PAS2017 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT SIONSPORT, A PASSION FOR ALL FOR ALL SPORT IS A MULTIFACETED EXPERIENCE. It portrays the children's enthusiasm as they learn to face the world through sport. It involves sharing, commitment and the mere pleasure of being together. It drives competitiveness to push beyond the limits of the mind and the body. Sport embeds all of this and much more. And these values act as an invisible thread binding together every sport, those who pursue it and love it. 2017 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT SPORT, A PASSION CONI AND THE SOCIAL 3 ROLE OF SPORT FOR ALL TO PURSUE 60. CONI’s strategic approach to social responsibility 62. The social responsibility plan: overview 64. Sport, youth and school 71. Sport and social development 78. Sport, health and the community CONTENTS 6. President’s letter 8. A sustainable strategic model 10. 2017 highlights CONI AND SPORTS 14. XXIII 2018 Winter Olympic 4 INSTITUTIONS Games in PyeongChang 92. Overview of the sporting system 94. Relations between CONI and Sports institutions 96. Sports institutions: NSFs, ASDs, SPOs, MAs 101. Sports clubs and associations GOVERNANCE AND 1 TRANSPARENT REPORTING 20. The role of CONI in the Italian sports system 24. The role of Coni Servizi 27. The relationship between CONI and Coni Servizi: a good governance system 32. The economic sustainability of CONI System OUR 5 STAKEHOLDERS 104. Stakeholders and channels of dialogue 106. Our people 121. National and international institutions 129. Suppliers 131. Sponsors 2 CONI AND TOP LEVEL SPORT 132. Environmental protection for future generations 40. Olympic Training 46. Anti-Doping 48. Sports Justice 50. Sports Medicine and Science Institute 53. School of Sport 55. Consultancy on sports facilities ANNEXES 56. Support to top level athletes 138. Methodological note and materiality analysis 142. GRI Content Index 152. Independent Auditors' Report 6 CONI 2017 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT PRESIDENT’S LETTER The 2017 Sustainability Report, now in VMV\YTPZZPVU^OPJO^LLUKLH]V\YHUK P[ZÄM[OLKP[PVUZL[ZV\[[VWYV]PKLHJSLHY ^LT\Z[JVU[PU\L[VPTWYV]LHNHPUZ[HU JVTWYLOLUZP]LHUKJVUZPZ[LU[YLWVY[VU[OL PUJYLHZPUNS`JVTWL[P[P]LHUKJVUZ[HU[S` \ZLVMYLZV\YJLZHUKVU[OL]HS\LNLULYH[LK JOHUNPUNSHUKZJHWL0YLMLY[V[OLP MVY[OLZWVY[ZZ`Z[LTHUKMVY[OLLU[PYL JVTTP[TLU[[VHUHJJ\YH[LTHUHNLTLU[ JVTT\UP[` VMV\YHYLHZVML_JLSSLUJL·6S`TWPJ ;YHPUPUN*LU[YLZ:JOVVSVM:WVY[:WVY[Z *650ɔZTPZZPVUPZHUPTWVY[HU[VUL^OLYLI` 4LKPJPULHUK:JPLUJL0UZ[P[\[L·PPJVUZ[HU[ ·PUSPUL^P[O[OLWYV]PZPVUZVM[OL6S`TWPJ MVJ\ZVUHU[PKVWPUNHUKZWVY[ZQ\Z[PJL *OHY[LYHUK*650»Z(Y[PJSLZVM(ZZVJPH[PVU WVSPJPLZPPPZ\WWVY[[VZWVY[ZPUZ[P[\[PVUZHUK ·*650PZYLZWVUZPISLMVYZL]LYHSZ`ULYNPZ[PJ IVKPLZP]LUOHUJLTLU[VM[HSLU[Z HYLHZ[OH[HYLJVTWSLTLU[HY`[VVUL ]WYV[LJ[PVUVMHUKZ\WWVY[[VV\YH[OSL[LZ HUV[OLY!WYV]PKPUNZ\WWVY[[V[VWSL]LSZWVY[ HUKM\Y[OLYPUNWHY[PJPWH[PVUPU[OL6S`TWPJ 0UWHY[PJ\SHY^HZHJY\JPHS`LHYMVY .HTLZ^OPSLKL]LSVWPUN`V\[OHJ[P]P[`· [VWSL]LSZWVY[M\SSVMJVTTP[TLU[ZHUK HTVUNV[OLYZ·HUKMVJ\ZPUNVU[OLZVJPHS PTWVY[HU[YLZ\S[ZK\YPUN^OPJO[YHPUPUN YVSLVMZWVY[ LќVY[ZJVU[PU\LKHOLHKVM[OL>PU[LY 0UVYKLY[VHJJVTWSPZOV\YTPZZPVU[OPZ 6S`TWPJ.HTLZPU7`LVUN*OHUNPUVYKLY[V `LHY[VV^LOH]LHKVW[LKHZ[YH[LNPJ WYV]PKL[OLILZ[Z\WWVY[WVZZPISL[VH[OSL[LZ THUHNLTLU[TVKLS[OH[Z\TTHYPZLZP HUKZ[HќHSPRLPU[OLX\HSPM`PUNZ[HNLZSLHKPUN *650»ZHUK*VUP:LY]PaP»ZTVK\ZVWLYHUKP \W[V[OLL]LU[;OLJVTTP[TLU[ZHJYPÄJL HPTLKH[LUZ\YPUNMHPYYLWYLZLU[H[PVUVMHSS HUKWHZZPVUVM[OL0[HSPHUKLSLNH[PVUHSSV^LK 0[HS`»ZZWVY[ZZ`Z[LTWSH`LYZHUKPP[OL [OLT[V^PU[LUTLKHSZ^P[O[OYLLNVSKZ[OH[ JOHSSLUNLZ[OH[^LOH]LOPZ[VYPJHSS`ILLU JHYY`[OLZTPSLVM[OYLLNYLH[MLTHSLH[OSL[LZ JVTTP[[LK[V!NV]LYUHUJLHUKYLWVY[PUN 0[HS`[O\ZYHURZÄM[OPU[OLYHURPUNVM^PU[LY IHZLKVU[OL\[TVZ[[YHUZWHYLUJ`"VWLU LKP[PVUZVMHSS[PTLPU[LYTZVMU\TILYVM HUKTLHUPUNM\SKPHSVN\LHUKL_JOHUNLZ TLKHSZ^VU ^P[OHSSZ[HRLOVSKLYZ"WLVWSLLTWV^LYTLU[" 6\YYVSLOV^L]LYPZUV[JVUÄULK[V JVUZ[HU[MVJ\ZVU[VWSL]LSZWVY[HUKVU[OL HJOPL]PUNZPNUPÄJHU[ZWVY[ZYLZ\S[Z![OL ZVJPHSYVSLVMZWVY[ U\TILYVMTLKHSZ^VUPZUV[[OLVUS`MHJ[VY [VJVUZPKLY^OLUHZZLZZPUN[OLNYV^[OVY ;OPZTVKLSPZIHZLKVUHZ[YVUN]HS\L ZWVY[ZJ\S[\YLVMHJV\U[Y`6\YYLZWVUZPIPSP[` Z`Z[LT[OH[PKLU[PÄLZ\ZJOHYHJ[LYPZLK L_[LUKZM\Y[OLY"MVJ\ZPUNVUZWVY[MVYHSSHUK I`WHZZPVUJVTTP[TLU[WHY[PJPWH[PVU VU[OLZVJPHSYVSLVMZWVY[PZPUOLYLU[PU[OL ZVSPKHYP[`PU[LNYP[`MHPYULZZ[YHUZWHYLUJ` UH[\YLVM*650HUKPZWHY[VMP[Z+5(>P[O HUKHJJV\U[HIPSP[` [OPZPUTPUKZ[LWZOH]LILLU[HRLUV]LY[OL =HS\LZ^OPJOHYLM\Y[OLYLUOHUJLKI`[OL WHZ[ML^`LHYZZV[OH[[OPZJVTTP[TLU[TH` JVUZ[HU[[LHT^VYRIL[^LLUV\YWLVWSL [\YUPU[VJVUJYL[LHJ[PVUZ[VILW\YZ\LK HUK[OLZ[HRLOVSKLYZH^PUUPUNZ[YH[LN` HSZVPUJVUQ\UJ[PVU^P[OWHY[ULYPUZ[P[\[PVUZ PUP[ZV^UYPNO[HUKHULZZLU[PHSWYLYLX\PZP[L VYNHUPZH[PVUZHUKJVTWHUPLZPKLU[PM`PUNRL` MVYHJOPL]PUNTHQVYNVHSZ [OLTLZHUKJVUZLX\LU[S`SPULZVMHJ[PVU ;OLVYNHUPZH[PVUHUKKL]LSVWTLU[VM[VW VU^OPJO[VMVJ\ZV\YLќVY[ZPL`V\[O SL]LSZWVY[PZ[OLJVYLHUK[OL]LY`LZZLUJL HUKZJOVVS"ZWVY[HUKZVJPHSKL]LSVWTLU[" 7 Giovanni Malagò President of the Italian National Olympic Committee ZWVY[OLHS[OHUKJVTT\UP[PLZ>LHYL 0[HSPHUV¹.LULYHS:[H[LZVM0[HS`»Z:WVY[ JVTTP[[LK[VZ\WWVY[PUN[OLTV[VYHUK HUVWWVY[\UP[`MVYHUHSSYV\UKKPZJ\ZZPVU ZWVY[ZLK\JH[PVUVM`V\UNWLVWSLPUHUKV\[ [V[HRLHZUHWZOV[VM[OLZ[YVUNWVPU[Z VM[OLZJOVVSLU]PYVUTLU[HUKWYVTV[PUN[OL JYP[PJHSP[PLZHUKWYVZWLJ[ZVM[OL0[HSPHUZWVY[Z ]HS\LZVMZWVY["^LLUKLH]V\Y[VN\HYHU[LL TV]LTLU[ [OLYPNO[[VZWVY[MVYHSS"LUJV\YHNPUN[OL -PUHSS`0^V\SKSPRL[VJVUJS\KL^P[OHZWLJPHS KL]LSVWTLU[VMWVSPJPLZMVYZVJPHSPUJS\ZPVU [OHUR`V\[VHSS[OLWLVWSL^OV^VYRMVY[OL HUKZVJPHSPU[LNYH[PVU[OYV\NOZWVY[ *650:`Z[LTPU[OLPYKPќLYLU[JHWHJP[PLZ ZWYLHKPUN[OLW\YZ\P[VMZWVY[PUJVTWSL_ ;OL`HYL]HS\HISLYLZV\YJLZ[OH[HYL HUKKPZHK]HU[HNLKSVJHSJVU[L_[ZÄNO[PUN JVTTP[[LKKHPS`[V[OLNYV^[OVM[OLZWVY[Z HSSMVYTZVMKPZJYPTPUH[PVUHUKPU[VSLYHUJL" Z`Z[LTHUK[OH[I\PSKV\YZ\JJLZZLZ^P[O LUOHUJPUN[OLZWHJLZMHJPSP[PLZHUKZWVY[Z WYVMLZZPVUHSPZTJVTTP[TLU[HUKWHZZPVU NYV\UKZMVY[OLJVTT\UP[`HKVW[PUN HUHWWYVHJOIHZLKVUHNNYLNH[PVU 6\YJVTTP[TLU[MVY[OLM\[\YLPZHNHPU HUKZVJPHSPZH[PVUPUWLYPWOLYHSHYLHZ [VJVU[YPI\[L[V[OLKL]LSVWTLU[HUK L_JLSSLUJLVM0[HS`»ZZWVY[Z[HY[PUN^P[OHU ;OL]PY[\V\ZJV\YZL\UKLY[HRLUI`*650 L]LYPUJYLHZPUNWYVTV[PVUVM[OLHJ[P]P[PLZ MYVTHZVJPHSYLZWVUZPIPSP[`HUKZ\Z[HPUHIPSP[` HTVUN[OL`V\UNLYNLULYH[PVUZ^OPJO WLYZWLJ[P]LOHZSLK\Z[VJVUÄYTV\YM\SS YLWYLZLU[[OLTVZ[PTWVY[HU[PU]LZ[TLU[MVY HUK[V[HSZ\WWVY[MVY[OL<UP[LK5H[PVUZ ZWVY[HUKMVY[OL^LSSILPUNVM[OLJV\U[Y` .SVIHS*VTWHJ[WYVQLJ[^OPJO^HZJYLH[LK >L^HU[[VHJJVTWHU`HUKZ\WWVY[V\Y [VWYVTV[L[OLÄNO[HNHPUZ[JVYY\W[PVU [HSLU[ZHUK[OLPYJV\YHNLPUMHJPUN^P[OMVYJL HUKHSSMVYTZVMKPZJYPTPUH[PVUHUK\WOVSK NYLH[HUKUL^JOHSSLUNLZ YLZWLJ[MVYO\THUYPNO[ZHUKLU]PYVUTLU[HS YLZWVUZPIPSP[` ;OLYLPZZ[PSS^VYR[VILKVUL;OLHIPSP[` [VSPZ[LUHUK[OL^PSSPUNULZZ[VLUNHNLPU KPHSVN\LHYLJY\JPHSKYP]LYZMVYH[YHUZWHYLU[ JVUZJPLU[PV\ZHUKYLZWVUZPISLKLJPZPVU THRPUNWYVJLZZ-VY[OPZYLHZVUPU ^LJYLH[LK[OL¸:[H[P.LULYHSPKLSSV:WVY[ 8 CONI 2017 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT A SUSTAINABLE STRATEGIC MODEL WHAT CONI AND TOP LEVEL SPORT The organisation of top level sport is a mainstay of CONI’s mission. By deploying an accurate LLENGES management of its own assets (Olympic Training HA C Centres, sports facilities, the School of Sports and R U the Sports Medicine and Science Institute) and O implementing adequate anti-doping and sports justice policies, CONI provides Italy’s sport with the tools required to reach outstanding results. Chapter “CONI and top level sport” describes the activities carried out by CONI in relation to Olympic Training and top level sport. O U R S T R A T EGY HOW GOVERNANCE AND TRANSPARENT REPORTING The governance model adopted is based on lending an ear to, establishing a dialogue with and engaging the many stakeholders from the sports system as well as other areas, starting from the initial sharing of goals, growth strategies and actions. To reach common growth and development goals for Italy’s sports system, significant efforts are made in order to establish a constant and continuous dialogue with national and international institutions and build meaningful synergies with accredited private partners. Chapter “Governance and transparent reporting” outlines the good governance model adopted by CONI System. 9 CONI AND THE SOCIAL ROLE OF SPORT CONI has always been committed to carrying on social-related projects in conjunction with partner companies, institutions and organisations, identifying specific action areas on which to focus its efforts: Sport, Youth and School through youth-oriented initiatives aimed at promoting sports values and physical, motor and sports activities. Sport and Social Development, fostering the right to sport for all and empowering sport as a social inclusion, development and integration tool. Sport, Health and the Community, promoting healthy and appropriate lifestyles through sport, at all ages. CONI’s also endeavours to enhance facilities intended for the community. CONI’s social commitment-related projects are listed in Chapter “CONI and the social role of sport.” O U R W O WHO R CONI AND SPORTS INSTITUTIONS L D CONI’s objective is to provide well-being and opportunities to the entire sports system, supporting the sports institutions at all levels by providing resources, services and dedicated tools. Broadly speaking, sports institutions represent a point of reference, bodies for whom and with whom CONI creates shared value. Chapter “CONI and sports institutions” highlights the relationships between CONI and top level and grassroots sports institutions that make up Italy’s sports movement. OUR STAKEHOLDERS The activities carried out by CONI result from endeavours based on a close-meshed network of trust relationships that have been established with the stakeholders over time. CONI builds with each of them relationships based on transparency, democracy, commitment
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