Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-83762-0 — State Formation and Shared Sovereignty Christopher W. Close Index More Information Index Absberg, Hans Thomas von, 42–4 Bamberg, Prince-bishopric of, 135–6, Act of Abjuration, 203 141–2, 160, 275, 277 Act of Seclusion, 322–4 conflict over Betzenstein, 146–57, Alba, Duke of, 172, 175–6, 180, 182, 158–9, 166 184–5, 187–8, 189–90, 194, 197–8, relations with Nuremberg, 140–1, 143–5, 199, 207, 330 146–57, 158–9 Albert VII, Archduke and Governor of the Barnes, Robert, 67 Habsburg Netherlands, 242 Basel, 59 Albrecht Alcibiades, Margrave of Bavaria, Duchy of, 22, 29, 30, 35–6, 98, 99, Brandenburg-Kulmbach, 126, 130–1, 100–1, 128, 133, 140, 212, 242, 255, 141–2, 159 275, 333 Albrecht IV, Duke of Bavaria, 35–6, 333 Bavaria, Prince-electorate of, 278, 280, Albrecht V, Duke of Bavaria, 96, 105, 128, 312, 313, 333 129–32, 138–9, 154, 155–6, 165, Bergen, Maximilian van, 41–2 170–4, 176–8, 180–4, 186–94, 204, Bern, 59 207, 277, 299, 333 Besserer, Bernhard, 61 Alsace, 170–1, 211, 221, 227–39, 259, Betzenstein, 135–7, 143, 145–54, 155, 274, 309 156–9, 161, 177, 193, 194 Amsterdam, 206, 318, 319 Bicken, Johann Adam von, Elector of Anglo-Dutch War, First, 322–4 Mainz, 212 Anhalt, Christian von, 222–3, 226, 227, Blickle, Peter, 24, 47 230, 231, 239, 256, 267, 272 Bodin, Jean, 16–17 Anna of Austria, 105 Bohemia, Kingdom of, 211, 235, 237, 245, Anne of Cleves, 68 247, 255–65, 267–73, 275, 280, 334–5 Antwerp, 198–9, 205 Bouwinghausen, Benjamin, 222–3, 226, Army of Flanders, 198–9 227, 251 Artois, Province of, 204 Brabant, Province of, 205 Artzt, Ulrich, 45 Brady, Tom, 7 Auerbach, 135, 148 Brandenburg, Prince-electorate of, 173, Augsburg, 29, 37, 55, 56–7, 60, 64, 66, 209, 214 71–3, 77, 82, 87, 93, 99, 101–5, 123, Brandenburg-Ansbach-Kulmbach, 125, 127, 130, 132, 140, 192–4, 196–7 Margraviate of, 37 Augsburg Confession, 53, 61–2, 64–5, 67, Brandenburg-Bayreuth, Margraviate of, 74, 104, 123, 124, 127, 132, 168, 170, 257, 264, 271 182–3, 187, 191, 215 Braunschweig, 63, 85, 87, 88, Augsburg Interim, 122–3, 127 310 August, Elector of Saxony, 163–4, 173, Braunschweig Union, 311 175, 177, 180–1, 182–4, 186, Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel, Duchy of, 20, 195, 207 71, 84–93, 100, 109, 110, 111, Austria, Archduchy of, 131, 133, 221 225, 228 Aytta, Viglius van, 119–21, 122 Bremen, 310 361 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-83762-0 — State Formation and Shared Sovereignty Christopher W. Close Index More Information 362 Index Brendel, Daniel, Elector of Mainz, 179, Christian III, King of Denmark, 68 187, 190 Christian, Margrave of Brandenburg- Brill, 197 Bayreuth, 297 Brussels, 118, 119, 175, 205 Christoph, Duke of Württemberg, 38, 96, Bucer, Martin, 83, 91, 106, 108, 110 127–8, 129–32, 133, 138, 140, 334 Bugenhagen, Johannes, 60 Cities War (1449–1450), 28 Burgau, 192 Cologne War, 195–6, 212, 238 Burgundian Netherlands. See Low Cologne, Prince-electorate of, 106–7, 170, Countries 172, 173, 195–6, 212, 256, 326, 333 Burgundian Transaction, 20, 117, 119–22, comuneros revolt, 9 134, 168, 172, 174, 184, 199, 203, 330 Confessio Augustana. See Augsburg Burkhardt, Johannes, 246 Confession Constance, 33, 111, 336 Calendar Controversy, 196–7 Constance, Prince-bishopric of, 33 Calvin, John, 274 Council of Trent, 234 Cambresis, Province of, 204 Council of Troubles, 175 Camerarius, Ludwig, 257 Cromwell, Thomas, 67 Carl, Horst, 31 Casimir, Anselm, Elector of Mainz, 301 de la Court, Pieter, 325 Catholic League (France), 9 de Witt, Johann, 321–6 Catholic League (Holy Roman Empire). Decapolis, 27 See Catholic Liga Defenestration of Prague, 245, 249, Catholic League of Nuremberg. See League 256, 261 of Nuremberg Denmark, Kingdom of, 66, 68, 296 Catholic Liga, 22, 242–4, 249, 258, 267, Discursus Politicus, 245–7, 254, 282, 283, 305–6, 333, 335, 336 300, 315 creation, 219–21 Donauwörth, 213, 217, 219, 224, 234, 236, criticism from Imperial Camp, 253–4, 257, 297 281–4, 300 Dormitz, 143–5, 147, 151 historiography, 209–10 Dornach, 34 invasion of Alsace, 210–12, 236, 237–42, Dornperger, Jörg, 135, 146, 147–8, 263–4, 276–7, 284 149, 156 Jülich-Kleve-Berg, 238–9, 240, 251–2 Dort, Synod of, 317–18 Munich Summit, 264–7 Dutch Republic, 1, 11, 21, 22, 168, 208, Peace of Prague, 299, 301–3 222, 227, 238, 239, 251, 273, 292, revolt in Bohemia, 261–4, 265, 268–73 295, 329, 330–1 Thirty Years’ War, 245–8, 261–7, Act of Seclusion, 322–4 268–73, 275–86, 287, 291–4, 297, Arminians, 317–18 299, 301–3 Council of State, 206 Treaty of Ulm, 270–2, 275 Counter-Remonstrants, 317–18 Udenheim, 254–5, 263 debate over Political Organization, war financing, 275–80, 290, 299 287–9, 316–27 Chamber Court. See Imperial Chamber Dutch Revolt, 202–6, 316–17 Court French Invasion, 311, 325–6 Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, Great Assembly, 322 26, 117 historiography, 8–9 Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, 14, 20, Peace of Westphalia, 303, 316–17, 318 41–2, 43, 48, 53, 54, 67, 68, 73, 76, 79, stadholder, 15, 287, 318–26 83, 85, 91, 98, 100, 101–2, 104–5, 106, Treaty with Protestant Union, 249–51, 107, 108–11, 112–22, 123–8, 134, 268, 272, 299 141–2, 161, 172, 174, 191, 214, 235, Dutch Revolt, 96, 97, 168–70, 175–6, 261, 273, 292 197–206, 222, 316–17, 330 Christian I, Elector of Saxony, 212 Christian II, Elector of Saxony, 216, Eber, Hans, 151 222, 242 Eberhard III, Duke of Württemberg, 293 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-83762-0 — State Formation and Shared Sovereignty Christopher W. Close Index More Information Index 363 Ecclesiastical Reservation. See Religious Friedrich III, Holy Roman Emperor, Peace of Augsburg. Ecclesiastical 24, 28–9 Reservation Friedrich IV, Elector of the Palatinate, 212, Eck, Leonhard von, 39, 40, 46, 47, 76–7, 222, 228, 231, 233, 235–6, 334 80, 85–7, 89, 97–101, 105, 109, Friedrich V, Elector of the Palatinate, 211, 114–15 236, 237, 248, 252, 254–5, 257–60, Eck, Simon, 172, 181–2, 187–8 263, 264, 267–8, 270, 271–3, 275, Edict of Restitution, 279–80, 287, 289–91, 278, 280, 285–6, 304, 334–5 294, 299, 303, 332 Friedrich Wilhelm, Elector of Edict of Worms, 48–9, 53, 59 Brandenburg, 312 Egmont, Count of, 175 Friedrich, King of Bohemia. See Friedrich Eichstätt, Prince-bishopric of, 80, 275 V, Elector of the Palatinate Elchingen, Abbey of, 263 Friedrich, Prince-bishop of Würzburg, Enforcement Ordinance. See Imperial 153–4 Enforcement Ordinance Friesland, Province of, 321, 322 England, Commonwealth of, 322–4 Fugger banking house, 41 England, Kingdom of, 66, 67–8, 69, 70, Fürstenbund. See Princes League (1785) 171, 220, 227, 238, 251, 268, 299, Fütterer, Jakob, 190–1 325, 336 Erfurt, 171, 173, 310 Gabler, Johann, 209 Ernst of Bavaria, Elector of Cologne, 172, Gabor, Bethlen, 268 195, 238 Galen, Christoph Bernhard von, Prince- Esslingen, 27, 39, 63 bishop of Münster, 326 European Union, 6, 18 Geizkofler, Zacharias, 253 Gelderland, Duchy of, 105–6, 119 Feige, Johann, 64 Gelderland, Province of, 321 Ferdinand I, German King and Holy Georg Friedrich, Margrave of Baden- Roman Emperor, 44, 54, 69, 75, 79, Durlach, 228, 231–2 81, 88–9, 91, 105, 114, 123, 125–7, Georg Wilhelm, Elector of Brandenburg, 128, 131, 132, 138, 149, 154–5, 156, 289, 295 161–3, 182 Georg, Duke of Saxony, 79, 81 Ferdinand II, Archduke of Tirol, 171, 187, German Peasants’ War, 44–8, 49 189, 192–4, 196 Ghent, 118 Ferdinand II, Holy Roman Emperor, 245, Giebelstadt, Melchior Zobel von, Prince- 256, 257–8, 259–60, 262–3, 269, 270, bishop of Würzburg, 160, 164 273, 279, 280–4, 289, 291, 297, 298, Goetz, Walter, 164 300–2 Golden Bull, 26, 283–4, 304 Ferdinand, Elector of Cologne, 301 Goslar, 85, 87, 88 Fernando Alvarez de Toledo, Duke of Alba. Gotha, 164 See Alba, Duke of Gotthard, Axel, 246 Flanders, Province of, 118, 205 Gräfenberg, 152, 154, 156 Forchheim, 141 Gregorian Calendar, 196 Four-Cities Confession, 53, 61–2, 64–5, 74 Gregory XIII, Pope, 195 France, Kingdom of, 9, 66–7, 69, 70, 75, Grim, Bonacors von, 99 113, 124–5, 142, 170, 222–3, 227, Groningen, Province of, 201, 202, 205, 290, 298, 300, 304, 309–13, 336 321, 322 Francois I, King of France, 38, 66–7, 70, 75 Grumbach, Wilhelm von, 137, 143, 159–65 Franconian Union, 126, 128, 141–2, 153–4 Gugel, Christoph, 181 Frankfurt, 296 Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, 280, Friedrich I, Duke of Württemberg, 213 284, 289, 290, 291–2, 295 Friedrich II, Elector of the Palatinate, 96, 128, 130 Habsburg Netherlands. See Low Countries Friedrich II, King of Prussia, 314 Hainault, Province of, 204 Friedrich III, Elector of the Palatinate, Hamburg, 63 171, 183 Hanse, 10–11, 63, 199 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-83762-0 — State Formation and Shared Sovereignty Christopher W. Close Index More Information 364 Index Hanseatic League. See Hanse Bavarian Circle, 139–40, 277, 306, 308 Hardy, Duncan, 26 Burgundian Circle, 15, 118–19, Hass, Hans, 151–2, 156 120–1, 311 Heidelberg, 272, 276, 278 Circle Associations, 22, 288, 290, 292–4, Heilbronn, 229, 293 298, 305, 306–9, 311, 312–13, 327, Heinrich, Duke of Braunschweig-Wolfenb 329, 331, 336 üttel, 20, 79–80, 82, 85–6, 88, 89–90, Electoral Rhenish Circle, 292–3 91, 92–3, 98–9, 100, 103, 131, 138 Franconian Circle, 139–40, 142, 153, Held, Matthias, 78–80, 82 163, 277–8, 292–3, 306, 308, 311 Henneberg, Berthold von, Elector of Imperial Enforcement Ordinance, Mainz, 35 135–40, 155, 158, 161–4, 178–9, Henri II, King of France, 124–5, 126 307–8 Henri IV, King of France, 222–3, 227, League of Heilbronn, 292–4,
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