JAPB191_proof ■ 5 February 2017 ■ 1/5 Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity xxx (2017) 1e5 55 HOSTED BY Contents lists available at ScienceDirect 56 57 Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity 58 59 60 journal homepage: http://www.elsevier.com/locate/japb 61 62 63 Original article 64 65 1 Taxonomic revision of the tribe Danaini (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: 66 2 67 3 Danainae) from Myanmar 68 4 69 a a a b a,* 5 Q4 Nan Zarchi Win , Eun Young Choi , Jong Bong Choi , Jinyoung Park , Jong Kyun Park 70 6 a 71 7 College of Ecology and Environmental Science, Kyungpook National University, Sangju, Republic of Korea b Department of Nature Survey, National Institute of Ecology, Seocheon, Republic of Korea 72 8 73 9 74 10 article info abstract 75 11 76 12 Article history: The tribe Danaini is reviewed for the first time from Myanmar. Ten species of four genera belonging to 77 13 Received 29 September 2016 two subtribes are taxonomically described. Identification keys for the subtribes, the genera, and all 78 14 Received in revised form species are provided. The adult illustrations for all examined species are also presented. 79 8 November 2016 15 Copyright Ó 2017, National Science Museum of Korea (NSMK) and Korea National Arboretum (KNA). 80 Accepted 11 November 2016 16 Production and hosting by Elsevier. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http:// Available online xxx 81 17 creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). 82 18 Keywords: 83 19 butterfly 84 20 Danaini 85 Danainae 21 86 Myanmar 22 87 23 88 24 89 25 Introduction Myanmar is one of the biologically diverse countries in main- 90 26 land Southeast Asia and rich in biodiversity. However, the butterfly 91 27 Danainae (milkweed butterfly) is a small subfamily in the is a poorly studied group in the fauna of Myanmar (Win et al. 2015, 92 28 diverse family Nymphalidae. It comprises 504 species belongings to 2016). As a part of British India, some species of Danaini butterflies 93 29 about 60 genera and three tribes, according to the latest version of of Myanmar had been studied during colonial time by Marshall and 94 30 the classification of Nymphalidae (Nymphalidae Systematics Group de Niceville (1882), Bingham (1905), and Talbot (1947). However, 95 31 2016). They are large and mainly tropical butterflies with a more recently, little is known about butterflies of Myanmar despite 96 32 disagreeable taste that protect them from predators (Byun and Kim being estimated to have 1197 species of butterflies (Kinyon 2004). 97 33 2015). In the past, owing to several distinct characteristics, espe- Likewise, there is no detailed taxonomic study of Danainae but- 98 34 cially in scent organs, acrid juices, general wing pattern, and host of terflies of Myanmar. In the present review of the tribe Danaini, 10 99 35 larvae, some authors had placed Danainae as a separate family species were recognized, namely, Danaus chrysippus chrysippus 100 36 Danaidae. However according to certain characters in common, Linnaeus, Danaus genutia genutia Cramer, Tirumala limniace lim- 101 37 they are now classified as a subfamily within the family Nympha- niace Cramer, Tirumala septentrionis septentrionis Butler, Parantica 102 38 lidae. The subfamily Danainae is divisible into three tribes: Danaini, aglea melanoides Moore, Parantica melaneus plataniston Fruhstorfer, 103 39 Tellervini, and Ithomiini (Wahlberg and Brower 2008) and only one Parantica sita sita Kollar, Euploea core godortii Lacus, Euploea klugii 104 40 tribe, Danaini, is found in Myanmar. This tribe is also the type tribe klugii Horsfield & Moore, and Euploea mulciber mulciber Cramer. 105 41 of the subfamily Danainae. Host of larva of this tribe are usually The present paper provides keys to the subtribe, genera and species 106 42 species of Asclepiadaceae (milkweeds), and Moraceae (figs) and of the tribe Danaini, and information on the taxonomic description, 107 43 Apcynaceae. Several species in this tribe are famous as models for synonymic lists and distribution of the tribe Danaini in Myanmar. 108 44 mimicry. 109 45 Systematic accounts 110 46 111 47 Order Lepidoptera Linnaeus, 1758 112 fi 48 Family Nymphalidae Ra nesque, 1815 113 Subfamily Danainae Boisduval, 1833 49 * Corresponding author. Tel.: þ82 42 530 1215; fax: þ82 42 530 1218. 114 50 E-mail address: [email protected] (J.K. Park). Tribe Danaini Boisduval, 1833 115 51 Peer review under responsibility of National Science Museum of Korea (NSMK) and 116 Korea National Arboretum (KNA). The tribe Daniani comprises two subtribes: Danaina, Euploeina. 52 117 53 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.japb.2016.11.001 118 54 pISSN2287-884X eISSN2287-9544/Copyright Ó 2017, National Science Museum of Korea (NSMK) and Korea National Arboretum (KNA). Production and hosting by Elsevier. 119 This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Please cite this article in press as: Win NZ, et al., Taxonomic revision of the tribe Danaini (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Danainae) from Myanmar, Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.japb.2016.11.001 JAPB191_proof ■ 5 February 2017 ■ 2/5 2 NZ Win et al. / Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity xxx (2017) 1e5 1 Key to subtribe of tribe Danaini in Myanmar Description (Figure 1B). Wingspan: 74e95 mm._\. Upper side 66 2 1. Claws without paronychia or pulvilli ...........Danaina dark fuliginous yellowish brown. Forewing with costal and dorsal 67 3 e Claws furnished with paronychia and pulvilli....Euploeina margins and apical half of wing black; the greater portion of In- 68 4 terspaces 1 and 2, a spot at the base of Interspace 3 and cell tawny; 69 Subtribe Danaina Boisduval, 1833 5 veins with broad black margins; three small white costal spots 70 6 Key to genera of subtribe Danaina in Myanmar beyond the cell, followed by an oblique series subapical white large 71 7 1. Forewing tawny, with black margins and white spots crossed by the veins; an irregular submarginal and marginal 72 8 spots.........................Danaus series of small white spots. Hindwing tawny, the veins broadly 73 9 e Forewing fuliginous black, with subhyaline streaks and spots of bordered with black; terminal margin black, bearing two more or 74 10 bluish white........2 less complete rows of white spots. Underside similar; forewing 75 11 2. Lower discocellular of hind wing bent inwards at an angle with with dusky brown beyond the subapical white spots; hindwing 76 12 middle discocellular ..................Parantica with paler ground color than on the upper side, and white borders 77 13 e Lower discocellular of hind wing not bent inwards at an angle to all veins; the white spots on both fore and hind wings distinct. _ 78 14 with middle discocellular .................Tirumala with sex mark of a small patch near base of Vein 2. Antennae black; 79 15 head and thorax black and spotted with white; abdomen dusky 80 Genus Danaus Kluk, 1780 (Monarchs and Queens) 16 tawny, with white markings beneath. 81 ¼Danaida Latreille, 1804. 17 Material examined. Myanmar: 3_,5\, Mt. Popa, 23 ii 2013 (J. K. 82 ¼Danais Latreille, 1807. 18 Park leg.); 2_,5\, Mt. Popa, 24 ii 2013 (J. K. Park leg.); 4_,2\, 83 ¼Danaus Latreille, 1809. 19 Natmataung, 9 i 2015 (J. K. Park leg.); 6\, Mt. Popa, 26 ii 2014 (J. K. 84 ¼Anosia Hübner, 1816. 20 Park leg.)-coll. KNU. 85 ¼Festivus Crotch, 1872. 21 Distribution. Myanmar, Sri Lanka, India, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, 86 ¼Salatura Moore, 1880. 22 Hainan, China, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Andamans. 87 ¼Nasuma Moore, 1883. 23 88 ¼Tasitia Moore, 1883. 24 Genus Tirumala Moore, 1880 (Blue Glassy Tigers) 89 ¼Danaomorpha Kremky, 1925. 25 ¼Melinda Moore, 1883. 90 ¼Panlymnas Bryk, 1937. 26 ¼Elsa Honrath, 1892. 91 27 Key to species of Danaus in Myanmar 92 Key to species of Tirumala in Myanmar 28 1. Vein not highly bordered by black. Hindwing without a row of 93 1. The two bluish-white streaks in Interspace 1 are coalescent 29 white spots on black terminal margin- 94 .......T. limniace limniace 30 .................. D. chrysippus chrysippus 95 e The two streaks in Interspace 1 are never coalescent ..... 31 e Vein not highly bordered by black. Hindwing with a row of 96 T. septentrionis septentrionis 32 white spots on black terminal margin 97 33 .......................D. genutia genutia Tirumala limniace limniace Cramer, 1775 (Blue tiger) 98 34 Tirumala limniace limniace Morishita, 1970: 64. 99 Danaus chrysippus chrysippus Linnaeus, 1758 (Oriental Plain 35 100 Tiger) 36 Description (Figure 1C). Wingspan 94e106 mm. _\. Upper side 101 Panlymnas chrysippus chrysippus Morishita, 1970: 64. 37 black, with bluish-white semihyaline spots and streaks. Forewing: 102 Danaus alcippus Marshall & de Nicéville, 1883: 51. 38 Interspace 1a with two streaks, sometimes coalescent, with a spot 103 Limnas alcippoides Moore, 1890: 41. 39 beyond; cell with a streak from base and an outwardly indented 104 40 spot at its apex; a large oval spot at base of Interspace 2, another 105 Q1 Description (Figure 1A). Wingspan: 66e80 mm. _\. Termen of 41 spot at base of Interspace 3, with a smaller spot beyond it towards 106 forewing concave near the middle. Upperside: forewing tawny, 42 termen; five obliquely placed subapical streaks, and somewhat 107 darkening towards the costal margin; costa narrowly, and the 43 irregular submarginal and marginal series of spots, the latter the 108 apical third of the wing black; one or two white spots beyond and 44 smaller. Hindwing: Interspaces 1a, 1b, and 1c with streaks from 109 above apex of cell; four small irregular white spots beyond upper 45 base, double in the latter two, cell with a forked broad streak, the 110 margin of tawny ground color; followed by a subapical, white, 46 lower branch with a hook, or spur-like short projection, at base of 111 oblique band, with one small short bar on the costa and one sub- 47 Interspaces 2 and 3 a slender loop, at base of Interspaces 4 and 5 a 112 marginal white spot below its lower end; a more or less complete 48 broad elongate streak, and at base of Interspace 6 a quadrate spot; 113 series of marginal white spots and dots of varying size.
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