Rad Ioecolog Ie/Ekotoxi Colog Ie Des Milieux Continentaux Et Estuariens

Rad Ioecolog Ie/Ekotoxi Colog Ie Des Milieux Continentaux Et Estuariens

Welcome Page I sur I -.,estio.n [NIS Doc. Eweg le N'TRN.F Regis mu FRO201217 Download List of participants Time schedule Summaries IPSN organise Committees Rad ioecolog ie/ekotoxi colog ie des milieux continentaux et estuariens Pallais des congr6s Aix en Provence, FRANCE 3 - 7 Septernbre, 2001 maiIto:ecorad.200ICa)ipsn.fr http://wwwJpsn.fr/ecorad2OOI httv://wwwJT)sn.fr/ecorad2OO I/ 16/11/01 Summaries Page I sur 2 Accepted abstracts Session Behaviour and transfer of radionuclides in soil (Soil chemistry, extractions, Migration, Run-off) Biotic transfer n soils (Soil microbes and fungi) session 2 Behaviour and transfer of radionuclides in terrestrial ecosystems Atmosphere- plant transfers, translocation, Forests, Animal transfers) Soil-to-plant transfer Session 3 Behaviour and transfer of radionuclides in freshwater ecosystems (Models field studies, biotic compartments) Rivers (solid/liquid exchanges), Lakes and reservoirs Session 4 Behaviour and transfer of radionuclides in estuaries Session Effects of toxicants in the environment Multipollution, Effects of radiation on biota) Approaches and concepts for environment radioprotection Session 6 Environmental radioactivity measurement methods Session 7 htti):Hwww.ii)sn.fr/ecorad2OOl/Summaries.htm 16/11/01 Summaries Page 2 sur 2 Consequences of accidental and chronical situations (Chernobyl consequences, countermeasures and decontamination, tools) Situations of chronical contamination (chronical pollution, waste, vulnerability, dose to man) Session Society and ethics: ethical aspects of environmental radioecotoxicology http:Hwww.ii)sn.fr/ecorad2OOl/Summaries.htm 16/11/01 List of participants Page 1 sur 2 List of participants AARKROG, Asker ; ABECASSIS, Michel ADAM, Vermeir; AGGERO, Almudena ; ALBRECHT, Achim ; ALDAVE DE LAS HEPAS, Laura ALEXAKHIN, Rudolf ANDERSSON, Kasper ANDRES, Yves ANSOBORLO Anton, Maria Paz ARKHIPOV ; ARMAND, Patrick ARO, Lasse AVILA, Rodolfo ; BABLET, Jean-Pierre BALDACCI, Anna Banducci, F ; Barbeau, Claude BARBIER, Michel ; BARON, Yves BARTHAKUR, Nayana BAUDE, St6phane ; BELOT, Yves BELOVODSKY ; BERESFORD, Nick BERTHOL, Dominique ; BETTI, Maria BIESHOLD, Harald BOGDEVITCH, Iossif ; BONDARKOV, Mykhailo BONIN, Bernard BONTE, Philippe Bordet, Fran4;ois ; BORUT, Kuhar ; BOUGET, Yves Herv6 BOURCIER, Thierry ; BOURSIER, Bernadette BRANDEL, Anna BRISBIN, Lehr BRUCHERTSEIFER, Frank Burton, Olivier Bykova, Evira ; CABIROL, Philippe CAQUET, Thierry ; CARINI, Franca CASADESUS, 3aume CASILE, Marius CASTELLANOS-FERREIRO Maria Del Rosario CAZALA, Charlotte CHANTOISEAU, Laurence CHARPENTIER, Jean-Claude CHIAPPINI, R6mo ; CHOI, Yong-Ho CHOUHAN, Sohan ; CHOWDHURY, M. 1. ; CHUNG, Kun-Ho ; CIFFROY, Philippe CLAVEL, Christophe ; CODRON, Daniel ; COLLINS, Chris COPPLESTONE, David CRAN(;ON, Pierre DA SILVA, Patrice Damois, Carine ; DE LA ROSA-DUQUE (Maria Esther) DE LELLIS, Carlo DE NANTUEIL, Anne DEBAUCHE, Antoine DECLERCK, Stephan Decossas, Jean-Louis DE3ANIRA, Lauria ; Denys, Sebastien ; DESMET, Gilbert DEVIN, Patrick DINSE, Christelle DOLIN ; DONG GUO, Zhang ; Doremus, Pascal DOYEN, acques ; DRUZHININA, Irina DURANTON, Yves ECHEVARRIA, Guillaume EL MRABET, Rachid ; ERNESTOVA, Ludmilia ; ESCALLON, Serge FAIRLIE, Ian FALCK, Eberhard Fazio, Aldo FEGAN, Mary FERTEY, Gilles FESENKO, Serguei ; FEYRIT, Yvan FITAMANT, Marie-Laure ; FLORENCE, Dominique ; FLOROU, Heleny FONTUGNE, Michel FROIDEVAUX, Pascal FUKUI, Masami ; GALERIU, Dan GASCHAK, Serguei ; GASO, Maria Isabel GATTAVECCHIA, Enrico GERLAND, Sebastian GIZE, Irene GLEIZON, Philippe GOLDMAN, Marvin Golubev, Aeksey ; GONZALEZ, Jean-Louis GOOR, Frangois GREBENKOV, Alexandre GRISOT, Jacques GUESMIA, Mustafa ; GUINOIS, Ghislaine HABIBULIN, Munir ; HADJI, Karine ; HAKANSON, Lars HANSLIK, Eduard . HARTMANN, Philippe HATTINK, Jasper HELING, Rudie ; HENDERSON-SELLERS, Ann HIGGINS, Neil HILTON, John HINTON, Thomas HOCDE, Regis HOFFMANN, Owen HOWARD, Brenda HUAULT, Jean-Claude HUH, Chih-An JANSSENS, Augustin ; JEFFREE, Ross ; IA, Guogang ; KAUTSKY, Ulrik ; KELLY, Neale KIRCHMANN, Ren6 ; KIRCHNER, GERALD KLEMT, Eckehard ; KONOPLEV, Alexei ; KOSTIAINEN, Eila ; KRAVTSD, Yuriv KRYSHEV, Alexander; KUDRJASHOV, Vladimir; KUDRYASHOV, Anatoly ; KUWAHARA, Chikako ; KVASNIKOVA, Elena LACROIX, Jean-Pierre LACRONIQUE, Jean-Frangois ; LAHFID, Marc ; LARSSON, Carl-Magnus LE PETIT, Gilbert LEBEDEVA, Nathalia ; Leclerc-Cessac, Elisabeth ; LEE Sang-Han LEMAITRE, Nathalie ; LEPICARD, Samuel LEPRIEUR, Fabrice LETESSIER, Patrice LE-l"TNER, Herbert LEVY, Frangoise ; LINDEN, Geno ; LINSLEY, Gordon Lissorgues, Ghislaine ; LOWLESS, Ian MADELMONT, Claude MADRUGA, Maria-Jos6 ; MAKSIMOVA, Svetlana ; MARCHAND, Dominique ; MARCHANT, Joanna MATISHOV, Dimitry MATISHOV, Genady ; MAUBERT, Henri MAVRIN, Serguey ; MICHEL, Herv6 ; MICHEL, Rolf; MIETELSKI, erzy ; MIKHEYKIN, Sergey ; MILLAN ; MIRALLES, er6me ; MIRO, Conrado MITCHELL, Nick MOBERG, Leif MOLLAT DU 3URDIN, Caroline MONDON, Katherine MORALEDA, Montserrat MOREIRA, Isabel MOUCHET, Chantal ; MOULIN, Christophe ; MURAMATSU, Yasuyuki MURITH, Christophe ; MYSLEK-LAURIKAINEN, Bogumila ; NISBET, Anne OCONE, Rita OHMOMO, Yochiro ; Ohtsuka, Yoshihito ; PALSSON, Sigurdur Emil PARKER, Timothy PAUL, Didier ; PAUNESCU, Niculina ; Pecha, Petr ; Pechova, Emilie PERES (Sueli Da Silva Peres) POINTURIER, Fabien ; POLETTI, Dani&fe ; POLIKARPOV, Gennady ; POPOV, Alexandre PROSKURA ; PURDUE, James R RAAF, Christopher RACKHAM, Karine RADAKOVITCH, Olivier; RAJDEEP SIDHU ; RAMADE, Frangois ; RANTAVAARA, Aino ; RASKOB, Wolfgang ; RAY, Christophe ; RENNESSON, Malvina REYSS, Jean-Louis RIEBLER, Eric Ringer, Wolfang ; ROED, Jorn ; ROMANA, Louis Alexandre ROMANEM, Pascale ROSAMILIA, http://www.ii)sn.fr/ecorad2OOl/Darticil)ants.htm 16/11/01 List of participants Page 2 sur 2 Silvia ROYER, Anne SABRI, Anmar Whabi ; SAHOO, Sarata Kumar SAINT-PIERRE, Sylvain SAITO, Masahiro SALBU, Brit SALT, Carol SANTOS (Adir Janete Godoy Dos Santos) Sanzharova ; SAXEN, Ritva ; SAZYKINA, Tatiana ; SCHNEIDER, Thierry ; SCHULTE, Ernst Hermann SEBTI, Karim ; SHAGALOVA, Ella SHANG, Zhao Rong ; SHAW, Georges SHEPPARD, Marsha SHEPPARD, Steve SICLET, Frangoise ; SIDHU, Rajdeep SLAVIK, Ondrej SMITH, Jim SMITH, Michael SOKOLIK, Anatoly ; SOKOLIK, Galina Solovyova, Larissa STAUNTON, Siohan ; STRAND, Per SUNDELL-BERGMAN, Synnove ; SVADLENKOVA, Mairie TATEDA, Yutaka ; THEZEE, Christian THIRY, Yves Thornberg, Charlotte TOMA, Alexandru ; TOULHOAT, Pierre TRUEBA, Christina TSUKADA, Hirofumi ; UGO, Stephanie VAKULOVSKY, Serguei ; VAN CRASBECK ; Van Dorpe, Frits ; VANDENHOVE, Hildegarde ; VARAKSIN, Anatoly ; VELEVA ; VERMOREL, Fabien ; VETERE (Maria In&s de Carvalho Vetere) VETIKKO, Virve ; VOIGT, Gabrielle VOITSEKHOVICH, Oleg ; Vojtyla, Pavol ; WALKE, Russell Wallberg, Petra WASSERMAN, Julio WASSERMAN, Maria Angelica ; WEBSTER, Shona WHICKER, F. Ward WICHTEREY, Karin WILLEY, Neil YANKOVICH, Tamara Yatsalo YOSHIDA, Satoshi ZEEVAERT, Theodor ZHUKOVA, Olga ZIBOLD, Gregor ZLOBENKO, Boris htti)://www.ii)sn.fr/ecorad2OOl/i)articiy)ants.htm 16/11/01 GENERAL Page I sur 3 PROGRAMME ECORAD 2001 Sunday 02/09 1ShO - 19hOO Registration 16hO - 19hOO Radesite Meeting (Cezanne Amphitheatre) l7hO - 19hOO Breaking Ice Party Monday 03/09 8h3 - 0 h 30: Registration and Welcome Coffee IOh3 - I JhOO: Welcome AlJocutions II hO - l2hOO Introductive Papers l2hO - 14h3O: Lunch I4h3 - 6hOO Posters exhibition - Sessions 3 and 4 l4h3 - 16hOO Session I M Behaviour and transfer of radionuclides in soils l6hO - 16h3O: Coffee Break l6h3 - 8hOO Poster exhibition continuation MOO - l8hOO Session I T : Biotic transfer in soils 18h3 : IPSN exposition (salle vofit6e Archevechd) Tuesday 04/09 8hOO - lhOO Posters exhibition sessions 3 and 4 8hOO - lhOO Session 2 M Behaviour and transfer of radionuclides in terrestrial ecosystems lOhOO - lh3O: Coffee break IOh3 - l2hOO Poster turn over Sessions 34 to 12 IOh3 - 12hOO Session 2 T : Soil-to-plant transfers 12hOO - 14h3O: Lunch 14h3 - 6hOO Posters exhibition Sessions I and 2 I4h3 - 16hOO Session 3 M Behaviour and transfer of radionuclides in freshwater ecosystems 16hO - 16h3O: Coffee break htti):flwwwJi)sn.fr/ecorad2OO 1/ecoradprop-ramme.htm 16/11/01 GENERAL Page 2 sur 3 16h3O - hOO Posters exhibition Sessions I and 2 16h3 - 18h3O Session 3 T : Rivers (solid/liquid exchanges), lakes and reservoirs 18h3 - OhOO IUR Workshop (Cezanne Amphitheatre) Wednesday 05/09 8h3O - I.OhOO Posters exhibition: Sessions I and 2 8h3O - lhOO Session 4 Behaviour and transfer of radionuclides in estuaries lOhO - I MO: Coffee break 10h3 - l2hOO Posters turn over Sessions 12 to 78 lOh3 - l2hOO Session M Effects of toxicants in the environment l2hO - 14h3O: Lunch 14h3 - 6hOO Posters exhibition Sessions 7 and MOO - 16hOO Sessions T : Approaches and concepts for environment radioprotection l6hOO - 16h3O: Coffee break l6h3 - MOO Posters exhibition Sessions 7 and continuation 18h3O: Aix en Provence Down-town visit (departure from the Congress Centre) 2OhOO - 2 I hOO: Cocktail diner (Palais Vend6me) 2lh3 : Concert (St Sauveur cathedrals) Thursday 06/09 8hO - h45 Poster exhibition Sessions 7 and 8hO - h45 Session 6 Environment Radioactivity measurement methods 9h4 - 0h].5 Coffee Break IOh15-l2hOO Posters turn over Sessions 78 to 56 1OhI - 2hOO Session 7 M Consequences of accidental and chronical situations 12hO - 14h3O: Lunch 14h3 - l6hOO Posters exhibition Sessions and 6 14h3 - 16hOO Session 7 T Situations of chronical contamination l6hO - 16h3O: Coffee break 16h3 - 7h3O Posters exhibitions Sessions and 6 continuation 16h3 - l7h3O Session 7 T continuation htti)://www.ipsn.fr/ecorad2OOl/ecoradi)roRramme.htm

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