NEWSLETTER No. 459 June 2016 LMS MEMBERS AMONG NEW ROYAL SOCIETY FELLOWS he Royal Society has released details of its The new Fellows newly-appointed Fellows, among whom were T Martin Bridson is Whitehead Professor of Pure LMS members Professors Martin Bridson (Univer- Mathematics at Oxford and a fellow of Magdalen sity of Oxford), Marcus du Sautoy (University College. He received his PhD from Cornell and of Oxford) and Caroline Series (University of subsequently held positions at Princeton, Geneva, Warwick). Other elected Fellows included Profes- and Imperial College London. A recipient of the sors Christl Donnelly (Imperial College London), London Mathematical Society’s Whitehead Prize Artur Ekert (University of Oxford) and Lakshmi- and the Royal Society’s Wolfson Research Merit narayanan Mahadevan (Harvard University). Award, his research spans geometry, topology German mathematician Professor Gerd Faltings and group theory. He played a leading role (Max Planck Institute, Bonn) was elected a in establishing geometric group theory as a Foreign Member. major field of mathematics, proving landmark The Fellowship of the Royal Society is made up theorems and solving long-standing problems of the most eminent scientists, engineers and in adjacent areas. http://people.maths.ox.ac.uk/ technologists from or living and working in the bridson/ UK and the Commonwealth. Fifty new Fellows and ten Foreign Members were announced this Marcus du Sautoy is the Simonyi Professor for the year. Public Understanding of Science and Professor of Professor Simon Tavaré, President of the Mathematics at the University of Oxford and a London Mathematical Society and himself a Fellow of New College. His research uses classical Fellow of the Royal Society, said of the an- tools from number theory to explore the mathe- nouncement, ‘’It is wonderful to see so many matics of symmetry. In 2001 he was awarded the mathematical scientists elected this year, a real London Mathematical Society’s Berwick prize. tribute to the strength and importance of our He is author of four popular science books: The discipline”. Music of the Primes (2003), Finding Moonshine Professor Tavaré, congratulated the new (2008), The Number Mysteries (2010) and What fellows on their election on behalf of the London We Cannot Know (2016). He has presented Mathematical Society. numerous radio and TV series including a four For the full list of new Royal Society Fellows part landmark TV series for the BBC called The visit https://royalsociety.org/news/2016/04/new- Story of Maths. In 2009 he was awarded the fellows-2016/. Royal Society’s Faraday Prize, the UK’s premier SOCIETY MEETINGS AND EVENTS • 23 June: Northern Regional Meeting, Manchester page 29 • 15 September: Midlands Regional Meeting, Birmingham page 31 • 29 June: Popular Lectures, London page 11 • 21 September: Popular Lectures, Birmingham page 11 • 8 July: Graduate Student Meeting, London page 7 • 11 November: Graduate Student Meeting, London • 8 July: Hardy Lecture & Society Meeting, London page 18 • 11 November: Annual General Meeting, London • 21 July: Society Meeting at the 7ECM, Berlin page 17 • 20 December: SW & South Wales Regional Meeting, Bath NEWSLETTER ONLINE: newsletter.lms.ac.uk @LondMathSoc LMS NEWSLETTER http://newsletter.lms.ac.uk Contents No. 459 June 2016 4 14 Awards O-Minimality and Diophantine Geometry..24 Clay Research Awards 2016.........................8 PDE Software Frameworks..........................26 Ferran Sunyer i Balaguer Prize 2017..........9 Privacy: Recent Developments Rollo Davidson Prize 2016........................... 8 INI Workshop............................................28 2 Royal Society Fellows 2016.........................1 Quantum Roundabout................................24 Calendar of Events 38 Random Matrix Theory................................24 Topology and its Applications.....................27 LMS Items News Hardy Lecture Tour.......................................19 European News............................................5 LMS General Meeting.................................4 Hyperbolic Crochet at the University LMS Meetings of Sheffield................................................4 Graduate Student Meeting........................7 Mathematics Policy Round-up....................5 Hardy Lecture & Society Meeting...............18 Principia.......................................................6 Midlands Regional Meeting & Workshop...31 Northern Regional Meeting & Workshop...29 Obituary Popular Lectures..........................................11 Wilson, Derek...............................................33 Society Meeting at 7ECM Berlin................17 Records of Proceedings Meetings BMC 2016 Society Meeting.........................22 Bayesian Networks INI Workshop...............28 Inaugural Hirst Lecture...............................22 British Topology...........................................27 Reports Clay Research Conference and BMC 2016.....................................................9 Workshops................................................25 Inaugural Hirst Lecture...............................12 ECMTB 2016.................................................26 Women in Mathematics Days 2016............14 Galway Topology Colloquium.....................25 Graded Geometry and Applications to Reviews Physics.....................................................23 Fall of Man in Wilmslow.............................35 Heilbronn Annual Conference...................30 Mathematical Knowledge and the Invariant subspaces and Banach Algebras..25 Interplay of Practices................................36 Kronecker Coefficients................................26 The Best Writing on Mathematics 2015.....34 Manchester Stochastic Networks Day........25 Mathematical Communication During Visit the Cold War..............................................27 Schuster, Alexander......................................16 [email protected] No. 459 June 2016 award for excellence in communicating Artur Ekert is Professor of Quantum Physics science. He received an OBE for services to at the Mathematical Institute, University of science in the 2010 New Year’s Honours List. Oxford. His research looks at information pro- In 2014 he received the joint LMS/IMA Chris- cessing in quantum-mechanical systems. His topher Zeeman Medal for his contributions invention of entanglement-based quantum to the public understanding of the math- cryptography encouraged research efforts ematical sciences. http://people.maths.ox.ac. worldwide and continues to inspire new uk/dusautoy/. research directions. He was awarded the 1995 Caroline Series is a pure mathematician Maxwell Medal and Prize by the Institute of known for her work on symbolic coding of Physics and the 2007 Hughes Medal by the geodesics on hyperbolic surfaces and for Royal Society. www.arturekert.org/ novel contributions to the study of three Lakshminarayanan Mahadevan is a professor dimensional hyperbolic manifolds via their at Harvard University. His work attempts to fractal limit sets. She was a Kennedy Scholar understand the geometrical and dynamical at Harvard and was awarded a Junior patterns of shape and flow in physical and Whitehead Prize by the London Mathemati- biological matter, particularly at the observ- cal Society in 1987 and its first Senior Anne able scale of “middle earth”. He started his Bennett Prize in 2014. http://homepages. independent career at MIT, and was then the warwick.ac.uk/staff/C.M.Series/ inaugural Schlumberger Chair in Complex Physical Systems at Cambridge University and Christl Donnelly is a statistician and epide- a Professorial Fellow at Trinity, before coming miologist studying the spread and control of to Harvard University, where he has been 3 infectious diseases, with a particular interest since 2003. www.seas.harvard.edu/softmat/ in outbreaks. She studied mathematics at Oberlin College and biostatistics at Harvard Foreign Member School of Public Health. Following a lecturer Gerd Faltings is a mathematician at the position at the University of Edinburgh she Max Planck Institute for Mathematics. His joined the Wellcome Trust Centre for the first mathematical work was in commuta- Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases at Uni- tive algebra. He later became interested in versity of Oxford. Since 2000, she has worked Arakelov theory and his first result was a Rie- at Imperial College London. www.imperial. mann-Roch theorem for arithmetic surfaces. ac.uk/people/c.donnelly. Later the Mordell conjecture for number Editorial team Publication dates and deadlines http://newsletter.lms.ac.uk Editorial office General Editor Published monthly, except August. Items and adver- London Mathematical Society, Mr A.J.S. Mann tisements by the first day of the month prior to publi- De Morgan House, 57–58 Russell ([email protected]) cation, or the closest preceding working day. Notices Square, London WC1B 4HS and advertisements are not accepted for events that Reports Editor occur in the first week of the publication month. (t: 020 7637 3686; Professor I. A. Stewart f: 020 7323 3655) ([email protected]) News items and notices in the Newsletter may be freely used elsewhere unless otherwise stated, al- Events calendar Reviews Editor though attribution is requested when reproducing Updates and corrections to Professor D. Singerman whole articles. Contributions to the Newsletter are [email protected] ([email protected]) made under a non-exclusive licence; please contact Articles Administrative Editor the author or
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