2648 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS February 5, 1970 poses," to provide for accelerated payment of By Mr. SATI'ERFIELD (for himself, Maria Zahaniacz (nee Bojkiwska); to the certain housing loans in cases of discrimina­ and Mr. MARSH) : Committee on the Judiciary. tion by the loan recipient: to the Committee H. Res. 826. Resolution calling for support By Mr. BOB WILSON: on the Judiciary. of policy of direct face-to-face negotiations H.R. 15768. A b111 for the relief of Katsu By Mr. WYMAN: for peace between nations in the Middle East; Asage Whetstine; to the Committee on the H.R. 15758. A b111 relaittng to taxation by a to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Judiciary. Staite of income received by nonresidents of By Mr. TUNNEY: By Mr. CHARLES H. WILSON: that State for services performed in a Fed­ H. Res. 826. Resolution to express the sense H.R. 15769. A bill to authorize and direct eral area: to the Committee on the Judiciary. of the House against the persecution of per­ the Secretary of the Interior to relinquish By Mr. FASCELL: sons by Soviet Russia because of their re­ and quitclaim any title it may heretofore H.J. Res. 1077. Joint resolution to amend ligion; to the Committee on Foreign Affalrs. claim to certain lands situated in the county the joint resolution authorizing appropria­ By Mr. BOB WILSON: of San Bernardino, State of California; to tions for the payment by the United States H. Res. 827. Resolution to create a Select the Committee on Interior and Insular of its share of the expenses of the Pan Ameri­ Committee on the Investigation of Porno­ Affairs. can Railways Congress Association: to the graphic Enterprises; to the Committee on Committee on Foreign Affairs. Rules. By Mr. GALLAGHER: MEM:ORIALS H.J. Res. 1078. Joint resolution estab­ PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Under clause 4 of rule XXII, memorials lishing the Commission on United States Par­ were presented and referred as follows: ticipaition in the United Nations, and for Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private 279. By the SPEAKER: A memorial of the other purposes: to the Committee on Foreign bills and resolutions were introduced and House of Representatives of the Common­ Affairs. By Mr. GIAIMO: severally referred as follows: wealth of Massachusetts, relative to over­ H.J. Res. 1079. Joint resolution to amend By Mr. BRADEMAS: riding the presidential veto of the Health, the Constitution to provide for representa­ H.R. 15769. A bill for the relief of Yi­ Education, and Welfare Appropriation b111; tion of the District of Columbia in the Con­ chuan Pan and Yi-jen Yu (maiden name: to the Committee on Appropriations. gress; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Yu); to the Committee on the Judiciary. 280. Also, a memorial of the Legislature of By Mr. MINSHALL: By Mr. DONOHUE: the State of California, relative to agricul­ H. Con. Res. 498. Concurrent resolution to H.R. 16760. A bill for the relief of Dr. tural labor-management relations; to the express the sense of the Congress with re­ Anthony S. Mastrian; to the Committee on Committee on Education and Labor. spect to peace in the Middle East; to the the Judiciary. 281. Also, a memorial of the House of Committee on Foreign Affairs. By Mr. EDWARDS of Alabama: Representatives of the Commonwealth of By Mr. RIVERS: H.R. 16761. A bill for the relief of Albert Massachusetts, relative to continuing cer­ H. Con. Res. 499. Concurrent resolution, H. Quarles; to the Committee on the Judi­ tain airline operations; to the Committee on Paris peace conference on prisoners of war; ciary. Interstate and Foreign Commerce. to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. By Mr. FISHER: 282. Also, a memorial of the general court By Mr. WOLFF: H.R. 16762. A bill for the relief of Lottie of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, rela­ H. Con. Res. 500. Concurrent resolution ex­ Emerson; to the Committee on the Judiciary. tive to a Federal welfare system, to the Com­ pressing the sense of Congress that the By Mr. FOLEY: mittee on Ways and Means. United States should sell Israel aircraft H.R. 16763. A bill for the relief of Rogelio 283. Also, a memorial of the general court necesary for Israel's defense; to the Commit­ Candanoza-Leza; to the Committee on the of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, rela­ tee on Foreign Affairs. Judiciary. tive to expanding the medics.re program to By Mr. MATSUNAGA (for himself, Mr. By Mr. MATSUNAGA: include the permanently and totally dis­ abled; to the Committee on Ways and Mea.ns. DENNIS, and Mr. WILLIAM D. FORD): H.R. 15764. A bill for the relief of Celia G. H. Res. 823. Resolution to provide for Debs; to the Committee on the Judiciary. record voting in the Committee on the By Mr. MOSS: PETITIONS, ETC. Whole House upon the assent of one-fourth H.R. 16765. A bill for the relief of Milton of the Members present: to the Committee E. Nix; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, on Rules. By Mr.POWELL: 386. The SPEAKER presented a petition By Mr. NELSON: H.R. 16766. A bill for the relief of Campbell of the chairman, Realtors' Washington Com­ H. Res. 824. A resolution affirming U.S. Glenallen Emanuel, wife Daphne Olive I. mittee, National Association of Real Estate policy calling for face-to-face negotiations Emanuel, and son Calvin Roger Emanuel; to Boards, Washington, D.C., relative to the between the governments of the nations in­ the Oommlttee on the Judiciary. residential mortc;a.ge market, which was re­ volved in the Middle East crisis; to the Com­ By Mr. WATKINS: ferred to the Committee on Banking and mittee on Foreign Affairs. H.R. 15767. A bill for the relief of Mrs. Currency. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS "CAPTAIN EASY" RETIRES-HELPED Sentinel, Orlando, F!a., November 23. In one 1949 sequence, Turner's heroes NATIONAL GOALS 1969: helped an alcoholic win his fight to redeem himself through Alcoholics Anonymous. AA LES TURNER, PRODUCER OF COMIC STRIP, members praised Turner's understanding and HON. LOUIS FREY, JR. RETIRES his contribution to their efforts. One mem­ Les Turner, artist-writer who has produced ber wrote: OF FLORIDA the "Captain Easy" comic strip since 1943, "I know of at least five hopeless alcoholics IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES will retire next Sunday. who have been saved through your comic Thursday, February 5, 1970 "Captain Easy," appearing in more than strip." 600 daily and Sunday newspapers and dis­ A 1950 news bulletin of the Stanford Re­ Mr. FREY. Mr. Speaker, Les Turner tributed by Newspaper Enterprise Associa­ search Institute reproduced a strip in which of Orlando, Fla., in the congressional dis­ tion, will continue to be produced by Turner's Turner showed the use of the Poulter Seismic trict which I represent, has produced associat e, Bill Crooks, and writer Jim Law­ Method of Geophysical Exploration to dis­ for 36 years the comic strip "Captain rence. Crooks has been working with Turner cover oil deposits. Captain Easy had explained since 1945. the technical marvel in language simple Easy." "Captain Easy" appears in more Turner started on the strip as an assistant enough for the youngest of his readers. than 600 daily and Sunday newspapers in 1937. It was ;then carried in hundreds of Living in Orlando, Turner kept abreast of across the country and has contributed newspapers as "Wash Tubbs" and its title rocket and space developments and re­ greatly to better public understanding of was changed to Captain Easy in 1949. ported-and sometimes foretold-them in his national problems and goals. As the Turner's already completed strips will con­ comic strip. When the Army launched Jupiter creator of the comic strip, Les Turner tinue to appear in newspapers until early II from Cape Canaveral March 5, 1958, Tur­ has used his mind and ability to make 1970, being su cceeded by Crook'S' and Law­ ner's story which appeared in newspapers the national space program more under­ rence's work in mid-January. that day showed a fictitious Cyclops rocket During his many years with Wash Tubbs carrying the first man into space. standable to all Americans. I congratu­ and Capt ain Easy, Turner brought many His accurate backgrounds and on-the­ late Mr. TUrner on his ::::etirement, and unique situations to the comic pages. He scene research continually gave readers dra- also his associates, Bill Crooks and Jim pioneersed educational, sociological and scien­ matic stories as current as today. · Lawrence, who will continue the comic tific subjects in his strips and received praise A 1962 continuity explaining the Binary strip. I would like to place in the RECORD from professionals in all fields for his ac­ number system used in computers was re­ a portion of an article from the Orlando curacy and timeliness. quested in reprint by many schools because February 5, 1970 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 2649 it gave a clear explanation of a complex math [From the Wa..shington Star, Feb. 2, 1970] House, the first family, and those first system. Captain Easy had discovered spies ABM's PHAsE Two families who will follow. employing Binary numbers to pass informa­ tion on America's antimissile program ... One distinct surprise which emerged from In the same spirit of public service, the and appropriately, using the comic pages to the President's press conference was an­ White House and the RIAA will make transmit the secret data. nouncement of the decision to go ahead available a duplicate collection of the with the seoond phase of the Safeguard anti­ records and the equipment in Washing­ ballistic missile system.
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