ¼(a)½ Television research ¼b½ U;w ehfM;k b New media ¼c½ lekpkji= ikBdksa ls (c) Newspaper audience ¼ ½ (d) Radio analysis d jsfM;ks fo’ys"k.k 12 nsonkl xka/kh fdlds lEiknd Fks\ ¼Devdas½ Gandhik YMwas the editor of a us’kuy gSj ¼(a)½ National Herald ¼b½ bafM;u ,Dlizsl b Indian Express ¼c½ n fgUnqLrku VkbEl (c) The Hindustan Times ¼ ½ ve`r cktkj if=dk (d) Amrita Bazar Patrika d 13 xyr la;kstu crkb,A Identify the incorrect combination. ¼a½ ihVhvkbZ&Hkkjr (a) PTI-India ¼ ½ ¼ ½ b ckjukek&bUMksusf’k;k b Barnama-Indonesia ¼c½ ft+ugqvk&phu (c) Xinhua-China ¼ ½ d;ksnk&tkiku (d) Kyoda-Japan d 14 laxhr esa mRd`"Vrk ds fy, dkfynkl lEeku dk laLFkkiu fdlds }kjk fd;k x;k gS\ Kalidas Samman for excellence in music has been instituted by - ¼a½ Hkkjr ljdkj (a) Government of India ¼ ½ ¼ ½ b e/;izns’k ljdkj b M.P. Government ¼ ½ c mÙkj izns’k ljdkj (c) U.P. Governement ¼ ½ egkjk"Vª ljdkj (d) Maharashtra Government d 2015- M.Phil 3 Cont........ 15 jsfM;ks Js.kh&fu/kkZj.k ¼jsfVax½ 'kks/k esa fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSu&lh daiuh fo’ks"kKrk izkIr gS\ ¼Which½ of the following companies specializes in radio ratings research? a vksfMV C;wjks vkWQ ldqZys’ku ¼(a)½ Audit Bureau of Circulations ¼b½ ,-lh-uSYlu daiuh b A.C. Nielson Company ¼c½ n vkfcZVªksu daiuh (c) The Arbitron Company ¼ ½ lkbeUl ekdsZV fjlpZ C;wjks (d) Simmons Market d 16 de ek=k ds lkFk mPp xq.koÙkk mRiknu dh ysvkmV j.kuhfr dkSu&lh gSA ¼The½ layout strategy that deals with low-volume, high-variety production is. a fQDlM ikWft’ku ¼(a)½ Fixed-position layout ¼b½ os;jgkml ysvkmV b Ware-house layout ¼c½ vkWfQl ysvkmV (c) Office layout ¼ ½ buesa ls dksbZ ugha (d) None of the above d 17 ikBd laiknd dh fu;qfDr djus okyk izFke lekpkji= gS& ¼The½ nfirst VkbEl India vkWQnewspaper bafM;k to have a readers editor is - a ¼(a)½ The Times of India ¼b½ fgUnw b Hindu ¼c½ n fgUnqLrku VkbEl (c) The Hindustan Times ¼ ½ n ik;ksfu;j (d) The pioneer d 18 Ikf{kd if=dk Qsfeuk ds izdk’kd& ¼Femina½ csusV a dksyeSunon news ,aM fortnightly daiuh is published by - a ¼(a)½ Benett Coleman & Co. Ltd. ¼b½ fgUnqLrku VkbEl xzqi b Hindustan Times Group. ¼ ½ c ,Dlizsl ifCyds’kUl fyfeVsM (c) Express Publications Ltd. ¼ ½ (d) Express Publications (Bombay Ltd.) d ,Dlizsl ifCyds’kUl ¼ckWEcs½ fyfeVsM 19 dkSu&lk v/;;u pqukoksa ds oSKkfud v/;;u ls tqM+k gqvk gS\ ¼Which½ ,aFkzksiksykWth study deals with scientific analysis of elections? a ¼(a)½ Anthropology ¼b½ QksuksykWth b Phonology ¼c½ lsQksykWth (c) Psephology ¼ ½ lkbdksykWth (d) Psychology d 20 fodhihfM;k ds laLFkkid dkSu gSa\ ¼Who½ tsEl is founder jSx of Wikipedia? a ¼(a)½ James Rang ¼b½ tkWu fiVj b John Pitter ¼c½ ftEeh osYl (c) Jimmy Wales ¼ ½ tkWyh 'k;kse (d) Joly Sheom d 21 tujy F;kSjh vkQ dE;qfuds’ku dks fdlus bZtkn fd;k\ ¼Who½ gsjkYM propounded Mh-ySlosy the General Theory of Communication? a ¼(a)½ Harold D.Laswell ¼b½ Msful eSDosy b Dennis McQuail ¼ ½ ku c ek’kZy eSdyqg (c) Marshal McLuhan ¼ ½ tktZ tscZuj (d) George Gerbner d 2015- M.Phil 4 Cont........ 22 ^^Leky bu C;wVhQqy % bdksukWfeDl ,st bQ ihiYl eSVMZ** uked iqLrd dks fdlus fy[kk\ ¼Who½ bZ wrote-,Q-'kwesdj the book entitled “Small is Beautiful : Economics as if people Mattered.” a ¼(a)½ E.F.Schumacher ¼b½ xwUukj feMZy b Gunner Myrdal ¼c½ ,ojsV jkstj (c) Everette Rogers ¼ ½ tku dsUusFk xSyczsFk (d) John Kenneth Galbraith d 23 ^^dE;qfuds’ku ,.M lkslkbVh** uked iqLrd dks fdlus fy[kk\ Who wrote “Communication and Society”? ¼a½ foYcj JSe (a) Wilbur Schramm ¼ ½ gku ¼ ½ b ek’kZy eSdyq b Marshall McLuhan ¼c½ Msful eSDosy (c) Dennis McQuil ¼ ½ MsfoM ,e- OgkbV (d) David M.White d 24 fuEu esa ls fdl dk ;ksxnku izsl dh ^fo’oluh;rk* dks ugha gksrk gS\ ¼Which½ of the following does not contribute to the “Credibility” of the Press? a fo’okl;ksX;rk ¼(a)½ Believability ¼b½ luluh[kst b Sensationalism ¼c½ fu"i{krk (c) Impartiality ¼ ½ vpwdrk (d) Accuracy d 25 fuEu esa ls dkSu fdlh lekpkj&i= ls lEc) ugha gS\ ¼Which½ cSuj of the following is not related to a newspaper? a ¼(a)½ Banner ¼b½ vkQlsV b Offset ¼c½ jksVjh (c) Rotary ¼ ½ fMt+kWYo (d) Dissolve d 26 ,ukfyflfl vkWQ osfj,Ul dks D;k dgk tkrk gS\ ¼Analysis½ ^Vh* VsLVof variance is called? a ¼(a)½ „t‟ test ¼b½ ^,Q* VsLV b „F‟ test ¼ ½ c dksfjys’ku (c) Correlation ¼ ½ lSEifyax (d) Sampling d 27 ,d lh/ks lQsZl ls nwljs lQsZl esa izsl Nfo cnyus dh izfØ;k D;k gS\ ¼Which½ ysVjizsl press process transfers an image from one flat surface to another? a ¼(a)½ Letterpress ¼b½ vkQlsV b Offset ¼c½ osc izsl (c) Web press ¼ ½ 'khV&QsM izsl (d) Sheet-fed-press d 28 ^^fu;ks&fj;fyTe** dk fdl ns’k ls lEc) gS\ ¼The½ ÝkUlterm “New-realism” is associated with? a ¼(a)½ France ¼b½ fczVsu b Britain ¼c½ :l (c) Russia ¼ ½ bVyh (d) Italy d 2015- M.Phil 5 Cont.......
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