21 Problem Sexual Behaviors of Companion Parrots Fern Van Sant INTRODUCTION Reproductive behaviors observed in the wild, Psittacine species have become popular as com- such as pair bonding, courtship regurgitation, panion animals because they demonstrate many cavity seeking, nest building, territorial aggres- kinds of social behavior that humans find famil- sion, and copulation, are often displayed in a iar and enjoyable. Such endearing traits as beauty, home setting, though with human “flocks.” Fe- intelligence, and mimicry have led humans to males of some species lay large numbers of eggs adopt them as members of their family. over extended periods of time to a point of com- Recognizing that some of these traits are innate plete physical collapse and failure. The reproduc- and genetically determined will allow for a new tive drive can also lead to behaviors that render and better understanding of companion psittacine the bird difficult or impossible to live with. These behavior and enable us to better predict responses behaviors often include incessant screaming, sud- of different species to the conditions of pet bird den aggression toward favored (or not favored) care. Developing an appreciation for how and humans, and destructive attempts to excavate why innate behaviors can be triggered by specific nests in closets, couches, and drawers. As many actions or conditions will hopefully lead to better species are represented in the pet trade, there ex- and healthier lives for captive psittacine birds. ists extreme variability as to when behaviors will Understanding innate behaviors of companion start, which will be displayed, and how long they psittacines requires an appreciation for the intri- may continue.[7] cate physiologic and hormonal events that adapt a In the wild, the expression of these largely re- species to an environmental niche. Seasonal productive behaviors would be regulated by envi- events such as migration and molting have been ronmental conditions, pair bond formation, and observed, investigated, and found to be initiated the social hierarchy of the flock. Environmental by environmental events and driven by endocrine cues such as photoperiod, temperature, rainfall, mechanisms.[1–3] Observations of psittacine available food supply, the presence of nesting ma- species in the wild and the experience of avicul- terial, or the presence of a mate can stimulate re- turists and pet bird owners support a similar pat- productive activity in birds.[3, 8, 9] Pair bond tern of environmental triggers capable of inciting formation is enhanced with regurgitation, copula- reproductive behaviors. Recent advances in neu- tion, nest-site inspection, feeding, and mutual rophysiology are unraveling the intricate proc- preening.[10] When favorable environmental esses of initiation and expression of innate be- conditions are present, opportunistic breeders can haviors in response to environmental stimuli. become active. Other species may not even breed Although this research has focused specifically on a yearly basis. The hypothalamic-pituitary- on the mechanisms of context-driven song, it is gonadal (HPG) axis, responsible for controlling allowing for a completely novel view of how in- reproductive development and subsequent repro- nate potential can lead to the expression of spe- ductive behaviors, is triggered when environmen- cific behaviors in certain situations.[4–6] tal conditions are appropriate for the species. 233 234 Manual of Parrot Behavior Behaviors that enhance the pair bond are also peritonitis, and yolk embolis.[11, 12] An effort recognized as triggering cues for reproductive ac- will be made to explain many conditions of tivity.[10] In other words, the hormones flow feather loss and feather-destructive behaviors that when triggered by favorable conditions. In the seem to be the result of abnormal, long-term, hor- case of companion psittacine birds, under con- monal stress.[13] Other clinical conditions in- strained circumstances, many of the conditions of cluding degenerative changes of pelvic and ab- pet bird care are capable of triggering reproduc- dominal muscle that may result in herniation or tive behaviors. prolapse are typical of chronic hormonal stress or Unfortunately, as companion birds, parrots are overproduction. Chronic egg laying may drain not subjected to the normal limiting factors of calcium stores, predisposing the hen to dystocia their native environment and behavioral interac- and osteoporosis.[10] Dramatic and abnormal tions with a flock. In fact, pair bonded owners conditions of bone are frequently seen in female often indulge their birds, providing them with birds demonstrating reproductive behaviors over several of the environmental and behavioral cues protracted periods of time.[10] that can trigger the HPG axis. Owners often feed By carefully examining the many complicated a varied, nutrient-rich diet daily (with possible in- interactions between psittacine birds and their creases in fat and protein), provide a nest (cage) various natural environments, we will be better and nesting material (newspaper), and, inadver- able to interpret social and sexual behaviors of tently, provide themselves as a perceived mate. captive companion psittacine birds. This im- They sometimes feed the bird warm, soft food, proved understanding will lead to more effective much as might occur during courtship feeding. medical intervention when necessary and hope- Owners encourage the pair bond formation by fully improved preventative care. “preening” the birds with petting (often including the tail and back areas) and allowing excessive PSITTACINE BEHAVIORAL BIOLOGY preening to their person. In short, the owners in- Psittacine species are thought to derive from an advertently encourage reproductive behavior over ancient class of birds. It is considered likely that a long period. The abundance of these environ- these birds have a more than 30-million-year his- mental cues and pair bond activities in a home tory, with their roots in the ancient landmass of setting may encourage the early development of Gondwanaland. As landmasses slowly drifted and both clinical and behavioral problems, stemming continents formed, the evolutionary processes from the reproductive drive. that drove speciation slowly produced the three Attempting to explain the sexual behaviors of families and 332 species of the order Psittaci- companion psittacine birds without understand- formes that we now know.[14, 15] ing their biology is impossible. With continued Of the 332 species known today, there are clear investigation, we are likely to find that the biolog- distinctions between psittacine birds based on ge- ical niche that supports the existence of a species ographical distribution. Neotropical species also directs the timing of sexual behavior and re- (from Central, South, and rarely North America) production. That said, it is possible to piece to- account for nearly two-thirds of all psittacine gether what we have observed throughout the last species. At first glance, they appear to be a di- 30 years and overlay that information with gen- verse group of birds, but Neotropical species eral reproductive biology, avian science, and share many physical and behavioral traits and rep- psittacine biology. We will then begin to interpret resent only one subfamily (Psittacinae). In con- behaviors carefully. trast are the 109 species from Australia, New This discussion will identify and address sig- Zealand, and the Philippines that represent all nificant clinical and behavioral problems that three subfamilies of psittacine species (Loriinae, appear to develop over time because of chronic Cacatuinae, and Psittacinae). This incredible di- hormonal stress from the abundance of environ- versity of species is thought to result from the rel- mental cues and pair bond enhancing behaviors atively long isolation of these geographic areas as provided in many homes. Clinical conditions in- well as the absence of pressure from mammals. clude those obviously related to reproductive Only 34 species are found in Africa, India, and physiology such as chronic egg production, egg Southeast Asia.[14–16] 21 / Problem Sexual Behaviors of Companion Parrots 235 If any single evolutionary tendency of these species are reproductive in nature and stem from birds were to be singled out, it would have to be activation of the HPG axis, as well as from pair their flexibility to adapt to an impressive range of bond formation.[10] These behaviors include cav- habitats. In order to understand the needs and be- ity seeking (the drive to find a small dark hide- haviors of companion parrots, we must acknowl- away), nest preparation (shredding of paper or edge the individual adaptations that species have other bedding), bonding (an innate drive to dis- made to survive in their distinctive environments. play an affinity for a single individual), sexual re- Viewing psittacine species from the perspective gurgitation (regurgitation of food to a bonded bird of evolution offers insights into many of the or human), and even copulation (birds of either unique adaptations and behaviors that we recog- sex displaying receptive postures or actual copu- nize as characteristic of parrots. Most psittacine lation). The seasonally aggressive behaviors of species display an uncanny ability to learn, so- many male amazon parrots are another example cialize, and adapt. Some of these behaviors have of innate sexual behaviors demonstrated season- been studied extensively.[17–19] Other physical
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