The Inventory of the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection #1483 Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center LEHMANN-HAUPT, CHRISTOPHER 1934- #1226 The Christopher Lehmann-Haupt collection consists of 30 paige boxes, the bulk of which is manuscripts and correspondence. The manuscripts are mainly holograph and typescript book reviews written for the New York Times, 1969-1997. In addition there are manuscripts of his two novels, ME AND DIMAGGIO and THE CROOKED MAN as well as manuscripts of articles he has written for the Times and other publications. Correspondence is mainly from literary figures, including many publishers and authors. In addition, there is a sizable amount of printed matter by and about Christopher Lehmann-Haupt along with several files of personal and financial papers. Outline of Inventory I. Manuscripts A. Books B. Book reviews for New York Times C. Articles D. Plays E. College/Graduate school notes and papers F. Play reports for Sterling Lord Agency G. Miscellaneo\}s writings/stories/essays H. Film reviews II Correspondence A. General B. Publishing correspondence re: ME AND DIMAGGIO C. Business corresponde:1,1ce re: ME AND DIMAGGIO D. Fan mail re: ME AND DIMAGGIO E. Correspondence re: A CROOKED MAN III. Personal Papers IV. Financial Papers V. Journals VI. Photographs VII. Scrapbooks VIII. AudioNisual Material IX. Printed Matter A. ByCLH B. About CLH C. Miscellaneous X. Personal Memorabilia Index to the Christopher Lehmann-Haupt Collection Page Number in Inventory Abrams, Harry N. 19 Acheson, Alice 19 Ackerman, Diane 19 Adkins, Dorothy 19 Alkalay, Karen 20 Alliuova, Svetlana 6; 51 Alsop, Stewart 20 Ambrose, Stephen E. 50 Amussen, Carolyn 20;48 Angelou, Maya 20 Appel, William 20 Arlen, Michael 20 Aronson, Steven M.L. 6;20;48 Asher, Don 20 Atwan, Helene 20 Auchincloss, Louis 20-21; 44 Auerbach, Red 21 Autry, Gene 48 Avallone, Michael 21 Bach, Julian 21 Bailey, Chauncey 21 Baker, Samm 21 Barber, Edwin 21 Barkus, Gilbert 21 Barnett, Jonathan 21 Bart, Peter 21 Batchelor, John Calvin , 21 Beasley, Rex 21 Beattie, Lawrence 21 Bennett, Ruth 21 Bensky, Larry 21 Berger, Thomas 22 Berliner, Peter 22 Bernard, Sidney 22 Bernays, Edward 22 Bernstein, Leonard 22 Bessie, Simon Michael 22 Bingham, Jonathan 22 Blake, Christopher 22 Blankfort, Michael 22 Bliss, Albert 22 Bloch, Sidney 22 Bloom, Philip 22 Bloomstein, Charles 22 Blume, Judy 22 Boddington, Robert 22 Bosworth, Patricia 22 Brandt, Carl D. 22 Braziller, George 22-23 Breslin, Jimmy 23 Brickner, Richard 23 Brill, Steve 23 Broder, Max 23 Bronfinan, Edgar M. 23 Bronson, Frances 23 Brookhiser, Richard 23 Brooks, Ginny 23 Broyard, Anatole 42;46 Bryan, C.D.B. 23 Buckley, Christopher 23 Buckley, Pat 23 Buckley, William F., Jr. 23-25; 48 Bunting, Josiah 25 Burack, Sylvia 25 Burger, Knox 25;48 Burgess, Anthony 26 Busch, Frederick 26 Byrd, Robert C. 26 Cade, Lisl 26;48 Caen, Herb 48 Caldwell, Joseph 26;48 Caldwell, Peter 26 Cameron, Sara 26 Campbell, Barb~a 26 Canin, Ethan 26 Caro, Ina 27 Caro, Robert 27 Carr, James F. 27 Carter, Jimmy 48 Casey, John 27 Castro, Bart de 27 Cerf, Bennett 27 Cheever, Ben 27 Cheever, John 11; 27 Cheever, Mary 27 Cheuse, Alan 27-28 Chomsky, Noam 28 Chung, Connie 6 Clark, Mrs. Kenneth 28 Clurman, Richard 28 Cohen, Arthur 28 Co le, William 28 Collie, Peter 29 Congdon, Thomas B. 29 Corman, Avery 29 Cosell, Howard 29 Cousins, Norman 29 Cowden, David 29 Crichton, Robert 29 Cummings, Richard 29 Cuomo, Mario 29 D'Amato, Alfonse 29 Daniel, Clifton 29;48 Davidson, Sandra Calder 48 Davis, Christopher 29 David, Fitzroy 29 Davison, Judy 29 Dawidowicz, Lucy 29 de Menil, Adelaide 29 de Montebello, Philippe 29 del Rey, Judy-Lynn 41 Dennison, George 29 Dienstag, Eleanor 29 Dienstag, Jerome 29 Dillard, Annie 29 Doctorow, E.L. 29 Dorsen,Norman 29 Doulis, Thomas 29 Douty, Mary 30 Douty, Mike 30 Drought, James 30 Dukakis, Michael 30 Edelston, Martin 30 Ellmann, Richard 30 Engelson, Joyce 30 Ephron, Nora 30 Everitt, Sara 0. 30 Fairweather, Gloria 30 Faust, Irvin 30 Feifer, George 30 Feltrinelli, Giangiacomo 30 Ferrer, Jose 30 Fine, Donald 30 Fish, Hamilton 30 Fish, Hamilton, Jr. 30 Flaherty, Joe 30 Fleming, Thomas 30 Flood, Charles 30 Foerster, Heinz von 30 Forbes, Malcolm S. 30 Fowles, John 30 Fox, Joseph M. 30-31 Frankel, Max 31 Frauenglas, Robert 31 Fremont-Smith, Eliot 31 Friedlander, Saul 31 Friendly, Fred 31 Galassi, Jonathan 31 Galbraith, John K. 31 Gavin, William S. 31 Garvey, Steve 48 Gelb, Arthur 31-32 Gelber, Lionel 32 Gervasi, Frank 32 Gill, Brendan 32 Gilmour, Kilty 32 Ginsburg, Ethel 32 Ginzburg, Ralph 32 Girodias, Maurice 32 Glazer, Tom 32 Godine, David 32 Godwin, Gail 32 Gold, Gerry 32-33 Goldman, Albert 33 Goldstone, Richard 33 Goodman, George J.W. 33 Goodrich, L. Carrington 33 Gottlieb, Paul 33 Gottlieb, Robert 33 Gouletas-Carey, Evangeline 33 Graham, Elliott 33 Greenan, Russell 33 Greenberg, Joanne 6; 33 Greenburg, 33 Greenman, Robert 33 Grimes, Lew 33;48 Guthrie, Bill 33 Halberstam, David 33 Halpern, Daniel 34 Han.ff, Helene 34 Harrington, Alan 34 Heller, Joseph 34 Hellman, Lillian 34 Hentoff, Margot 34 Hentoff, Nat 34 Hjortsberg, William 34 Holbrooke, Richard 34 Holmes, Carol 34 Honan, William 34;42 Horowitz, David 35 Horwitz, Julius 35 Howar, Barbara 35 Hughes, Lawrence 35 Hynes, Samuel 35 Ireland, Patricia 35 Jacobsohn, Peter 35 Janeway, Elizabeth 35 Janowitz, Tama 35 Jonas, Gerry 35 Jong, Erica 35 Kaufinan, Edgar, Jr. 35 Kazan, Elia 35 Kempton, Murray 35 King, Billie Jean 35 Kirk, Donald 35 Knapp, Caroline 35 Knopf, Alfred, Jr. 35 Koning, Hans 35-36 Korda, Michael 36; 48-49 Krogh, Thor 36 Kunstler, James Howard 36 Kurz, Ronald 36 Kurzman, Dan 36 Lahr, John 36 Lapham, Lewis 36 Laughlin, James 36 Laurents, Arthur 36 Lederman, Eleonore 36 Lehmann, John 36 Lelchuk, Alan 36 Lerner, Max 36 Levin, Carl 48 Levin, David 36 Levin, Ira 36 Lewin, Leonard 36 Lewis, Sheri 36 Lillie, Helen 36 Lindsay, John V. 36 Little, Stuart W. 36 Loomis, Robert 36 Lukas, J. Anthony 36 Luke, James L. 36 Lurie, Alison 37 Macdonald, Michael C.D. 37 Machlis, Joseph 37-38 Mailer, Norman 38 Malamud, Bernard 38 Manning, Robert 38 Marin, Peter 38 Markson, David 38 Mayhew, Alice 38 McCaig, Donald 38 McCarthy, Mary 38 McCullough, David 38 McCullough, Frances 38 Mcdonald, Gregory 38 McElroy, Joseph 38 McPhee, John 38 Meeks, Christopher 38-39 Merchant, Larry 39 Michener, James 39 Mitgang, Herbert 44 Morgenthau, Robert M. 39 Mortimer, John 39 Moynihan, Daniel P. 39 Muller, Klaus P~ter 39 Myers, Lou 39 Navasky, Victor 39;49 Nesbit, Lynn 39 Newfield, Jack 39 Newman, Miclm,el 36;40 Niebuhr, Christopher 40 Nissenson, Hugh 40 Niven, David 40 Novick, Alan 40 Oates, Joyce Carol 40 Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy 40 O'Donnell, James P. 40 Oppenheimer, Ernest 40 Ouologuem, Yambo 40 Owen, Kera 40 Packard, Vance 35 Peck, Richard 35 Peck, Seymour 35 Pilat, Oliver 35-36 Pinsky, Robert 50 Plaine, Belva 36 Plimpton, George 36;47;48;50 Pogrebin, Letty Cottin 41 Porter, Katherine Anne 36 Portis, Charles 36 Proper, Datus C. 41 Puzo,Mario 41 Quayle, Dan 41 Ravitch, Diane 41 Rawlings, John 41 Reed, Ismael 41 Reid, Ben 41 Reston, James 41 Rhodes, Richard 41 Rivera, Geraldo 41 Roosevelt, James 41 Rosenthal, A.M. 41-42 Rothschild, Lincoln 42 Schary, Dore 42 Scheinberg, I. Harold 42;48 Schell, Jonathan 42 Schiff, Judith 42 Schlesinger, Arthur 42 Scribner, Charles III 42-43 Sheehan, Susan 43 Siegal, Allan M. 43 Skinner, B.F. 43 Smith, Carol Houck 43 Smith, Liz 43 Smith, Red 43 Soboloff, Ann 43 Spanier, David 43 Steegmuller, Francis 43;49 Stein, Sol 43-44 Steinbeck, John 44 Steinbrenner, George 48 Stern, Daniel 44 Stillman, Whit 44 Stokely, Wilma Dykeman 44 Stone, I.F. 44 Straus, Dorothea 44 Straus, Roger W., Jr. 44 Styron, William 44 Sulzberger, Arthur Ochs 43;45 Sulzberger, Arthur Ochs, Jr. 45 Sulzberger, Cyrus L. 45 Sulzberger, Iphigine 0. 45 Talese, Nan 45 Thompson, Hunter S. 45 Thompson, Thomas 45 Thorp, Rod 45 Tobias, Sheila 45 Trump, Donald 46 Turow, Scott 46 Updike, John 46;50 Vidal, Gore 46 Viscusi, Margo 46 Vonnegut, Kurt 46 Vreeland, Diana 46 Wakefield, Dan 48 Wallace, Mike 6 Waller, Leslie 46 Walters, Barbara 46 Weinstein, Michael 46 Wendel, Thomas 46-49 Wheeler, Thomas 47 Wolfe, Don 47 Wolfson, Martin 47 Woods, George 47 Wright, Austin 47 Wright, Charles Alan 48 Wyeth, M.S. 49 Yglesias, Jose 48 Young, Genevieve 48 Zion, Sidney 48 LEHMANN-HAUPT, CHRISTOPHER 1934- #1226 Purchase: June 1998 I. Manuscripts A. Books Boxl 1. A CROOKED MAN a. 1st draft, March 22, 1992. Computer script with holograph corrections 1) p.1-176 [f 1] 2) p.177-324 [f.2] 3) p.325-477 [£3] 4) p.478-706 [f.4] b. Copy-edited MS. Computer script 1) p.1-189 [f.5] 2) p.190-377 [f 6] 3) p.378-521 [f.7] 4) p.522-621 [f.8] C. Dead matter 1) p.1-189 [f.9] 2) p.190-377 [f.10] 3) p.378-487 [f.11] 4) p.488-622 [f.12] d. Revisions [f.13-15] e. Notes. Includes notebooks [f.16-18], Box 2 [f.1-4] Box2 f. Research [f.5-11] g. Draft #3. Computer script with holograph corrections 1) p.1-136 [f.12] 2) p.137-256 [f.13] h. 1st revisions. Computer script with holograph corrections 1) Chapter 1 [f.14] 2) Chapter 2 [f.15] st 1. 1 submission. Computer script with holograph corrections, 186p. [f.16] J. Partial page proofs, 2nd setting [f.17] k. Book cover [f.18] 1.
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