EDUCATIONAL DIRECTORY OF CONNECTICUT 1952-1953 CONN. STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Hartford, Connecticut December l, 1952 EDUCATIONAL DIRECTORY OF CONNECTICUT 1952- 1953 CONN. STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Hartford, Connecticut December 1. 1952 CONN. STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION 1952- 1953 MRs. DoROTI-IY S. HUTTON, Chairman ............................ Somers WILLIAM B. BARNETT .......................................... ........ L akeville MRs. SYLVIA K. BINGHAM ................................................ Salem MARY P. HoLLEHAN ...................................................... Hartford MARGARET KIELY ·······-················································ Bridgeport ALBERT A. LAPPIN .................................................. Middletown ELLIS C. MAxcy ........................................................ N ew Haven RICHARD JoYCE SMITH .................................................. Fairfield WILLIAM B. SwEENEY .............................................. Willimantic FINIS E. ENGLEMAN Secretary and Commissioner of Education WILLIAM H. FLAHARTY Deputy Commissioner of Education HARTFORD 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Stale Board of Educati on -- ---·--·····---·· ·································· 2 State Department of Education Staff ................................ 4 Superintendents of Schools ·· ···-·---···--·····-··························-···· 7 Superintendents of Training Schools- State Teachers Colleges ·--·········--··-······························· 11 Superintendents of Rural Education .................................. 12 Directors and Supervisors of Elementary Education .......... 15 Local Supervisors of Adult Education ................................ 18 Institutions of Iligher Learning in Connecticut- Publicly Supported Colleges ·····--····---·············--········· 21 Private Colleges and Universities ··-··········-····-············· 21 Junior Colleges ····---------· ····--···············-·························· 23 Licensed Institutions ···-····-·-·-···--····---····························· 23 Vocational Schools ............. ................................................... 24 State Vocational-Technical Schools .............................. 24 State-Aided Trade Schools .......................................... 24 Independent Vocational-Technical Schools ................ 25 Business Schools ············-··----··-·--·----···-·-··-··-········-··---···········- 26 Secondary Schools ---··-----····-···--- -···- --····--···---···--·······-····--···-- 27 Public Secondary Schools -·····---··· -·····················-·····-··· 27 E ndowed and Incorporated Academies ...................... 30 Independent Secondary and Preparatory Schools ........ 31 Elementary Schools --······················-·-···----····-·--·--·-··············· 34 Public Elementary Schools ---····-····---················-···--······· 34 Independent Elementary Schools ··--············- ···-····-···-·· 35 Nursery Schools and Kindergartens .............................. 37 Parochial Schools ····-·- -- ···---··························---··--·········· 41 Other Ecclesiastical Schools ····- -···························-·-·····- 45 State or State-Aided Schools ··· -- ··-··--··········-················-···-···· 45 Public Libraries of Connecticut ··----····-·····-·················--····-· 46 Chi<>f State School Officers -·······-·······-·-····--··-··············-······· 51 3 STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION CENTRAL OFFICE STAFF OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER Commissioner of Education Finis E. Engleman Deputy Cmnn1issioner of Education William H . Flaharty ADMINISTRATION Director Richard J. Coughlin Accounting and Office Management Wilfred E. Gibson Administrative Assistant Marian F. Kennedy Finance Edward T. Lynch Personnel Anne Gaughan Property Control and Purchasing Frank P. Bradley Administrative Assi-stant Chester Gibson EDUCATIONAL SERVICE School and Community Services Chief N. Searle Light Aduz.t Education Alan E. Hugg Buildings and Plans Richard L. Howland George L. Dunkelberger Curriculum Making LaVerne Strong Elmnentary Education Ann V. Foberg Harriet C. Nash IIealth and Physical Education Charles J. Prohaska, M.D. Ruth V. Byler Frances Foley Mrs. Helen G. Watson School Lunch Program Mrs. Edith Cushman Mrs. Elizabeth Brown Special Education Mildred B. Stanton School Social Work Lucile Abell Physically Handicapped Beatrice K. Bronson Speech Correction and Impaired Hearing E. Geraldine Garrison Guidance and Mentally Handicapped William J. Nolan Higher Education and Teacher Certification Chief Henry C. Herge Teacher Certification Nellie C. Newberry 4 Vocational Education Chief Emmett O'Brien Assistant Chief Richard W. Howes Buildings and Facilities Peter W. Bauer Agriculture Ray L. Hahn Distributive Occupations James A. Dorsey Mrs. Helen B. O'Donnell Homemaking Ruth C. Cowles Mrs. Grace Harrison Trades and Industries Richard W. Howes Curriculum Construction Calvin Stanley Superuisory Training Schuyler Spaulding Richard B. Walker Charles Shanley Maurice Clarke 0. Vinal Jones Libraries Anna C. Moore Audio-Visual Education Joseph T. Nerden James W. Frost Joseph Murphy Veteran On-the-Job Training Ralph H. Hall RESEARCH Gordon M. Harrington Youth Services Chief Paul D. Collier Accreditation~ Veterans Education and Franklyn E. Learned Services: ::>afety Edu.cation Business Education Paul M. Boynton Citizenship Education Victor E. Pitkin Guidance Harold J. Mahoney Industrial Arts G. Wesley Ketcham Youth Labor and Employment Certifi- Ethyl M. Francis cates and Equivalency Arts and Crafts Kenneth H. Lundy Counsel.or Trainer Robert W. Stoughton Communication Arts - (English, Read­ Leonard W. Joil ing); Coordinator for Civil Defense Private School Supervision; Veterans James E. LeSure Public Law 346, as amended FEDERAL-STATE-LOCAL RELATIONS Chief Roger M. Thompson Educational Organizations and Citizen Raymond J. Fay Understanding Pupil Accounting and School Clyde M. Campbell Transportation Editor Alfred F. Kacynski Statistics Edwin S. Przybylski LIBRARIES Chief Helen A. Ridgway School Library Adviser Rheta A. Clark Public Library Consultant Robert S. Ake Librarian, Hine Library Wilhelmina Moore 5 REHABILITATION Chief Edward P. Chester Rehabil·itation Service Joseph L . Marra Non-Medical Services Frederick W. Novis Services for Tuberculous John W. Hekeley RESEARCH AND PLANNING Chief Joseph A. Baer Assoviate Education Conroltant Maurice J. Ross School Facilities Survey Frederic H. Spaulding RURAL EDUCATION Chief Ernest 0. Nybakken 6 SUPERINTENDENTS OF SCHOOLS Town S upel'intendent Address Andover George E. Graff Professional Building, Rockville Ansonia John J. Stevens Ansonia Ashford Arthur P. Bixby 123 Main St., Putnam Avon 1<'. J. Penley . Unionville Barkhamsted Bernhard W. Schneider Box 830, Winsted Beacon Falls Eric A. Hirst 47 Holmes St., Waterbury Berlin Kenneth L . MacKenzie Kensington · Bethany Charles H. Abell 5 Jefferson St., New Haven Bethel Ralph M. T . Johnson Bethel Bethlehem Eric A. Hirst 47 Holmes St., Waterbury Bloomfield Raymond E. Perkins Bloomfield Bolton George E. Graff Professional Building, Rockville Bozrah Willis H. Umberger 257 Main St., Norwich Branford Raymond E. Pinkham Branford Bridgeport Joseph E. Jeffery Bridgeport Tohn J. McFarland, Ass't. Bridgeport Augusta Mendel, Ass't. Bridgeport Bridgewater F.rank H. Johnston Bank Building, Main St., New Milford Bristol Karl A. Reiche Bristol Edward L . Clark, Ass't. Bristol Brookfield Frank H. Johnston Bank Building, Main St., New Milford Brooklyn R. Vemon Hays Danielson Burlington F. J, Penley Unionville Canaan Wilmer L. Scholtz Canaan Canterbury Arthur P. Bixby 123 Main St., Putnam Canton F. J. Penley Unjonville Chaplin Arthur P. Bixby 123 Main St., Putnam Cheshire John H. Thorp Humiston School, Cheshire Chester A. Kurtz King Box 590, Deep River Clinton Lewin G. Joel, Jr. Morgan School, Clinton Colchester R. Daniel Chubbuck Box 186, Willimantic Colebrook Bernhard W. Schneider Box 830, Winsted Columbia George E. Graff Professional Building, Rockville Cornwall Wilmer L. Shultz Canaan Coventry John C. Reilly Box 186, Willimantic Cromwell Simon H. Moore Cromwell Danbury Walter P. Sweet Danbury Darien Sidney P. Marland, Jr. Darien l)eep River A. Kurtz King Box 590, Deep River )erby James L. O'Hara Derby ) urham Charles H. Abell 5 Jefferson St., New Haven 7 Town Superintendent Address Eastford Arthur P. Bixby 123 Main St., Putnam East Granby F. J. Penley Unionville East Haddam R. Daniel Chubbuck Box 186, Willimantic Joseph B. Doherty ~~~~ :f::'ifo~'dn John A. Langford ~:!~ ii::':lo~'dn East Haven William E. Gillis East Haven East Lyme R. Daniel Chubbuck Box 186, Willimantic Easton Raymond A. Lumley 1211 Fairfield Ave. Bridgeport East Windsor Merle B. Woodmansee Warehouse Point Ellington Arthur P. Bixby 123 Main St., Putnam Enfield Karl D. Lee Thompsonville Essex A. Kurtz King Box 590 Deep River Fairfield Carlyle G. Hoyt Fairfield Walter H. Hellmann, Ass't. Fairfield Farmington Robert E. Saunders Farmington H. S., Unionville Franklin Willis H . Umberger 257 Main St., Norwich Glastonbury Francis S. Knox Glastonbury Goshen Bemhard W. Schneider Box 830, Winsted Granby F. J. Penley Unionville Greenwich S. Willard Price Greenwich Kenneth C. Coulter, Ass't. Wilfred C. W olffer, Ass' t. Griswold Joseph P. Lojko Jewett City Groton S. B. Butler Groton Edgar W. Davis, Ass't. Groton Guilford Adelbert W. Cox Guilford Haddam Charles H. Abell 5 Jefferson St., New H aven Hamden Margaret L. Keefe Hamden David Wyllie, Ass't. Hamden John C. Reilly Box 186, Willimantic ~~~~;; Robert H. Black 249 High St., Hartford
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