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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85302-6 - The Geomorphology of the Great Barrier Reef: Development, Diversity, and Change David Hopley, Scott G. Smithers and Kevin E. Parnell Index More information Geographic index Abrolhos Reef (see also Houtman–Abrolhos 320, 325, 332, 338, 339 Fig. 10.9, 340, Islands), 400 341 Fig. 10.11, 342, 343, 369, 370, 381 Africa, 136 Big Bank Shoals, 185, 187 Agincourt Reef, 121 Fig. 4.12, 141 Fig. 5.1, Bikini Atoll, 6, 13, 395 142 Table 5.1, 286 Binstead Cay, 322, 325, 330, 342 Airlie Beach, 196 Bird Cay, 325 Aitutaki, 408 Black Rock, 2 Fig. 1.1, 34 Alacran Reef, 400, 402, 405, 407 Bligh Trough, 20 Fig. 2.1, 27, 30 Aladdin’s Cave, 51 Boot Reef, 2 Fig. 1.1, 38, 271 Ambergris Cay, 400 Boulder Reef, 2 Fig. 1.1, 35, 36 Fig. 2.11, 38, 39, 40, Anchor Cay, 34 59 Fig. 3.5, 60, 75, 79, 108, 234 Table 8.1, Antarctic, 74, 85 237 Fig. 8.2, 239, 249, 250 Table 8.2, 267, Antarctica, 18 268 Fig. 8.15, 372, 373, 381 Antigua, 402 Bowden Reef, 107 Arc Reef, 421 Bowen, 23, 54, 63 Fig. 3.6, 77, 93 Fig. 4.1, Arlington Reef/Cay, 316, 322, 323, 417 Fig. 12.3 97 Table 4.1, 118, 122 Table 4.2, 168, 381 Ashmore Reef/Cay/Banks, 271, 322, 323 Bowl Reef, 54, 60, 80, 179, 180, 236 Fig. 8.1, Asia, 136 273 Table 9.1, 289, 292, 292 Fig. 9.14, Atherton Tableland, 2 Fig. 1.1, 19, 424, 445 294 Fig. 9.16, 295 Fig. 9.17, 373, 375, 381, Atui, 408 418 Fig. 12.4, 421 Fig. 12.7 Ayr, 93 Fig. 4.1, 97 Table 4.1 Bowling Green Bay, 179, 424 Fig. 12.8 Bramble Cay, 34, 170, 451 Bacchi Cay, 323 Brazil, 400 Baird Island, 325 Breaksea Spit, 2 Fig. 1.1, 8, 24 Balding Bay, 63 Fig. 3.6, 66, 67 Brisbane, 345 Bali, 15 Britomart Reef, 80, 82, 84, 108, 234 Table 8.1, Bantem Bay, 432 236 Fig. 8.1, 237 Fig. 8.2, 240, 249, 250 Table 8.2, Barbados, 5, 43, 52, 53, 59, 59 Fig. 3.5, 60, 251, 253, 258, 266, 268, 268 Fig. 8.15, 369, 371 296, 437 Broad Sound, 82, 83, 100, 102, 122 Table 4.2, 123, Barnett Patches/Shoals, 79, 150 Fig. 5.7 132, 134, 178, 217 Barron River, 21 Fig. 2.2, 23, 177, 440, 441 Broomfield Reef, 173 Barrow Point, 93 Fig. 4.1, 94 Bundaberg, 82, 87, 93 Fig. 4.1, 97 Table 4.1, Bathurst Bay, 122 Table 4.2, 124 122 Table 4.2 Beanley Islands, 334 Fig. 10.6, 342 Bunker–Capricorn Reef/Island Group, 32, 83, 159, Beaver Cay, 318, 330, 354 162, 169 Fig. 6.1, 172, 173, 236 Fig. 8.1, 245, Beesley Cay, 323 246 Fig. 8.7, 247, 269, 271, 272, 309, 310, 314, 315, Belize, 3, 353, 400, 401 Fig. 11.11, 402, 408 320, 332, 334 Fig. 10.7, 337, 345, 355, 358, 361, Bell Cay, 323, 345 370, 390, 414, 418, 423, 448, 451, 453, 465 Bench Point, 107 Burdekin Dam, 127 Beverley Island Group, 210 Burdekin River, 19, 21 Fig. 2.2, 23, 25 Fig. 2.5, 37, Bewick Reef/Island, 77, 144, 144 Fig. 5.3, 145, 127, 129, 131, 176, 178 Fig. 6.3, 179, 236 Fig. 8.1, 234 Table 8.1, 236 Fig. 8.1, 237 Fig. 8.2, 238–239, 272, 414, 415, 418 Fig. 12.4, 421, 440, 443 238 Fig. 8.3, 250 Table 8.2, 254, 268 Fig. 8.15, Burnett River, 127 519 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85302-6 - The Geomorphology of the Great Barrier Reef: Development, Diversity, and Change David Hopley, Scott G. Smithers and Kevin E. Parnell Index More information 520 Geographic index Bushy Island (see also Bushy-Redbill Island, Cockatoo Reef, 81, 142, 143 Fig. 5.2, 144, Redbill Reef), 237 Fig. 8.2, 319, 345, 362, 363, 236 Fig. 8.1, 273 Table 9.1, 297 Fig. 9.18, 300, 427, 445, 453, 453 Table 13.3, 455, 459 300 Fig. 9.21, 301, 304 Fig. 9.24, 369, 376, Bushy–Redbill Island, 323 383, 448 Bylund Cay, 323 Cockburn Reef, 184 Fig. 6.5 Cockermouth Reef/Island, 54, 75, 81, 204, 214, Cairns, 1, 7, 9, 10, 18, 19, 23, 30, 32, 34, 37, 55, 368, 376 77, 87, 93 Fig. 4.1, 97 Table 4.1, 111, 112 Fig. 4.9, Cockle Bay, 69, 204 113, 118, 122 Table 4.2, 123, 124, 128, 159, 168, Cocoa Creek, 69 Table 3.2 171, 173, 176, 177, 178 Fig. 6.3, 180, 200, 225, Coconut Island, 249, 453, 454 Fig. 13.9, 456, 275, 285, 286, 314, 338, 344, 345, 347, 354, 355, 462 Fig. 13.11 365, 369, 416, 421, 423, 440, 442, 444, 451, Cocos–Keeling Islands, 393–395, 394 Fig. 11.9, 452, 465 404 Table 11.2, 407 Cairns Reef, 79 Coen, 93 Fig. 4.1, 97 Table 4.1 Camp Island, 54, 81 Coil Reef, 421 Campeche Bank, 404 Cook Islands, 395 Canning Basin, 414, 415 Fig. 12.2 Cooktown, 93 Fig. 4.1, 97 Table 4.1, 122 Table 4.2, Cape Bedford, 24, 184 Fig. 6.5 124, 159, 185, 187, 218, 369, 370, 372, 381 Cape Capricorn, 24, 93 Fig. 4.1, 97 Table 4.1 Coolgaree Bay, 203, 207 Cape Clinton, 2 Fig. 1.1, 23, 24, 169 Fig. 6.1, 422 Coombe Island, 323 Cape Conway, 196 Coquet Island, 325, 340, 342 Cape Ferguson, 87 Coral Sea, 19, 27, 32, 35, 37, 96, 99, 111, 118, 425 Cape Flattery, 24, 25 Fig. 2.5 Coral Sea Basin, 20 Fig. 2.1, 27, 30 Cape Gloucester, 196, 422 Corbett Reef, 177, 393 Cape Grafton, 23 Cowley Beach, 182 Cape Grenville, 120, 121 Fig. 4.12, 197, 271 Cullal Cullal Reef, 197 Cape Hillsborough, 2 Fig. 1.1, 19 Cumberland Island Group, 2 Fig. 1.1, 26, 82, 160, Cape Kimberley, 197 199, 370, 371, 424, 426 Cape Melville, 55, 77, 86, 197, 370 Cungulla, 54 Cape Tribulation, 2 Fig. 1.1, 23, 23 Fig. 2.4, 75, Curacoa Island, 228, 350 122 Table 4.2, 174, 195 Fig. 7.2, 197, 198 Fig. 7.3, Curtis Island, 2 Fig. 1.1, 21 Fig. 2.2, 24 203, 207, 212, 214, 220, 376, 381, 426, 433, 433 Table 13.1, 434 Fig. 13.1, 435 Fig. 13.2, Daintree, 93 Fig. 4.1, 96 436 Fig. 13.3, 13.4, 437, 438, 438 Table 13.2, 440, Daintree River, 174, 177, 441 447, 449 Darley Reef, 81, 234 Table 8.1, 236 Fig. 8.1, Cape Upstart, 174, 196, 422 237 Fig. 8.2, 243–244, 243 Fig. 8.5, 249, Cape Weymouth, 18, 200 250 Table 8.2, 251, 253, 268 Fig. 8.15, 381 Cape York, 93 Fig. 4.1, 97 Table 4.1, 118, 125, 159 Darnley Island, 2 Fig. 1.1, 34, 184 Fig. 6.5 Cape York Peninsula, 26, 32, 96, 130, 197, 200 Darnley Valley, 179 Capricorn Basin, 20 Fig. 2.1, 34 Dauar Island, 34 Capricorn Channel, 2 Fig. 1.1, 32, 55, 100, Davies Reef, 108, 110, 234 Table 8.1, 236 Fig. 8.1, 169 Fig. 6.1, 171, 179, 236 Fig. 8.1, 274 Fig. 9.1, 237 Fig. 8.2, 242, 243 Fig. 8.5, 250 Table 8.2, 253, 296, 414, 416, 417, 421, 423 254, 268, 268 Fig. 8.15, 372, 418 Fig. 12.4 Capricorn Coast, 111, 112 Fig. 4.9, 113 Day Reef, 236 Fig. 8.1, 282, 412 Captain Billy Landing, 197 Daydream Island, 438 Cardwell, 122 Table 4.2, 128, 423 Digby Island, 51, 54, 204, 210, 368, 369, 372 Caribbean, 117, 136, 384, 400–403 Dip Reef, 418 Fig. 12.4 Carmila, 199 Double Island, 200 Carter Reef, 77, 78, 273 Table 9.1, 280, 283, 284 Douglas Island, 351 Cato Trough, 418 Fig. 12.4 Dunk Island, 79, 177, 203, 207, 214 Cay Cay, 354 Centipede Reef, 27 Eagle Cay, 323, 331 Central America, 136 East Fairfax Island (see also Fairfax Islands/ Central Queensland Shelf, 54 Reef), 336 Channel Reef, 79 East Hope Reef/Island (see also Hope Reef, West Chapman Cays, 322, 325 Hope Reef/Island), 79, 234 Table 8.1, Clack Island, 325 236 Fig. 8.1, 237 Fig. 8.2, 238 Fig. 8.3, 239, Clack Reef, 160, 177 250 Table 8.2, 251, 267, 323, 332 Clairview, 122 Table 4.2 East Hoskyn Island (see also Hoskyn Reef/Island, Clare, 127 West Hoskyn Island), 323, 336 Cleveland Bay, 132, 133, 182, 222 Eastern Plateau, 19, 20 Fig. 2.1, 27, 236 Fig. 8.1 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-85302-6 - The Geomorphology of the Great Barrier Reef: Development, Diversity, and Change David Hopley, Scott G. Smithers and Kevin E. Parnell Index More information Geographic index 521 Ecuador, 89 Glasshouse Mountains, 19 Eddy Reef, 177 Gloucester Island, 199 Edgecombe Bay, 442 Glovers Reef, 400, 402 Elizabeth Reef, 391, 392, 392 Table 11.1 Goble Reefs, 244 Elliot River, 54 Goold Island, 79, 218 Ellis Island, 317, 322, 335, 354 Grafton Passage, 124, 181 Fig. 6.4, 416, Ellison Reef, 79, 234 Table 8.1, 236 Fig. 8.1, 417 Fig. 12.3 237 Fig. 8.2, 240, 250 Table 8.2, 376, 381 Grand Cayman, 407 Emmagen Reef, 79, 203 Great Australian Bight, 412 Endeavour River, 69 Great Detached Reef, 183, 271, 276, 278, 371 Enewetak Atoll, 6, 13, 34, 185, 393, 395, Great North East Channel, 93 Fig.

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