CENSUS OF INDIA,. 1931 VOLUME II THE ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS , Part I-REPORT Part II-TABLES By M. C. C. BONINGTON, Superintendent of Census Operations. CALOUTTA: GOVERNMENT OF INDIA. CENTRAL PUBLICATION BRANCH 1932 Gllvernment of India Publications are obtainable from the Government of India Central Publication Branch. 3, Government Place. West. Calcutta. and from the following Agents :_ EUROPE. OFFlOE OF Tltlll HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR IN OlA, INDIA Hovs~, AI.DWYOH, LONDON, W. C. 2. And at all Booksellers. INDIA AND CEYLON: Provincial Book DepOts. MADRAS :-Superintendent, GoverlllIlent Press, MOlUlt Road, Madras. BOlllBAY :-Superintendent, Government Printing and Stationery, Queen's Road, Bombay. SIND :-J,ibrary attached to the Office of the Commissioner in Sind, Kal'achi, BBNGAL :-Bengal Secretariat Book Dep&t, Writers' Buildings, Room No.1, Ground Floor Caloutta. 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INTRODUCTION- Administrative iii-v A.-THE ANDAMAN ISLANDS- OHAPTER I.-Geography and Oceanography 1-2 CHAPTER' Il.-Soil and Oonfiguration. 2 CHAPTER IlL-The Forests 2-4 CHAPTER IV.-History 4-8 CHAPTER V.-The Aborigines 8-11 (a) Tho Anda.ma.n Home 11--14 (b) Record of Relations with Jarawas • 1:3-16 (e) History of our Relations with the Ongef'l. 16-20 (d) Points of affinity between the 'Semangs and the Andaman­ ese 20-21 (e) Distribution and Movement of the aboriginal population • 22-:;3 CHAPTER VI.-(a) The Penal Settlement . 24--26 (b) Reclamation works, with medical statistics and graph of sick and death rate for 27 years 27-28 CHAPTER VII.-The Local-Born Population 29-31 CHAPTER VIlI.-Agriculture 31-33 CHAPTER IX.-Distribution and Movement of t,he population of the colony. Fertility tables 34-35 OHAPTER X.-Birth-places of the Residents 36--39 CHAPTER XI.-Civil condition . Map to show communities and Languages J39-40 ApPENDIX I.-'1he Bhantus by O. J. Bonington 41-[;0 ApPENDIX Il.-The Fauna of the Andamans and Nicobars 51-59 B.-THE NIOOBAR ISLANDS- CHAPTER I.-Geography. 61 CnAPTER Il.-A.-Soil and Configuration . 62 _' __ '.,_. __ ~, .. __ __, ___ , _..JL __ Forestli - .-> 62-63 C.-Economic Zoology 63 CRAFTER IlL-Olimate • 63 OHAPTER IV.-History 64-66 OHAPTER V.-Anthropology, Philology and Ethnology 66-69 CHAPTER VI.-Cultural Anthropology- 1. Internal Government and Social Orgm.isation • 69-70 2. Tribal Law and Justice. 70-71 (a) Marriage 71-72 (b) Divorce 72 3. Property and Land Tenure 72-73 (a) Tribal Laws of Inherit-ance 73 _' 4. Economics of the Social Group 73-76 5. Religion and Magic 76 (a) Animism 76-77 (b) Ancestor Worship and Ossuary Practices. 77-79 OHAPTER VII.-Genera,l adaptation and effecis of contact wit,h civilizaUon 79-81 CHAPTER VIII.-Trade-Exports-Revenue-Expenditure-Possibilities of ") economic development . .. • ~81-86 Maps to show communities and language. j ApPENDIX A.- '_t'he Shom Pen 87-88 ApPENDIX B.-Tribal religion of Kar Nikobar by Rev. G. Stevemon 89- 93 ApPENDIX C.-Yaws in the Nicobars by Major A. J. D'Souza, I.M_S. 94-97 PART U-TABLES. IMPERIAL TABLES 99-119 A 2 INTRODUCTION. Census of the Settlement.--The organisation for the Census of the settle­ ment was not found to be a difficult problem owing to the comparatively small population. Except in one or two stray cases there was generally a sense of ready co-operation and interest especially by the local-born population who did most of the enumeration. The local Government had however, issued a notification to the effect that Government servants, if required, should render all possible assistance in taking of the Census. Staff and Organisation.--An officer with a separate office estabJishment, consisting of a clerk on Hs_ 75 per mensem and 4 sorters, was appointed. The previous censuses were taken by the ordinary office staff of the settlement offices. In 1911 and 1921 the Deputy Commissioner wrote the Census Report and in 1901 the Chief Commissioner wrote the report. The brevity of the 1921 Census Report showed that it was desirable to appoint an officer on special duty. The Census Operations of the settlement of Port Blair were carried out by responsible Ga,zetted officers of the settlement to whom
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