聖公會林護紀念中學舊生合唱團、Good Hope Singers及香港大學學生會管弦樂團共同演出,由優秀音樂家及著名學者梁卓偉教授作客席指揮。 這次成功演出有賴於200多位演出者,過去數月努力的成果。 香港聖樂團團員深信演出優雅的聖樂能帶給歌唱者和聽眾無限的喜樂,提高個人素質,並提供市 民優質的精神文化生活。

聖公會林護紀念中學舊生合唱團、Good Hope Singers及香港大學學生會管弦樂團共同演出,由優秀音樂家及著名學者梁卓偉教授作客席指揮。 這次成功演出有賴於200多位演出者,過去數月努力的成果。 香港聖樂團團員深信演出優雅的聖樂能帶給歌唱者和聽眾無限的喜樂,提高個人素質,並提供市 民優質的精神文化生活。

Hong Kong Oratorio Society 香港聖樂團 主席序言Chairman’s Message 楊健明教授 Prof. Enoch C M YOUNG 我們十分歡迎閣下出席香港聖樂團今天的音樂會,今次演出的主題是「貝多芬的平安與喜樂」, 演出的經典作品包括貝多芬《第九號交響曲合唱 - 歡樂頌》的第三及第四樂章,為女高音獨唱及 樂隊的舒伯特作品《歡樂頌》及古諾作品《加利亞》(香港首演)。 聯同我們一起演出的,除了香港弦樂團外,還邀請到聖公會林護紀念中學舊生合唱團、Good Hope Singers及香港大學學生會管弦樂團共同演出,由優秀音樂家及著名學者梁卓偉教授作客席指揮。 這次成功演出有賴於200多位演出者,過去數月努力的成果。 香港聖樂團團員深信演出優雅的聖樂能帶給歌唱者和聽眾無限的喜樂,提高個人素質,並提供市 民優質的精神文化生活。 在過去的58年,香港聖樂團除了在香港舉行無數的音樂會外,也在世界各地巡迴演出,令成千上萬 的聽眾,如我們的眾團員一樣,享受了令人振奮的悅耳聖樂。 希望您們欣賞今天的音樂會。香港聖樂團將會繼續為大家帶來優美的音樂及邀請才華橫溢的歌唱 家來獻唱。 香港聖樂團主席 楊健明教授 2014 年3月 It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to this evening’s concert with the theme Beethoven’s Peace & Joy. We will perform movements III and IV of Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9 Choral – Ode to Joy. In addition, we will also perform Schubert’s An die Freude for solo soprano and orchestra, and Gounod’s Gallia which is a Hong Kong Premiere. We are particularly pleased that the Hong Kong Oratorio Society (HKOS), together with the Hong Kong Strings and Union Philharmonic Orchestra, Hong Kong University Student Union, is joined by the SKH Lam Woo Memorial Secondary School Alumni Choir and Good Hope Singers, under the baton of the gifted musician and eminent academic Professor Gabriel Leung. This concert is the culmination of the hard work of some 200 performers! The HKOS members believe that singing beautiful oratorio music would bring immense joy to the singers and the listeners alike. It further helps to enhance our personal quality and provides listeners with a rich spiritual experience and cultural life. During the past 58 years, the Hong Kong Oratorio Society has presented hundreds of concerts not only in Hong Kong but has made numerous overseas concert tours. Tens of thousands of audiences have enjoyed, like our members, the uplifting experience of fine oratorio music. I hope you will enjoy this evening‘s concert. The Hong Kong Oratorio Society will continue to bring good music and new talents to our audiences in future. Professor Enoch C.M. Young Chairman, Hong Kong Oratorio Society March 2014 1 Beethoven’s Peace & Joy 貝多芬的平安與喜樂 Programme 節目 Gallia Charles Gounod (1818 - 1893) 《加利亞》古諾 (1818 - 1893) * * * An die Freude Franz Schubert (1797 - 1828) 《歡樂頌》舒伯特 (1797 - 1828) * * * Intermission 中場休息* * * Symphony No. 9 in D minor, Op. 125 “the Choral” Movements III & IV Ode to Joy Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 - 1827) D小調第九交響曲,作品一二五 第三及第四樂章歡樂頌 貝多芬(1770 - 1827) Guest Conductor: Prof. Gabriel LEUNG 客席指揮:梁卓偉教授 Soprano: Nancy YUEN 女高音:阮妙芬 Alto: Samantha CHONG 女中音:張吟晶 Tenor: Alex TAM 男高音:譚天樂 Baritone: Apollo WONG 男中音:黃日珩 Choirs 合唱團: Hong Kong Oratorio Society 香港聖樂團 Good Hope Singers SKH Lam Woo Memorial Secondary School Alumni Choir 聖公會林護紀念中學舊生合唱團 Orchestra 樂團: Hong Kong Strings 香港弦樂團 Guest players from Union Philharmonic Orchestra, Hong Kong University Student Union 聯同香港大學學生會管弦樂團樂手 場地規則 HOUSE RULES 為了令大家對今次演出留下美好印象, In order to make this performance a pleasant experience for the 我們希望各位切勿在場內攝影、錄音或 artists and other members of the audience, please refrain from recording, filming, taking photographs, and also from smoking, 錄影,亦請勿吸煙或飲食。在節目進行 eating or drinking in the auditorium. Please ensure that your 前,請關掉手提電話、其他響鬧及發光 mobile phones and any other sound and light emitting devices 的裝置。多謝各位合作。 are switched off before the performance. Thank you for your kind co-operation. 2 Hong Kong Oratorio Society 香港聖樂團 客席指揮Guest Conductor 梁卓偉教授 Prof. Gabriel M. Leung 梁卓偉曾以男童高音、鋼琴手、敲擊樂手及指揮身分巡迴於國內、亞洲、澳大利亞、歐洲及北美多國 著名音樂廳演出。身為教育工作者、他認為音樂是發展兒童智能、社交及情緒素質的其中主要媒體、 他這套兒童音樂教育哲學深受學生及家長的讚賞。 梁氏於九零年代出任加拿大葉氏兒童合唱團的首席指揮及音樂總監、亦為加拿大音樂比賽樂團的創團 指揮、及多次擔任Cathedral Bluffs交響樂團的客席指揮。 梁氏曾當選加拿大音樂比賽(多倫多)的聯席主席及藝術總監、和安大略省合唱聯會董事。自九九年 回港後、梁氏屢獲學界及音樂界邀請出任管弦樂團及合唱團指揮。他除擔任香港兒童交響樂團榮譽客 席指揮和香港大學學生會管弦樂團首席指揮外、亦以客席指揮身分,多次參與泛亞交響樂團、香港聖 樂團及Good Hope Singers的演出。他曾任香港小交響樂團董事會成員、現任香港管弦樂團及亞洲青年 管弦樂團董事會成員。 梁氏現為香港大學李嘉誠醫學院院長。 As a boy soprano, pianist, percussionist and conductor, Gabriel Leung’s concert appearances have taken him to most of the major music centres in Asia, Australasia, Europe and North America, as well as locally and on the mainland. As an educator, his pedagogical philosophy of a renaissance education for all young people, with music as a medium to develop intellectual, social and emotional qualities have won praises from students and parents alike. Guest Conductor: Prof. Gabriel LEUNG 客席指揮:梁卓偉教授 Soprano: Nancy YUEN 女高音:阮妙芬 Throughout the 1990s, Leung served as Chief Conductor and Director of Yip’s Children’s Choir (Canada). Alto: Samantha CHONG 女中音:張吟晶 He was founding conductor of the Canadian Music Competitions Orchestra and a frequent guest conductor of the Cathedral Bluffs Symphony Orchestra. Leung had been elected Co-President and Artistic Tenor: Alex TAM 男高音:譚天樂 Director of Canadian Music Competitions (Toronto) and to the Board of Directors of the Ontario Choral 男中音:黃日珩 Baritone: Apollo WONG Federation. Choirs 合唱團: Hong Kong Oratorio Society 香港聖樂團 Since his return to Hong Kong, Leung has been in constant demand as a choral clinician and orchestral Good Hope Singers conductor. He is Honorary Guest Conductor of the Hong Kong Children’s Symphony Orchestra and SKH Lam Woo Memorial Secondary School Alumni Choir Principal Conductor of the University of Hong Kong Union Philharmonic Orchestra. He has made 聖公會林護紀念中學舊生合唱團 frequent guest appearances with Pan Asia Symphony Orchestra, Hong Kong Oratorio Society and Good Orchestra 樂團: Hong Kong Strings 香港弦樂團 Hope Singers. He previously served on the Board of Governors of the Hong Kong Sinfonietta and is a Guest players from Union Philharmonic Orchestra, Hong Kong University Student Union current board member of the Hong Kong Philharmonic and the Asian Youth Orchestra. 聯同香港大學學生會管弦樂團樂手 Leung is Dean of the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine at the University of Hong Kong. 3 女高音 Soprano 阮妙芬 Nancy YUEN 阮妙芬是亞洲其中一位最卓著和最扣人心弦的女高音歌唱家,她以優越的成績畢業於倫敦皇家音樂學 院,畢業後即獲威爾斯國立歌劇團邀請作首個歌劇演出,並飾演《蝴蝶夫人》的主角,大獲好評,奠 定了她在國際歌劇界的地位。此後,阮氏常被邀到世界各地演出此角,其中有英國國家歌劇團、北愛 爾蘭歌劇團、西澳大利亞歌劇團、昆士蘭歌劇團、新加坡歌劇團、曼谷歌劇團、紐西蘭國際藝術節和 巴布達歌劇節,她又於1998至2003年期間為雷民谷比公司在著名的皇家愛爾拔堂演出。 阮氏曾演出的歌劇主角包括《波斯國王薛西斯》的羅米爾達、《茶花女》的薇奧列達、《阿依達》、 《弄臣》的姬達、《仲夏夜之夢》的 蒂塔尼亞、《蝙蝠》的羅莎蓮黛、《小丑情淚 》的妮達、 《遊吟騎士》的蕾奧諾拉、《托斯卡》、《黑桃皇后》的莉莎、《藝術家生涯》的咪咪、Mahagony Songspiel 的珍妮、《卡門》的米卡艾拉、《魔笛》的帕米拉、《唐‧喬望尼》的唐娜安娜、《杜蘭 朵》的柳兒、《霍夫曼的故事》的安東尼婭、《費加羅的婚禮》的泰伊斯和伯爵夫人。 作為一位著名的歌唱家和音樂藝術家,阮妙芬經常與樂團和合唱團一起演出,她亦與多位國際著名音 樂家如克里斯多夫.霍格伍德、查維爾.比諾克、理查.阿姆斯壯、克羅烈斯和葉聰合作。與她合作 過的交響樂團有倫敦莫札特樂團、英國廣播公司交響樂團、新加坡交響樂團、迪沃利交響樂團和上海 歌劇樂團。 最近由她當主角的歌劇Mae Naak、Ayudhya和《鄭和》都是特別為她而寫的。 在教育方面,阮妙芬曾到臺灣、馬來西亞、新加坡和中國等地教授大師班。2007年出任第59屆香港校 際音樂節評判,亦是2009年德國布裏曼歌劇團籌辦的比賽評委之一。 阮氏曾執導之歌劇包括‧薩列裡的《音樂至上》、莫札特的《試情記》、《魔笛》選段、《風流寡 婦》、《仲夏夜之夢》和《朱利奧.西薩爾》。 2011年,阮氏於倫敦擔任歌劇《Mae Naak》女主角;亦為香港歌劇院之大型歌劇《中山.逸仙》的 世界首演飾演宋慶齡。2012年與新加坡歌劇團合作,於《唐.喬望尼》中演唐納.安娜一角。2013 年,她替暹羅歌劇團的威爾第歌劇《奧賽羅》首次擔綱黛絲德蒙娜一角;並與新加坡歌劇團重演《茶 花女》中的薇奧列達。阮氏於2003年至2010年擔任新加坡南洋藝術學院音樂系聲樂部主任。2010年3 月起出任香港演藝學院聲樂系系主任。 U.K.educated, Singaporean soprano Nancy Yuen, has made Cio-cio-san (Madama Butterfly) her signature role winning great international critical acclaim immediately upon graduation from London’s Royal Academy of Music. She made her operatic debut in this demanding Puccini’s title heroin with the Welsh National Opera and has since repeated the role all over the world, notably with the English National Opera, West Australian Opera, Opera Queensland, Opera Northern Ireland, Singapore Lyric Opera, the 1994 New Zealand International Festival of Arts, the 1995 Barbados Opera Festival and the Royal Albert Hall production by David Freeman for Raymond Gubbay Limited in 1998, 2000 and 2003. Other operatic roles include Romilda (Xerxes) with the English National Opera; Violetta (La Traviata) with the Welsh National Opera, Singapore Lyric Opera and London City Opera; Aida with Kentish Opera and Dublin Lyric Opera Productions; Gilda (Rigoletto), Tytania (A Midsummer Night’s Dream), Rosalinda (Die Fledermaus), Nedda (I Pagliacci), Siok Imm (Bunga Mawar), Leonora (Il Trovatore), Antonia (Les contes D’Hoffmann), Countessa (Le Nozze di Figaro), Liu (Turandot) and the title role of Tosca with the Singapore Lyric Opera; Liza (The Queen of Spades), with Kentish Opera; Mimi (La Boheme) with the London City 4 Hong Kong Oratorio Society 香港聖樂團 Opera, SLO and Bangkok Opera; Jenny (Mahagony Songspiel) with Theatre d’Evreux, Micaela (Carmen) with the Hong Kong Urban Council Opera; Pamina (The Magic Flute) with Opera Queensland and Donna Anna (Don Giovanni) and title role of Thaiis with Bangkok Opera. Equally at home on the concert platform, she has a wide recital and concert repertoire ranging from Baroque to contemporary and performs regularly at the Royal Festival Hall, Queen Elizabeth Hall, the Barbican Concert Hall and Birmingham Symphony Hall in the U.K. and abroad in Europe, the United States, the Middle East and Asia. The many orchestras she has sung with include the London Mozart Players, the BBC Concert Orchestra, the Singapore Symphony Orchestra, the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, Tivoli Symphony Orchestra and most recently the West Australia Symphony Orchestra. Notable musicians she has worked with include, Placido Domingo, Carlo Rizzi, Richard Armstrong, Trevor Pinnock, Christopher Hogwood and Helmuth Rilling. She has also recorded for the BBC, Radio Television Hong Kong and Radio FM, New Zealand. She has performed the soprano solos in the Messiah, Creation, Seasons, Nelson Mass, Christmas Oratorio, Carmina Burana, Elijah, Monteverdi’s Vespers, Mozart’s Requiem and Mass in C Minor, Poulenc’s Gloria, Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, the Brahms’, Faure’s and Verdi’s Requiem, Mahler’s 4th and 8th Symphony and Janacek’s Glagolitic Mass. In recent years, special operatic roles have been

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