Meteorol. Atmos. Phys. 35,242-252 (1986) Meteoroloe E and Atmospheric Physics 9 by Springer-Verlag 1986 551.553 Department of Geography, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand A Study of Interacting Multi-Scale Wind Systems, Canterbury Plains, New Zealand I. G. McKendry, A. P, Sturman, and I. F. Owens With 11 Figures Received March 28, 1986 Revised May 19, 1986 Summary Zusammenfassung The wind regime of the Canterbury region, New Zealand, Eine Studie zusammenwirkender Windsysteme ver- is composed of several interacting multi-scale wind schiedener Gr6t~enordnungen, Canterbury Plains, systems all of which show strong diurnal periodicity. Neuseeland The dynamic orographic effect of the Southern Alps Das Windregime des Gebiets yon Canterbury, Neuseeland, on the prevailing westerly flow results in perturbations setzt sich aus verschiedenen zusammenwirkenden Wind- to the pressure field and localized antitriptic airflow. systemen verschiedener Gr6genordnungen zusammen, Superimposed on this larger scale process are thermo- die alle einen starken Tagesgang aufweisen. Der dyna- topographic effects resulting from both regional and misch-orographische Effekt der neuseel~indischen Alpen local land-sea thermal contrasts and slope heating. auf die vorherrschende Weststr6mung fahrt zu St6rungen These processes a c t within an hierarchy of scales to im Druckfeld und lokalen Luftbewegungen im Lee. produce a complex Wind regime characterized by marked Diesem groisrfiumigen Prozet~ sind thermisch-topo- temporal variability, a layered vertical structure and the graphische Effekte t~berlagert, die sowohl durch regionale frequent occurrence of convergence lines and shear als auch lokale thermische Unterschiede zwischen Land zones. The synergistic nature of the forcing mechanisms und Meer und die Erw~irmung der Hangregion hervor- and the tendency for nocturnal decoupling of the gerufen werden. Die Vorgfinge spielen sich in einer boundary layer due to stability variations makes it Hierarchie yon Gr6t~enordnungen ab. Sie erzeugen ein difficult to differentiate and label discrete wind com- kompliziertes Windsystem, das durch hohe zeitliche ponents. Variabilit~it, eine schichtweise thermische Struktur und Attempts to simulate this regime using the Colorado hfiufige Konvergenz- und Scherungszonen gekennzeich- State University mesoscale model showed that the model net ist. Die synergetische Natur der Antriebe und die was unable to adequately resolve both the dynamic Tendenz zum n~ichtlichen Entkoppeln der planetaren orographic effect and the local thermotopographic Grenzschicht aufgrund von Stabilit~itsschwankungen effect because of their differing scales of influence. macht es schwer, die einzelnen Windkomponenten zu These results suggest that a more holistic approach trennen und zuzuordnen. to both empirical and theoretical studies in such en- Die Versuche, dieses Regime mit Hilfe des Mesosca!e- vironments is reqfiired if more accurate wind field Modells der Colorado State University zu simulieren, forecasting is to be achieved. zeigten, daiS es aufgrund der verschiedenen Gr61~enord- A Study of Interacting Multi-Scale Wind System 243 nungen des Einflusses nicht geeignet war, gleichzeitig Such studies are useful in isolating and ex- den dynamisch-orographischen und den thermo-topo- amining components of airflow regimes, but are graphischen Effekt zu reproduzieren. Diese Ergebnisse unable to explain anomalous features which legen sowohl ftir empirische wie ftir theoretische Unter- result from interacting forcing functions. suchungen einen holistischeren Ansatz nahe, um eine There are several types of forcing function genauere Prognose des Windfeldes zu ermoglichen. influencing airflow at the scales examined here. Firstly, there is the synoptic scale airflow which may be modified by topography. Secondly, 1. Introduction there is the orographic effect of mountain barriers producing pressure field perturbations The study of regional and local airflow patterns as well as airflow modification. The orographic has gained increasing popularity for both applied effect is both mechanical and thermodynamic. and theoretical reasons. "Local" is used here to Thirdly, there are thermotopographic effects represent a characteristic horizontal distance of which may operate at different scales. For approximately 10-100 km, "regional" 100- example, slope winds develop due to slope 500 km and "synoptic" 500-5000 km (similar heating and cooling, while land and sea breezes to Barry and Perry 1973). From the applied result from differential heating and cooling of point of view, an understanding of airflow at land and sea surfaces. such scales is seen as important in atmospheric This paper aims to: dispersion studies, where concern is being 1) Show the importance of taking an holistic broadened from a focus on single stack and view in examining regional and local airflow city-wide pollution to regional diffusion (for regimes and the factors that influence them. example, of radioactive material). It is also Such a view is particularly important for ac- apparent that many of the models used to curate wind field forecasting. predict pollution concentrations are wildly 2) Examine and explain apparent differences inaccurate in areas dominated by complex local between observation and classical ideas of such airflow regimes (Misra and McMillan 1980; airflow regimes in light of both field research McRae et al. 1981; Sturman 1985). These and numerical modelling. regimes have an impact on many other aspects 3) Provide a basis for more detailed analysis of mankind's activities, including aerial crop of specific aspects of local and regional airflow spraying, insect dispersion, civil aviation, severe patterns, with the ultimate objective of improv- storm development, and recreation. However, ing knowledge of the physical processes involved until recently most research of regional and local and subsequently our forecasting ability. airflow has concentrated on individual com- Previous studies (McKendry 1983; Ryan 1980; ponents, such as land and sea breezes or moun- Sturman and McKendry 1984; Sturman and tain and valley winds, without examining the Tyson 1981) suggest that the Canterbury way in which components of differing strength Plains is an ideal location for investigating the and scale interact (Clements and Nappo 1983; effect of processes acting at different scales Gutman 1983; Keen and Lyons 1983; Manins on wind regimes. and Sawford 1979; Simpson et al. 1977). A change in approach appears to have been stimu- lated by the development and application of mesoscale atmospheric circulation models. Given 2. Regional Airflow Background sufficient computing power, such models should allow the simulation of airflow over a region Airflow over the South Island of New Zealand influenced by a range of processes operating at is dominated at the synoptic scale by the inter- differing scales (Fosberg et al. 1976 ;Pielke 1984; action of high alpine topography (frequently Schlunzen and Schatzmann 1984). However, exceeding 3000 m in altitude) with the strong most simulations to date have concentrated on westerlies of this latitude zone. These westerlies the study of particular processes (Huss and lie between the band of slow-moving sub-tropical Feliks 1981; Physik 1976, 1980; Pielke 1974). anticyclones to the north and cyclonic dis- 244 I.G. McKendry et al. turbances which move more quickly from west such as the Rockies and Southern Andes. The to east over the ocean between New Zealand classic perturbation of the surface pressure field and Antarctica (Maunder 1971; Sturman et al. occurs with the development of high pressure to 1984). In spite of the strength and persistence of windward and low pressure to the lee (de Lisle westerly flow in this region, the surface wind 1969; Hill 1979; Smith 1982). However, in con- field illustrates clearly the extent of topographic trast to basic theory, the sub-synoptic scale flow produces a cross-isobaric wind normal to the orographic barrier, rather than curved flow following the distorted isobars. Thus the airflow at this scale conforms to Le Chatellier's principle which recognizes that because of inherent inertia in the strong westerly current, the wind is unable to adapt to the new pressure pattern Hokitiko -42"$ /[]]'.ii;i}ii. i ]]]]i[i~e~ll ingi~ generated by the mountains. The airflow pattern created through oro- 4;11;? graphic deformation is three dimensionally more complex than the present instrumental networks allows us to observe in detail. However, it is apparent from available data that there are both upstream and downstream effects. It is clear, for example, that westerlies arriving on the upstream side of the barrier anticipate the ob- struction and may start to rise up to perhaps 100 km before reaching the mountains (Neale and Thompson 1978). A region of slack air may Fig. I. Map of the South Island, New Zealand, showing be trapped immediately upwind of the moun- topography, surface wind roses(after Tomlinson 1976) tains or flow parallel to the alpine axis (Fig. 2). and places named in the text That which flows parallel to the mountains may travel around the ends of the barrier. This splitting of the lower layers of the air current modification (Fig. 1). Major surface wind has also been noted on the windward side of the directions either side of the Southern Alps show European Alps (Pierrehumbert and Wyman a northwest-northeast orientation, parallel to 1985). The airflow around the northern end is the mountain axis. It is apparent from
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