NOTICES 11525 It is ordered, That the evidentiary Shelf off Louisiana, scheduled for July The application has been reviewed by hearing in this prcceeding shall resume 21, 1970, and announced in the FEDE~ the Secretary of Agriculture, the Secre­ in the Van Deusen Auditorium of the REGISTER on Saturday, June 20, 1970, IS tary of the Army, the Chairman of the City Library System, 315 South Rose hereby amended as shown below: Federal Power Commission, the Director Street, Kalamazoo, Mich., at 9:30 a.m. The following tracts, as described in of the Water Resources Council, the on Tuesday, July 21, 1970. the FEDERAL REGISTER on June 20, 1970, Chairman of the New England River are withdrawn and deleted from the Basins Commission and heads of other Issued: July 14, 1970, Germantown, lease offering: affected Federal departments and agen­ Md. LOUISLillA cies. Their comments stated there were ATomc SAFETY AND LICENS­ OFFICLiL LEASING MAP, LOUISll."IA lI.\P NO. 1 no conflicts and offered no objections to ING BOARD, inclusion of the Allagash Wilderness SAMUEL W. JENSCH, (Approved June 8, 1954; Revised July 22, 1054; Apr. 28, 1960) Waterway in the National Wild and Chairman. Scenic Rivers System as a State admin­ [F.R. Doc. 70-917f); Filed, July 16, 1970; Wes! Cameron Arta istered wild river area. 8:49 a.m.] Acreage The following is my evaluation of the Tract No. Block Description management and development plan for La. 20&1_. 28 _________ NM; N}'.iW-:iS) ;; ___ , 2, 039 the Alla.gash Wilderness Waterway sub­ DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR mitted by the State of Maine: OFFICLiL LEASING MAI', LOUISIA."sA MAI' NO, 5 ALLAGASH WILDERNESS WATERWAY, MAINE Bureau of Land Management (Approved Juno 8, 1054; Revised Apr. 23, 10G6; July 22, EVALUATION FOR INCLUSION IN THE NA- ALASKA 1963) · TIONAL WILD. A.ND SCENIC RIVERS SYSTEr.I Ship Shoal Arca n, ACCORD WITH THE WILD AND SCENIC Notice of Fili'!g of Plat of Survey RIVERS ACT (82 STAT. 906) AS A STATE AD­ 37 ?t!INISTERED WILD RIVER AREA JULY 10, 1970. L a. 20'f;l ----{33 -------_______ SJ:,NWY>-----------SYiN.El4'------------} 936.5 1. Plat of survey of the land described 1. The Allagash Wildnerness Water­ below will be officially filed in the Fair­ BOYD L. RASMUSSEN, way is specifically identified in section banks District and Land Office, Fair­ Director, 2 (a) (ii) of the Wild and Scenic Rivers banks, Alaska, effective 10 a.m., Au­ Bureau of LandlVIanagement. Act as being an outstandingly remark­ gust 14, 1970. able free-flowing stream which, with its Approved: July 15, 1970. FAmB,\NKS l\IERmIAN immediate environs, would be a worthy HARRISON LoESCH, addition to the National Wild and Scenic T.6S.,R. 7W., Assistant Secretary Rivers System. Sec. 6, all. Sec. 7, all. of the Interior. 2. On May 11, 1966, the Alla.gash Sec. 18, all. (F.R. Doc. 70-9273; Filed, July 16, 1970; Wilderness Waterway Act, Title 12, Sec. 19, all. 9:05 a.m.] Maine Rev. Stat. Ann., sec. 661 et seq. Sec. 30, all. became effective. That Act: Sec. 31, all. a. Established the State policy to pre­ Office of the Secretary sen'e, protect, and develop the natural Containing an aggregate of 3,696.14 scenic beauty and unique character, wild­ acres. ALLAGASH WILDERNESS 2. The area surveyed is located about life habitat and wilderness recreational 10 miles south of Nenana, Alaska. The WATERWAY, .MAINE resources of the Allagash Wilderness terrain is nearly levei with a gentle slope Waterway for this generation and all Notice of Approval for Inclusion in succeeding generations; and dec1Bred to the North. The land is poorly drained, National Wild and Scenic Rivers and has many swamps, marshes, small such policy is in the public interest, for c:-eeks and ponds. The land has dense System as State Administered Wild the public benefit, and the good order of River Area the people of Maine. stands of scrub spruce, birch and tama­ b. Established 400-800-foot restricted rack, with heavy thickets of alder and Pursuant to the authority granted the zone from the shores of the watercourse ,villow brush. The topsoil is peat, over­ Secretary of the Interior by section 2 of which has been purchased in fee title by lying frozen, silty clay, the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act (82 Stat. the State to be maintained and adminis­ 3. The public lands affected by this 906, 907) and upon proper application of tered in a wild state. order are hereby restored to the opera­ the Governor of the State of Maine, the c. Provided permanent control of all tion of the public land laws, subject to Allagash Wilderness Waterway, Maine, is land uses outside the restricted zone and any valid existing rights, the provisions hereby designated a State administered within 1 mile of the high watermark of of e.s.isting withdrawals, including Pub­ wild river area of-the National Wild and the watercourse~ lic Land Order 4582, dated January 17, Scenic Rivers System. d. Provided permanent and e.s.clusive 1969, and the requirements of applicable The application which contains the administration of the entire watercourse laws, rules and regulations. management and development plan for by the Maine State Park and Recreation 4. Inquiries concerning the lands the Allagash Wilderness Waterway sub­ Commission. should be addressed to the Manager, mitted by the State of Maine has been 3. The entire . Allagash Wilderness Fairbanks Distric.-t and Land Office, Post Office Box 1150, Fairbanks, Alaska 99701. evaluated by this Department.' It has_ Waterway has been designated in a been determined that the entire Alla­ manner consistent with a Wild River ROBERT C. KRUMM, gash Wilderness Waterway meets the re­ Area. .111anager, Fairbanks District 4. The entire Allagash Wilderness and Land Office. quirements for classification as a wild Waterway is permanently administered river area under the provisions of the [F.R. Doc. 70-9141; Filed, July 16, 1970; without expense to the United States. 8:46 a.m.] Wild and Scenic Rivers Act and the sup­ 5. The . entire Allagash Wilderness plemental guidelines adopted by this De­ Waterway meets the criteria of a Wild partment and the Department of Agri­ OUTER CONTINENTAL SHELF OFF River Area established by the Wild and culture in February 1970. LOUISIANA Scenic Rivers Act, and the Guide­ lines for Evaluating Wild, Scenic and Oil and Gas Lease Sale 1 Copy filed with the Office of the Federal Recreational River Areas Proposed for Register as part of the original document. Inclusion in the National WIid and JULY 15, 1970. Coples are also available at Bureau of Out­ The competitive oil and gas lease of­ door Recreation, Department of the Interior, Scenic Rivers System * * " February fer1ng of blocks on the Outer Continental Washington, D.C. 20240. 1970 as follows; FEDERAL REGISTE!l, VOL. 35, NO. 138-l'lllDAY, JULY 17, 1970 HeinOnline -- 35 Fed. Reg. 11525 1970 11526 NOTICES a. Impoundments. There are three intrusion within the 400- to 800-foot re- It is proposed, after consideration of small dams within the Allagash Wilder- stricted zone adjoining the watercourse. any comments received, to publlsh the ness Waterway: The watershed is free also of such evi- following as a policy statement of the (1) Telos Dam 5± feet of Head. dence within the boundary. Afl existing Department of the Interior: (2) Lock Dam 5± feet of Head. structures have been removed except REGULATION OF THE SECRETARY OF THE (3) Churchill Dam 8± feet of Head. those essential to State service, main- INTERIOR RELATING TO CERTAIN RESPON-, These existing structures do not form taining water level control, and tempo- SIBILITIES OF INTERIOR AGENCIES AND THE impoundments which distract from or rary structures necessary for watercourse STATES IN THE PRESERVATION, UsE AND disrupt the wilderness character of the crossing.and access. MANAGEMENT OF THE NATION'S FISH AND waterway and are of historic significance d. Unpolluted. There is no data; on the WILDLIFE RESOURCES in that they portray the development of existing quality of the water in the ·the logging industry in the northeastern waterway. However, there are no saw- The Secretary of the Interior recog­ United States. Originally these struc- mills, industries, permanent residences, nizes that fish anci wild.llfe resources tures permitted the Allagash and Pe- or other, activities of man within the must be maintained for their aesthetic, 'nobscot Rivers to be used as a principle drainage basin of the Allagash Wilder- scientific, recreation and economic lm­ route for transporting timber to the ness waterway which would suggest that portance to the people of the United sawmills. Wood is now trucked to the the present water quality would not meet States, and that because fish and wild­ mills. Churchill Dam has been rebuilt or exceed the minimum criteria for life populations are totally dependent and is operated for the primary purpose aesthetics and primary contact recrea- upon their habitat, the several States and of controlling water flows for optimum tion as interpreted in the Federal water the .,Federal Government must work in canoeing throughout the entire recrea- Pollution Control Administration's Water harmony for the common objective of tion season. Telos Dam and Lock Dam Quality Criteria, April 1, 1968. The Maine developing and utilizing these resources. are operated by Bangor Hydro Electric Environmental Improvement Commis- It ls the policy of the Secretary of the co. for water storage. The operation of sion has classified the Allagash Wilder- Interior further to strengthen and sup­ all three dams ls governed by the policy ness Waterway as Class B-1 which ls port, to the maximum extent possible, established by the State of Maine in the suitable for water contact recreation: for the missions of the States and the De­ Allagash Wilderness Waterway, "to pre- use as potable water supply after ade- partment of the Interior in the attain­ serve, protect, and develop the maximum quate treatment; and fOX" a fish and wild- ment of this objective.
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