space in science-cover En:Layout 1 2017-11-13 09:23 Strona 1 SPACE in SCIENCE Polish Research and Higher Education Sector space in science-cover En:Layout 1 2017-11-13 09:23 Strona 2 Table of Contents: History of Polish discoveries in space ...... 2 Earth Observation ...................................... 4 Technology ................................................. 8 SSA and Navigation ................................. 14 Other ........................................................... 16 Astronomy ................................................. 19 Institutions supporting the research ....... 22 Planetariums ............................................. 25 Fields of higher education ....................... 27 Also registered on EMITS ....................... 30 1 History of Polish discoveries in space Speaking of the development of space technolo- the first modern astronomical instruments. Polish gies it should be remembered that they have been, astronomers, including Aleksander Wolszczan and still are, developed as a result of scientific re- and Andrzej Udalski, make discoveries in the search. It is development of the basic sciences: Universe today. In the field of space technology astronomy, physics, mechanics, electronics and development we also have achievements to be nanotechnology, that allows to build increasingly proud of. Our flagship scientific unit, the Space sophisticated devices and instruments; its is thanks Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Scien- to the basis sciences that today we have satellites, ces, builds high-quality research instruments that spacecrafts and the International Space Station. have been used in the missions such as Ro- Therefore, equally important to the space indus- setta, Cassini-Huygens and Mars Express, and try building is to support science at the European at the Herschel Space Observatory. The first two and national levels. scientific satellites were built as part of the Po- Poland, a country that has recently become the lish-Canadian-Austrian programme BRITE. They 20th member of the European Space Agency, is have been launched in 2013 and 2014. Mis- also taking part in the development of the space sion Control Center is located at the Copernicus activity. The Polish tradition of interest in the Astronomical Center in Warsaw. Young Poles are space dates back to the fifteenth century. The also active in the space sector. In 2012, the Polish astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus made the PW-Sat satellite built by students of the War- first scientific revolution in this field. The Polish as- saw University of Technology was launched into 2 tronomer Johannes Hevelius constructed one of the Earth’s orbit. Robots built by students from History of Polish discoveries in space the technical universities from Białystok or Lodz ropean countries, and the rate of success of Po - won the prestigious international contest Rover lish participants in this field has been almost two Challenge organized by The Mars Society. These times higher than the average for the overall 7th achievements are treated not only as a confirma- Framework Programme. In particular, remote Earth tion of the quality of Polish science and techno- observation techniques have a long tradition. logy, but also as our contribution to the Satellite observation and its applications are pro- implementation of the European Space Policy. bably the most developed segment of the coun- Poland is trying to make good use of its opportunities try’s space sector, as evidenced by the number in the space sector, brought about by the membership of submitted and positively evaluated proposals in in the European Union and the European Space this area. Particularly well developed is also the Agency, both in the field of science and of industry. Polish commercial market of satellite navigation Currently, more than 200 Polish enterprises and which is the source of many innovative solutions, research centres participate in the EU and ESA products and services. programmes. Contemporary Polish astronomers Polish scientific institutions and Polish com- have made a number of discoveries, and the space panies are open to cooperation with Euro- sector is one of the fastest growing sectors of the pean partners and thanks to their experience, Polish economy. This is evidenced by the results know ledge and pursuit to make the best use achieved within the 7th Framework Programme in of the country’s scie nce and technology po- which Poland, with the participation of its 49 re- tential can significantly contribute to the search teams, is in the 12th place among all Eu- growth of European innovation. 3 Earth observation Cracow University of Technology Forest Research Institute in Sekocin Stary Institute of Agrophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Lublin www.pk.edu.pl www.ibles.pl www.ipan.lublin.pl Cracow University of Technology (CUT) has over The Forest Research Institute (FRI) was estab- Institute of Agrophysics (IA PAS)has the mission to 70-year-old tradition of educating engineers, lished in 1930.The FRI conducts research in the provide scientific research in agrophysics. It keeps modernity and openness to change as well as hard wide range of fields directly and indirectly re- the orientation of physics since its fundation. Due to work on the improvement of the Polish scientific lated to the forestry. The FRI carries out research historical reasons this orientation was split and fo- and technical thought. Currently, the university ed- for the State Forests National Forest Holding cused on multiple application areas ordered to dif- ucates 14.5 thousand full-time and part-time stu- and other institutions including the Ministry ferent domains serving agricultural and food industry dents of BSc and MSc, PhD and postgraduate of the Environment, Ministry of Science and purposes. Since two decades it is changing the studies. Our educational offer comprises 31 pro- Higher Education, the National Fund for Envi- orientation in a new order determined by scientific grammes of BSc and MSc studies in Polish at 7 ronment Protection and Water Management as aspects related not exclusively to agriculture, but faculties and 7 programmes of study in English at well as the European Union under its Framework to a broad spectrum of Earth Sciences, like envi- 5 faculties. The university employs nearly 1 200 Programmes and financial instrument LIFE+. FRI ronmental problems on regional scales in Poland with researchers and tutors that are outstanding profes- cooperates within the frameworks of IUFRO and a particular focus on the Eastern part of the country sionals who participate in intercollegiate and inter- FAO, through contacts with partner institutions recognized in EU as the Euroregion Bug. Currently national research teams. Their knowledge and across Europe and received the status of PRO- IA PAS is a formal organizational authority entity expertise allow our university to maintain the high FOREST Centre of Excellence in the area for multidisciplinary expertizinge the agricultural position in Polish and in the international scientific of protection of forest ecosystems. FRI partici- and the environmental management in the region, community. CUT Faculty of Physics, Mathematics pated in projects TATRY (FP4), and EFFE and and on the national scale. IA PAS is the national and Computer Science is involved in Baltic Sat SCEMAFOR (FP5). The institute have been leader in soil physics in Poland. Apps program and in research in field of process- involved in COST actions and in 10 projects ing techniques of satellite data gathered from as part of the EU's 6th Framework Programme: Copernicus. In the framework of bilateral agree- COMFOR, EFORWOOD, EVOLTREE, ments and the Erasmus + programme, Cracow FIRE PARADOX, FORTHREATS, TREE- University of Technology conducts research coope - BREEDEX, 7th Framework Programme: BAC- ration and student exchange with several hundred CARA, FLEXWOOD, ISEFOR, FORFIRE, universities in 47 countries around the world. LIFE+: FutMon and INTERREG IVC: About 78 thousand students graduated from EFFMIS, EUFOFINET. At present, IBL parti- CUT - a huge crowd of well-prepared engineering cipates in more than 150 international and professionals. We focus on ensuring high quality national actions and research programs financed by of education giving students the most durable and the EU (e.g. FP7, COST, European Funds), Po- most valuable asset - knowledge. lish State Forests and governmental organizations. 4 Earth observation Institute of Geodesy and Cartography Institute of Meteorology and Water Institute of Oceanology in Warsaw Management – National Research Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Gdansk www.igik.edu.pl www.imgw.pl www.iopan.gda.pl The Institute (IGiK) is a research and develop- The Institute of Meteorology and Water Mana - The Institute of Oceanology of the Polish Acad- ment institution. Our mission is to carry out the gement – National Research Institute (IMGW- emy of Science (IO PAN) was founded in innovative research and applied science in the field PIB) is a research-development unit created on the 1983. Today it is the leading oceanographic in- of geodesy, cartography, remote sensing and GIS. 30th of December 1972. It is responsible for me- stitution in Poland, having also well-established po- The Center of Remote Sensing of IGIK is one of teorological and hydrological protection of the sition in the European and Worldwide marine the leading institutions specialized in applying both country. Statutory tasks of the Institute include
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