Henri Bohnet Religious Freedom and Dialogue people with unshakeable values of be- lief and respect towards one another. In times of change and uncertainty In Macedonia and the greater Bal- people turn to their beliefs to find sol- kan region, there is a rich diversity of ace and reassurance. Germans, Mace- religious beliefs and ethnic commu- donians and people on all continents nities. As a relatively young state, the feel the effects and changes that globa- process of transformation from a mem- lisation brings. And while most of the ber of the Yugoslav union to a sover- changes are of a positive character, the eign country based on the principles of familiarity of old customs democracy and market and daily routines fade in economy, Macedonia has to the face of technological meet numerous challenges. advances and information This is evident to its citizens overload. In view to this, it every day, particularly when is a modern phenomenon looking towards member- that religion and values are ship in NATO and the EU. reviving and are at the cen- In this context of transfor- tre of public debate in soci- mation, the potential role of eties from western countries the religious communities in such as the United States - Macedonia and their contri- in the middle of the presi- bution to building a stable dential election campaign, society based on common across the Asian and Arab values and identity cannot world - pondering the role of be overestimated. The es- Islam and the state, to Europe - the de- tablishment of the Inter-religious Coun- bate about common identity. cil last year shows that the institution- With its projects, the Konrad Ade- alisation of dialogue between the dif- nauer Stiftung (KAS) participates in the ferent communities in Macedonia can public debate in many countries and actively promote progress towards the tries to encourage the dialogue be- common goal by achieving concrete tween society and the state, as well as results: its contribution for establishing among the main participants shaping the new changes in the Law on Reli- the civil society. With its experience of gion is one example. The social work over 50 years of international work which the religious communities do is based on the principles of peace, lib- another important factor which contrib- erty and justice, the KAS has learnt that utes to social cohesion and the lives of religious communities play a crucial role the people living in Macedonia. in shaping the evolution of a countrys But protecting freedom of expres- society, at the same time providing the sion and religious freedom is as impor- Godina 6, br. 21, mart 2008, Skopje str. 1 Henri Bohnet tant as supporting dialogue. And it is many, Angela Merkel, said in a recent the obligation of a secular state to as- discussion at a conference organised sure that people can articulate their by the KAS in Berlin: If we meet these beliefs freely, so that dialogue and un- challenges, then our lives and our poli- derstanding can be achieved. There- tics will change. But this change should fore, I am very happy to present to the not be brought about while abandon- reader in this issue the contributions of ing our values. Our values stay valid, prominent religious leaders and their but they have to be applied to new prob- representatives, as well as representa- lems. tives of the academic circles and politi- With this new issue of Political Tho- cal decision-makers who are at the front ught, the KAS once again attempts to of shaping the everyday policies of the present different perspectives that can Macedonian government. contribute to public debate, this time on Coming back to the challenges of one of the central notions of every globalisation, the Chancellor of Ger- society: religious freedom and dialogue. Rezime U~estvuvaj}i vo razli~ni javni debati vo mnogu zemji Fondacijata "Konrad Adenauer# preku svoite proekti se obiduva da go ohrabri dijalogot me|u zaednicite i dr`avata, kako i dijalogot me|u glavnite lideri koi go modeliraat gra|anskoto op{testvo. So dosega{noto iskustvo od preku 50 godini internacionalna dejnost zasnovana vrz principite na mir, sloboda i pravda, Fondacijata "Konrad Adenauer# ja uo~i krucijalnata uloga na verskite zaednici pri modeliraweto na razvojot na dr`avnoto op{testvo, kako i nivnata uloga vo zajaknuvawe na verbata vo nepokoleblivi vrednosti i me|usebnoto po~ituvawe. str. 2 Politi~ka misla SODR@INA / CONTENTS Voved / Introduction Religious Freedom and Dialogue ................................................................ 1 Henri Bohnet Verski slobodi i dijalog Anri Bone Religiozni slobodi i dijalog / Religious Freedom and Dialogue Verskite subjekti me|u slobodata na veroispovedta i dravata ...................................................................... 9 Cane Mojanoski Religious Subjects Between Religious Freedom and the Sate Cane Mojanoski Religioznata sloboda kako sine qua non za demokratsko gra|ansko op{testvo .................................................. 25 Dejan Donev Religious Freedom as a sine qua non in the Democratic Civil Society Dejan Donev Religious Freedoms in Communist Romania .......................................... 31 Elena Dragomir Religioznite slobodi vo komunisti~ka Romanija Elena Dragomir IstokZapad i povtorno Istok Pri~inite koi go uslovuvaat me|ureligiskiot dijalog ................. 39 Ivanka Dodovska East-West and East Again: The Reasons for the Interreligious Dialogue Ivanka Dodovska Ulogata na enata vo op{testvoto i politikata niz prizmata na pravoslavieto i islamot ........................................ 45 Dijana Stojanovi} \or|evi} The Role of the Woman In Society and Politics Through the Prism of Orthodoxy and Islam. Dijana Stojanovic Gjorgjevic Godina 6, br. 21, mart 2008, Skopje str. 3 Koreni i plodovi: Religijata, politikata i ekonomijata ............. 53 Kiril Nejkov Roots and Fruits: Religion, Politics and Economy Kiril Nejkov Aktuelno / Current Makedonska pravoslavna crkva Site treba da sme mirotvorci .............................................................. 65 Arhiepiskop Ohridski i Makedonski gospodin gospodin Stefan Macedonian Orthodox Church We Should all be Peacemakers His Holiness Archbishop Stefan of Ohrid and Macedonia Islamska zaednica Religijata i verskite slobodi: Verskata sloboda e sloboda na sovesta............................................. 69 Reis ul Ulema Haxi Sulejman ef. Rexepi Islamic Community Religion and Religious Freedom: Religious Freedom is Freedom of Consciousness Reis ul Ulema Hadzi Sulejman ef. Redzepi Evangelsko-metodisti~ka crkva Religiozni slobodi i dijalog .............................................................. 71 Mihail Cekov Evangelical Methodist Church Religious Freedom and Dialogue Mihail Cekov Predizvici i perspektivi / Challenges and Perspectives U~estvoto na religijata vo gradeweto na mirot i me|usebniot respekt i posebno vo makedonskoto op{testvoto ........................... 75 Zvonko Mucunski The Role of Religion in Peace Building and Mutual Respect, Especially in the Macedonian Society Zvonko Mucunski str. 4 Politi~ka misla Makedonija i EU / Macedonia and EU The National Council for European Integration: A Great Leap Towards the EU Integration Process................................. 81 Vasilka Salevska Nacionalen sovet za evropski integracii: golem is~ekor vo procesot na integracijata vo EU Vasilka Salevska The Rural Component of the IPA and a Few Lessons for Macedonia ................................................................... 91 Darko Ivanovski Komponentata na ruralniot razvoj na IPA i nekolku lekcii za Makedonija Darko Ivanovski Teorija / Theory Za nemonosta od religiozen dijalog, ili za multiplikacija na Avramoviot sindrom .............................. 97 Tihomir Topuzovski On the Impossibility of Religious Dialogue, or about Abrahams Syndrome Tihomir Topuzovski Portret / Portrait Mahatma Gandi, vizioner ili prakti~en idealist ....................... 103 Emilija Tuxarovska Mahatma Gandhi: Visionary or Practical Idealist Emilija Tudzarovska Recenzii / Reviews Recenzijata za knigata "Dijalektika na sekularizacijata# Avtori: Jirgen Habermas i Jozef Racinger ..................................... 107 Dane Taleski Review: Dialectics of Secularization by Jürgen Habermas and Joseph Ratzinger Dane Taleski Godina 6, br. 21, mart 2008, Skopje str. 5 Dokumenti / Documents Zakon za verskite zaednici i religioznite grupi ........................ 113 The Law on Religious Communities and Religious Groups www.pravo.org.mk Za avtorite / About the Authors .......................................................123 str. 6 Politi~ka misla Godina 6 Year 6 Br. 21 Nº 21 mart March Skopje, 2008 Skopje, 2008 ISSN 1409-9853 ISSN 1409-9853 Spisanie za politi~ko-op{testveni temi Magazine for Political and Societal Issues Izdava~: Publisher: Anri Bone Henri Bohnet Osnova~i: Founders: d-r \or|e Ivanov Dr. Gjorge Ivanov m-r Anderas Klajn Andreas Klein M.A. Urednici: Editors: m-r Dane Taleski Dane Taleski M.A. Emilija Tuxarovska Emilija Tudzarovska B.A. m-r Nenad Markovi} Nenad Markovic M.A. m-r Ivan Damjanovski Ivan Damjanovski M.A. m-r Vladimir Bo`inovski Vladimir Bozinovski M.A. Goce Drtkovski Goce Drtkovski B.A. Adresa: Address: Fondacija "Konrad Adenauer# Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung ul. Maksim Gorki 16, kat 3 ul. Maksim Gorki 16/3 MK - 1000 Skopje MK - 1000 Skopje Tel.: 02 32 31 122 Phone: 02 32 31 122 Faks: 02 31 35 290 Fax: 02 31 35 290 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Internet: www.kas.de Internet: www.kas.de Institut za demokratija Institute for Democracy
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