:) 3 O 30/18:147-49 cites Vol. 30, No. 18 (June 15, 1917) pp. 247-49. HOW TO USE THIS INDEX Circ 1:1 cites Official Circular No. 1 (Nov Author Index 1886), page 1. This Author Index is in alphabetical order, and Circ Apr 95:1 cites Official Circular, April includes exact titles of the works as printed in the 1895, page 1. journal. Note that the particular author identifica­ tion in the Geographic and Subject Indexes can thereby 10/YB:45-48, 53 cites Vol. 10, American be readily converted to precise bibliographic cita­ Philatelist•and Year Book of the American tions. Where the article has been reprinted from Philatelic tAssociation (Nov. 1896), pp. 45- another source, the original source is identified. 48, 53. In a few instances, the author's work has been 26/3:Supp. 10-11 cites Vol. 26, No. 3 (Dec. 1, cited in the Author Index but the article itself has 1912),: Supplement (Convention Proceedings), not been considered worth citation in- any'6ther pp. 10-11. section {e.g. general address, personal opinion, non- philatelic content etc.)"; Where the compiler has felt Advertising pages were not numbered in the first it to be appropriate, letters to the editor have been seven volumes? where indexed, they have been cited by indexed in the Author, Index as well as in other lowerc-case Roman numerals in parentheses, e.g., "(iii- applicable indexes. " . ,;' iv)." There were numerous instances of mispagination throughout the history of the AP. When these mistakes Citations, were not subsequently corrected, the page numbers have been cited as printed, in parentheses. Citations consist of volume number (Arabic numerals) and issue number, separated from the In those instances where the pagination was later inclusive pages by a colon. It is important to note revised, and/or use of the original (incorrect) that until 1968 issue 1 of each volume was October, numbers could prove misleading, the correction has and not January. Official Circulars are designated by been cited followed by the numbers as initially the abbreviation "Circ" followed by a number (for the printed, in parentheses, thus: "28/1:2(286)." It is First Series', ,,No. 1-5, 1886) or date (for, the Second assumed that most users of the index will want the Series, 1893-95). The American Philatelist and Year number as it appears on the page they' are looking up, Book of the American Philatelic Society (Association) which is why the incorrect number is provided? .at the is designated- by the volume number .and the same time, earlier annual and. cumulative AP indexes abbreviation "YB":, supplements and-sections are shown have already adopted the corrected numbers, so the as "Supp" and "Sec" respectively." Thus, dual listing is given as a caution flag. '•) ) Ades, Joseph J. Stamps of the Sudan, 1941, Surcharged 59/2:166-67 INDEX TO AMERICAN PHILATELIST (VOL. 1-100) 4%p on 8p Ades, LeRoy P. First and Last Airmails of Austria- 89/5:414,416 AUTHOR INDEX Hungary: A Study in Military Necessity "A., K." Noted Artists Design Australia's Stamps 67/3:186-88 Adler, Walter H. From the Allied Intelligence Bureau 96/9:802-08 Abbocc, Cory Fatal Hobby, A (fiction) 99/3:232 to Mindanao: The "Free Philippines" Abbocc, a. Lawrence Computerizing Your Collection: 99/3:250 Guerrilla Stamps A Follow-Up Ahern, Gene Our Boarding House (cartoon)(reprinted 40/8:582 Abrahams, Plus F. My Favorite Stamp: Spain's Madonna Issue 77/10:763 from Cincinnati Post) Abrams, Gerald M. Advertising on Stamps Not Restricted 96/7:639 "Air Ace" Air Staaps as an Investment 48/4:225-26; 48/6:323-24 to Postal Material (from Air Post Collector) Abrams, G.M. French Lottery Stamps, The: New 93/8:712-13 Alaa, Kazl Shariful Forgery of Bangladesh Postal Material 88/9:861-66 Potential for Topicals and Charles W. Drake Offered in the International Market Abrams, G.M. RHs, Move Over 92/12:1138 Albrechc, W.C. Collecting Proofs 37/6:334-36 Abrams, G.M. Topical Collector? How About Revenues? 91/9:705 Alden, John Preservation and Philately 85/8:695 Alden, Philip M. My Favorite Cover:' Philatelic Odyssey— Abt, Henry E. Tale of One City, The: The Private 70/9:687-98,708; 90/8:588-89 Posts of Chicago 70/10:769-80; 70/11:855-62; Another Postal Traveler Around the World 70/12:933-44; 71/1:27-33; 71/3:185-92; Aleong, J, Chin Provisional and New Postage Due Stamps 84/11:1043 71/4:269-75 (not completed) of Trinidad & Tobago Abueva, Claro T. In the Philippines: I Am a Letter Carrier 78/6.-414 Alexander, Albert P. (letter, on Afrika Korps stamps) 65/4:250,252 Acers, Owen P. Commemorative Issues of the 51/3:231-37; 51/4:343-46; Alexander, David S.J. United Nations Philately: 99/7 cover, 593-601 Australian Commonwealth 51/5:445-51 Forty Years Ackerman, H.S. American Philatelic Society 43/1:37-38; 43/2:77-78; Alexander, Edward L. Just Watermarks 45/9:425-26 Precancel Unit (column) 43/3:140-41; 43/4:194-95; Alexander, R.P. Short Account of the Postage Stamps 63/8:589-96 (later, Precancels: 43/5:260-61; 43/7:379; of the Ryukyus, A (reprinted from Chronicle and Notes) 43/8:439-41; 43/9:501-02; Bulletin of the International Japanese 43/10:552-54; 43/11:610-11; 44/2:137; 44/3:174; Philatelic Specialists Study Club) 44/4:218-21; 44/5:260-61; 44/6:300-01; 44/7:353-54; Alexander, Thomas J. Baptist Indian Missions 95/2:cover,121-30; 95/3:223-35 44/8:391-94; 44/9:439-40; 44/10:474-76 Alexander, Thomas J. Contonment Leavenworth 85/12:1105-06,1140 Ackerman, H.S. Another Precancelled Postal Card 45/7:295 Alexander, Thomas J. Goddard's Constitutional Post 94/1:34 Ackerman, H.S. Catalogueitls 45/10:508 Alexander, Thomas J. see also Beals & AlexanJ Ackerman, H.S. Condition 45/8:399 Alexander, William L Steamboat Mail on Ccl ado River: 83/3:255 Ackerman, H.S. Fort Brldger is a Precancel: 44/6:300 A Chapter from Past A Reply to Mr. H.S. Brosnan Alexander D., Rafael "Instrucclon Primaria" of 1900 to 1904, 47/12:621 Ackerman, H.S. It Happened in.Precancels— 45/10:507 and "Edlflclos Postales" of 1931 A Discovery of a Three-Cent Green Precancel of El Salvador, The Ackerman, U.S. Killing the Goose That Lays the Golden Eggs 45/6:294-95 Alexander D., Rafael Postage Stamps of "El Salvador," of 59/6:492-95 Ackerman, H.S. Modern Collection of United States, A 61/9:695 the Year 1921 Overprinted "Centenarlo" Ackerman, H.S. New Bar Precanceled Entire 44/9:439-40 and the Commemorative Issue for the Ackerman, H.S. New (Old) Position Block of Four, A 67/10:753 Centenary of Independence, The Ackerman, H.S. New Precancel Bar Types on Entires 44/5:260-61 Alexander D., Rafael Salvador: Emergency Interior Air 55/1:31-34 Ackerman, H.S. Omni-Meter and Its Effect on 44/3:174 Service of 1934 Precancelllng, The Alexander D., Rafael Salvador New Issues 46/11:564 Ackerman, H.S. Precancel and Not a Precancel, A 45/3:139-40 Alexander D., Rafael Salvador's Provisional Airpost Stamps, 47/9:491-92 Ackerman, H.S. Precancelled Stampless Covers 44/12:578-79 First Printing: The 20 Centavos Ackerman, H.S. Regular Dealer and the Precancel, The 44/9:440 with RED Surcharge, Scott's No. 651 Ackerman, H.S. Soft Papers'of the American Prints' 30/19:266 Alexander D., Rafael Talks on El Salvador's Stamps 51/1:46,62 Ackerman, H.S. Some Experiences In Stamp Collecting 45/3:117-18 Alexleff, Vladimir Russian Paper Money Alleged to be 52/12:1029-31 Ackerman, H.S. Some History Bearing on the Fort Brldger, 44/2:137 Postage Stamps Utah Territory, Precancelled Envelope Alexleff, Vladimir see also Myer & Alexleff Ackerman, H.S. United States Revenue Society 43/9:485 Alfano, Louis S. Boat's a Hydrometer? (revised from 90/12:1272 Adams, Horace C.. Suggestions to the Editor 44/11:499-501 American Revenuer) Adams, Nicholson. B Spain: Notes on the Loyalist1,.Issues 52/7:603-08 Algmin, Victor A. and Memel: Forgeries of the Harbor Issue 96/3:234-35,284 Adams, Perry see 0 Belliy, Adams and Walsh Carl e. Kane Ade, Guy W. 75 Years of Progress: A Brief History 74/11:817-19 Allen, C.N. Fifty Years of Philatelic Writing 98/8:827-28 of the American Philatelic Society AUTH-2 '•> AUTH-l VlSJ ••- <-.'I'- "I ' "-' "' i Andrade, A.'*! Antonio Allen, E. John B. Note About 16th Century Post-Girls, A 84/11:1042 Importance of Postal Service in Economic, ,86/3:206-08 Allen, K. .. Gumtrees Dominate Australian Stamp Issues 64/8:645-48 Cultural and'Social Development Allen, Richard S. Sources of S.tamp Designs: Civil Engineers 68/12:869-72 (from Union Postale) Stamp, 1952—Which Covered.-Bridge? Andres, 'Paul C. .Botes on the U.S. 3c Green 64/4:301-03 Allison, Bob " " i ^Father of American Skiing".; Carried Mall \ '•• 79/8:628 ' Anduze, John Paul It Really Happened 45/12:608-09 Anduze, John Paul Reminiscences f -"'' 46/7:357-58 ' Over High' Sierras in'185,08 .... " . Anger, R. Almquist, H.J. Color" of the Ledger Lines' o£ the Large 99/3:241-42 Stamps Issued in France During Wars 75/7:535-36 Numerals Issue of Mexico, ,1887 and Strikes (abridged from ^.,, Almquist, H.J.
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