See Page 39 Serving Nassau County, Brooklyn, Queens, Manhattan, Bronx, and Staten Island JUNE 28, 2013 פרשת פינחס See Pages 3-5 $1.00 WWW.5TJT.COM VOL. 13 NO. 39 20 TAMMUZ 5773 Rebuilding Belle Harbor FROM THE EDITOR BY LARRY GORDON Post-Election See Page 37 Analysis This is not about Barack Obama or Mitt Romney. As they tend to say in the Obama administration, that happened a long time ago and we are See Page 21 therefore not really sure what happened. Those of you out- side the Five Towns will have An all-star concert benefi ting Congregation Ohab Zedek was held on Sunday to help the Belle Harbor shul and community rebuild after the devastation wrought by Hurricane Sandy. Above (L–R): Stanley Liker, Assemblyman Phil Goldfeder, and Rabbi Tsvi Selengut. See Pages 61 & 65 Continued on Page 14 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR HEARD IN THE BAGEL STORE BY LARRY GORDON See Page 23 Shooting The Messenger First Female President? Dear Editor, force. His perspective needs to In reading the ongoing be heard: Former First Lady, U.S. Sen- conversation between Rabbi “Attacking the messenger ator from New York, and Sec- Ginzberg and Mr. Jacobson may prove to be psycholog- retary of State Hillary Clin- in the past few issues of the ically satisfying but it does ton said earlier this week 5TJT, I cannot help but be nothing to deal with the real- that she would like to see struck by a few thoughts, not ities of the problem under dis- a female president of the all my own. cussion. United States in her lifetime. See Page 9 Rabbi Berel Wein wrote this “The current debate about What she did not clarify is past week regarding this issue chareidi society’s participation whether she would like that of chareidim serving in the woman in the White House army and joining the work- Continued on Page 17 to be herself. Continued on Page 7 IN HONOR OF TORAH THE THREE WEEKS SWIMMING Halachic Musings LESSONS BY RABBI YAIR BY YOCHANAN See Page 17 HOFFMAN GORDON Although the Three Weeks, Summer is here! After all we which includes the 17th of have been through with Hur- Tammuz and 9th of Av, and the ricane Sandy and other wild other two rabbinically enacted weather events that wreaked fasts are periods of mourn- havoc, shifting our equilib- ing and introspection, Zech- rium and testing our resolve, it ariah the Navi tells us (Zecha- sure is relieving to be able to At the dais of Dirshu’s Asifas Chizuk that took place on Sunday in Eretz Yisrael riah 8:19) that eventually, the shed the extraneous layers and (L–R): Rav Aryeh Finkel, Rav Dovid Hofstedter, Rav Aharon Leib Shteinman, the Sanz Klausenberger Rebbe of Netanya, and Rav Shmuel Auerbach. See Page 81 Continued on Page 27 Continued on Page 16 June 28 – 8:11 PM July 5 – 8:10 PM See Luach, Page 11 Features Index, See Page 6 2 June 28, 2013 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES June 28, 2013 3 4 June 28, 2013 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES June 28, 2013 5 FEATURES Classified Ads 72 A Clever Title Goes Here Mordechai Schmutter 56 Community News Around The Five Towns 64 Around The World 81 Daf Yomi Insights R’ Avrohom Sebrow 52 Dating Forum Baila Sebrow 33 The Dish Elke Probkevitz 34 Insights on the Torah R’ Yossy Goldman 23 Five Towns Marriage Initiative 26 The Job Hunter R’ Mordechai Kruger 68 Luach/Calendar 11 Machberes R’ Gershon Tannenbaum 30 MindBiz Esther Mann, LCSW 46 Mother’s Musings Phyllis J. Lubin 58 News from the Hills Chanita Teitz 62 Other Side of the Bench David J. Seidemann, Esq. 22 Puzzle Yoni Glatt 44 Real Estate Anessa V. Cohen 41 Simcha Ivan H. Norman 32 That’s The Way It Is! Hannah Reich Berman 36 Travel Section 64 Become a Facebook fan of 5 Towns Jewish Times. RECEIVE DAILY MESSAGES WITH NEWS, EVENTS, DEALS, AND MORE! Participate in discussions and contests. facebook.com/ 5TownsJewishTimes 6 June 28, 2013 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES BAGEL STORE Queens ran with Senator Walter Mon- hype rather than serious political Continued from Front Cover day of Minnesota against Ronald Rea- or strategic maneuvering. This was gan in 1984, it drew a great deal of indeed even more so when Senator We can explore whether Hillary attention to the Democratic hope- John McCain selected Alaska Gover- would be a viable candidate or pres- fuls but did not improve Mondale’s nor Sarah Palin as his running mate ident, but the question that needs to chances that year, and Reagan went to oppose Barack Obama in 2008. first be addressed is why there is such on to steamroll over Mondale-Fer- Palin came across as a good balance a hang-up and obsession in this most raro, winning in 49 states, including for the seriousness associated with advanced society of ours about the in some of the most serious Demo- Senator McCain but failed to commu- idea of a female head of state. cratic and left-wing bastions like New nicate a toughness or soberness that To be straightforward about this York and California. one would need when in fact they are obsessiveness, we must understand one cardiac-monitor blip away from the ridiculous intimation here that running the greatest and certainly the we need to be skeptical about having most important country in the world. the country led by a woman. Beneath Neither Palin nor Ferraro before the surface of speeches on the sub- her had the gravitas or seriousness ject by Hillary and the news media of leadership that Golda Meir or Mar- in general is that for some reason a garet Thatcher exuded. So serious woman—unlike the men that will Golda Meir and hard-hitting was Meir that David have preceded her—is not up to the Ben-Gurion once referred to her as task of leading the greatest country in and Slovakia, amongst others. There being “the best man for the job” of the world. are few headlines or heart-stopping prime minister. It’s doubtful anyone Considering that some major coun- stories over these political facts. But would be able to survive that kind of tries have been led by women, includ- here in the U.S., everything comes to comment in this day and age. ing very capable and competent as a halt over the prospects that some- Which brings us to the 2016 pres- well as charismatic people like Golda where out there is a woman that idential contest and the specula- Meir in Israel, Margaret Thatcher in might someday become President of tion that is rife in the media about Britain, and, today, Angela Merkel the United States. whether Hillary will consider run- in Germany, amongst many others, Before we go any further, let’s take a ning, whether she has what it takes is there a suggestion somewhere step back and look at the history of the to become this country’s first woman beneath the surface that there is idea of running a woman as candidate president and whether she will be something particularly inferior about for vice-president. The question at considered too old for the job by the an American woman in the White that level is basically the same—why time 2016 rolls around (she will turn House? such obsessiveness and why is it such Angela Merkel 69 that year). That there are and have been pres- a big deal? Perhaps it is that so much More interesting in this dynamic idents, prime ministers, and interna- in this country, despite its alleged and The gesture of selecting a female will be the status of former president tional leaders who are women is a so-called openness and acceptance of for vice-president—a position that Bill Clinton if in fact his wife, Hillary, casual as well as uninteresting mat- equality between the sexes, is in real- media outlets here love to refer to should achieve success in 2016. He ter of fact in many countries today. ity just not as it is represented to be. as being “a heartbeat away from the will of course still be a former pres- Some of those are Ireland, Croatia, Back some time ago when then-con- presidency”—has to date been an Philippines, Trinidad, Bangladesh, gresswoman Geraldine Ferraro of endeavor enveloped in gossip and Continued on Page 8 5 TOWNS JEWISH TIMES June 28, 2013 7 BAGEL STORE our leaders. along the lines of: What happens if Continued from Page 7 The unusual dynamic here is that a something goes wrong, perhaps even lot of the women out there just want terribly wrong, during an administra- ident but will also be the First Gen- a woman to be president, and it mat- tion with someone like Joe Lieber- tleman or First Man or whatever one ters little whether its Broom-Hilda or man in power—an Orthodox Jew on will refer to the husband of a presi- Hillary. And that is most likely true of top of all else. It’s pretty simple. We dent as. So influential was Mrs. Clin- many in the Latino community who harbor a fear that not only will the ton during Bill Clinton’s presidency want to see Senator Marco Rubio or public blame it on Lieberman, but that at times that administration was someone of his background or her- through him and because of him on considered a co-presidency of sorts.
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