Odonatological Abstract Service published by the INTERNATIONAL DRAGONFLY FUND (IDF) in cooperation with the WORLDWIDE DRAGONFLY ASSOCIATION (WDA) Editors: Dr. Martin Lindeboom, Landhausstr. 10, D-72074 Tübingen, Germany. Tel. ++49 (0)7071 552928; E-mail: Lindeboom @aol.com and Martin Schorr, Schulstr. 7B D-54314 Zerf, Germany. Tel. ++49 (0)6587 1025; E-mail: [email protected] Published in Rheinfelden, Germany and printed in Tübingen, Germany. ISSN 1438-0269 Odonata). Carinthia (II) 187 / 107: 381-384. (in 1997 German). [Austria; 1984. Dauphin, P.; Laguerre, M.; Tamisier, J.-P.; abundance, sampling site, and altitude of Teissier, F. (1997): Remarques botaniques et Onychogomphus forcipatus, Gomphus vulgatissimus, entomologiques sur la Réserve naturelle du marais de Calopteryx splendens, C. virgo, Platycnemis pennipes, la Mazière (Lot-et-Garonne). Bull. soc. linn. Bordeaux and Somatochlora metallica are documented.] Address: 25(1): 15-24. (in French). [18 odonate species are Ponta, Ursula, Kärntner Institut für Seenforschung, Amt mentioned for the locality but not specified.] Address: der Kärntner Landesregierung, Flatschacher Str. 70, A- Dauphin, P., Poitou, F-33570 Lussac, France 9021 Klagenfurt, Austria 1985. Kesel, A. (1997): Einige Aspekte zur Statik der Insektenflügel. Biona-Report 11: 89-114. (in German). [Biophysical factors of insect wings using Aeshna 1998 cyanea as an odonate example are outlined in some detail (network of veins, geometry of veins, stability of 1988. Bernabel, S.; Di Girolamo, I.; Iavarone, I.; wing [nodus, pterostigma, membranula]). Modells to Mancini, L. (1998): Alcune note sul popolamento ma- enlarge constuctively stability of wings are developed crobentonico del fiume Arrone (Lazio-Italia). Riv. and tested.] Address: Kesel, Antonia, Department of Idrobiol. 37(1-3): 203-209. (in Italian with English Zoology, Technical Biology and Bionics; University of summary). [The macrobentic community of the river Saarland; D - 66041 Saarbrücken. E-mail: Arrone, Italy first was surveyed in the early 70th, and [email protected] restudied app. 20 years later. Anthropogenic impacts increased and surroundig land cover was modified, but 1986. Orr, A.G. (1997): Odonate predation in Bornean the macrozoobenthos seems not to have changed treehole communities: some observations on predator siginificantly. In a tab, all determined taxa are listed densitiy and prey diversity. H. Ulrich (ed.): Tropical including 11 Odonata of which Pyrrhosoma nymphula biodiversity and systematics. Proceedings of the and Onychogomphus uncatus seem to be the most International Symposium on Biodiversity and interesting species.] Address: Istituto Superiore di Systematics in Tropical Ecosystems, Bonn, 1994. Sanità, Laboratorio di Igiene Ambientale, Viale Regina Zoologisches Forschungsinsitut und Museum Elena, 299, I-00191 Roma, Italy Alexander König, Bonn, 1997: 223-227. (in English). ["Phytotelmata in Bornean mixed dipterocarp forest fall 1989. Dolmen, D. (1998): Orthetrum cancellatum (L.) into several categories, the more common of which is (Odonata) rediscovered in Norway. Fauna Norvegica the buttress or trunk pan. Such holes are often quite Series B. 45(1-2): 114-115. (in English with Norwegian large (up to 10 litres) and are mostly filled nearly to the summary). [The third record of O. cancellatum in brim with a thick layer of leaf litter, under which is a Norway happened July 8, 1997. The habitat - the large body of anoxic sludge. Despite apparently high brackish-water lake Langangsvatnet - is characterised rates of decomposition only a few (6-10) species make by physical and chemical parameters, and co-occuring up the metazoan community, including up to three Odonata are listed.] Address: Dolmen, D., NTNU species of predatory odonate larvae; the Zygopteran Museum, N-7004, Trondheim Norway Pericnemis triangularis (Coenagrionidae) and the Anisopterans Lyriothemis cleis (Libellulidae) and 1990. Donnelly, T.; Ellenrieder, N. von; Muzon, J. Indaeschna grubaueri (Aeshnidae). Odonates generally (1998): Nuevos registros de Odonata (Insecta) para la account for a relatively high proportion of the metazoan Argentina. Neotropica (La Plata) 44(111-112): 115-116. biomass, in some cases far exceeding the biomass of (in Spanish). [16 taxa are added to the list of Odonata detritovores. This suggests that decomposition rates of Argentina including serval species to be described: must be very high, and it is possible that high predation Aeshna psilus Calvert 1947, Andaeschna rufipes (Ris levels are responsible for suppressing diversity in the 1918), Progomphus recticarinatus Calvert 1909, Argia detritovore community." (Author)] Address: Orr, A.G., translata Hagen in Selys 1865, Enallagma 26 Currimundi Rd, Caloundra, Qld 4451, Australia novaehispaniae Calvert 1907, Brechmorhoga praedatrix Calvert 1909, Tramea rustica De Marmels & 1987. Ponta, U. (1997): Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Racenis 1982, Mecistogaster amalia (Burmeister, Libellenfauna im Gurk-Einzugsgebiet (Insecta, 1839), Neoneura ethela Williamson 1917, Argia Odonat. Abstr. Service 9 (January 2002) - page 1 hasemani Calvert, 1909, Argia reclusa Selys 1865, study area. Threat factors and protective measures that Aeshna n.sp., Limnetron n.sp., Erythrodiplax n.sp., and should be taken are discussed. In the study area, C. Epipleoneura n.sp.. Additions to the list of the National pulchellum colonizes mainly older still waters with well- parks of Callegua and Iguazú are also made.] Address: developed water-plant vegetation. Oviposition and Donnelly, T., 2091 Partridge Lane, Binghamton, NY emergence sites of the examined waters can be divided 13903, USA. [email protected] into two types distinguished by their markedly different structure: A) Phytocoenoses characterized by water- 1991. Ehmann, H. (1998): Beitrag zur Kenntnis der plants with floating leaves (alliance Nymphaeion) mixed Libellenfauna Kärntens (Insecta: Odonata). Carinthia II with reed and sedge vegetation (alliances Phragmition 188(108): 607-617. (in German with English summary). and Magnocaricion). B) Areas of waters with [Between 1991 and 1997, the odonate fauna has been phytocoenoses of water-plants with floating leaves investigated on various waters of Carinthia, Austria. Re- (alliance Nymphaeion), or containing other floating cords of 51 species are documented for 31 localities. oviposition substrates, that are moderately shaded Crocothemis erythraea, Leucorrhinia dubia, and Ery- (maximum: 80 %) by overhanging woody vegetation." thromma viridulum have been found for the first time in (Author)] Address: Rademacher, M., c/o Heidelberger Carinthia. In addition the following interesting species Technology Center, Peter-Schumacher-Str. 8, 69181 should be mentioned: Coenagrion hastulatum, C. Leimen, Germany pulchellum, Anaciaeschna isosceles, Brachytron pratense, Ophiogomphus cecilia, Cordulegaster heros, 1995. Rademacher, M. (1998): Untersuchungen zum Somatochlora meridionalis, Sympetrum Schlupf- und Eiablagehabitat der Gemeinen Winterlibel- pedemontanum, and Leucorrhinia albifrons.] Address: le (Sympecma fusca) am südlichen und mittleren Ober- Ehmann, H., Hirschenhöhstr. 25, A-5450 Werfen, rhein und mögliche Schutzmaßnahmen. Naturschutz Austria. am südlichen Oberrhein 2: 107-118. (in German with English summary). ["On 33 waters in the southern and 1992. Keim, C. (1998): Emergence hivernale d'Anax middle Upper Rhine valley serving as reproduction imperator Leach (Odonata: Aeshnidae) à Martigny (Va- habitats for Sympecma fusca oviposition sites and lais, Suisse). Bull. romand Ent. 16(2): 57-64. (in French, emergence sites were analyzed using standardized with English summary). ["On January, 9th 1998, a living protocol forms. Oviposition and emergence occur in adult Emperor dragonfly (Anax imperator) has been more or less extensive reed and sedge communities found close to an artificial pond in Martigny, Valais (alliances Phragmition and Magnocaricion) which are (southwestern Switzerland). Because of its pale intensely mixed with water-plant communities. This coloration, the specimen was apparently a freshly- vegetation has to be submerged from April/ May emerged adult. The relatively high ambient through July/ August and must have low coverages temperatures, which prevailed from October 1997 (<40 %) of emerged vegetation during the period of through to the beginning of January 1998, could explain oviposition. The presence of a certain amount of dead this winter emergence. To our knowledge, winter or fresh plant material floating on the surface is a emergences of A. imperator have never been reported prerequisite for oviposition. The sites have to be well in Switzerland." (Author)] Address: Keim, C., Finettes exposed to the sun during the whole day; shading by 10, CH-1920 Martigny, Switzerland surrounding woody plants must not exceed 10 %. Compared to surrounding areas, the water temperature 1993. Kreuz, P.; Kempf, M.; Kesel, A.; Göken, M.; is markedly higher where oviposition takes place." Vehoff, H.; Nahtigall, W. (1998): (Author)] Address: Rademacher, M., c/o Heidelberger Materialwissenschaftliche Analyse der Insektenkutikula Technology Center, Peter-Schumacher-Str. 8, D-69181 am Beispiel Libellenflügel. Biona-Report 12: 327-329. Leimen, Germany (in German). [Functional morphologic studies of a wing of Anax imperator to test mechanical capacity of the 1996. Suri Babu, B. (1998): Final instar larva of Isch- membranula are shortly outlined. Hardness and elastic nura aurora aurora (Brauer) (Zygoptera: modus of cuticula are variable.
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