The original documents are located in Box 300, folder “National Press Club Study” of the Ron Nessen Papers at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Ron Nessen donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Digitized from Box 300 of the Ron Nessen Papers at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library Questions Asked by National Press Club study Current number of Presidential press conferences, along with a breakdown TAB A of the formats : Do you have records of other post-World No War ll Presidents for comparison? Number of media interviews the President has granted and the number of persons involved. We'd like a breakdown of the· number of interviews from newspapers, TAB B magazines, radio and television and a list . of those people: How many are still on the waiting list? Changes constantly, as requests come in and others are granted. How many people work for the White House Press office and related 36 activities: What is the budget: Incorporated into White House budget- no separate amount How many considered press officers, how many clerical, how many in other TAB C categories? Figures on personnel totals and budgets ,_ in past White House press offices. Don't- have that information available ~~, . , ·, ~ ' .. •' . PRESIDENTIAL PRESS CONFERENCES ,; ' 1974 .... ' ' ' ·. I No, 1 August 28, 1974 · 2:30 - 2:59 pm · East ~oom:·, Televised , '·. • •' , , ',•: , ~I ' No. 2 September 16, 1974 8:00 .. 8:30 pm E~st Room:: Televised ,. ' ! ·_ No, 3 October 9, 1974 '} 2:31 - 2:59 pm Rose Garden Televised .. - i :.· -~: :1. ;_ .. :.. j No, 4 October 29, 1974 1 0: 56 - 11 : 3 0 am .· .· :· Btiefing Room . ~ .f' ·' ' •• f• 'i},' \•·'r. ) No. 5 December 2, 1974 7:31 - 8:10pm Televised ,,,;<' No, 6 January 21, 1975 2:04 - 2:42 pm 450 EOB Televised No, 7 February 4, 1975 2:35 - 3:10pm Phoenix,. Arizona Televised regionally . No. 8 February 11, 1975 7:03 ':" 7:3(1 pm Topeka; Kansas Televised regionally I, iN?·: 9 February 26, 1975 11 : 0 5 - 11 : 3 5 am Hollywood, Florida Televised regionally ( ',,-~ , Na.· 10 March 6, 1975 ··. 7:31- 8:0~ pm 450 EOB Televised ' March 17, 1975 6:o3 ~ 6:3opm South Bend, Indiana Televised regionally No. 12 April 3, 1975 12:01 - 12:45 pm San Diego, California Televised • ! ·__ ;~ ~ No, 13 May 6, 1975 7:31 -·8:05pm 450 · EOB . Te1evi'sed , ' . \ -~ ' No, 14 May 30, 1975 7:29 - 7:48 pm Brussels, Belgium No, 15 June 9, 1975 7: 3 0 - 8 : 0 1 pm . , Rose Garden Televised '..... .,)!' No . lG Jrmc 25, 1975 5:00 - 5:30pm South Grounds Televised No, 17 July 12, 1975 11:30 am- 12:01 pm Chicago, Illinois Televised regionally No, 18 Septen'lber 16, 1975 11:40 am - 12:12 pm Oval Office · No, 19 October 9, 1975 . EOB C·';;,'; ...•• v: 8:01 - 8:30 pm 450. , ·- • ·.:i·~; ..:;_ ... l::.u··~~ ... Televised ".;~::/,. ··it .. .... l·;r - No, 20 October 10, 1975 4: 15 - 5: 0 5 pm Detroit,· Michigan Televised regionally No, 21 November 3, 1975 7:30 - 8:03 pm Televised l ! I / I I i I', \; ·, : ~ 'I I :, ..• 'i ............. ...... ''-..... /· ·~ PRESIDENTIAL INTERVIEWS 1974 .l'·., October 25, 1974 Saul Pett . Associated Press Air Force One October 26, 1974 Harry Reasoner American Broadcasting Co. Camp David Televised Nov,. 17, 197 November 11, 1974 Howard Flieger U.S. News and World Report Oval Office ·: l! Marvin Stone ) 'i Les Tanzer / Paul Martin John Mashek Nove1nber 27, 1974 Mel Elfin Newsweek Oval Office Osborne Elliott Edward Kesner December 17, 1974 Joseph Alsop Los Angeles Times/ The Residence Lunch and interview Washington Post Syndicate · ( ( December 26, 1974 Helen Thomas . United Press International Vail, Colorado ! '' ~ :~ ', I975 ' Page ~ - / January 8, 1975 Harry Rosenfeld Washington Post Carroll Kilpatrick Oval Office Haynes Johnson Lou Cannon January 10, 1975 Hugh Sidey Time Magazine Dean Fischer Oval Office Bonnie Angelo Henry Grunwald Murray Gart J January 2 3 , I 9 7 5 Tom Brokaw NBC John Chancellor Family Living Quarters Televised FclH·uary 6, 1975 Aldo Deckman Chicago Tribttne Clayton Kirkpatrick Oval Office Jim Squires William Neikirk ( c b rua ry 7, 1 9 7 5 F John Mashek US News and World Report Oval Office For photo story February 7, 1975 Ruth Winter Family Circle Oval Office Feb1·uary 7, 1975 John Hersey New York Times Magazine The Residence February 14, 19 7 5 Jack Germond Washington Star-News Norman I-<empster Oval Office Fred Barnes John Bowden '1 Page 3 March 11, 1975 Robert Lubar Fortune Magazine Oval Office Hedley Donovan Daniel Seligman William Bowen James Reichley ~:·· :M~rch 21, 1975 Jack Nelson Los Angeles Times Oval Office Robert Donovan Dennis Britton Rudy Abramson Paul Steiger March 24, 1975 Bill Theis Hearst Newspapers Oval Office William Hearst Jr. Bob Considine Joseph I<ingslmry-Smith April21, 1975 Walter Cronkite CBS Blue Room Televised I!Eric Sevareid f/' Bob Shieffe1· May 9, 1975 Malcolm Forbes Sr, Forbes Magazine Oval Office Malcolm Forbes Jr. ..... :. .''1·: ·:·. Jerry Green New York Daily News · .'oval Office · ·· James Wieghart Paul. Healy · ··, ~·· I • ,, Page 4 ~) ' j ) j May 23, 1975 • f ; Robert MacNeil British Broadcasting Co. Diplomatic Televised Henry Brandon London Sunday Times Reception :lI I Adalbert deSegonzac France Soir Room I , ~ :~ Jan Reifenbe rg Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Marino d eMedici 11 Tempo i I, I May 27, 1975 Rowland Evans Chicago Tun":'Time Syndicate Oval Office i !j Robert Novak ~ •' I ' l ;1 .I J June 2, 1975 Ali Hamdi Al Cammal Chief Editor-AhranF·. · Salzburg, Austria Mohsen Mohammad Chief Editor - Gumhurriyya Moussa Sabri Chief Editor - Akhbar Abdel Sitar El Tawil Chief Editor - Rose El Yossef i .. June 9, 1975 Pierre Salinger L 1Express Oval Office June 1 8, 1 9 7 5 Richard Wilson, Des Moines Register Oval Office ( ( June 2 3 , 1 ') 7 5 Roy Rowan Time Magazine Oval Office For book on Mayagucz inci June 30, 1975 David Broder ,, Washington Post Oval Office Marquis Childs United Features Syndicate Carl Rowan Field Newspapers July 7, 197 5 Joseph Kraft Field Newspaper Syndicate Oval Office For New York Tin1.cs Magazi piece ' ' .·'--··' Page \ ... ) ' ' ~~'' ;:/ July 13, 19 7 5 Lou Cannon Washington Post Oval Office Book on Washington pre: ~ ~ ' July 15, 1 9 7 5 Hedley Donovan Mag~zine !,. Time Oval Office July 15, 1975 Jack Anderson · Washington Merry·Go·Round Map Room Video taped ·.t July 21, 1975 Godfrey Sperling Christian Science Monitor Oval Office ' William Anders on Chicago Tribune Press Service ) I ,' / George F. Will Washington Post Writer's Group July 22, 1975 Howard Flieger US News and World Report Oval Office Marvin Stone i j : l John I-I. Adams Les Tanzer Paul Martin John Mashek July 23, 1975 Clifton Daniels New York Times Oval Office /James Naughton i I , Phil Shabecoff Bernard Gwertzman Marjorie Hunter. July 24, 1975 Peter Goldman Newsweek Magazine , .. Oval Office tl l: Hal Bruno ~ ll ' ' ~.Jf Tom DeFrank t 1: j ~ i l l' l ,j fJIAugust7, 1975 · Martin Agroneky Public Broadcasting Solarium Televised q Paul Duke ;; I l ., ' ' LJ! .....,..,.. \ ' •. >''P 6 .... •--' ·· ·.;li age IJ;; . t - ;· ....... ' ·~ '•I August 8 , 1 9 7 5 Frank Cormier Associated Press Oval Office Helen Thomas United Press International Ralph Harris Reuters August 21, 1975 Maury DeJong Grand Rapids Press Vail, Colorado August 25, 1975 Irv Kupcinet WMAQ-TV and Public TV; Chicago, Illinois and syndicated columnist J August 25, 1975 John McCullough WTMJ-TV - Milwaukee Milwaukee, Wisconsin Televised Ron Scott WISN-TV Carl Zimrnerman WITI-TV August 30, 1975 Arthur Albert WJAR-TV - Newport Newport, Rhode Island Televised Sarah Wye Jack Cavanaugh September 5, 1975 Joseph Benti KNXT-TV - Los Angeles Sacrarnento, California Televised f September .11, 1975 Dave Goblaskas WSCV and WSLE-FM An1he1·st, New Hampshi1•e !. ,' Peterborough, New Hamp. ' September 12, 1975 Julius Hunter KMOX .. St, Louis St. Louis, Missouri Televised Robe,rt Hardy KMOX Richard Dudman St. Louis Post Dispatch John Flack St, Louis Globe De1noc rat September 15, 1975 'ron1 Ross Chicago Sun Times Oval Office Morton I< and racke Charles Bartlett . ~ ' ' . ' . .··~· Page 7. ··-:··· ..... September 20, 1975 Otis Chandler Los Angeles Times Editorial Board Los Angeles, William F. Thomas California Anthony Day · Frank P. Haven Edwin Guthman Robert Gibson .. , ..'' , George Cotlair . Mark Murphy Jean Sharley Taylor Louis B. Fleming ) Robert Erbury J Jack Nelson :o · September 20, 1975 Bob Abernathy KNBC - TV - Los Angeles . Los Angeles, Televised Jess Marlow California Warren Olney Septcmbe r 22, 1975 Sid Davis Westinghouse Broadcasting San Francisco, Videotaped Stan Borman KPIX (Westinghouse) California Belva David KPIX ·( rJ enny Crimm KPIX Lynn Joiner KPIX .., October 1, 1975 Terry Forsberg KMTV Omaha, Televised S,tevc:: Murphy WOW~TV Nebraska Joel Fowler Nebraska PBS Mary Jane O'Dell Iowa PBS \.:.. Sam Stewart KETV (:-' ;;. Howard Silber Omaha World Herald ;£;:., '· ....."'"'"~;~:i :. Octobei• 2 1 1975 Peter L~sagor Chicago Daily News Oval Office . 1 October 7 1 1975 Juanita Glenn Knoxville Journal Knoxville~ Tenncs see Televised Lois Thomas Knoxville News -Sentinel Randy Prewitt WTVI{-TV ., , Carl Williams WBIR-TV Sam Brown WATE-TV Hop Edwards PBS October 17 1 1975 David K raslow · Cox Newspapers Oval Office . Eugene Risher ) Andrew Glass / Jean Heller October 30, 1975 Herb Klein Metronwclia Los Angeles, California Televised I<en Jones l{TTV -Los Angeles Larry Moo1·e I<MDC-I<ansas City Gabe Pr cs sman WNEW-Ncw York Alan Smith WTTG-Washington DC Gil All}und son WTCM-Minneapolis-St.
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