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INDEX. VOLUME 63, 1978* Abelsonite, new nineral 930 Analyses, cont. Anafyses, cont. Ahc^vn+i^h cha^+r^ cosalite 1163 serPentine 49,546 868 brindleyite 485 davidite 30 sheryoodite guildite 474 diopslde 993 slderite 906 636 osumilite 49). dixenite 151 sPhene Actinolite-hornblende, coexisting 205 A"^^rhi +a l01B spinel 52,545 713 ADACHI, H. see NAKAI, I. 775 epidote-clinozoisite 632 stibiotantalite Adamellite, Maine 750 LL2L stransk i ite 2r4 '7'75 1176 Aeniqmatite, analyses fersnite 714 surate AFM nrn ie.rinns 532 forsterite 993 talc r005 r163 AKAO, M. see NUKUf, A. L252 643 tetrahedrite i-i +-h^h.dnar i f6 AIbate gadollnrte 190 776 643 anafyses 636 garner 5O,260, 263,625,641,1,O17,LI23 tonalite ^rvci^ | ct Y,r.rrrrF 1264 gfass 44,926 trachyte 777 ESUOIIE 1163 csLfrrsLrurr dr19acr 466 glaucochroite 355 Albrittonite, new nineral 410 643 virgi lite 463 ALDRIDGE, L.P. and G.M. BANCROFT, hedenbergite 1121 vysotskite 83s 722 M.E. FLEET, C.T. HERZBERG: hematolite 151 wc+rsuq!Yr Ls mnh;.i f F cs II07 herderite 915 wolfaslonrte 277 ANDERSON, D.E. see OLIMPIO' , see FLEET, M.E. 1100 hornblende I45,2O7 ,1L24 Allanite, analysis 330 hydroxyapophyllite 198 Andesite, crystalllzation 75 ALLEN, J.C. and A.L. BOETTCBER: h\/.lrovvl -herderi te 91 5 Sequence 10 Amphiboles in andesite and ilnenlte 545,rr25 Andradite, low-temPerature basalt IO74 iron-fomation 900 stability 378 ALLEN, J-[4. and R. GOLDTL: iin+h^mnc^hifa 1005 Anorthite 5I4 Coexisting anphiboles from kallpyrochlore 529 breakdown reaction heat capacrtY, entropy r09 the Noranda area, Quebec 2O5 K-feldspar 752 ^^+i^il ^r^hartiac 437 AllopaItadiw, discredited khinite 1017 mineral (abstr) 796 kraiss lite 940 Anti"perthites 136 316 Alumohydrocalcite, new data labradorite 586 Apatite, biaxiality in (abstr) 795 lepidolite 203 Apophyllite grouP 196 Layer defomation AMELINCKX, S. see VAN GOETHEM' L. 548 1^rrari ndi +a 30 APPELO, C.A.J.: micas and Amethyst, dislocations in 744 I ^r'ari ndi +a" 38 and crystal energy of 742 Amphiboles 6-^^,,dvni +a 940 related ninerals = (abstr) 796 chemical analyses 263,527 ,1OAI 545,r).25 Appleite calcite B.M. 46r classification and manganochromite ).167 APPLEMAN, D.E. see FRENCH, nomenclature 1023 narsturite r1 88 ARAKI, T. SCC MOOR.E' P.B. 151 new mineral (abstr) 424 coexisting 2O5 monazate 759 Arcubisite. 520 discredited ndes 1049 monticellite Ardealite, structure stability IO74 muscovite 634,'151 Arfvedsonite, analysis 776 structure 24r olivine 546,715 in basalt 413 r175 AnaIcine, cel I dimensions, ^rfh^nvr^YAna 263,9O'7,lO'74 Argentina, surite structure 444 oswilite 49I Arizona Analyses, chemical palfadim antimonide I 169 chondrodite, titanian 535 535 actinolite 2O7,rOO5 ^^rALhihi+a 1017 clinohwite, titanian aenrgmatate 7'75 parnauite 104 dugganite 1016 254 a1b ite 636 pegnatites 9'73 garnet Pyroxenite 474 albrittonite 41r perrierite 503 guildite 1016 affanite 330 ha+e^ha^Lita 942 khinite amphibole 263 ,627 ,62A 'IO81 ,1092 phlogonite 5r,546 parakhinite 1016 254 anthophyllite 1005 plagioclase 944 p-vroxene-ilnenite intergrowths arfvedsonite 4I3,776 polhemusite 1158 ultramafic xenoliths 40 bismuthinite 1163 ^r,r^^h'l 1 i +6 IO2 Arnafcolite, in lunar basalts f2O9 835 pyrrhotite I275 Arsenbrackebuschite, new mineral (abs t2a2 breccia 103 quartzite ro2 tr ) ttu, S' I24L h-i hdl awi ta 488 rancleate 763 AUSTERMAN, S.B. see bustamite 277 rhodonite l1 38 Australia caf cite 906 richterite 716 alabandite r166 cheste rlte 1005 rowl-andite 756 davidite 30 332 chevkinite 503 rutile lr84 lepidolite 2A chlorite 294,635 rrrharc^ni ia 712 loverlngate 1166 chondrodite 536 sarabauite 715 manganochromite c 1 inohunlte 536,546 schis t 102 nickel tt66 ^r i n^i i nr h.mns^n i ra 1005 schizol ite 277 opal 737 clinopyroxene 66,260'626,650'IO79 c^hravari ta 1184 paltadium diantinonide cooperite 835 s e randi te 277 wollastonrte *Preparedby Brian Mason and Cynthia Barnes,Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC. 1288 Bailey BAILEY, S.W. and O.H.J. CHRISTIE: BUERGER, M.J. and c.L SHOEMAKER: Chlorlte, analyses 635 Three-Iayer monoclinic Ari X-ray powder cmera for sErucEure 293 lepidolite 203 taking photographs at low Chondrodite, tilanian 535 _, see GUGGENHEIM, S . 186 Eemperatures A24 CHOU, I-MING: Calibration of BANCROFT, c.M. see ALDRIDGE,L.P. 1107 Burangite, (abstr) new mineral 793 oxygen buffers 690 _, see FLEET , M. E. 1100 BURNHAM, C.W. see VEBLEN, D.R. CHRISTfE, O.H.J. see BAILEY,S.W. 2O3 Band theory, and color 226 lo00 ,1053 Clnnabar, synthesis 1143 BARDOSSY, c. and c.w. BRINDLEY: BURNS, R.c. see BURNS, V.M. A2j Claringbullite, new mineral Rancieite associated with a BURNS, V.M. and R.c. BURNS: (abstr) 793 karstic bauxite deposlt 762 Authigenic todorokite and CLARK, G.,1. see MEAKINS, R.L. 737 BARKER, D.S.: Magmatic trends on phillipsite A2j CIARK, J.R. see BROWN, c.E. 814 alkali-iron-naqnesim diag,rams 531 BURRUSS, R.C. see MURCK. B.W. 40 _r 5€€ GHOSE, S. 160 BARNES, H.L. see POTTER, R.W. rI 1143 BURT, D.14.: MultisysLens analysis Clinochlore + quartz, stability Basaft 73 of beryllim mineral stabil- clinoeulite = nagnesian clino- crystaffization sequence 1076 ities 664 farr.<irila l:hcFr\ 12a3 Fra Mauro prERCE, 350 BUSECK, P.R. see L. I clinohwite, titanian 535,544 mare I2o9 Bustilite, analysis, crystal Cf inojimthonpsonite, new BASSETT, trI.A. see IIIILBURN, D.R. 591 sLruccure 2i4 mineral 1000, BASU, lo53 V.R.R.M. see RAO, A.T. 330 BYERIY, c. review of AtLas of the clinopyroxene, chenical analysis 1079 BAUR, tii.H.: Crystal structure ?extural Pattems af Basalts cI-tyretskite, new mineral refinement of lawsonite 3I1 and theLr Genetic Significanee (abstr) BENCE, A.E. see DOOLAN, B.L. 1088 (Augustithis) 1020 Color, in minera]s 219 BERI{AN, R.M. : Differentiaf themal Cooperite, composition, analysis of sone irradiated X-ray data 432 manerafs 807 cRArc, J.R. review of Quantita_ Berndtite, structure 2A9 CABRI, L.J. and J.H.c. LAFLAMME, l;tue Data FiLe of the IMA Beryl J.M. STEWART, K. TURNER, B.J. Comission on )re Microscopy anonalous biaxiality 316 t-l4j SKINNER: On cooperite, (Henry) '797 sectocal structure 725 braggite, and vysotsklte 932 CMSSEY, c. see SCHMID, R. 51.r Beryllium mineral stabilities 664 _r s€€ FLEISCHER, M. 424,59e Crichtonite-group minerals 36 Biaxiality, .in isometric and cafarsite, new data (abstr) l'95 CRIDDLE,A.J. see EMBMY, p.c. 853 dinetric crystals 316 Calcite CROOK,W.W. Irr and L.A. MARCOTTY: Blcchulite, synthesis, composition, composition 906 Albrittonite, a new cobalt thermodynamic properties 5g impurity-related centers in 732 chloride hydrate 4ro BICKEL, C.E. see '{ARNER. J.L- lOlO California errata I287 Biopyribotes, crystal fersmite 709 _, and R. C . EWING, A.,f . chemistry 239 105 ,1000, 3 9rossular 298 EHLMANN: Rowlandite from the BISH, D.L. see I4AKSTMOVIC, Z. 4A4 anesrte 563 Barringer Hill rare-earth BLENCOE, .f.c. see FERRY, J.M. 1225 fawsonite 311 pegmatite district 754 BLOSS, F.D.: The spindle stage: monticellite 366 CRUZ, M.T. see SETO, H. 572 a turning polnt for optical rynersonite 109 Cryptoperthites, 1ilellar crystal.Iography 433 stibiotantalite 709 coarsenlng 47O see LOUI SNATHAN, S .J. 394 _, CAMPBELL, I.H. see GATEHOUSE, B.M. 28 crystal energry, micas ja2 BOETTCHER, A.L. see ALLEN, ,J.C. IO7A Carofina sfate belt 96 Crystal fields, and color 22O Bdggild lanellae 136,r43,594 Canada Crystal foms, nomenclature 841 BoRC, I. review of Suba.uction amphiboles 205 Crystal structure Zone Metanorphisn (Ernst,ed.) 42g arfvedsonite 413 analcime 444 Bornite, superstructuring in 1 9'arnet 50 angfesite 506 BOVIN, J.-O. see O'KEEFFE, M. lgo iron-fornation s98 barite 506 Bragglte, composition, X-ray data 832 kinlcerfite 47 berndtite Brazfl 289 monticellite 55 brindleyite 444 clinohmite 544 olivine 48 bustilite 274 ilmenite 544 oswif ite 490 Ca^HPO, SO.4H^O 520 BRINDLEY, z44Z c.W. review of SeDenth phfogopite 51 carl Conference an CLaA Mineralogg serpentine 49 friesite 447 and. PetrologA celestite in Karlouy Varg sphalerite 93 506 (Konta) chondrodite, 803 spinel 52 titanian 535 and A. R.D. PORTER: clinohwite, titanian _r Occurrence Carlfriesite, structure, fomula, 535 of dickite chlorite inJmaica 554 synthesi s 447 293 see BARDOSSY, c . cu(Io.)^.2H^o r72 _, 762 CASSIE, R.M. see SCHUIZE, D.J. 258 JZ 2 Brindleyite, new mineral 4A4 CASTAING, R.: Acceptance of the grossular 297 BROCK, K.J. and L.D. SLATER: Roebling Medal 602 gui Idite 478 Epitaxial narcasite on pyrite 2IO Celadonite, infrared spectra 343 hydrochlorborite 814 BROWN, B.E.: The crystal Chantalite, new mineral (abstr) I2A2 hydroxyapophyllite 199 structure of a 3T lepidolite 332 CHAO, c.Y. see FLEISCHER, M. 424 inesite s63 BROWN, c.E. review of Feldspar Charoite, new mineraf (absLr) j93,1,2A2 lawsonite 311 MineraLs VoL, II: Chenical and CHATTERfEE, N.D. see cUpTA, A.K. 5g lepidolite 332 ?ertural Pyoperties (smith) 430 Chenical analyses, see Analyses, loverlngite 2A _, and ,f . R. CLARK: Crystal chemical n'dr rg d|rr utrr Le 874 structure of hydrochlorborite gl4 CHERNOSKY, J.V.Jr.: The stabiliLy nargarate 186 BROWN, P.E. and E.J. ESSENE, W.C. of clinochlore + quartz at low NaCl 337 KELLY: Sphalerite geobarometry tenperature 73 olivine 365 in the Bafnat-Edwards district, Chesterite, new mineral 1000,105 3 paramelaconite 180 New York 250 Chevkinite , Noryay 499 pectolite see PEACOR, D.R. _, 1137 phlogopite 293 Goldman 1289 Crystal structure, cont. Electron m.lcroscopy Fluid inclusions 40 pyrope 297 bornite I FOORD, E.E. and C.G. CUNNTNGHAM: pyroxenoids 274 ^n,-t-harthi tp 4'74 Themal trilsfomation of salesite I72 digenite 1 anonal-ously biaxial dimetric serandite 274 plagioclase 138,951 crystals 747 sheffoodite 863 pyrate 544 , and B.A.

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