FREE 01/02/01 Issue no: 1000 www.ussu.co barefacts beer drink-- Bf Sporting history inging compcompe-- Profiles .uk tition p6 p17 p26-27 p33 Oh Shit!! By Luke Hickey University Security to go topings which have been flushed Deputy Editor Clandon House 29-42. Luke tolddown toilets. The cause of the barefacts what he found, “WeStag Hill blockage (weekend After the sewage problemswere called by Pete Huggins frombefore last) was not found though reported in last week’s barefacts,USSU reception, he was asked toa build up of grease in a drainpipe last weekend saw further prob-raise the highest ranking sabbati-was one suggestion. The two foul lems with the University’s sewagecal on campus. When we got towater systems are entirely sepa- system. A total of over twenty stu-Clandon, we found them all in arate and nothing indicates that the dents were moved out of Guildfordstate, with no information forthproblems are related.” Court over Saturday 27thJanuary.coming. However, UniversityHe also told us how he thought The areas affected were ClandonSecurity were great in their workthe evacuations had gone from and Compton houses. that evening.” the accommodation office’s point During Saturday afternoon Meanwhile University Securityof view, ”Although we have our fair sewage overflowed into the hall-called Ann Griffiths , a member ofshare of plumbing problems, way outside the bathroom at thethe accommodation team. Annfloods, etc. foul water leaks on this lower end of one of the blocks inattended and spent the next 4scale and affecting this number of Compton house and started flood-hours trying to find all the resi-students in such a short space of ing into and around seven bed-dents alternative rooms on cam-time are unprecedented. Both sit- rooms. University Security imme-pus. However, Ann mainly worksuations have been difficult to deal diately moved the residents outon offsite accommodation andwith because they occurred at and the accommodation officewas therefore unfamiliar with thenight and have affected the living found them rooms in Cathedralsystem of allocating on-campusconditions of a large number of Court, where they are currentlyaccommodation, so progress wasstudents. Some of these students staying at no extra charge. slow and in a few cases roomshave, understandably, been upset At approximately 9:15pm,were allocated which were alreadyby these events. sewage began flowing into thebeing lived in. Six residents (all “The Residences staff, hallway and rooms around thefemale) were given UniversityWardens, Union Sabbatical bathrooms in Clandon. ThereCourt accommodation for theOfficers and Estates and Buildings were similar problems in thisnight, with the remainder beingstaff as well as Accommodation house the previous weekend, buthoused in other University CourtsOffice staff have all played a part only on a small scale. One of theand Hazel Farm. in trying to resolve the situation as residents, told barefacts that they By the following morning theswiftly as possible. In the event called out University Security, whosewage level had lowered, leavingthat this type of event happens upon arrival helped the residentsjust the smell and toilet paper lin-again, we will take steps to re- try to hold the sewage at bay.ing the floors. On Monday morn-house students if needed and to However, a combination of theing, Richard Paxton, head of therepair the problem. The one thing Sewage flowing down the bottom floor of Clandon smell and the force of the rawaccommodation office, had arrivedI have learnt is that you cannot sewage began to overpower themto inspect the scene for himself.please everyone!” affected by the sewage problems email Luke at and they gave up. After trying toThe residents asked him if there Finally he spoke of plans for theor if you experience similar [email protected] clear everything off the floor inwould be any compensation, butnext few weeks, “We will havelems in the future then please their bedrooms, the residentshe told them that he couldn’t com-Stag Hill 29 ready for occupation went to the Court Receptions toment on it at the time. Barefactsthis week. Compton and Clandon await further information. has also been informed that to hiswill take until the middle of next At about 10pm Luke Mackenziecredit, Paxton was helping theweek to rectify. If any students and Ben McCauley (VPs forclean-up, personally ripping up thehave to move to cheaper accom- Finance and Development and forcarpets to ensure they aremodation, they will be refunded Sport respectively) were asked byreplaced rather than just cleaned.the difference. No decision has The residents also told us thatbeen made about compensation – Paxton was encouraging them toall our efforts have gone into the move back, but Susie Westwellmost important work of getting stu- (VP for Education and Welfare)dents settled again and the affect- advised them not to move backed accommodation repaired.” until she was satisfied it was safe At time of going to press, it has to do so. The six residents whoemerged that there are still prob- have been housed in Universitylems accommodating the remain- Court have now been offered it oning seven students, with some the financial terms of Guildfordunhappy with their treatment by Court. the accommodation office. There In an interview with barefacts,have also been complaints that Paxton explained what hesome residents are still waiting to believed to be the causes of theget the belongings from their two weekends worth of flooding,rooms. Whatever happens please “The blockages in Guildford Courtbe assure that barefacts will keep appear to have been caused byyou informed of the latest. Sewage - shower basin A toilet system in reverse plastic bags and plastic food wrap- If you have been personally [email protected] News 1-4n Bf History 15-23, n barearts 7-30n Lifestyle 21 n Sport 34-36 News 2 01/02/01 Editorial who wrote the Quirk’s music tips for 2001 and the Sugar Coma interview then it was Andy (he also wrote the Alien Crash Landing rag news article as Well, it’s here, the 1000th issue. I can hardly believewell). Editorial Team it that I am here still writing my editorial at 5.30 am. Editorr Yep, it’s taken this long to compile...I suppose its theAgain, a big thank you and thanks for all the contri- Kevin Marston 36 fun filled pages which did it. butions this year to barefacts as without them there- would be a rather small paper. Deputy Editorr Anyway going back to being the editor of the 1000th Hmmm, I’ve just realised that its now the 31st and its Luke Hickey issue. I feel that its quite honour considering how many years and editors there have been before memy birthday, yeah......err getting old now... Production Editor and hopefully they will all like the paper and what I Production Editor Well, its goodbye from a very tired me. And I will see Andrew Thomas and this years barefacts team have done with it. I believe that barefacts is one of the longest runningyou next week News Team Film Editors student newspapers in the country which has main- James Buller Libby Hurt tained the same name - even ahead of papers likeKev Mike Rolfe the the Gair Rhydd (Cardiff) Science Editorr Political Editorr Nick Walsh As for the actual paper - will it still exisit for another Reuben Thompson 1000 issues? Well, I am not sure it will in its current Sports Editorr form, a newspaper, because of the rapidly expanding internet technology, but it will great to hope that the Features Editorr Dave Chapman name will stay the same. David Abbott Marketing Team Music Editor Ali Danby Anyway, enough of me rambling on as you all are Music Editor probably getting bored of reading this by now so i Owen Hazelby Ellen van Keulen hope you enjoy the paper and if you see some ele- gantly dressed people handing out barefacts today Proof Readerr Arts Editorr then say “hi” as it will be members from the barefacts Duncan Hamilton Vacant team. Contributors I would also like to say a big thank you to all the peo- Ali Danby ple that helped out this week on the paper whether it be writing, laying up or just staying to the same awful Reuben Thompson hours as me just to get the paper ready in time, David Abbott cheers Luke. As I am on the subject I must apologise MWC to Andy (production ed) for not putting his name on Simon Robinson two of his articles last week. So if you wanted to know Music Team SAIS & Dr Russ ...News In Brief...News In Brief...News Police Pull A Fast One the blackened shell because it was so unsafe. Just four days earlier Guildford Borough Council’s A row has erupted over ‘double standards’ used byplanning committee had save the site from demolition. Surrey Police. A Conservative Counsellor has broughtCounsellor Nigel Sutcliffe said: “I’m surprised and the constabulary to account over an incident concern-shocked and local neighbours are absolutely devas- ing its top officer. tated.” Counsellor Auriol Earle added: “It’s absolutely The Chief Constable, Denis O’Connor was travellingtragic that this much loved local landmark has gone.” in a chauffeured car at 78mph, along the A3 lastPlanning committee chairman Richard Marks said he December. Traffic police spotted the car and pulled itwould be seeing if “a similar building to that of the orig- over for speeding. When they realised who was insideinal Tangley Place, can be erected on the site.” barefacts however the officers waved the car on. Ed Goodwin a director at Camp Moss Property, who Union House, University Of Surrey Counsellor for Addlestone, Terry Dicks, questionedsubmitted the application for the office development in Guildford, Surrey, GU2 7XH Surrey Police Authority over the affair during a meet-place of the building, was equally shocked by the fire.
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